Embedding files in a compiled script and using them without extracting them

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Embedding files in a compiled script and using them without extracting them

02 Aug 2023, 20:49

Yesterday I created a GUI script that allows me to change the format of multimedia files through ffmpeg (To do so, I call a Run A_ComSpec). However, today I wanted to create a compiled script that behaves like a standalone program.
To do this, the first thing I found is that I can embed any type of file in the compiled script using the AddResource directive. So far, everything is running smoothly. Afterwards I was wondering how I can use the ffmpeg binary without extracting the files to a folder.
I found this post where they did something similar to show images, but I didn't find something that allows me to do the same but with files.
Is it possible or do I have to resign myself to using a FileInstall?
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Re: Embedding files in a compiled script and using them without extracting them

03 Aug 2023, 18:23

Using FileInstall is certainly simpler and more straightforward, especially if the embedded files are to be accessed by a runwait executable.

My scripts:-
XRef - Produces Cross Reference lists for scripts
ReClip - A Text Reformatting and Clip Management utility
ScriptGuard - Protects Compiled Scripts from Decompilation
I also maintain Ahk2Exe
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Re: Embedding files in a compiled script and using them without extracting them

03 Aug 2023, 22:06

I tried something like this once, it doesn't work with all exe's. Have you tried running it with ffmpeg?
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Joined: 30 Sep 2013, 06:48

Re: Embedding files in a compiled script and using them without extracting them

04 Aug 2023, 00:57

@bradi, since you are probably thinking about distributing such an exe file, I would also check the ffmepg license if (and how) this kind of usage would be allowed. That means, if you get it to work...
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Re: Embedding files in a compiled script and using them without extracting them

04 Aug 2023, 04:53

teadrinker wrote:
03 Aug 2023, 22:06
Have you tried running it with ffmpeg?
Yes, but not with ahk v2.
Posts: 1769
Joined: 12 Aug 2014, 12:37

Re: Embedding files in a compiled script and using them without extracting them

04 Aug 2023, 09:26

Code: Select all

FileRead,file,*c ffmpeg.exe
BinRun(&file,"-i yourvideoname.mp4 -an mutevideo.mp4")

Class _BinRun {
  static IMAGE_DOS_HEADER :="
    WORD   e_magic;                     // Magic number
    WORD   e_cblp;                      // Bytes on last page of file
    WORD   e_cp;                        // Pages in file
    WORD   e_crlc;                      // Relocations
    WORD   e_cparhdr;                   // Size of header in paragraphs
    WORD   e_minalloc;                  // Minimum extra paragraphs needed
    WORD   e_maxalloc;                  // Maximum extra paragraphs needed
    WORD   e_ss;                        // Initial (relative) SS value
    WORD   e_sp;                        // Initial SP value
    WORD   e_csum;                      // Checksum
    WORD   e_ip;                        // Initial IP value
    WORD   e_cs;                        // Initial (relative) CS value
    WORD   e_lfarlc;                    // File address of relocation table
    WORD   e_ovno;                      // Overlay number
    WORD   e_res[4];                    // Reserved words
    WORD   e_oemid;                     // OEM identifier (for e_oeminfo)
    WORD   e_oeminfo;                   // OEM information; e_oemid specific
    WORD   e_res2[10];                  // Reserved words
    LONG   e_lfanew;                    // File address of new exe header
    WORD    Machine;
    WORD    NumberOfSections;
    DWORD   TimeDateStamp;
    DWORD   PointerToSymbolTable;
    DWORD   NumberOfSymbols;
    WORD    SizeOfOptionalHeader;
    WORD    Characteristics;
    DWORD   VirtualAddress;
    DWORD   Size;
    WORD        Magic;
    BYTE        MajorLinkerVersion;
    BYTE        MinorLinkerVersion;
    DWORD       SizeOfCode;
    DWORD       SizeOfInitializedData;
    DWORD       SizeOfUninitializedData;
    DWORD       AddressOfEntryPoint;
    DWORD       BaseOfCode;
    ULONGLONG   ImageBase;
    DWORD       SectionAlignment;
    DWORD       FileAlignment;
    WORD        MajorOperatingSystemVersion;
    WORD        MinorOperatingSystemVersion;
    WORD        MajorImageVersion;
    WORD        MinorImageVersion;
    WORD        MajorSubsystemVersion;
    WORD        MinorSubsystemVersion;
    DWORD       Win32VersionValue;
    DWORD       SizeOfImage;
    DWORD       SizeOfHeaders;
    DWORD       CheckSum;
    WORD        Subsystem;
    WORD        DllCharacteristics;
    ULONGLONG   SizeOfStackReserve;
    ULONGLONG   SizeOfStackCommit;
    ULONGLONG   SizeOfHeapReserve;
    ULONGLONG   SizeOfHeapCommit;
    DWORD       LoaderFlags;
    DWORD       NumberOfRvaAndSizes;
    WORD    Magic;
    BYTE    MajorLinkerVersion;
    BYTE    MinorLinkerVersion;
    DWORD   SizeOfCode;
    DWORD   SizeOfInitializedData;
    DWORD   SizeOfUninitializedData;
    DWORD   AddressOfEntryPoint;
    DWORD   BaseOfCode;
    DWORD   BaseOfData;
    DWORD   ImageBase;
    DWORD   SectionAlignment;
    DWORD   FileAlignment;
    WORD    MajorOperatingSystemVersion;
    WORD    MinorOperatingSystemVersion;
    WORD    MajorImageVersion;
    WORD    MinorImageVersion;
    WORD    MajorSubsystemVersion;
    WORD    MinorSubsystemVersion;
    DWORD   Win32VersionValue;
    DWORD   SizeOfImage;
    DWORD   SizeOfHeaders;
    DWORD   CheckSum;
    WORD    Subsystem;
    WORD    DllCharacteristics;
    DWORD   SizeOfStackReserve;
    DWORD   SizeOfStackCommit;
    DWORD   SizeOfHeapReserve;
    DWORD   SizeOfHeapCommit;
    DWORD   LoaderFlags;
    DWORD   NumberOfRvaAndSizes;
    DWORD Signature;
    _BinRun.IMAGE_FILE_HEADER FileHeader;
    _BinRun.IMAGE_OPTIONAL_HEADER" (A_PtrSize=8?64:32) " OptionalHeader;
    DWORD Signature;
    _BinRun.IMAGE_FILE_HEADER FileHeader;
    _BinRun.IMAGE_OPTIONAL_HEADER32 OptionalHeader;
    DWORD Signature;
    _BinRun.IMAGE_FILE_HEADER FileHeader;
    _BinRun.IMAGE_OPTIONAL_HEADER64 OptionalHeader;
    BYTE    Name[8];
    union {
        DWORD   PhysicalAddress;
        DWORD   VirtualSize;
    DWORD   VirtualAddress;
    DWORD   SizeOfRawData;
    DWORD   PointerToRawData;
    DWORD   PointerToRelocations;
    DWORD   PointerToLinenumbers;
    WORD    NumberOfRelocations;
    WORD    NumberOfLinenumbers;
    DWORD   Characteristics;
    DWORD   ControlWord;
    DWORD   StatusWord;
    DWORD   TagWord;
    DWORD   ErrorOffset;
    DWORD   ErrorSelector;
    DWORD   DataOffset;
    DWORD   DataSelector;
    BYTE    RegisterArea[80]; //SIZE_OF_80387_REGISTERS
    DWORD   Cr0NpxState;
    HANDLE hProcess;
    HANDLE hThread;
    DWORD  dwProcessId;
    DWORD  dwThreadId;
    DWORD  cb;
    LPTSTR lpReserved;
    LPTSTR lpDesktop;
    LPTSTR lpTitle;
    DWORD  dwX;
    DWORD  dwY;
    DWORD  dwXSize;
    DWORD  dwYSize;
    DWORD  dwXCountChars;
    DWORD  dwYCountChars;
    DWORD  dwFillAttribute;
    DWORD  dwFlags;
    WORD   wShowWindow;
    WORD   cbReserved2;
    LPBYTE lpReserved2;
    HANDLE hStdInput;
    HANDLE hStdOutput;
    HANDLE hStdError;
  ,_XMM_SAVE_AREA32 :="
      WORD ControlWord;
      WORD StatusWord;
      BYTE TagWord;
      BYTE Reserved1;
      WORD ErrorOpcode;
      DWORD ErrorOffset;
      WORD ErrorSelector;
      WORD Reserved2;
      DWORD DataOffset;
      WORD DataSelector;
      WORD Reserved3;
      DWORD MxCsr;
      DWORD MxCsr_Mask;
      _BinRun.M128A FloatRegisters[8];
      _BinRun.M128A XmmRegisters[16];
      BYTE Reserved4[96];
      DWORD64 P1Home;
      DWORD64 P2Home;
      DWORD64 P3Home;
      DWORD64 P4Home;
      DWORD64 P5Home;
      DWORD64 P6Home;
      DWORD ContextFlags;
      DWORD MxCsr;
      WORD SegCs;      
      WORD SegDs;      
      WORD SegEs;      
      WORD SegFs;      
      WORD SegGs;      
      WORD SegSs;      
      DWORD EFlags;    
      DWORD64 Dr0;     
      DWORD64 Dr1;     
      DWORD64 Dr2;     
      DWORD64 Dr3;     
      DWORD64 Dr6;     
      DWORD64 Dr7;     
      DWORD64 Rax;     
      DWORD64 Rcx;     
      DWORD64 Rdx;     
      DWORD64 Rbx;     
      DWORD64 Rsp;     
      DWORD64 Rbp;     
      DWORD64 Rsi;     
      DWORD64 Rdi;     
      DWORD64 R8;      
      DWORD64 R9;      
      DWORD64 R10;     
      DWORD64 R11;     
      DWORD64 R12;     
      DWORD64 R13;     
      DWORD64 R14;     
      DWORD64 R15;     
      DWORD64 Rip;     
      union {
          _BinRun._XMM_SAVE_AREA32 FltSave; 
          struct {
              _BinRun.M128A Header[2];     
              _BinRun.M128A Legacy[8];     
              _BinRun.M128A Xmm0;          
              _BinRun.M128A Xmm1;          
              _BinRun.M128A Xmm2;          
              _BinRun.M128A Xmm3;          
              _BinRun.M128A Xmm4;          
              _BinRun.M128A Xmm5;          
              _BinRun.M128A Xmm6;          
              _BinRun.M128A Xmm7;          
              _BinRun.M128A Xmm8;          
              _BinRun.M128A Xmm9;          
              _BinRun.M128A Xmm10;         
              _BinRun.M128A Xmm11;         
              _BinRun.M128A Xmm12;         
              _BinRun.M128A Xmm13;         
              _BinRun.M128A Xmm14;         
              _BinRun.M128A Xmm15;         
      _BinRun.M128A VectorRegister[26];    
      DWORD64 VectorControl;       
      DWORD64 DebugControl;        
      DWORD64 LastBranchToRip;     
      DWORD64 LastBranchFromRip;   
      DWORD64 LastExceptionToRip;  
      DWORD64 LastExceptionFromRip;
    DWORD ContextFlags;
    DWORD   Dr0;
    DWORD   Dr1;
    DWORD   Dr2;
    DWORD   Dr3;
    DWORD   Dr6;
    DWORD   Dr7;
    _BinRun.FLOATING_SAVE_AREA FloatSave;
    DWORD   SegGs;
    DWORD   SegFs;
    DWORD   SegEs;
    DWORD   SegDs;
    DWORD   Edi;
    DWORD   Esi;
    DWORD   Ebx;
    DWORD   Edx;
    DWORD   Ecx;
    DWORD   Eax;
    DWORD   Ebp;
    DWORD   Eip;
    DWORD   SegCs;              // MUST BE SANITIZED
    DWORD   EFlags;             // MUST BE SANITIZED
    DWORD   Esp;
    DWORD   SegSs;
    BYTE    ExtendedRegisters[512]; // MAXIMUM_SUPPORTED_EXTENSION
    static MEM_COMMIT:=4096,MEM_RESERVE:=8192
    If pData
      If pData is not digit
        ; Try first reading the file from Resource
        If res := DllCall("FindResource","PTR",lib:=DllCall("GetModuleHandle","PTR",0,"PTR"),"Str",pData,"PTR",10,"PTR")
          VarSetCapacity(data,sz :=DllCall("SizeofResource","PTR",lib,"PTR",res))
        else ; else try reading file from disc etc...
          FileRead,Data,*c %pData%
    If InStr(cmdLine,"`n"){ ; a script was given, first line contains the cmdLine
      PipeName := "\\.\pipe\AHK" A_TickCount
      __PIPE_GA_ := DllCall("CreateNamedPipe","str",PipeName,"UInt",2,"UInt",0,"UInt",255,"UInt",0,"UInt",0,"PTR",0,"PTR",0)
      __PIPE_    := DllCall("CreateNamedPipe","str",PipeName,"UInt",2,"UInt",0,"UInt",255,"UInt",0,"UInt",0,"PTR",0,"PTR",0)
      if (__PIPE_=-1 or __PIPE_GA_=-1)
        Return 0
      Script:=(A_IsUnicode ? chr(0xfeff) : (chr(239) . chr(187) . chr(191))) SubStr(cmdLine,InStr(cmdLine,"`n")+1)
      cmdLine:=Trim(SubStr(cmdLine,1,InStr(cmdLine,"`n")),"`n`r") A_Space PipeName
    IDH:=new _Struct(_BinRun.IMAGE_DOS_HEADER,pData)
    if (IDH.e_magic != IMAGE_DOS_SIGNATURE){
      MsgBox ERROR: e_magic not found
    INH := new _Struct(_BinRun.IMAGE_NT_HEADERS,pData + IDH.e_lfanew)
    if (INH.Signature != IMAGE_NT_SIGNATURE){
      MsgBox ERROR: Signature not found

