Any advanced Autoclicker? Topic is solved

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Any advanced Autoclicker?

27 Mar 2024, 17:23


Is there any advanced AutoClicker, i.e. one that works, has many features and is customisable?

1) I need to autoclick tabkbar buttons when I hover over them but it's difficult to distinguish them and not autoclick the same which will unintentionally minimise the active window.

2) I need to autoclick clickable links on websites but exclude particular websites (I think it may also need to work with Hand cursor only).

3) I need to autoclick buttons and other web elements which seems again very difficult.

4) It would be great to autopop up when hovering over highlighted text, links, photos in Chrome etc and also to autoclick when hovering over specific entries in the popup/context menus.

Has anyone developed anything like that? The amount of Repetitive Strain Injuries so many people get from clicking mouse buttons or tapping touchpads is huge so I would really hope an AHK solution would have been developed.

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Re: Any advanced Autoclicker?  Topic is solved

29 Mar 2024, 02:22

whenever I feel these repetitive strain injuries, I use something like this:

Code: Select all

#Requires AutoHotkey v2.0
RCtrl & WheelDown::Try Click(A_TimeSincePriorHotkey > 300) ; single Click
RCtrl & WheelUp::Try Click(2 * (A_TimeSincePriorHotkey > 300)) ; double Click
(The code changes depending on my mood). Scrolling hardly harms the index finger.
I have also trained myself to use the mouse with both hands (Lbutton with the left middle finger, Rbutton with the left index finger).
(Before I became mouse-ambidextrous and knew Autohotkey, I used to operate the Lbutton on a second mouse with my left middle finger but only moved the 1st mouse.)
If you don't use a mouse but a touchpad, it's your own fault!
Most important last: Activate single-click in Windows!!

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