Script's main title is missing path - any ideas why? Topic is solved

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Script's main title is missing path - any ideas why?

02 Nov 2023, 04:31

Hi all,

At the help says that at least somewhere in the script's main title there should be the value of A_ScriptFullPath by default.

I now have a script that seems to have just the name of the ahk file as its title by default. No path. Strangely enough, other scripts that I am running at the same time have the expected title according to help.

Do any of you readers know of some circumstance that could cause that? (Assuming that the code does not change the title on purpose.)

Thx and regards, me
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Re: Script's main title is missing path - any ideas why?

02 Nov 2023, 05:07

The link you posted is regarding the script’s “main window”, which is normally hidden and appears when you double-click on the script’s tray icon.
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Re: Script's main title is missing path - any ideas why?

02 Nov 2023, 05:11

Yes, indeed. Thx for replying. However, what are you trying to say? Do you think that the phrase "script's main title" could be referring to something else? If so, to what? My issue indeed is with the title of the script's main window.
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Re: Script's main title is missing path - any ideas why?

02 Nov 2023, 05:27

It seemed to me that you may be referring to an untitled GUI or MsgBox that is produced by your script, which by default show the script’s name (not full path).
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Re: Script's main title is missing path - any ideas why?

02 Nov 2023, 09:59

Ok, (I found out) more info:

The main goal is to reload all currently running ahk scripts.
I basically do something like this (a bit more complex and both in v1 and v2) without the timer:

Now, I found out that the one script (which I am talking about up above) actually appears twice in the WinGetList list.
One time with the expected full path in the title of its main window.
And then with a second window carrying only the ahk file name as title.

This happens when I run it with Run ... from the code.
When I run it manually via the file explorer, then the WinGetList list even has one more window extra (when checking with Script.Length) which mysteriously disappears (WinExist("ahk_id ID") is 0 all of a sudden) before I can get its title.

Could this have anything to do with the AutoHotkeyUX.exe and the launcher.ahk?
Last edited by autocart on 02 Nov 2023, 11:02, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Script's main title is missing path - any ideas why?

02 Nov 2023, 11:00

I found out the title of the initially elusive window by checking it earlier in the code:
[user folder]\AppData\Local\Programs\AutoHotkey\UX\launcher.ahk - Autohotkey v2.0.2

So this one is the launcher.
How high are the chances that the other window also has to do with it?

Is there a more robust way of how to reload all currently running scripts?
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Re: Script's main title is missing path - any ideas why?

02 Nov 2023, 11:21

If you're saying that the other window(s) have only the file name and not the full path, then it would seem that you could just close each script then run it to reload it. Something like this:

Code: Select all

DetectHiddenWindows 1
ThisScriptFullPath := '...' ; fill in path to script
WinClose ThisScriptFullPath ' ahk_class AutoHotkey'
WinWaitClose ThisScriptFullPath ' ahk_class AutoHotkey'
Run '"' ThisScriptFullPath '"'
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Re: Script's main title is missing path - any ideas why?  Topic is solved

02 Nov 2023, 11:30

Yes, but I don't want to have to keep a manually edited list like that.

Anyway, I found out the reason, now:
I had this line in the script:
Gui +LastFound
The ONLY line dealing with the Gui, so that I could do the following:
vHWnd := WinExist()
I had thought that that would refer to the script's main window, since I am not doing anything else Gui related.
Well, obviously that one simple Gui line is already creating a new window for the script in the background, which is not the script's main window, but a new window.

At least, I can now be at ease, knowing that I can ignore that extra Gui window.
And I also found out about the launcher windows on the way, which is also a good thing.

Thanks for sticking through with me, boiler. :thumbup:
Regards, me
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Re: Script's main title is missing path - any ideas why?

02 Nov 2023, 11:56

Code: Select all

#Requires AutoHotkey v2.0
#SingleInstance Force

F5::  {
   ;   Passing Command Line Parameters to a Script
   Msgbox "A_ScriptFullPath:`n" A_ScriptFullPath
   Msgbox "A_ScriptPID`n" A_.ScriptPID

   Msgbox GetProcessCreationFileTime(A_.ScriptPID)
   Msgbox "A_.CommandLine:`n" A_.CommandLine
   for args in A_.Argv
      Msgbox "A_.Argv[" A_Index "]:`n" args
   Msgbox "A_.Argc:`n" A_.Argc
   Msgbox "A_.CommandLineExecutablePath:`n" A_.CommandLineExecutablePath
   Msgbox "A_.CommandLineArguments:`n" A_.CommandLineArguments

Class A_
   static ScriptPID    {
      get  {
          static CurrentProcessId:=DllCall("Kernel32.dll\GetCurrentProcessId", "UInt")
          return Format("{:d}",CurrentProcessId)
   static CommandLine    {
      get  {
            static vCommandLine:=GetCommandLine()
            return vCommandLine
   static Argv    {
      get  {
            static vArgv:=CommandLineToArgvW(A_.CommandLine)
            return vArgv
   static Argc    {
      get  {
            static vArgc:=A_.Argv.Length
            return vArgc
   static CommandLineExecutablePath    {
      get  {
            static vCommandLineExecutablePath:=A_.Argv[1]
            return vCommandLineExecutablePath
   static CommandLineArguments    {
      get  {
            static vArguments:=RegExReplace(RegExReplace(GetCommandLine(),"s)^(?:`"\Q" A_.CommandLineExecutablePath "\E`"|\Q" A_.CommandLineExecutablePath "\E)(.*)","${1}"),"s)^ (.*)","${1}")
            return vArguments
GetCommandLine()    { ;  v1.1  v2.0
	return DllCall("Kernel32.dll\GetCommandLine", "Str")
CommandLineToArgvW(CmdLine:="")    { ;  v2.0
	if (pArgs:=DllCall("Shell32.dll\CommandLineToArgvW", "WStr",CmdLine, "Ptr*",&nArgs:=0, "Ptr"))    {
		Loop nArgs
		DllCall("Kernel32.dll\LocalFree", "Ptr",pArgs)
	return args
;   CommandLineToArgvW function (shellapi.h)

GetProcessCreationFileTime(PID)    {
   if !(hProcess:=DllCall("OpenProcess", "UInt",PROCESS_QUERY_INFORMATION+PROCESS_VM_READ, "Int",0, "UInt",dwProcessId:=PID, "Ptr"))
       return false
   DllCall("GetProcessTimes", "Ptr",hProcess, "Int64*",&lpCreationTime:=0, "Int64*",&lpExitTime:=0, "Int64*",&lpKernelTime:=0, "Int64*",&lpUserTime:=0)
   DllCall("CloseHandle", "Ptr",hProcess)
   return lpCreationTime
 This is something hastily translated from a script I was personally using in version 1.1. Please understand.
It's a partial response. It should be possible to analyze and handle the command lines of all running processes in a similar way.
AHK can be sensitive to the order of execution in certain cases, so the script may need to be rerun based on when it was originally executed.
How do I get the command line of another process?
Last edited by Seven0528 on 03 Nov 2023, 00:01, edited 2 times in total.
  • English is not my native language. Please forgive any awkward expressions.
  • 영어는 제 모국어가 아닙니다. 어색한 표현이 있어도 양해해 주세요.
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Joined: 12 May 2014, 07:42

Re: Script's main title is missing path - any ideas why?

02 Nov 2023, 12:02

Hello Seven (of Nine?),

thank you for your valuable input.
This looks interesting of another day.
Fortunately, I was able to successfully solve my issue meanwhile.

Regards, me.

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