    If (A_PtrSize=8&&INH.OptionalHeader.magic=267) ; x86 on x64
      pNtHeader:=new _Struct(_BinRun.IMAGE_NT_HEADERS32,pData + IDH.e_lfanew),ctx:=new _Struct(_BinRun.Context32),Force32Bit:=1
      ,ctx.ContextFlags := (A_PtrSize=8?0x100000:0x10000) | 0x2 ;CONTEXT_INTEGER
      ,UsedExe:=ExeToUse?ExeToUse:A_WinDir "\Microsoft.NET\Framework\v2.0.50727\vbc.exe"
    else if (A_PtrSize=4&&INH.OptionalHeader.magic=523) ; x64 on x86 not possible
      Return false
      ,ctx:=new _Struct(A_PtrSize=8?_BinRun.Context64:_BinRun.Context32),ctx.ContextFlags := (A_PtrSize=8?0x100000:0x10000) | 0x2 ;CONTEXT_INTEGER
    pi:=new _Struct(_BinRun.PROCESS_INFORMATION)
    si:=new _Struct(_BinRun.STARTUPINFO),si.cb:=sizeof(si)
    if DllCall("CreateProcess","PTR",0,"STR","""" UsedExe """" A_Space cmdLine (cmdLineScript?A_Space cmdLineScript:"")
        if DllCall((Force32Bit?"Wow64":"") "GetThreadContext","PTR",pi.hThread,"PTR", ctx[]){
            pPebImageBase:=ctx[A_PtrSize=8&&!Force32Bit?"Rdx":"Ebx"] + (Force32Bit?4:A_PtrSize)*2
            if DllCall("ReadProcessMemory","PTR",pi.hProcess, "PTR", pPebImageBase,"PTR*", dwImagebase,"PTR", (Force32Bit?4:A_PtrSize),"Uint*",NumberOfBytes){
                DllCall("ntdll\NtUnmapViewOfSection","PTR",pi.hProcess, "PTR",dwImagebase)
                pImagebase := DllCall("VirtualAllocEx","PTR",pi.hProcess, "PTR",pNtHeader.OptionalHeader.ImageBase, "PTR",pNtHeader.OptionalHeader.SizeOfImage,"UInt", MEM_COMMIT|MEM_RESERVE,"UInt", PAGE_EXECUTE_READWRITE,"PTR")
                if (pImagebase)
                    if DllCall("WriteProcessMemory","PTR",pi.hProcess,"PTR",pImagebase,"PTR",pData,"PTR",pNtHeader.OptionalHeader.SizeOfHeaders,"UInt*",NumberOfBytes){
                        pSecHeader :=new _Struct(_BinRun.IMAGE_SECTION_HEADER)
                        pSecHeader[] :=pNtHeader.OptionalHeader[""]+pNtHeader.FileHeader.SizeOfOptionalHeader
                        counter := 0
                        while (++counter < pNtHeader.FileHeader.NumberOfSections+1){
                            DllCall("WriteProcessMemory","PTR",pi.hProcess,"PTR",pImagebase + pSecHeader.VirtualAddress,"PTR",pData + pSecHeader.PointerToRawData,"PTR",pSecHeader.SizeOfRawData,"UInt*", NumberOfBytes)
                        if DllCall("WriteProcessMemory","PTR",pi.hProcess,"PTR",pPebImageBase,"PTR",pNtHeader.OptionalHeader.ImageBase[""],"PTR",(Force32Bit?4:A_PtrSize),"UInt*",NumberOfBytes){
                            ctx[A_PtrSize=8&&!Force32Bit?"Rcx":"Eax"] := pImagebase + pNtHeader.OptionalHeader.AddressOfEntryPoint
                            if DllCall((Force32Bit?"Wow64":"") "SetThreadContext","PTR",pi.hThread, "PTR",ctx[]){
                                if DllCall("ResumeThread","PTR",pi.hThread){
                                  if (Script){ ; use pipe to pass script to new executable
                                    if !DllCall("WriteFile","PTR",__PIPE_,"str",script,"UInt",(StrLen(script)+1)*(A_IsUnicode ? 2 : 1),"UInt*",0,"PTR",0)
                                    Return DllCall("CloseHandle","PTR",__PIPE_),0
                                  return pi.dwProcessId
        DllCall("TerminateProcess","PTR",pi.hProcess,"UInt", 0)
    return FALSE
  return new _BinRun(pData,cmdLine,cmdLineScript,ExeToUse)
BinRun_Uncompress( ByRef D ) {  ; Shortcode version of VarZ_Decompress() of VarZ 2.0 wrapper
; VarZ 2.0 by SKAN, 27-Sep-2012. http://www.autohotkey.com/community/viewtopic.php?t=45559
 IfNotEqual, A_Tab, % ID:=NumGet(D,"UInt"), IfNotEqual, ID, 0x5F5A4C,  Return 0, ErrorLevel := -1
 savedHash := NumGet(D,4,"UInt"), TZ := NumGet(D,10,"UInt"), DZ := NumGet(D,14,"UInt")
 DllCall( "shlwapi\HashData", UInt,&D+8, UInt,DZ+10, UIntP,Hash, UInt,4 )
 IfNotEqual, Hash, %savedHash%, Return 0, ErrorLevel := -2
 VarSetCapacity( TD,TZ,0 ), NTSTATUS := DllCall( "ntdll\RtlDecompressBuffer", UShort
 , NumGet(D,8,"UShort"), PTR, &TD, UInt,TZ, PTR,&D+18, UInt,DZ, UIntP,Final, UInt )
 IfNotEqual, NTSTATUS, 0, Return 0, ErrorLevel := NTSTATUS
 VarSetCapacity( D,Final,0 ), DllCall( "RtlMoveMemory", PTR,&D, PTR,&TD, PTR,Final )
 If NumGet(D,"UInt")=0x315F5A4C && NumPut(0x005F5A4C,D,"UInt")
  Return BinRun_Uncompress( D )
Return Final, VarSetCapacity( D,-1 )

;: Title: _Struct by HotKeyIt

; Function: _Struct
; Description:
;      _Struct is based on AHK_L objects and supports both, ANSI and UNICODE version. To use it you will require <a href=http://www.autohotkey.com/forum/viewtopic.php?t=43049>Lexikos AutoHotkey_L.exe</a> or other versions based on it.<br><br>new _Struct is used to create new structure. A structure must be defined as a global variable or an item of global class (e.g. "MyClass.Struct").<br>_Struct can handle structure in structure as well as Arrays of structures and Vectors.<br>Visit <a href=http://www.autohotkey.com/forum/viewtopic.php?t=43049>_Struct on AutoHotkey</a> forum, any feedback is welcome.
; Syntax: MyStruct:= new _Struct(Structure_Definition,Address,initialization)
; Parameters:
;	   General Design - Class _Struct will create Object(s) that will manage fields of structure(s), for example<br>left,top,right,bottom<br>RC := new _Struct("RECT")<br>will create a RECT structure with fields left,top,right,bottom of type UInt. To pass the structure its pointer to a function, DllCall or SendMessage use RC[""].<br><br>To access fields you can use usual Object syntax: RC.left, RC.right ...<br>To set a field of the structure use RC.top := 100.
;	   <b>Structure Definition</b> - <b>Description</b>
;	   User defined - To create a user defined structure you will need to pass a string of predefined types and field names.<br>Default type is UInt, so for example for a RECT structure type can be omited: <b>"left,top,right,left"</b>, which is the same as <b>"Uint left,Uint top,Uint right,Uint bottom"</b><br><br>You can also use structures very similar to C#/C++ syntax, see example.
;	   Global - Global variables can be used to save structures, easily pass name of that variable as first parameter, e.g. new _Struct("MyStruct") where MyStruct must be a global variable with structure definition. Also new _Struct(MyStruct) can be used if variable is accessible.
;	   Array - To create an array of structures include a digit in the end of your string enclosed in squared brackets.<br>For example "RECT[2]" would create an array of 2 structures.<br>This feature can also be used for user defined arrays, for example "Int age,TCHAR name[10]".
;	   Union - Using {} you can create union, for example: <br>_AHKVar:="{Int64 ContentsInt64,Double ContentsDouble,object},...
;	   Struct - Using struct{} you can create structures in union or in structures.
;	   Pointer - To create a pointer you can use *, for example: CHR:="char *str" will hold a pointer to a character. Same way you can have a structure in structure so you can call it recursive, for example Label.NextLabel.NextLabel.NextLabel.JumpToLine
;	   <b>Parameters</b> - <b>Description</b>
;	   MyStruct - This is a variable that will hold the object representing the strucuture which is returned by new _Struct(...).
;	   Structure_Definition - C/C++ syntax or one-line definition e.g. "Int x,Int y".
;	   pointer - Pass a pointer as second parameter to occupy existing strucure.
;	   Initialization - Pass an object to initialize structure, e.g. {left:100,top:20}. If pointer is not used initialization can be specified in second parameter.
;	   <b>Methods</b> - <b>Description</b>
;	   Strct.Type(itm) - Returns type of item or structure
;	   Strct.AhkType(itm) - Returns AHK type of item or structure to be used with NumGet and NumPut as well as DllCall
;	   Strct.Size() - Returns size of structure, same as sizeof(MyStruct)
;	   Strct.SizeT(itm) - Returns size of an item
;	   Strct.Offset(itm) - Returns offset for items
;	   Strct.Encoding(itm) - Returns encoding for items, to be used with StrGet and StrPut
;	   Strct.Alloc(itm,size[,ptrsize]) - Allocates memory in bytes, ptrsize is used to create pointers
;	   Strct.Capacity(itm) - Returns memory capacity for items.
;	   Strct.IsPointer(itm) - Returns whether the item is a pointer (defined using *).
; Return Value:
;     A class object representing your structure
; Remarks:
;		<b>NOTE!!! accessing a field that does not exist will cause recrusive calls and will crash your script, these errors are not catched for performance reasons.<br>TCHAR, UCHAR and CHAR return actual character rather than the value, use Asc() function to find out the value/code.
; Related:
; Example:
;		file:Struct_Example.ahk

Class _Struct {
	; Data Sizes
  static PTR:=A_PtrSize,UPTR:=A_PtrSize,SHORT:=2,USHORT:=2,INT:=4,UINT:=4,__int64:=8,INT64:=8,UINT64:=8,DOUBLE:=8,FLOAT:=4,CHAR:=1,UCHAR:=1,VOID:=A_PtrSize
  static HGDIOBJ:=A_PtrSize,HGLOBAL:=A_PtrSize,HHOOK:=A_PtrSize,HICON:=A_PtrSize,HINSTANCE:=A_PtrSize,HKEY:=A_PtrSize,HKL:=A_PtrSize
	; Data Types
  static _PTR:="PTR",_UPTR:="UPTR",_SHORT:="Short",_USHORT:="UShort",_INT:="Int",_UINT:="UInt"
  ; Following is used internally only to simplify setting field helpers
  ; the corresponding key can be set to invalid type (for string integer and vice versa) to set default if necessary, e.g. ___InitField(N,"")
  ___InitField(_this,N,offset=" ",encoding=0,AHKType=0,isptr=" ",type=0,arrsize=0,memory=0){ ; N = Name of field
    static _prefixes_:={offset:"`b",isptr:"`r",AHKType:"`n",type:"`t",encoding:"`f",memory:"`v",arrsize:" "}
    for _key_,_value_ in _prefixes_
      If (_testtype_[_key_]="Integer"){
        If %_key_% is integer
        else if !_this.HasKey(_value_ N)
      } else {
        If %_key_% is not integer
        else if !_this.HasKey(_value_ N)
      If (useDefault) ; item does not exist or user supplied a valid type
        If (_key_="encoding")
          _this[_value_ N]:=_typevalid_?(InStr(",LPTSTR,LPCTSTR,TCHAR,","," %_key_% ",")?(A_IsUnicode?"UTF-16":"CP0")
                                        :InStr(",LPWSTR,LPCWSTR,WCHAR,","," %_key_% ",")?"UTF-16":"CP0")
        else {
          _this[_value_ N]:=_typevalid_?%_key_%:_default_[_key_]
  ; Struct Contstructor
  ; Memory, offset and definitions are saved in following character + given key/name
  ;   `a = Allocated Memory
  ;   `b = Byte Offset (related to struct address)
  ;   `f = Format (encoding for string data types)
  ;   `n = New data type (AHK data type)
  ;   `r = Is Pointer (requred for __GET and __SET)
  ;   `t = Type (data type, also when it is name of a Structure it is used to resolve structure pointers dynamically
  ;   `v = Memory used to save string and pointer memory
    static _base_:={__GET:_Struct.___GET,__SET:_Struct.___SET,__SETPTR:_Struct.___SETPTR,__Clone:_Struct.___Clone,__NEW:_Struct.___NEW
		local _,_ArrType_,_ArrName_:="",_ArrSize_,_align_total_,_defobj_,_IsPtr_,_key_,_LF_,_LF_BKP_,_match_,_offset_:=""
		If (RegExMatch(_TYPE_,"^[\w\d\._]+$") && !_Struct.HasKey(_TYPE_)){ ; structures name was supplied, resolve to global var and run again
      If InStr(_TYPE_,"."){ ;check for object that holds structure definition
          If A_Index=1
          else _defobj_:=_defobj_[A_LoopField]
      } else _TYPE_:=%_TYPE_%,_defobj_:=""
    } else _defobj_:=""
    ; If a pointer is supplied, save it in key [""] else reserve and zero-fill memory + set pointer in key [""]
    If (_pointer_ && !IsObject(_pointer_))
      this[""] := _pointer_,this["`a"]:=0
      this._SetCapacity("`a",_StructSize_:=sizeof(_TYPE_)) ; Set Capacity in key ["`a"]
      ,this[""]:=this._GetAddress("`a") ; Save pointer in key [""]
      ,DllCall("RtlZeroMemory","UPTR",this[""],"UInt",_StructSize_) ; zero-fill memory
    ; C/C++ style structure definition, convert it
    If InStr(_TYPE_,"`n") {
      _struct_:=[] ; keep track of structures (union is just removed because {} = union, struct{} = struct
      _union_:=0   ; init to 0, used to keep track of union depth
      Loop,Parse,_TYPE_,`n,`r`t%A_Space%%A_Tab% ; Parse each line
        Loop,Parse,A_LoopField,`,`;,`t%A_Space%%A_Tab% ; Parse each item
          If RegExMatch(A_LoopField,"^\s*//") ;break on comments and continue main loop
          If (A_LoopField){ ; skip empty lines
              If (!_LF_ && _ArrType_:=RegExMatch(A_LoopField,"[\w\d_]\s+[\w\d_]")) ; new line, find out data type and save key in _LF_ Data type will be added later
              If Instr(A_LoopField,"{"){ ; Union, also check if it is a structure
              } else If InStr(A_LoopField,"}") ; end of union/struct
              else { ; not starting or ending struct or union so add definitions and apply Data Type.
                If _union_ ; add { or struct{
                    Loop % _union_
                      _ArrName_.=(_struct_[A_Index]?"struct":"") "{"
                _offset_.=(_offset_ ? "," : "") _ArrName_ ((_ArrType_ && A_Index!=1)?(_LF_ " "):"") RegExReplace(A_LoopField,"\s+"," ")

    _union_:=[]                 ; keep track of union level, required to reset offset after union is parsed
    _struct_:=[]                ; for each union level keep track if it is a structure (because here offset needs to increase
    _union_size_:=[]          ; keep track of highest member within the union or structure, used to calculate new offset after union
    _total_union_size_:=0     ; used in combination with above, each loop the total offset is updated if current data size is higher
    _align_total_:=0			; used to calculate alignment for total size of structure
    this["`t"]:=0,this["`r"]:=0 ; will identify a Structure Pointer without members

    ; Parse given structure definition and create struct members
    ; User structures will be resolved by recrusive calls (!!! a structure must be a global variable)
      If ("" = _LF_ := A_LoopField)
      ; Check for STARTING union and set union helpers
      While (_match_:=RegExMatch(_LF_,"i)^\s*(struct|union)?\s*\{\K"))
      _LF_BKP_:=_LF_ ;to check for ending brackets = union,struct
      StringReplace,_LF_,_LF_,},,A ;remove all closing brackets (these will be checked later)
      ; Check if item is a pointer and remove * for further processing, separate key will store that information
      While % (InStr(_LF_,"*")){

