Clean up key release order of Alt+Tab

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Clean up key release order of Alt+Tab

Post by cfm » 17 Apr 2024, 10:32

When switching tasks with Alt+Tab in windows. How can I make sure tab is released before alt?

My issue is that I often release both Alt and Tab virtually at the same time and I might end up with a Tab-release sendt to the target window. This results in the focus shifting away from where I left it.

I have tried both supressing Alt-up and taking over Alt-Tab altogether, but I can't find a way to clean up the order of key releases. The best I've been able to do is make it beep at me every time I release Alt before Tab. :eh:

Code: Select all

~*LAlt Up::
    if(GetKeyState("Tab", "P")){
        ; SendPlay("{Tab Up}")
        SoundBeep(1760, 100) ; A6
(currently using both v1.1 and v2)

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Re: Clean up key release order of Alt+Tab

Post by rommmcek » 25 Apr 2024, 21:02


Code: Select all

#Requires AutoHotkey v2.0
#SingleInstance Force

~*LAlt Up:: {
    Hotkey "Tab", TabBlock
    SetTimer TabOff, -2000 ; for testing a large value, adjust as needed...

TabBlock(*) {

TabOff() {
    Hotkey "Tab", "Off"

Esc:: ExitApp ; for safely testing...

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