      ; Split off data type, name and size (only data type is mandatory)
      If (!_ArrName_ && !_ArrSize_){
        ; If (_ArrType_=_TYPE_ || (_ArrType_ "*") =_TYPE_ || ("*" _ArrType_=_TYPE_)) {
        If RegExMatch(_TYPE_,"^\**" _ArrType_ "\**$"){
          _Struct.___InitField(this,"",0,_ArrType_,_IsPtr_?"PTR":_Struct.HasKey("_" _ArrType_)?_Struct["_" _ArrType_]:"PTR",_IsPtr_,_ArrType_)
          If (IsObject(_init_)||IsObject(_pointer_)){ ; Initialization of structures members, e.g. _Struct(_RECT,{left:10,right:20})
            for _key_,_value_ in IsObject(_init_)?_init_:_pointer_
              If !this["`r"] ; It is not a pointer, assign value
                this[_key_] := _value_
              else if (_value_<>"") ; It is not empty
                If _value_ is integer ; It is a new pointer
          Return this ;:= new _Struct(%_ArrType_%,_pointer_)   ;only Data type was supplied, object/structure has got no members/keys
        } else
      If InStr(_ArrType_,"."){ ;check for object that holds structure definition
          If A_Index=1
          else _defobj_:=_defobj_[A_LoopField]
      if (!_IsPtr_ && !_Struct.HasKey(_ArrType_)){  ; _ArrType_ not found resolve to global variable (must contain struct definition)
          If (A_PtrSize=8)
          ; update current union size
        If _union_.MaxIndex()
          _union_size_[_union_.MaxIndex()]:=(_offset_ + _Struct[this["`n" _ArrName_]] - _union_[_union_.MaxIndex()]>_union_size_[_union_.MaxIndex()])
                                            ?(_offset_ + _Struct[this["`n" _ArrName_]] - _union_[_union_.MaxIndex()]):_union_size_[_union_.MaxIndex()]
        ; if not a union or a union + structure then offset must be moved (when structure offset will be reset below
        If (!_union_.MaxIndex()||_struct_[_struct_.MaxIndex()])
          _offset_+=this[" " _ArrName_]*sizeof(_defobj_?_defobj_:%_ArrType_%) ; move offset
      } else {
        If (A_PtrSize=8 && (_IsPtr_ || _Struct.HasKey(_ArrType_)))
        _Struct.___InitField(this,_ArrName_,_offset_,_ArrType_,_IsPtr_?"PTR":_Struct.HasKey(_ArrType_)?_Struct["_" _ArrType_]:_ArrType_,_IsPtr_,_ArrType_,_ArrSize_)
        ; update current union size
        If _union_.MaxIndex()
          _union_size_[_union_.MaxIndex()]:=(_offset_ + _Struct[this["`n" _ArrName_]] - _union_[_union_.MaxIndex()]>_union_size_[_union_.MaxIndex()])
                                            ?(_offset_ + _Struct[this["`n" _ArrName_]] - _union_[_union_.MaxIndex()]):_union_size_[_union_.MaxIndex()]
        ; if not a union or a union + structure then offset must be moved (when structure offset will be reset below
        If (!_union_.MaxIndex()||_struct_[_struct_.MaxIndex()])
          _offset_+=_IsPtr_?A_PtrSize:(_Struct.HasKey(_ArrType_)?_Struct[_ArrType_]:%_ArrType_%)*this[" " _ArrName_]
      ; Check for ENDING union and reset offset and union helpers
      While (SubStr(_LF_BKP_,0)="}"){
        If !_union_.MaxIndex(){
          MsgBox,0, Incorrect structure, missing opening braket {`nProgram will exit now `n%_TYPE_%
        } ; Increase total size of union/structure if necessary
        _offset_:=_union_[_union_.MaxIndex()] ; reset offset because we left a union or structure
        ,_total_union_size_ := _union_size_[_union_.MaxIndex()]>_total_union_size_?_union_size_[_union_.MaxIndex()]:_total_union_size_
        _union_._Remove(),_struct_._Remove(),_union_size_._Remove(),_LF_BKP_:=SubStr(_LF_BKP_,1,StrLen(_LF_BKP_)-1) ; remove latest items
        If !_union_.MaxIndex(){ ; leaving top union, add offset
	this.base:=_base_ ; apply new base which uses below functions and uses ___GET for __GET and ___SET for __SET
    If (IsObject(_init_)||IsObject(_pointer_)){ ; Initialization of structures members, e.g. _Struct(_RECT,{left:10,right:20})
      for _key_,_value_ in IsObject(_init_)?_init_:_pointer_
        If !this["`r" _key_] ; It is not a pointer, assign value
          this[_key_] := _value_
        else if (_value_<>"") ; It is not empty
          if _value_ is integer ; It is a new pointer
    Return this
    return sizeof(this["`t" _key_])
    return sizeof(this)
    return this["`r" _key_] 
    return this["`t" _key_] 
    return this["`n" _key_] 
    return this["`b" _key_] 
    return this["`b" _key_] 
    return this._GetCapacity("`v" _key_)
    If _key_ is integer
   If size is integer
    If ptrsize {
      If (this._SetCapacity("`v" _key_,!SizeIsInt?A_PtrSize+ptrsize:size + (size//A_PtrSize)*ptrsize)="")
        MsgBox % "Memory for pointer ." _key_ ". of size " (SizeIsInt?size:A_PtrSize) " could not be set!"
      else {
        DllCall("RtlZeroMemory","UPTR",this._GetAddress("`v" _key_),"UInt",this._GetCapacity("`v" _key_))
			  If (this[" " _key_]>1){
					ptr:=this[""] + this["`b" _key_]
					If (this["`r" _key_] || InStr(",LPSTR,LPCSTR,LPTSTR,LPCTSTR,LPWSTR,LPCWSTR,","," this["`t" _key_] ","))
						NumPut(ptrs:=this._GetAddress("`v" _key_),ptr+0,"PTR")
					else if _key_
						this[_key_,""]:=ptrs:=this._GetAddress("`v" _key_)
					else this[""]:=ptr:=this._GetAddress("`v" _key_),ptrs:=this._GetAddress("`v" _key_)+(SizeIsInt?size:A_PtrSize)
				} else {
	        If (this["`r" _key_] || InStr(",LPSTR,LPCSTR,LPTSTR,LPCTSTR,LPWSTR,LPCWSTR,","," this["`t" _key_] ","))
	          NumPut(ptr:=this._GetAddress("`v" _key_),this[""] + this["`b" _key_],"PTR")
	        else this[""]:=ptr:=this._GetAddress("`v" _key_)
        Loop % SizeIsInt?(size//A_PtrSize):1
    } else {
      If (this._SetCapacity("`v" _key_,SizeIsInt?size:A_PtrSize)=""){
        MsgBox % "Memory for pointer ." _key_ ". of size " (SizeIsInt?size:A_PtrSize) " could not be set!"
      } else
          NumPut(ptr:=this._GetAddress("`v" _key_),this[""] + this["`b" _key_],"PTR"),DllCall("RtlZeroMemory","UPTR",ptr,"UInt",SizeIsInt?size:A_PtrSize)
    return ptr
    newobj := this.__Clone(1) ;clone structure and keep pointer (1), it will be changed below
    If (init.MaxIndex() && !IsObject(init.1))
      newobj[""] := init.1
    else If (init.MaxIndex()>1 && !IsObject(init.2))
      newobj[""] := init.2
      newobj._SetCapacity("`a",_StructSize_:=sizeof(this)) ; Set Capacity in key ["`a"]
      ,newobj[""]:=newobj._GetAddress("`a") ; Save pointer in key [""]
      ,DllCall("RtlZeroMemory","UPTR",newobj[""],"UInt",_StructSize_) ; zero-fill memory
    If (IsObject(init.1)||IsObject(init.2))
      for _key_,_value_ in IsObject(init.1)?init.1:init.2
          newobj[_key_] := _value_
    return newobj
  ; Clone structure and move pointer for new structure
    static _base_:={__GET:_Struct.___GET,__SET:_Struct.___SET,__SETPTR:_Struct.___SETPTR,__Clone:_Struct.___Clone,__NEW:_Struct.___NEW
    If offset=1
      return this
    newobj:={} ; new structure object
    for _key_,_value_ in this ; copy all values/objects
      If (_key_!="`a")
        newobj[_key_]:=_value_ ; add key to new object and assign value
    newobj._SetCapacity("`a",_StructSize_:=sizeof(this)) ; Set Capacity in key ["`a"]
    ,newobj[""]:=newobj._GetAddress("`a") ; Save pointer in key [""]
    ,DllCall("RtlZeroMemory","UPTR",newobj[""],"UInt",_StructSize_) ; zero-fill memory
    If this["`r"]{ ; its a pointer so we need too move internal memory
      newobj.base:=_base_ ;assign base of _Struct
    } else ; do not use internal memory, simply assign new pointer to new structure
    return newobj ; return new object
    If (_key_="")           ; Key was not given so structure[] has been called, return pointer to structure
      Return this[""]
		else if !(idx:=p.MaxIndex())
		else {
			for key_,value_ in p
    If this["`t"] ; structure without keys/members
      _key_:="" ; set _key_ empty so items below will resolve to our structure
    If (opt!="~"){
      If (opt=""){
        If _field_ is integer
          return (this["`r"]?NumGet(this[""],"PTR"):this[""])+sizeof(this["`t"])*(_field_-1)
        else return this["`r" _key_]?NumGet(this[""]+this["`b" _key_],"PTR"):this[""]+this["`b" _key_] ;+sizeof(this["`t" _key_])*(_field_-1)
      } else If opt is integer
      { ;offset to a item e.g. struct.a[100] ("Uint a[100]")
		; MsgBox % "ja " 
        If (_Struct.HasKey("_" this["`t" _key_]) && this[" " _key_]>1) {
				  If (InStr( ",CHAR,UCHAR,TCHAR,WCHAR," , "," this["`t" _key_] "," )){  ; StrGet 1 character only
					Return StrGet(this[""]+this["`b" _key_]+(opt-1)*sizeof(this["`t" _key_]),1,this["`f" _key_])
				  } else if InStr( ",LPSTR,LPCSTR,LPTSTR,LPCTSTR,LPWSTR,LPCWSTR," , "," this["`t" _key_] "," ){ ; StrGet string
					Return StrGet(NumGet(this[""]+this["`b" _key_]+(opt-1)*A_PtrSize,"PTR"),this["`f" _key_])
				  } else {
					Return NumGet(this[""]+this["`b" _key_]+(opt-1)*sizeof(this["`t" _key_]),this["`n" _key_])
				} else Return new _Struct(this["`t" _key_],this[""]+this["`b" _key_]+(opt-1)*sizeof(this["`t" _key_]))
      } else
        return this[_key_][opt]
    } else If _field_ is integer
    { ; array access (must be listed first because otherwise this["`r" _key_] cannot be resolved
      If (_key_){ ; Offset for item
        return this.__Clone(_field_)
      } else if this["`r"] {
        Loop % (this["`r"]-1) ; dip into one step and return a new structure
        If pointer
          Return new _Struct(pointer this["`t"],NumGet(this[""],"PTR")+A_PtrSize*(_field_-1))
        else Return new _Struct(pointer this["`t"],NumGet(this[""],"PTR")+sizeof(this["`t"])*(_field_-1)).1
      } else if _Struct.HasKey("_" this["`t"]) {
        ; If this[" "]
          ; Return new _Struct(this["`t"],this[""])
        ; else 
				If (InStr( ",CHAR,UCHAR,TCHAR,WCHAR," , "," this["`t"] "," )){  ; StrGet 1 character only
          Return StrGet(this[""]+sizeof(this["`t"])*(_field_-1),1,this["`f"])
        } else if InStr(",LPSTR,LPCSTR,LPTSTR,LPCTSTR,LPWSTR,LPCWSTR," , "," this["`t"] "," ){ ; StrGet string
					Return StrGet(NumGet(this[""]+A_PtrSize*(_field_-1),"PTR"),this["`f"])
        } else { ; resolve pointer
            Return NumGet(this[""]+sizeof(this["`t"])*(_field_-1),this["`n"])
      } else {
				; return this.__Clone(_field_)
				; listVars
				; MsgBox % this[""] "+" sizeof(this["`t"])*(_field_-1) "-" this["`t"]
        Return new _Struct(this["`t"],this[""]+sizeof(this["`t"])*(_field_-1))
    } else If this["`r" _key_] { ;pointer
      Loop % (this["`r" _key_]-1) ; dip into one step and return a new structure
      If (_key_=""){
        return this[1][_field_]
      } else {
        Return new _Struct(pointer this["`t" _key_],NumGet(this[""]+this["`b" _key_],"PTR"))
    } else if _Struct.HasKey("_" this["`t" _key_]) { ; default data type, not pointer
      If (this[" " _key_]>1)
        Return new _Struct(this["`t" _key_],this[""] + this["`b" _key_])
      else If (InStr( ",CHAR,UCHAR,TCHAR,WCHAR," , "," this["`t" _key_] "," )){  ; StrGet 1 character only
        Return StrGet(this[""]+this["`b" _key_],1,this["`f" _key_])
      } else if InStr( ",LPSTR,LPCSTR,LPTSTR,LPCTSTR,LPWSTR,LPCWSTR," , "," this["`t" _key_] "," ){ ; StrGet string
        Return StrGet(NumGet(this[""]+this["`b" _key_],"PTR"),this["`f" _key_])
      } else {
        Return NumGet(this[""]+this["`b" _key_],this["`n" _key_])
    } else { ; the field is a non pointer structure
      Return new _Struct(this["`t" _key_],this[""]+this["`b" _key_])
  ___SET(_key_,p*){ ;="",_value_=-0x8000000000000000 ,opt="~"){
    If !(idx:=p.MaxIndex()) ; Set new Pointer, here a value was assigned e.g. struct[]:=&var
      return this[""] :=_key_,this._SetCapacity("`a",0) ; free internal memory, it will not be used anymore
    else if (idx=1)
		else if (idx>1){
			If (p[idx]="")
      else _value_:=ObjRemove(p),_key_:=ObjRemove(p),opt:="~"
			for key_,value_ in p
    If this["`t"] ; structure without members
      _field_:=_key_,_key_:="" ; set _key_ empty so it will resolve to our structure
    else _field_:=_key_
    If this["`r" _key_] { ; Pointer
			If opt is integer
        return NumPut(opt,this[""] + this["`b" _key_],"PTR")
      else if this.HasKey("`t" _key_) {
        Loop % (this["`r" _key_]-1) ; dip into one step and return a new structure
        If _key_
          Return (new _Struct(pointer this["`t" _key_],NumGet(this[""] + this["`b" _key_],"PTR"))).1:=_value_
        else Return (new _Struct(pointer this["`t"],NumGet(this[""],"PTR")))[_field_]:=_value_
      } else If _field_ is Integer
       if (_key_="") ; replace this for the operation
      If InStr( ",LPSTR,LPCSTR,LPTSTR,LPCTSTR,LPWSTR,LPCWSTR," , "," this["`t" _key_] "," )
        StrPut(_value_,NumGet(NumGet(this[""]+this["`b" _key_],"PTR"),"PTR"),this["`f" _key_]) ; StrPut char to addr+A_PtrSize
      else if InStr( ",TCHAR,CHAR,UCHAR,WCHAR," , "," this["`t" _key_] "," ){ ; same as above but for 1 Character only
        StrPut(_value_,NumGet(this[""]+this["`b" _key_],"PTR"),this["`f" _key_]) ; StrPut char to addr
      } else
        NumPut(_value_,NumGet(this[""]+this["`b" _key_],"PTR"),this["`n" _key_])
      If _field_ is integer ; restore this after operation
    } else if (RegExMatch(_field_,"^\d+$") && _key_="") {
      if InStr( ",LPSTR,LPCSTR,LPTSTR,LPCTSTR,LPWSTR,LPCWSTR," , "," this["`t"] "," ){ 
        StrPut(_value_,NumGet(this[""]+A_PtrSize*(_field_-1),"PTR"),this["`f"]) ; StrPut string to addr
      } else if InStr( ",TCHAR,CHAR,UCHAR,WCHAR," , "," this["`t" _key_] "," ){
        StrPut(_value_,this[""] + sizeof(this["`t"])*(_field_-1),this["`f"])
      } else
        NumPut(_value_,this[""] + sizeof(this["`t"])*(_field_-1),this["`n"]) ; NumPut new value to key
    } else if opt is integer
      return NumPut(opt,this[""] + this["`b" _key_],"PTR")
    } else if InStr( ",LPSTR,LPCSTR,LPTSTR,LPCTSTR,LPWSTR,LPCWSTR," , "," this["`t" _key_] "," ){ 
      StrPut(_value_,NumGet(this[""] + this["`b" _key_],"PTR"),this["`f" _key_]) ; StrPut string to addr
    } else if InStr( ",TCHAR,CHAR,UCHAR,WCHAR," , "," this["`t" _key_] "," ){
      StrPut(_value_,this[""] + this["`b" _key_],this["`f" _key_]) ; StrPut character key
    } else
      NumPut(_value_,this[""]+this["`b" _key_],this["`n" _key_]) ; NumPut new value to key
    Return _value_

;: Title: sizeof function by HotKeyIt

; Function: sizeof
; Description:
;      sizeof() is based on AHK_L Objects and supports both, ANSI and UNICODE version, so to use it you will require <a href=http://www.autohotkey.com/forum/viewtopic.php?t=43049>Lexikos AutoHotkey_L.exe</a> or other versions based on it that supports objects.<br><br>nsizeof is used to calculate the size of structures or data types. <br>Visit <a href=http://www.autohotkey.com/forum/viewtopic.php?t=43049>sizeof at AutoHotkey</a> forum, any feedback is welcome.
; Syntax: size:= sizeof(Structure_Definition or Structure_Object)
; Parameters:
;	   <b>Parameters</b> - <b>Description</b>
;	   size - The size of structure or data type
;	   Structure_Definition - C/C++ syntax or usual definition (must not be multiline) e.g. "Int x,Int y", C/C++ definitions must be multiline.
; Return Value:
;     sizeof returns size of structures or data types
; Remarks:
;		None.
; Related:
; Example:
;		file:

  ;Windows and AHK Data Types, used to find out the corresponding size
  static _types__:="
  (LTrim Join
    ,ATOM:2,LANGID:2,WCHAR:2,WORD:2,PTR:" A_PtrSize ",UPTR:" A_PtrSize ",SHORT:2,USHORT:2,INT:4,UINT:4,INT64:8,UINT64:8,DOUBLE:8,FLOAT:4,CHAR:1,UCHAR:1,__int64:8
    ,TBYTE:" (A_IsUnicode?2:1) ",TCHAR:" (A_IsUnicode?2:1) ",HALF_PTR:" (A_PtrSize=8?4:2) ",UHALF_PTR:" (A_PtrSize=8?4:2) ",INT32:4,LONG:4,LONG32:4,LONGLONG:8
    ,LONG64:8,USN:8,HFILE:4,HRESULT:4,INT_PTR:" A_PtrSize ",LONG_PTR:" A_PtrSize ",POINTER_64:" A_PtrSize ",POINTER_SIGNED:" A_PtrSize "
    ,PBOOLEAN:" A_PtrSize ",PBYTE:" A_PtrSize ",PCHAR:" A_PtrSize ",PCSTR:" A_PtrSize ",PCTSTR:" A_PtrSize ",PCWSTR:" A_PtrSize ",PDWORD:" A_PtrSize "
    ,PDWORDLONG:" A_PtrSize ",PDWORD_PTR:" A_PtrSize ",PDWORD32:" A_PtrSize ",PDWORD64:" A_PtrSize ",PFLOAT:" A_PtrSize ",PHALF_PTR:" A_PtrSize "
     ,HBITMAP:" A_PtrSize ",HBRUSH:" A_PtrSize ",HCOLORSPACE:" A_PtrSize ",HCONV:" A_PtrSize ",HCONVLIST:" A_PtrSize ",HCURSOR:" A_PtrSize ",HDC:" A_PtrSize "
     ,HDDEDATA:" A_PtrSize ",HDESK:" A_PtrSize ",HDROP:" A_PtrSize ",HDWP:" A_PtrSize ",HENHMETAFILE:" A_PtrSize ",HFONT:" A_PtrSize "
  static _types_:=_types__ "
  (LTrim Join
     ,HGDIOBJ:" A_PtrSize ",HGLOBAL:" A_PtrSize ",HHOOK:" A_PtrSize ",HICON:" A_PtrSize ",HINSTANCE:" A_PtrSize ",HKEY:" A_PtrSize ",HKL:" A_PtrSize "
     ,HLOCAL:" A_PtrSize ",HMENU:" A_PtrSize ",HMETAFILE:" A_PtrSize ",HMODULE:" A_PtrSize ",HMONITOR:" A_PtrSize ",HPALETTE:" A_PtrSize ",HPEN:" A_PtrSize "
     ,HRGN:" A_PtrSize ",HRSRC:" A_PtrSize ",HSZ:" A_PtrSize ",HWINSTA:" A_PtrSize ",HWND:" A_PtrSize ",LPARAM:" A_PtrSize ",LPBOOL:" A_PtrSize ",LPBYTE:" A_PtrSize "
     ,LPCOLORREF:" A_PtrSize ",LPCSTR:" A_PtrSize ",LPCTSTR:" A_PtrSize ",LPCVOID:" A_PtrSize ",LPCWSTR:" A_PtrSize ",LPDWORD:" A_PtrSize ",LPHANDLE:" A_PtrSize "
     ,LPINT:" A_PtrSize ",LPLONG:" A_PtrSize ",LPSTR:" A_PtrSize ",LPTSTR:" A_PtrSize ",LPVOID:" A_PtrSize ",LPWORD:" A_PtrSize ",LPWSTR:" A_PtrSize "
     ,PHANDLE:" A_PtrSize ",PHKEY:" A_PtrSize ",PINT:" A_PtrSize ",PINT_PTR:" A_PtrSize ",PINT32:" A_PtrSize ",PINT64:" A_PtrSize ",PLCID:" A_PtrSize "
     ,PLONG:" A_PtrSize ",PLONGLONG:" A_PtrSize ",PLONG_PTR:" A_PtrSize ",PLONG32:" A_PtrSize ",PLONG64:" A_PtrSize ",POINTER_32:" A_PtrSize "
     ,POINTER_UNSIGNED:" A_PtrSize ",PSHORT:" A_PtrSize ",PSIZE_T:" A_PtrSize ",PSSIZE_T:" A_PtrSize ",PSTR:" A_PtrSize ",PTBYTE:" A_PtrSize "
     ,PTCHAR:" A_PtrSize ",PTSTR:" A_PtrSize ",PUCHAR:" A_PtrSize ",PUHALF_PTR:" A_PtrSize ",PUINT:" A_PtrSize ",PUINT_PTR:" A_PtrSize "
     ,PUINT32:" A_PtrSize ",PUINT64:" A_PtrSize ",PULONG:" A_PtrSize ",PULONGLONG:" A_PtrSize ",PULONG_PTR:" A_PtrSize ",PULONG32:" A_PtrSize "
     ,PULONG64:" A_PtrSize ",PUSHORT:" A_PtrSize ",PVOID:" A_PtrSize ",PWCHAR:" A_PtrSize ",PWORD:" A_PtrSize ",PWSTR:" A_PtrSize ",SC_HANDLE:" A_PtrSize "
     ,SC_LOCK:" A_PtrSize ",SERVICE_STATUS_HANDLE:" A_PtrSize ",SIZE_T:" A_PtrSize ",UINT_PTR:" A_PtrSize ",ULONG_PTR:" A_PtrSize ",VOID:" A_PtrSize "
  local _,_ArrName_:="",_ArrType_,_ArrSize_,_align_total_,_defobj_,_idx_,_LF_,_LF_BKP_,_match_,_offset_,_padding_,_struct_
	_offset_:=parent_offset           ; Init size/offset to 0 or parent_offset

  If IsObject(_TYPE_){    ; If structure object - check for offset in structure and return pointer + last offset + its data size
    If _TYPE_["`t"] ; type only, structure has no members and its a pointer
        _offset_:=_TYPE_["`r"]?A_PtrSize*_TYPE_[" "]:sizeof(_TYPE_["`t"])*_TYPE_[" "]
      for _union_,_struct_ in _TYPE_
        If (InStr(_union_,"`b")=1)
          If (_offset_<(_total_union_size_:=_struct_ + (_TYPE_["`r" SubStr(_union_,2)]?A_PtrSize:(sizeof(_TYPE_["`t" SubStr(_union_,2)])*_TYPE_[" " SubStr(_union_,2)]))) )
    Return _offset_  ;(_TYPE_["`t"]?4:0) ; if offset 0 and memory set,must be a pointer
  If RegExMatch(_TYPE_,"^[\w\d\._]+$"){ ; structures name was supplied, resolve to global var and run again
      If InStr(_types_,"," _TYPE_ ":")
        Return SubStr(_types_,InStr(_types_,"," _TYPE_ ":") + 2 + StrLen(_TYPE_),1)
      else If InStr(_TYPE_,"."){ ;check for object that holds structure definition
          If A_Index=1
          else _defobj_:=_defobj_[A_LoopField]
        Return sizeof(_defobj_,parent_offset)
      } else Return sizeof(%_TYPE_%,parent_offset)
  } else _defobj_:=""    
  If InStr(_TYPE_,"`n") {   ; C/C++ style definition, convert
    _offset_:=""            ; This will hold new structure
    _struct_:=[]            ; This will keep track if union is structure
    _union_:=0              ; This will keep track of union depth
        If RegExMatch(A_LoopField,"^\s*//") ;break on comments and continue main loop
        If (A_LoopField){ ; skip empty lines
            If (!_LF_ && _ArrType_:=RegExMatch(A_LoopField,"[\w\d_#@]\s+[\w\d_#@]")) ; new line, find out data type and save key in _LF_ Data type will be added later
            If Instr(A_LoopField,"{"){  ; Union, also check if it is a structure
            } else If InStr(A_LoopField,"}") ; end of union/struct
            else { ; not starting or ending struct or union so add definitions and apply Data Type.
              If _union_ ; add { or struct{
                  Loop % _union_
                    _ArrName_.=(_struct_[A_Index]?"struct":"") "{"
              _offset_.=(_offset_ ? "," : "") _ArrName_ ((_ArrType_ && A_Index!=1)?(_LF_ " "):"") RegExReplace(A_LoopField,"\s+"," ")
    _offset_:=parent_offset           ; Init size/offset to 0 or parent_offset
  ; Following keep track of union size/offset
  _union_:=[]               ; keep track of union level, required to reset offset after union is parsed
  _struct_:=[]              ; for each union level keep track if it is a structure (because here offset needs to increase
  _union_size_:=[]        ; keep track of highest member within the union or structure, used to calculate new offset after union
  _total_union_size_:=0   ; used in combination with above, each loop the total offset is updated if current data size is higher
  ; Parse given structure definition and calculate size
  ; Structures will be resolved by recrusive calls (a structure must be global)
    If ("" = _LF_ := A_LoopField)
    ; Check for STARTING union and set union helpers
    While (_match_:=RegExMatch(_LF_,"i)^\s*(struct|union)?\s*\{\K"))
    _LF_BKP_:=_LF_ ;to check for ending brackets = union,struct
    If InStr(_LF_,"*") ; It's a pointer, size will be always A_PtrSize
      _offset_ += (A_PtrSize=8&&Mod(_offset_ + A_PtrSize,A_PtrSize)?A_PtrSize-Mod(_offset_ + A_PtrSize,A_PtrSize):0) + A_PtrSize
    else {
      ; Split array type and optionally the size of array, e.g. "TCHAR chr[5]"
      If (!_ArrName_ && !_ArrSize_ && !InStr( _types_  ,"," _ArrType_ ":"))
      If InStr(_ArrType_,"."){ ;check for object that holds structure definition
          If A_Index=1
          else _defobj_:=_defobj_[A_LoopField]
      If (_idx_:=InStr( _types_  ,"," _ArrType_ ":")){ ; AHK or Windows data type
        ; find out the size in _types_ and add to total size
        _padding_:=SubStr( _types_  , _idx_+StrLen(_ArrType_)+2 , 1 )
        _offset_ += (A_PtrSize=8&&Mod(_offset_ + _padding_,_padding_)?_padding_-Mod(_offset_ + _padding_,_padding_):0) + (_padding_ * (_ArrSize_?_ArrSize_:1))
      } else { ; resolve structure
		If (A_PtrSize=8) ; align current offset
        _offset_ += sizeof(_defobj_?_defobj_:%_ArrType_%) * (_ArrSize_?_ArrSize_:1) ; %Array1% will resolve to global variable
    ; It's a union or struct, check if new member is higher then previous members
    If (_uix_:=_union_.MaxIndex())
          _union_size_[_uix_]:=(_offset_ - _union_[_uix_]>_union_size_[_uix_])
                                            ?(_offset_ - _union_[_uix_]):_union_size_[_uix_]

    ; It's a union and not struct
    If (_uix_ && !_struct_[_struct_.MaxIndex()])

    ; Check for ENDING union and reset offset and union helpers
    While (SubStr(_LF_BKP_,0)="}"){
      If !(_uix_:=_union_.MaxIndex()){
        MsgBox,0, Incorrect structure, missing opening braket {`nProgram will exit now `n%_TYPE_%
      _offset_:=_union_[_uix_] ; reset offset because we left a union or structure
      ; Increase total size of union/structure if necessary
      _total_union_size_ := _union_size_[_uix_]>_total_union_size_?_union_size_[_uix_]:_total_union_size_
      ,_union_.Remove() ,_struct_.Remove() ,_union_size_.Remove() ; remove latest items
      If !_union_.MaxIndex(){ ; leaving top union, add offset
  Return _offset_
Posts: 1769
Joined: 12 Aug 2014, 12:37

Re: Embedding files in a compiled script and using them without extracting them

04 Aug 2023, 14:28

What is value of this code?

Code: Select all

FileRead,file,*c ffmpeg.exe
msgbox % numget(&file, 0, "Short")
Posts: 4391
Joined: 29 Mar 2015, 09:41

Re: Embedding files in a compiled script and using them without extracting them

04 Aug 2023, 14:42

Got it working now. Turns out the issue was that I put the file path in quotes. :)
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Joined: 02 Aug 2023, 17:03

Re: Embedding files in a compiled script and using them without extracting them

05 Aug 2023, 20:35

I tried using this, even with diferent releases of ffmpeg and diferent binaries (such as cmd.exe), but couldn't make it work. I also checked the BinRun post that someone else shared before but the files are not available.
malcev wrote:
04 Aug 2023, 09:26

Code: Select all

FileRead,file,*c ffmpeg.exe
BinRun(&file,"-i yourvideoname.mp4 -an mutevideo.mp4")

Class _BinRun {
  static IMAGE_DOS_HEADER :="
    WORD   e_magic;                     // Magic number
    WORD   e_cblp;                      // Bytes on last page of file
    WORD   e_cp;                        // Pages in file
    WORD   e_crlc;                      // Relocations
    WORD   e_cparhdr;                   // Size of header in paragraphs
    WORD   e_minalloc;                  // Minimum extra paragraphs needed
    WORD   e_maxalloc;                  // Maximum extra paragraphs needed
    WORD   e_ss;                        // Initial (relative) SS value
    WORD   e_sp;                        // Initial SP value
    WORD   e_csum;                      // Checksum
    WORD   e_ip;                        // Initial IP value
    WORD   e_cs;                        // Initial (relative) CS value
    WORD   e_lfarlc;                    // File address of relocation table
    WORD   e_ovno;                      // Overlay number
    WORD   e_res[4];                    // Reserved words
    WORD   e_oemid;                     // OEM identifier (for e_oeminfo)
    WORD   e_oeminfo;                   // OEM information; e_oemid specific
    WORD   e_res2[10];                  // Reserved words
    LONG   e_lfanew;                    // File address of new exe header
    WORD    Machine;
    WORD    NumberOfSections;
    DWORD   TimeDateStamp;
    DWORD   PointerToSymbolTable;
    DWORD   NumberOfSymbols;
    WORD    SizeOfOptionalHeader;
    WORD    Characteristics;
    DWORD   VirtualAddress;
    DWORD   Size;
    WORD        Magic;
    BYTE        MajorLinkerVersion;
    BYTE        MinorLinkerVersion;
    DWORD       SizeOfCode;
    DWORD       SizeOfInitializedData;
    DWORD       SizeOfUninitializedData;
    DWORD       AddressOfEntryPoint;
    DWORD       BaseOfCode;
    ULONGLONG   ImageBase;
    DWORD       SectionAlignment;
    DWORD       FileAlignment;
    WORD        MajorOperatingSystemVersion;
    WORD        MinorOperatingSystemVersion;
    WORD        MajorImageVersion;
    WORD        MinorImageVersion;
    WORD        MajorSubsystemVersion;
    WORD        MinorSubsystemVersion;
    DWORD       Win32VersionValue;
    DWORD       SizeOfImage;
    DWORD       SizeOfHeaders;
    DWORD       CheckSum;
    WORD        Subsystem;
    WORD        DllCharacteristics;
    ULONGLONG   SizeOfStackReserve;
    ULONGLONG   SizeOfStackCommit;
    ULONGLONG   SizeOfHeapReserve;
    ULONGLONG   SizeOfHeapCommit;
    DWORD       LoaderFlags;
    DWORD       NumberOfRvaAndSizes;
    WORD    Magic;
    BYTE    MajorLinkerVersion;
    BYTE    MinorLinkerVersion;
    DWORD   SizeOfCode;
    DWORD   SizeOfInitializedData;
    DWORD   SizeOfUninitializedData;
    DWORD   AddressOfEntryPoint;
    DWORD   BaseOfCode;
    DWORD   BaseOfData;
    DWORD   ImageBase;
    DWORD   SectionAlignment;
    DWORD   FileAlignment;
    WORD    MajorOperatingSystemVersion;
    WORD    MinorOperatingSystemVersion;
    WORD    MajorImageVersion;
    WORD    MinorImageVersion;
    WORD    MajorSubsystemVersion;
    WORD    MinorSubsystemVersion;
    DWORD   Win32VersionValue;
    DWORD   SizeOfImage;
    DWORD   SizeOfHeaders;
    DWORD   CheckSum;
    WORD    Subsystem;
    WORD    DllCharacteristics;
    DWORD   SizeOfStackReserve;
    DWORD   SizeOfStackCommit;
    DWORD   SizeOfHeapReserve;
    DWORD   SizeOfHeapCommit;
    DWORD   LoaderFlags;
    DWORD   NumberOfRvaAndSizes;
    DWORD Signature;
    _BinRun.IMAGE_FILE_HEADER FileHeader;
    _BinRun.IMAGE_OPTIONAL_HEADER" (A_PtrSize=8?64:32) " OptionalHeader;
    DWORD Signature;
    _BinRun.IMAGE_FILE_HEADER FileHeader;
    _BinRun.IMAGE_OPTIONAL_HEADER32 OptionalHeader;
    DWORD Signature;
    _BinRun.IMAGE_FILE_HEADER FileHeader;
    _BinRun.IMAGE_OPTIONAL_HEADER64 OptionalHeader;
    BYTE    Name[8];
    union {
        DWORD   PhysicalAddress;
        DWORD   VirtualSize;
    DWORD   VirtualAddress;
    DWORD   SizeOfRawData;
    DWORD   PointerToRawData;
    DWORD   PointerToRelocations;
    DWORD   PointerToLinenumbers;
    WORD    NumberOfRelocations;
    WORD    NumberOfLinenumbers;
    DWORD   Characteristics;
    DWORD   ControlWord;
    DWORD   StatusWord;
    DWORD   TagWord;
    DWORD   ErrorOffset;
    DWORD   ErrorSelector;
    DWORD   DataOffset;
    DWORD   DataSelector;
    BYTE    RegisterArea[80]; //SIZE_OF_80387_REGISTERS
    DWORD   Cr0NpxState;
    HANDLE hProcess;
    HANDLE hThread;
    DWORD  dwProcessId;
    DWORD  dwThreadId;
    DWORD  cb;
    LPTSTR lpReserved;
    LPTSTR lpDesktop;
    LPTSTR lpTitle;
    DWORD  dwX;
    DWORD  dwY;
    DWORD  dwXSize;
    DWORD  dwYSize;
    DWORD  dwXCountChars;
    DWORD  dwYCountChars;
    DWORD  dwFillAttribute;
    DWORD  dwFlags;
    WORD   wShowWindow;
    WORD   cbReserved2;
    LPBYTE lpReserved2;
    HANDLE hStdInput;
    HANDLE hStdOutput;
    HANDLE hStdError;
  ,_XMM_SAVE_AREA32 :="
      WORD ControlWord;
      WORD StatusWord;
      BYTE TagWord;
      BYTE Reserved1;
      WORD ErrorOpcode;
      DWORD ErrorOffset;
      WORD ErrorSelector;
      WORD Reserved2;
      DWORD DataOffset;
      WORD DataSelector;
      WORD Reserved3;
      DWORD MxCsr;
      DWORD MxCsr_Mask;
      _BinRun.M128A FloatRegisters[8];
      _BinRun.M128A XmmRegisters[16];
      BYTE Reserved4[96];
      DWORD64 P1Home;
      DWORD64 P2Home;
      DWORD64 P3Home;
      DWORD64 P4Home;
      DWORD64 P5Home;
      DWORD64 P6Home;
      DWORD ContextFlags;
      DWORD MxCsr;
      WORD SegCs;      
      WORD SegDs;      
      WORD SegEs;      
      WORD SegFs;      
      WORD SegGs;      
      WORD SegSs;      
      DWORD EFlags;    
      DWORD64 Dr0;     
      DWORD64 Dr1;     
      DWORD64 Dr2;     
      DWORD64 Dr3;     
      DWORD64 Dr6;     
      DWORD64 Dr7;     
      DWORD64 Rax;     
      DWORD64 Rcx;     
      DWORD64 Rdx;     
      DWORD64 Rbx;     
      DWORD64 Rsp;     
      DWORD64 Rbp;     
      DWORD64 Rsi;     
      DWORD64 Rdi;     
      DWORD64 R8;      
      DWORD64 R9;      
      DWORD64 R10;     
      DWORD64 R11;     
      DWORD64 R12;     
      DWORD64 R13;     
      DWORD64 R14;     
      DWORD64 R15;     
      DWORD64 Rip;     
      union {
          _BinRun._XMM_SAVE_AREA32 FltSave; 
          struct {
              _BinRun.M128A Header[2];     
              _BinRun.M128A Legacy[8];     
              _BinRun.M128A Xmm0;          
              _BinRun.M128A Xmm1;          
              _BinRun.M128A Xmm2;          
              _BinRun.M128A Xmm3;          
              _BinRun.M128A Xmm4;          
              _BinRun.M128A Xmm5;          
              _BinRun.M128A Xmm6;          
              _BinRun.M128A Xmm7;          
              _BinRun.M128A Xmm8;          
              _BinRun.M128A Xmm9;          
              _BinRun.M128A Xmm10;         
              _BinRun.M128A Xmm11;         
              _BinRun.M128A Xmm12;         
              _BinRun.M128A Xmm13;         
              _BinRun.M128A Xmm14;         
              _BinRun.M128A Xmm15;         
      _BinRun.M128A VectorRegister[26];    
      DWORD64 VectorControl;       
      DWORD64 DebugControl;        
      DWORD64 LastBranchToRip;     
      DWORD64 LastBranchFromRip;   
      DWORD64 LastExceptionToRip;  
      DWORD64 LastExceptionFromRip;
    DWORD ContextFlags;
    DWORD   Dr0;
    DWORD   Dr1;
    DWORD   Dr2;
    DWORD   Dr3;
    DWORD   Dr6;
    DWORD   Dr7;
    _BinRun.FLOATING_SAVE_AREA FloatSave;
    DWORD   SegGs;
    DWORD   SegFs;
    DWORD   SegEs;
    DWORD   SegDs;
    DWORD   Edi;
    DWORD   Esi;
    DWORD   Ebx;
    DWORD   Edx;
    DWORD   Ecx;
    DWORD   Eax;
    DWORD   Ebp;
    DWORD   Eip;
    DWORD   SegCs;              // MUST BE SANITIZED
    DWORD   EFlags;             // MUST BE SANITIZED
    DWORD   Esp;
    DWORD   SegSs;
    BYTE    ExtendedRegisters[512]; // MAXIMUM_SUPPORTED_EXTENSION
    static MEM_COMMIT:=4096,MEM_RESERVE:=8192
    If pData
      If pData is not digit
        ; Try first reading the file from Resource
        If res := DllCall("FindResource","PTR",lib:=DllCall("GetModuleHandle","PTR",0,"PTR"),"Str",pData,"PTR",10,"PTR")
          VarSetCapacity(data,sz :=DllCall("SizeofResource","PTR",lib,"PTR",res))
        else ; else try reading file from disc etc...
          FileRead,Data,*c %pData%
    If InStr(cmdLine,"`n"){ ; a script was given, first line contains the cmdLine
      PipeName := "\\.\pipe\AHK" A_TickCount
      __PIPE_GA_ := DllCall("CreateNamedPipe","str",PipeName,"UInt",2,"UInt",0,"UInt",255,"UInt",0,"UInt",0,"PTR",0,"PTR",0)
      __PIPE_    := DllCall("CreateNamedPipe","str",PipeName,"UInt",2,"UInt",0,"UInt",255,"UInt",0,"UInt",0,"PTR",0,"PTR",0)
      if (__PIPE_=-1 or __PIPE_GA_=-1)
        Return 0
      Script:=(A_IsUnicode ? chr(0xfeff) : (chr(239) . chr(187) . chr(191))) SubStr(cmdLine,InStr(cmdLine,"`n")+1)
      cmdLine:=Trim(SubStr(cmdLine,1,InStr(cmdLine,"`n")),"`n`r") A_Space PipeName
    IDH:=new _Struct(_BinRun.IMAGE_DOS_HEADER,pData)
    if (IDH.e_magic != IMAGE_DOS_SIGNATURE){
      MsgBox ERROR: e_magic not found
    INH := new _Struct(_BinRun.IMAGE_NT_HEADERS,pData + IDH.e_lfanew)
    if (INH.Signature != IMAGE_NT_SIGNATURE){
      MsgBox ERROR: Signature not found

    If (A_PtrSize=8&&INH.OptionalHeader.magic=267) ; x86 on x64
      pNtHeader:=new _Struct(_BinRun.IMAGE_NT_HEADERS32,pData + IDH.e_lfanew),ctx:=new _Struct(_BinRun.Context32),Force32Bit:=1
      ,ctx.ContextFlags := (A_PtrSize=8?0x100000:0x10000) | 0x2 ;CONTEXT_INTEGER
      ,UsedExe:=ExeToUse?ExeToUse:A_WinDir "\Microsoft.NET\Framework\v2.0.50727\vbc.exe"
    else if (A_PtrSize=4&&INH.OptionalHeader.magic=523) ; x64 on x86 not possible
      Return false
      ,ctx:=new _Struct(A_PtrSize=8?_BinRun.Context64:_BinRun.Context32),ctx.ContextFlags := (A_PtrSize=8?0x100000:0x10000) | 0x2 ;CONTEXT_INTEGER
    pi:=new _Struct(_BinRun.PROCESS_INFORMATION)
    si:=new _Struct(_BinRun.STARTUPINFO),si.cb:=sizeof(si)
    if DllCall("CreateProcess","PTR",0,"STR","""" UsedExe """" A_Space cmdLine (cmdLineScript?A_Space cmdLineScript:"")
        if DllCall((Force32Bit?"Wow64":"") "GetThreadContext","PTR",pi.hThread,"PTR", ctx[]){
            pPebImageBase:=ctx[A_PtrSize=8&&!Force32Bit?"Rdx":"Ebx"] + (Force32Bit?4:A_PtrSize)*2
            if DllCall("ReadProcessMemory","PTR",pi.hProcess, "PTR", pPebImageBase,"PTR*", dwImagebase,"PTR", (Force32Bit?4:A_PtrSize),"Uint*",NumberOfBytes){
                DllCall("ntdll\NtUnmapViewOfSection","PTR",pi.hProcess, "PTR",dwImagebase)
                pImagebase := DllCall("VirtualAllocEx","PTR",pi.hProcess, "PTR",pNtHeader.OptionalHeader.ImageBase, "PTR",pNtHeader.OptionalHeader.SizeOfImage,"UInt", MEM_COMMIT|MEM_RESERVE,"UInt", PAGE_EXECUTE_READWRITE,"PTR")
                if (pImagebase)
                    if DllCall("WriteProcessMemory","PTR",pi.hProcess,"PTR",pImagebase,"PTR",pData,"PTR",pNtHeader.OptionalHeader.SizeOfHeaders,"UInt*",NumberOfBytes){
                        pSecHeader :=new _Struct(_BinRun.IMAGE_SECTION_HEADER)
                        pSecHeader[] :=pNtHeader.OptionalHeader[""]+pNtHeader.FileHeader.SizeOfOptionalHeader
                        counter := 0
                        while (++counter < pNtHeader.FileHeader.NumberOfSections+1){
                            DllCall("WriteProcessMemory","PTR",pi.hProcess,"PTR",pImagebase + pSecHeader.VirtualAddress,"PTR",pData + pSecHeader.PointerToRawData,"PTR",pSecHeader.SizeOfRawData,"UInt*", NumberOfBytes)
                        if DllCall("WriteProcessMemory","PTR",pi.hProcess,"PTR",pPebImageBase,"PTR",pNtHeader.OptionalHeader.ImageBase[""],"PTR",(Force32Bit?4:A_PtrSize),"UInt*",NumberOfBytes){
                            ctx[A_PtrSize=8&&!Force32Bit?"Rcx":"Eax"] := pImagebase + pNtHeader.OptionalHeader.AddressOfEntryPoint
                            if DllCall((Force32Bit?"Wow64":"") "SetThreadContext","PTR",pi.hThread, "PTR",ctx[]){
                                if DllCall("ResumeThread","PTR",pi.hThread){
                                  if (Script){ ; use pipe to pass script to new executable
                                    if !DllCall("WriteFile","PTR",__PIPE_,"str",script,"UInt",(StrLen(script)+1)*(A_IsUnicode ? 2 : 1),"UInt*",0,"PTR",0)
                                    Return DllCall("CloseHandle","PTR",__PIPE_),0
                                  return pi.dwProcessId
        DllCall("TerminateProcess","PTR",pi.hProcess,"UInt", 0)
    return FALSE
  return new _BinRun(pData,cmdLine,cmdLineScript,ExeToUse)
BinRun_Uncompress( ByRef D ) {  ; Shortcode version of VarZ_Decompress() of VarZ 2.0 wrapper
; VarZ 2.0 by SKAN, 27-Sep-2012. http://www.autohotkey.com/community/viewtopic.php?t=45559
 IfNotEqual, A_Tab, % ID:=NumGet(D,"UInt"), IfNotEqual, ID, 0x5F5A4C,  Return 0, ErrorLevel := -1
 savedHash := NumGet(D,4,"UInt"), TZ := NumGet(D,10,"UInt"), DZ := NumGet(D,14,"UInt")
 DllCall( "shlwapi\HashData", UInt,&D+8, UInt,DZ+10, UIntP,Hash, UInt,4 )
 IfNotEqual, Hash, %savedHash%, Return 0, ErrorLevel := -2
 VarSetCapacity( TD,TZ,0 ), NTSTATUS := DllCall( "ntdll\RtlDecompressBuffer", UShort
 , NumGet(D,8,"UShort"), PTR, &TD, UInt,TZ, PTR,&D+18, UInt,DZ, UIntP,Final, UInt )
 IfNotEqual, NTSTATUS, 0, Return 0, ErrorLevel := NTSTATUS
 VarSetCapacity( D,Final,0 ), DllCall( "RtlMoveMemory", PTR,&D, PTR,&TD, PTR,Final )
 If NumGet(D,"UInt")=0x315F5A4C && NumPut(0x005F5A4C,D,"UInt")
  Return BinRun_Uncompress( D )
Return Final, VarSetCapacity( D,-1 )

;: Title: _Struct by HotKeyIt

; Function: _Struct
; Description:
;      _Struct is based on AHK_L objects and supports both, ANSI and UNICODE version. To use it you will require <a href=http://www.autohotkey.com/forum/viewtopic.php?t=43049>Lexikos AutoHotkey_L.exe</a> or other versions based on it.<br><br>new _Struct is used to create new structure. A structure must be defined as a global variable or an item of global class (e.g. "MyClass.Struct").<br>_Struct can handle structure in structure as well as Arrays of structures and Vectors.<br>Visit <a href=http://www.autohotkey.com/forum/viewtopic.php?t=43049>_Struct on AutoHotkey</a> forum, any feedback is welcome.
; Syntax: MyStruct:= new _Struct(Structure_Definition,Address,initialization)
; Parameters:
;	   General Design - Class _Struct will create Object(s) that will manage fields of structure(s), for example<br>left,top,right,bottom<br>RC := new _Struct("RECT")<br>will create a RECT structure with fields left,top,right,bottom of type UInt. To pass the structure its pointer to a function, DllCall or SendMessage use RC[""].<br><br>To access fields you can use usual Object syntax: RC.left, RC.right ...<br>To set a field of the structure use RC.top := 100.
;	   <b>Structure Definition</b> - <b>Description</b>
;	   User defined - To create a user defined structure you will need to pass a string of predefined types and field names.<br>Default type is UInt, so for example for a RECT structure type can be omited: <b>"left,top,right,left"</b>, which is the same as <b>"Uint left,Uint top,Uint right,Uint bottom"</b><br><br>You can also use structures very similar to C#/C++ syntax, see example.
;	   Global - Global variables can be used to save structures, easily pass name of that variable as first parameter, e.g. new _Struct("MyStruct") where MyStruct must be a global variable with structure definition. Also new _Struct(MyStruct) can be used if variable is accessible.
;	   Array - To create an array of structures include a digit in the end of your string enclosed in squared brackets.<br>For example "RECT[2]" would create an array of 2 structures.<br>This feature can also be used for user defined arrays, for example "Int age,TCHAR name[10]".
;	   Union - Using {} you can create union, for example: <br>_AHKVar:="{Int64 ContentsInt64,Double ContentsDouble,object},...
;	   Struct - Using struct{} you can create structures in union or in structures.
;	   Pointer - To create a pointer you can use *, for example: CHR:="char *str" will hold a pointer to a character. Same way you can have a structure in structure so you can call it recursive, for example Label.NextLabel.NextLabel.NextLabel.JumpToLine
;	   <b>Parameters</b> - <b>Description</b>
;	   MyStruct - This is a variable that will hold the object representing the strucuture which is returned by new _Struct(...).
;	   Structure_Definition - C/C++ syntax or one-line definition e.g. "Int x,Int y".
;	   pointer - Pass a pointer as second parameter to occupy existing strucure.
;	   Initialization - Pass an object to initialize structure, e.g. {left:100,top:20}. If pointer is not used initialization can be specified in second parameter.
;	   <b>Methods</b> - <b>Description</b>
;	   Strct.Type(itm) - Returns type of item or structure
;	   Strct.AhkType(itm) - Returns AHK type of item or structure to be used with NumGet and NumPut as well as DllCall
;	   Strct.Size() - Returns size of structure, same as sizeof(MyStruct)
;	   Strct.SizeT(itm) - Returns size of an item
;	   Strct.Offset(itm) - Returns offset for items
;	   Strct.Encoding(itm) - Returns encoding for items, to be used with StrGet and StrPut
;	   Strct.Alloc(itm,size[,ptrsize]) - Allocates memory in bytes, ptrsize is used to create pointers
;	   Strct.Capacity(itm) - Returns memory capacity for items.
;	   Strct.IsPointer(itm) - Returns whether the item is a pointer (defined using *).
; Return Value:
;     A class object representing your structure
; Remarks:
;		<b>NOTE!!! accessing a field that does not exist will cause recrusive calls and will crash your script, these errors are not catched for performance reasons.<br>TCHAR, UCHAR and CHAR return actual character rather than the value, use Asc() function to find out the value/code.
; Related:
; Example:
;		file:Struct_Example.ahk

Class _Struct {
	; Data Sizes
  static PTR:=A_PtrSize,UPTR:=A_PtrSize,SHORT:=2,USHORT:=2,INT:=4,UINT:=4,__int64:=8,INT64:=8,UINT64:=8,DOUBLE:=8,FLOAT:=4,CHAR:=1,UCHAR:=1,VOID:=A_PtrSize
  static HGDIOBJ:=A_PtrSize,HGLOBAL:=A_PtrSize,HHOOK:=A_PtrSize,HICON:=A_PtrSize,HINSTANCE:=A_PtrSize,HKEY:=A_PtrSize,HKL:=A_PtrSize
	; Data Types
  static _PTR:="PTR",_UPTR:="UPTR",_SHORT:="Short",_USHORT:="UShort",_INT:="Int",_UINT:="UInt"
  ; Following is used internally only to simplify setting field helpers
  ; the corresponding key can be set to invalid type (for string integer and vice versa) to set default if necessary, e.g. ___InitField(N,"")
  ___InitField(_this,N,offset=" ",encoding=0,AHKType=0,isptr=" ",type=0,arrsize=0,memory=0){ ; N = Name of field
    static _prefixes_:={offset:"`b",isptr:"`r",AHKType:"`n",type:"`t",encoding:"`f",memory:"`v",arrsize:" "}
    for _key_,_value_ in _prefixes_
      If (_testtype_[_key_]="Integer"){
        If %_key_% is integer
        else if !_this.HasKey(_value_ N)
      } else {
        If %_key_% is not integer
        else if !_this.HasKey(_value_ N)
      If (useDefault) ; item does not exist or user supplied a valid type
        If (_key_="encoding")
          _this[_value_ N]:=_typevalid_?(InStr(",LPTSTR,LPCTSTR,TCHAR,","," %_key_% ",")?(A_IsUnicode?"UTF-16":"CP0")
                                        :InStr(",LPWSTR,LPCWSTR,WCHAR,","," %_key_% ",")?"UTF-16":"CP0")
        else {
          _this[_value_ N]:=_typevalid_?%_key_%:_default_[_key_]
  ; Struct Contstructor
  ; Memory, offset and definitions are saved in following character + given key/name
  ;   `a = Allocated Memory
  ;   `b = Byte Offset (related to struct address)
  ;   `f = Format (encoding for string data types)
  ;   `n = New data type (AHK data type)
  ;   `r = Is Pointer (requred for __GET and __SET)
  ;   `t = Type (data type, also when it is name of a Structure it is used to resolve structure pointers dynamically
  ;   `v = Memory used to save string and pointer memory
    static _base_:={__GET:_Struct.___GET,__SET:_Struct.___SET,__SETPTR:_Struct.___SETPTR,__Clone:_Struct.___Clone,__NEW:_Struct.___NEW
		local _,_ArrType_,_ArrName_:="",_ArrSize_,_align_total_,_defobj_,_IsPtr_,_key_,_LF_,_LF_BKP_,_match_,_offset_:=""
		If (RegExMatch(_TYPE_,"^[\w\d\._]+$") && !_Struct.HasKey(_TYPE_)){ ; structures name was supplied, resolve to global var and run again
      If InStr(_TYPE_,"."){ ;check for object that holds structure definition
          If A_Index=1
          else _defobj_:=_defobj_[A_LoopField]
      } else _TYPE_:=%_TYPE_%,_defobj_:=""
    } else _defobj_:=""
    ; If a pointer is supplied, save it in key [""] else reserve and zero-fill memory + set pointer in key [""]
    If (_pointer_ && !IsObject(_pointer_))
      this[""] := _pointer_,this["`a"]:=0
      this._SetCapacity("`a",_StructSize_:=sizeof(_TYPE_)) ; Set Capacity in key ["`a"]
      ,this[""]:=this._GetAddress("`a") ; Save pointer in key [""]
      ,DllCall("RtlZeroMemory","UPTR",this[""],"UInt",_StructSize_) ; zero-fill memory
    ; C/C++ style structure definition, convert it
    If InStr(_TYPE_,"`n") {
      _struct_:=[] ; keep track of structures (union is just removed because {} = union, struct{} = struct
      _union_:=0   ; init to 0, used to keep track of union depth
      Loop,Parse,_TYPE_,`n,`r`t%A_Space%%A_Tab% ; Parse each line
        Loop,Parse,A_LoopField,`,`;,`t%A_Space%%A_Tab% ; Parse each item
          If RegExMatch(A_LoopField,"^\s*//") ;break on comments and continue main loop
          If (A_LoopField){ ; skip empty lines
              If (!_LF_ && _ArrType_:=RegExMatch(A_LoopField,"[\w\d_]\s+[\w\d_]")) ; new line, find out data type and save key in _LF_ Data type will be added later
              If Instr(A_LoopField,"{"){ ; Union, also check if it is a structure
              } else If InStr(A_LoopField,"}") ; end of union/struct
              else { ; not starting or ending struct or union so add definitions and apply Data Type.
                If _union_ ; add { or struct{
                    Loop % _union_
                      _ArrName_.=(_struct_[A_Index]?"struct":"") "{"
                _offset_.=(_offset_ ? "," : "") _ArrName_ ((_ArrType_ && A_Index!=1)?(_LF_ " "):"") RegExReplace(A_LoopField,"\s+"," ")

    _union_:=[]                 ; keep track of union level, required to reset offset after union is parsed
    _struct_:=[]                ; for each union level keep track if it is a structure (because here offset needs to increase
    _union_size_:=[]          ; keep track of highest member within the union or structure, used to calculate new offset after union
    _total_union_size_:=0     ; used in combination with above, each loop the total offset is updated if current data size is higher
    _align_total_:=0			; used to calculate alignment for total size of structure
    this["`t"]:=0,this["`r"]:=0 ; will identify a Structure Pointer without members

    ; Parse given structure definition and create struct members
    ; User structures will be resolved by recrusive calls (!!! a structure must be a global variable)
      If ("" = _LF_ := A_LoopField)
      ; Check for STARTING union and set union helpers
      While (_match_:=RegExMatch(_LF_,"i)^\s*(struct|union)?\s*\{\K"))
      _LF_BKP_:=_LF_ ;to check for ending brackets = union,struct
      StringReplace,_LF_,_LF_,},,A ;remove all closing brackets (these will be checked later)
      ; Check if item is a pointer and remove * for further processing, separate key will store that information
      While % (InStr(_LF_,"*")){

      ; Split off data type, name and size (only data type is mandatory)
      If (!_ArrName_ && !_ArrSize_){
        ; If (_ArrType_=_TYPE_ || (_ArrType_ "*") =_TYPE_ || ("*" _ArrType_=_TYPE_)) {
        If RegExMatch(_TYPE_,"^\**" _ArrType_ "\**$"){
          _Struct.___InitField(this,"",0,_ArrType_,_IsPtr_?"PTR":_Struct.HasKey("_" _ArrType_)?_Struct["_" _ArrType_]:"PTR",_IsPtr_,_ArrType_)
          If (IsObject(_init_)||IsObject(_pointer_)){ ; Initialization of structures members, e.g. _Struct(_RECT,{left:10,right:20})
            for _key_,_value_ in IsObject(_init_)?_init_:_pointer_
              If !this["`r"] ; It is not a pointer, assign value
                this[_key_] := _value_
              else if (_value_<>"") ; It is not empty
                If _value_ is integer ; It is a new pointer
          Return this ;:= new _Struct(%_ArrType_%,_pointer_)   ;only Data type was supplied, object/structure has got no members/keys
        } else
      If InStr(_ArrType_,"."){ ;check for object that holds structure definition
          If A_Index=1
          else _defobj_:=_defobj_[A_LoopField]
      if (!_IsPtr_ && !_Struct.HasKey(_ArrType_)){  ; _ArrType_ not found resolve to global variable (must contain struct definition)
          If (A_PtrSize=8)
          ; update current union size
        If _union_.MaxIndex()
          _union_size_[_union_.MaxIndex()]:=(_offset_ + _Struct[this["`n" _ArrName_]] - _union_[_union_.MaxIndex()]>_union_size_[_union_.MaxIndex()])
                                            ?(_offset_ + _Struct[this["`n" _ArrName_]] - _union_[_union_.MaxIndex()]):_union_size_[_union_.MaxIndex()]
        ; if not a union or a union + structure then offset must be moved (when structure offset will be reset below
        If (!_union_.MaxIndex()||_struct_[_struct_.MaxIndex()])
          _offset_+=this[" " _ArrName_]*sizeof(_defobj_?_defobj_:%_ArrType_%) ; move offset
      } else {
        If (A_PtrSize=8 && (_IsPtr_ || _Struct.HasKey(_ArrType_)))
        _Struct.___InitField(this,_ArrName_,_offset_,_ArrType_,_IsPtr_?"PTR":_Struct.HasKey(_ArrType_)?_Struct["_" _ArrType_]:_ArrType_,_IsPtr_,_ArrType_,_ArrSize_)
        ; update current union size
        If _union_.MaxIndex()
          _union_size_[_union_.MaxIndex()]:=(_offset_ + _Struct[this["`n" _ArrName_]] - _union_[_union_.MaxIndex()]>_union_size_[_union_.MaxIndex()])
                                            ?(_offset_ + _Struct[this["`n" _ArrName_]] - _union_[_union_.MaxIndex()]):_union_size_[_union_.MaxIndex()]
        ; if not a union or a union + structure then offset must be moved (when structure offset will be reset below
        If (!_union_.MaxIndex()||_struct_[_struct_.MaxIndex()])
          _offset_+=_IsPtr_?A_PtrSize:(_Struct.HasKey(_ArrType_)?_Struct[_ArrType_]:%_ArrType_%)*this[" " _ArrName_]
      ; Check for ENDING union and reset offset and union helpers
      While (SubStr(_LF_BKP_,0)="}"){
        If !_union_.MaxIndex(){
          MsgBox,0, Incorrect structure, missing opening braket {`nProgram will exit now `n%_TYPE_%
        } ; Increase total size of union/structure if necessary
        _offset_:=_union_[_union_.MaxIndex()] ; reset offset because we left a union or structure
        ,_total_union_size_ := _union_size_[_union_.MaxIndex()]>_total_union_size_?_union_size_[_union_.MaxIndex()]:_total_union_size_
        _union_._Remove(),_struct_._Remove(),_union_size_._Remove(),_LF_BKP_:=SubStr(_LF_BKP_,1,StrLen(_LF_BKP_)-1) ; remove latest items
        If !_union_.MaxIndex(){ ; leaving top union, add offset
	this.base:=_base_ ; apply new base which uses below functions and uses ___GET for __GET and ___SET for __SET
    If (IsObject(_init_)||IsObject(_pointer_)){ ; Initialization of structures members, e.g. _Struct(_RECT,{left:10,right:20})
      for _key_,_value_ in IsObject(_init_)?_init_:_pointer_
        If !this["`r" _key_] ; It is not a pointer, assign value
          this[_key_] := _value_
        else if (_value_<>"") ; It is not empty
          if _value_ is integer ; It is a new pointer
    Return this
    return sizeof(this["`t" _key_])
    return sizeof(this)
    return this["`r" _key_] 
    return this["`t" _key_] 
    return this["`n" _key_] 
    return this["`b" _key_] 
    return this["`b" _key_] 
    return this._GetCapacity("`v" _key_)
    If _key_ is integer
   If size is integer
    If ptrsize {
      If (this._SetCapacity("`v" _key_,!SizeIsInt?A_PtrSize+ptrsize:size + (size//A_PtrSize)*ptrsize)="")
        MsgBox % "Memory for pointer ." _key_ ". of size " (SizeIsInt?size:A_PtrSize) " could not be set!"
      else {
        DllCall("RtlZeroMemory","UPTR",this._GetAddress("`v" _key_),"UInt",this._GetCapacity("`v" _key_))
			  If (this[" " _key_]>1){
					ptr:=this[""] + this["`b" _key_]
					If (this["`r" _key_] || InStr(",LPSTR,LPCSTR,LPTSTR,LPCTSTR,LPWSTR,LPCWSTR,","," this["`t" _key_] ","))
						NumPut(ptrs:=this._GetAddress("`v" _key_),ptr+0,"PTR")
					else if _key_
						this[_key_,""]:=ptrs:=this._GetAddress("`v" _key_)
					else this[""]:=ptr:=this._GetAddress("`v" _key_),ptrs:=this._GetAddress("`v" _key_)+(SizeIsInt?size:A_PtrSize)
				} else {
	        If (this["`r" _key_] || InStr(",LPSTR,LPCSTR,LPTSTR,LPCTSTR,LPWSTR,LPCWSTR,","," this["`t" _key_] ","))
	          NumPut(ptr:=this._GetAddress("`v" _key_),this[""] + this["`b" _key_],"PTR")
	        else this[""]:=ptr:=this._GetAddress("`v" _key_)
        Loop % SizeIsInt?(size//A_PtrSize):1
    } else {
      If (this._SetCapacity("`v" _key_,SizeIsInt?size:A_PtrSize)=""){
        MsgBox % "Memory for pointer ." _key_ ". of size " (SizeIsInt?size:A_PtrSize) " could not be set!"
      } else
          NumPut(ptr:=this._GetAddress("`v" _key_),this[""] + this["`b" _key_],"PTR"),DllCall("RtlZeroMemory","UPTR",ptr,"UInt",SizeIsInt?size:A_PtrSize)
    return ptr
    newobj := this.__Clone(1) ;clone structure and keep pointer (1), it will be changed below
    If (init.MaxIndex() && !IsObject(init.1))
      newobj[""] := init.1
    else If (init.MaxIndex()>1 && !IsObject(init.2))
      newobj[""] := init.2
      newobj._SetCapacity("`a",_StructSize_:=sizeof(this)) ; Set Capacity in key ["`a"]
      ,newobj[""]:=newobj._GetAddress("`a") ; Save pointer in key [""]
      ,DllCall("RtlZeroMemory","UPTR",newobj[""],"UInt",_StructSize_) ; zero-fill memory
    If (IsObject(init.1)||IsObject(init.2))
      for _key_,_value_ in IsObject(init.1)?init.1:init.2
          newobj[_key_] := _value_
    return newobj
  ; Clone structure and move pointer for new structure
    static _base_:={__GET:_Struct.___GET,__SET:_Struct.___SET,__SETPTR:_Struct.___SETPTR,__Clone:_Struct.___Clone,__NEW:_Struct.___NEW
    If offset=1
      return this
    newobj:={} ; new structure object
    for _key_,_value_ in this ; copy all values/objects
      If (_key_!="`a")
        newobj[_key_]:=_value_ ; add key to new object and assign value
    newobj._SetCapacity("`a",_StructSize_:=sizeof(this)) ; Set Capacity in key ["`a"]
    ,newobj[""]:=newobj._GetAddress("`a") ; Save pointer in key [""]
    ,DllCall("RtlZeroMemory","UPTR",newobj[""],"UInt",_StructSize_) ; zero-fill memory
    If this["`r"]{ ; its a pointer so we need too move internal memory
      newobj.base:=_base_ ;assign base of _Struct
    } else ; do not use internal memory, simply assign new pointer to new structure
    return newobj ; return new object
    If (_key_="")           ; Key was not given so structure[] has been called, return pointer to structure
      Return this[""]
		else if !(idx:=p.MaxIndex())
		else {
			for key_,value_ in p
    If this["`t"] ; structure without keys/members
      _key_:="" ; set _key_ empty so items below will resolve to our structure
    If (opt!="~"){
      If (opt=""){
        If _field_ is integer
          return (this["`r"]?NumGet(this[""],"PTR"):this[""])+sizeof(this["`t"])*(_field_-1)
        else return this["`r" _key_]?NumGet(this[""]+this["`b" _key_],"PTR"):this[""]+this["`b" _key_] ;+sizeof(this["`t" _key_])*(_field_-1)
      } else If opt is integer
      { ;offset to a item e.g. struct.a[100] ("Uint a[100]")
		; MsgBox % "ja " 
        If (_Struct.HasKey("_" this["`t" _key_]) && this[" " _key_]>1) {
				  If (InStr( ",CHAR,UCHAR,TCHAR,WCHAR," , "," this["`t" _key_] "," )){  ; StrGet 1 character only
					Return StrGet(this[""]+this["`b" _key_]+(opt-1)*sizeof(this["`t" _key_]),1,this["`f" _key_])
				  } else if InStr( ",LPSTR,LPCSTR,LPTSTR,LPCTSTR,LPWSTR,LPCWSTR," , "," this["`t" _key_] "," ){ ; StrGet string
					Return StrGet(NumGet(this[""]+this["`b" _key_]+(opt-1)*A_PtrSize,"PTR"),this["`f" _key_])
				  } else {
					Return NumGet(this[""]+this["`b" _key_]+(opt-1)*sizeof(this["`t" _key_]),this["`n" _key_])
				} else Return new _Struct(this["`t" _key_],this[""]+this["`b" _key_]+(opt-1)*sizeof(this["`t" _key_]))
      } else
        return this[_key_][opt]
    } else If _field_ is integer
    { ; array access (must be listed first because otherwise this["`r" _key_] cannot be resolved
      If (_key_){ ; Offset for item
        return this.__Clone(_field_)
      } else if this["`r"] {
        Loop % (this["`r"]-1) ; dip into one step and return a new structure
        If pointer
          Return new _Struct(pointer this["`t"],NumGet(this[""],"PTR")+A_PtrSize*(_field_-1))
        else Return new _Struct(pointer this["`t"],NumGet(this[""],"PTR")+sizeof(this["`t"])*(_field_-1)).1
      } else if _Struct.HasKey("_" this["`t"]) {
        ; If this[" "]
          ; Return new _Struct(this["`t"],this[""])
        ; else 
				If (InStr( ",CHAR,UCHAR,TCHAR,WCHAR," , "," this["`t"] "," )){  ; StrGet 1 character only
          Return StrGet(this[""]+sizeof(this["`t"])*(_field_-1),1,this["`f"])
        } else if InStr(",LPSTR,LPCSTR,LPTSTR,LPCTSTR,LPWSTR,LPCWSTR," , "," this["`t"] "," ){ ; StrGet string
					Return StrGet(NumGet(this[""]+A_PtrSize*(_field_-1),"PTR"),this["`f"])
        } else { ; resolve pointer
            Return NumGet(this[""]+sizeof(this["`t"])*(_field_-1),this["`n"])
      } else {
				; return this.__Clone(_field_)
				; listVars
				; MsgBox % this[""] "+" sizeof(this["`t"])*(_field_-1) "-" this["`t"]
        Return new _Struct(this["`t"],this[""]+sizeof(this["`t"])*(_field_-1))
    } else If this["`r" _key_] { ;pointer
      Loop % (this["`r" _key_]-1) ; dip into one step and return a new structure
      If (_key_=""){
        return this[1][_field_]
      } else {
        Return new _Struct(pointer this["`t" _key_],NumGet(this[""]+this["`b" _key_],"PTR"))
    } else if _Struct.HasKey("_" this["`t" _key_]) { ; default data type, not pointer
      If (this[" " _key_]>1)
        Return new _Struct(this["`t" _key_],this[""] + this["`b" _key_])
      else If (InStr( ",CHAR,UCHAR,TCHAR,WCHAR," , "," this["`t" _key_] "," )){  ; StrGet 1 character only
        Return StrGet(this[""]+this["`b" _key_],1,this["`f" _key_])
      } else if InStr( ",LPSTR,LPCSTR,LPTSTR,LPCTSTR,LPWSTR,LPCWSTR," , "," this["`t" _key_] "," ){ ; StrGet string
        Return StrGet(NumGet(this[""]+this["`b" _key_],"PTR"),this["`f" _key_])
      } else {
        Return NumGet(this[""]+this["`b" _key_],this["`n" _key_])
    } else { ; the field is a non pointer structure
      Return new _Struct(this["`t" _key_],this[""]+this["`b" _key_])
  ___SET(_key_,p*){ ;="",_value_=-0x8000000000000000 ,opt="~"){
    If !(idx:=p.MaxIndex()) ; Set new Pointer, here a value was assigned e.g. struct[]:=&var
      return this[""] :=_key_,this._SetCapacity("`a",0) ; free internal memory, it will not be used anymore
    else if (idx=1)
		else if (idx>1){
			If (p[idx]="")
      else _value_:=ObjRemove(p),_key_:=ObjRemove(p),opt:="~"
			for key_,value_ in p
    If this["`t"] ; structure without members
      _field_:=_key_,_key_:="" ; set _key_ empty so it will resolve to our structure
    else _field_:=_key_
    If this["`r" _key_] { ; Pointer
			If opt is integer
        return NumPut(opt,this[""] + this["`b" _key_],"PTR")
      else if this.HasKey("`t" _key_) {
        Loop % (this["`r" _key_]-1) ; dip into one step and return a new structure
        If _key_
          Return (new _Struct(pointer this["`t" _key_],NumGet(this[""] + this["`b" _key_],"PTR"))).1:=_value_
        else Return (new _Struct(pointer this["`t"],NumGet(this[""],"PTR")))[_field_]:=_value_
      } else If _field_ is Integer
       if (_key_="") ; replace this for the operation
      If InStr( ",LPSTR,LPCSTR,LPTSTR,LPCTSTR,LPWSTR,LPCWSTR," , "," this["`t" _key_] "," )
        StrPut(_value_,NumGet(NumGet(this[""]+this["`b" _key_],"PTR"),"PTR"),this["`f" _key_]) ; StrPut char to addr+A_PtrSize
      else if InStr( ",TCHAR,CHAR,UCHAR,WCHAR," , "," this["`t" _key_] "," ){ ; same as above but for 1 Character only
        StrPut(_value_,NumGet(this[""]+this["`b" _key_],"PTR"),this["`f" _key_]) ; StrPut char to addr
      } else
        NumPut(_value_,NumGet(this[""]+this["`b" _key_],"PTR"),this["`n" _key_])
      If _field_ is integer ; restore this after operation
    } else if (RegExMatch(_field_,"^\d+$") && _key_="") {
      if InStr( ",LPSTR,LPCSTR,LPTSTR,LPCTSTR,LPWSTR,LPCWSTR," , "," this["`t"] "," ){ 
        StrPut(_value_,NumGet(this[""]+A_PtrSize*(_field_-1),"PTR"),this["`f"]) ; StrPut string to addr
      } else if InStr( ",TCHAR,CHAR,UCHAR,WCHAR," , "," this["`t" _key_] "," ){
        StrPut(_value_,this[""] + sizeof(this["`t"])*(_field_-1),this["`f"])
      } else
        NumPut(_value_,this[""] + sizeof(this["`t"])*(_field_-1),this["`n"]) ; NumPut new value to key
    } else if opt is integer
      return NumPut(opt,this[""] + this["`b" _key_],"PTR")
    } else if InStr( ",LPSTR,LPCSTR,LPTSTR,LPCTSTR,LPWSTR,LPCWSTR," , "," this["`t" _key_] "," ){ 
      StrPut(_value_,NumGet(this[""] + this["`b" _key_],"PTR"),this["`f" _key_]) ; StrPut string to addr
    } else if InStr( ",TCHAR,CHAR,UCHAR,WCHAR," , "," this["`t" _key_] "," ){
      StrPut(_value_,this[""] + this["`b" _key_],this["`f" _key_]) ; StrPut character key
    } else
      NumPut(_value_,this[""]+this["`b" _key_],this["`n" _key_]) ; NumPut new value to key
    Return _value_

;: Title: sizeof function by HotKeyIt

; Function: sizeof
; Description:
;      sizeof() is based on AHK_L Objects and supports both, ANSI and UNICODE version, so to use it you will require <a href=http://www.autohotkey.com/forum/viewtopic.php?t=43049>Lexikos AutoHotkey_L.exe</a> or other versions based on it that supports objects.<br><br>nsizeof is used to calculate the size of structures or data types. <br>Visit <a href=http://www.autohotkey.com/forum/viewtopic.php?t=43049>sizeof at AutoHotkey</a> forum, any feedback is welcome.
; Syntax: size:= sizeof(Structure_Definition or Structure_Object)
; Parameters:
;	   <b>Parameters</b> - <b>Description</b>
;	   size - The size of structure or data type
;	   Structure_Definition - C/C++ syntax or usual definition (must not be multiline) e.g. "Int x,Int y", C/C++ definitions must be multiline.
; Return Value:
;     sizeof returns size of structures or data types
; Remarks:
;		None.
; Related:
; Example:
;		file:

  ;Windows and AHK Data Types, used to find out the corresponding size
  static _types__:="
  (LTrim Join
    ,ATOM:2,LANGID:2,WCHAR:2,WORD:2,PTR:" A_PtrSize ",UPTR:" A_PtrSize ",SHORT:2,USHORT:2,INT:4,UINT:4,INT64:8,UINT64:8,DOUBLE:8,FLOAT:4,CHAR:1,UCHAR:1,__int64:8
    ,TBYTE:" (A_IsUnicode?2:1) ",TCHAR:" (A_IsUnicode?2:1) ",HALF_PTR:" (A_PtrSize=8?4:2) ",UHALF_PTR:" (A_PtrSize=8?4:2) ",INT32:4,LONG:4,LONG32:4,LONGLONG:8
    ,LONG64:8,USN:8,HFILE:4,HRESULT:4,INT_PTR:" A_PtrSize ",LONG_PTR:" A_PtrSize ",POINTER_64:" A_PtrSize ",POINTER_SIGNED:" A_PtrSize "
    ,PBOOLEAN:" A_PtrSize ",PBYTE:" A_PtrSize ",PCHAR:" A_PtrSize ",PCSTR:" A_PtrSize ",PCTSTR:" A_PtrSize ",PCWSTR:" A_PtrSize ",PDWORD:" A_PtrSize "
    ,PDWORDLONG:" A_PtrSize ",PDWORD_PTR:" A_PtrSize ",PDWORD32:" A_PtrSize ",PDWORD64:" A_PtrSize ",PFLOAT:" A_PtrSize ",PHALF_PTR:" A_PtrSize "
     ,HBITMAP:" A_PtrSize ",HBRUSH:" A_PtrSize ",HCOLORSPACE:" A_PtrSize ",HCONV:" A_PtrSize ",HCONVLIST:" A_PtrSize ",HCURSOR:" A_PtrSize ",HDC:" A_PtrSize "
     ,HDDEDATA:" A_PtrSize ",HDESK:" A_PtrSize ",HDROP:" A_PtrSize ",HDWP:" A_PtrSize ",HENHMETAFILE:" A_PtrSize ",HFONT:" A_PtrSize "
  static _types_:=_types__ "
  (LTrim Join
     ,HGDIOBJ:" A_PtrSize ",HGLOBAL:" A_PtrSize ",HHOOK:" A_PtrSize ",HICON:" A_PtrSize ",HINSTANCE:" A_PtrSize ",HKEY:" A_PtrSize ",HKL:" A_PtrSize "
     ,HLOCAL:" A_PtrSize ",HMENU:" A_PtrSize ",HMETAFILE:" A_PtrSize ",HMODULE:" A_PtrSize ",HMONITOR:" A_PtrSize ",HPALETTE:" A_PtrSize ",HPEN:" A_PtrSize "
     ,HRGN:" A_PtrSize ",HRSRC:" A_PtrSize ",HSZ:" A_PtrSize ",HWINSTA:" A_PtrSize ",HWND:" A_PtrSize ",LPARAM:" A_PtrSize ",LPBOOL:" A_PtrSize ",LPBYTE:" A_PtrSize "
     ,LPCOLORREF:" A_PtrSize ",LPCSTR:" A_PtrSize ",LPCTSTR:" A_PtrSize ",LPCVOID:" A_PtrSize ",LPCWSTR:" A_PtrSize ",LPDWORD:" A_PtrSize ",LPHANDLE:" A_PtrSize "
     ,LPINT:" A_PtrSize ",LPLONG:" A_PtrSize ",LPSTR:" A_PtrSize ",LPTSTR:" A_PtrSize ",LPVOID:" A_PtrSize ",LPWORD:" A_PtrSize ",LPWSTR:" A_PtrSize "
     ,PHANDLE:" A_PtrSize ",PHKEY:" A_PtrSize ",PINT:" A_PtrSize ",PINT_PTR:" A_PtrSize ",PINT32:" A_PtrSize ",PINT64:" A_PtrSize ",PLCID:" A_PtrSize "
     ,PLONG:" A_PtrSize ",PLONGLONG:" A_PtrSize ",PLONG_PTR:" A_PtrSize ",PLONG32:" A_PtrSize ",PLONG64:" A_PtrSize ",POINTER_32:" A_PtrSize "
     ,POINTER_UNSIGNED:" A_PtrSize ",PSHORT:" A_PtrSize ",PSIZE_T:" A_PtrSize ",PSSIZE_T:" A_PtrSize ",PSTR:" A_PtrSize ",PTBYTE:" A_PtrSize "
     ,PTCHAR:" A_PtrSize ",PTSTR:" A_PtrSize ",PUCHAR:" A_PtrSize ",PUHALF_PTR:" A_PtrSize ",PUINT:" A_PtrSize ",PUINT_PTR:" A_PtrSize "
     ,PUINT32:" A_PtrSize ",PUINT64:" A_PtrSize ",PULONG:" A_PtrSize ",PULONGLONG:" A_PtrSize ",PULONG_PTR:" A_PtrSize ",PULONG32:" A_PtrSize "
     ,PULONG64:" A_PtrSize ",PUSHORT:" A_PtrSize ",PVOID:" A_PtrSize ",PWCHAR:" A_PtrSize ",PWORD:" A_PtrSize ",PWSTR:" A_PtrSize ",SC_HANDLE:" A_PtrSize "
     ,SC_LOCK:" A_PtrSize ",SERVICE_STATUS_HANDLE:" A_PtrSize ",SIZE_T:" A_PtrSize ",UINT_PTR:" A_PtrSize ",ULONG_PTR:" A_PtrSize ",VOID:" A_PtrSize "
  local _,_ArrName_:="",_ArrType_,_ArrSize_,_align_total_,_defobj_,_idx_,_LF_,_LF_BKP_,_match_,_offset_,_padding_,_struct_
	_offset_:=parent_offset           ; Init size/offset to 0 or parent_offset

  If IsObject(_TYPE_){    ; If structure object - check for offset in structure and return pointer + last offset + its data size
    If _TYPE_["`t"] ; type only, structure has no members and its a pointer
        _offset_:=_TYPE_["`r"]?A_PtrSize*_TYPE_[" "]:sizeof(_TYPE_["`t"])*_TYPE_[" "]
      for _union_,_struct_ in _TYPE_
        If (InStr(_union_,"`b")=1)
          If (_offset_<(_total_union_size_:=_struct_ + (_TYPE_["`r" SubStr(_union_,2)]?A_PtrSize:(sizeof(_TYPE_["`t" SubStr(_union_,2)])*_TYPE_[" " SubStr(_union_,2)]))) )
    Return _offset_  ;(_TYPE_["`t"]?4:0) ; if offset 0 and memory set,must be a pointer
  If RegExMatch(_TYPE_,"^[\w\d\._]+$"){ ; structures name was supplied, resolve to global var and run again
      If InStr(_types_,"," _TYPE_ ":")
        Return SubStr(_types_,InStr(_types_,"," _TYPE_ ":") + 2 + StrLen(_TYPE_),1)
      else If InStr(_TYPE_,"."){ ;check for object that holds structure definition
          If A_Index=1
          else _defobj_:=_defobj_[A_LoopField]
        Return sizeof(_defobj_,parent_offset)
      } else Return sizeof(%_TYPE_%,parent_offset)
  } else _defobj_:=""    
  If InStr(_TYPE_,"`n") {   ; C/C++ style definition, convert
    _offset_:=""            ; This will hold new structure
    _struct_:=[]            ; This will keep track if union is structure
    _union_:=0              ; This will keep track of union depth
        If RegExMatch(A_LoopField,"^\s*//") ;break on comments and continue main loop
        If (A_LoopField){ ; skip empty lines
            If (!_LF_ && _ArrType_:=RegExMatch(A_LoopField,"[\w\d_#@]\s+[\w\d_#@]")) ; new line, find out data type and save key in _LF_ Data type will be added later
            If Instr(A_LoopField,"{"){  ; Union, also check if it is a structure
            } else If InStr(A_LoopField,"}") ; end of union/struct
            else { ; not starting or ending struct or union so add definitions and apply Data Type.
              If _union_ ; add { or struct{
                  Loop % _union_
                    _ArrName_.=(_struct_[A_Index]?"struct":"") "{"
              _offset_.=(_offset_ ? "," : "") _ArrName_ ((_ArrType_ && A_Index!=1)?(_LF_ " "):"") RegExReplace(A_LoopField,"\s+"," ")
    _offset_:=parent_offset           ; Init size/offset to 0 or parent_offset
  ; Following keep track of union size/offset
  _union_:=[]               ; keep track of union level, required to reset offset after union is parsed
  _struct_:=[]              ; for each union level keep track if it is a structure (because here offset needs to increase
  _union_size_:=[]        ; keep track of highest member within the union or structure, used to calculate new offset after union
  _total_union_size_:=0   ; used in combination with above, each loop the total offset is updated if current data size is higher
  ; Parse given structure definition and calculate size
  ; Structures will be resolved by recrusive calls (a structure must be global)
    If ("" = _LF_ := A_LoopField)
    ; Check for STARTING union and set union helpers
    While (_match_:=RegExMatch(_LF_,"i)^\s*(struct|union)?\s*\{\K"))
    _LF_BKP_:=_LF_ ;to check for ending brackets = union,struct
    If InStr(_LF_,"*") ; It's a pointer, size will be always A_PtrSize
      _offset_ += (A_PtrSize=8&&Mod(_offset_ + A_PtrSize,A_PtrSize)?A_PtrSize-Mod(_offset_ + A_PtrSize,A_PtrSize):0) + A_PtrSize
    else {
      ; Split array type and optionally the size of array, e.g. "TCHAR chr[5]"
      If (!_ArrName_ && !_ArrSize_ && !InStr( _types_  ,"," _ArrType_ ":"))
      If InStr(_ArrType_,"."){ ;check for object that holds structure definition
          If A_Index=1
          else _defobj_:=_defobj_[A_LoopField]
      If (_idx_:=InStr( _types_  ,"," _ArrType_ ":")){ ; AHK or Windows data type
        ; find out the size in _types_ and add to total size
        _padding_:=SubStr( _types_  , _idx_+StrLen(_ArrType_)+2 , 1 )
        _offset_ += (A_PtrSize=8&&Mod(_offset_ + _padding_,_padding_)?_padding_-Mod(_offset_ + _padding_,_padding_):0) + (_padding_ * (_ArrSize_?_ArrSize_:1))
      } else { ; resolve structure
		If (A_PtrSize=8) ; align current offset
        _offset_ += sizeof(_defobj_?_defobj_:%_ArrType_%) * (_ArrSize_?_ArrSize_:1) ; %Array1% will resolve to global variable
    ; It's a union or struct, check if new member is higher then previous members
    If (_uix_:=_union_.MaxIndex())
          _union_size_[_uix_]:=(_offset_ - _union_[_uix_]>_union_size_[_uix_])
                                            ?(_offset_ - _union_[_uix_]):_union_size_[_uix_]

    ; It's a union and not struct
    If (_uix_ && !_struct_[_struct_.MaxIndex()])

    ; Check for ENDING union and reset offset and union helpers
    While (SubStr(_LF_BKP_,0)="}"){
      If !(_uix_:=_union_.MaxIndex()){
        MsgBox,0, Incorrect structure, missing opening braket {`nProgram will exit now `n%_TYPE_%
      _offset_:=_union_[_uix_] ; reset offset because we left a union or structure
      ; Increase total size of union/structure if necessary
      _total_union_size_ := _union_size_[_uix_]>_total_union_size_?_union_size_[_uix_]:_total_union_size_
      ,_union_.Remove() ,_struct_.Remove() ,_union_size_.Remove() ; remove latest items
      If !_union_.MaxIndex(){ ; leaving top union, add offset
  Return _offset_
Posts: 1769
Joined: 12 Aug 2014, 12:37

Re: Embedding files in a compiled script and using them without extracting them

06 Aug 2023, 04:59

It is code for ahk v1.
And if ffmpeg is x64 then ahk should be also x64.

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