Does anyone have the v2 function to get the current URL?

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Does anyone have the v2 function to get the current URL?

Post by viv » 02 May 2022, 00:16

The V1 version has some methods
Among those that do not depend on ACC are these


Too complicated for the script kid in me

And I don't dare to bother with conversion
I just want to ask if you have any relevant functions that you use
hope to share it

Thank you very much...
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Re: Does anyone have the v2 function to get the current URL?

Post by Zach47 » 10 Mar 2024, 09:49

i am trying to find a function like that, too.
Posts: 512
Joined: 03 Dec 2018, 20:02

Re: Does anyone have the v2 function to get the current URL?

Post by william_ahk » 10 Mar 2024, 10:10

Code: Select all

#Requires AutoHotkey v2.0
F1::Msgbox GetUrl()

; Version: 2023.10.05.1

GetUrl() { ; Active Window Only
    static S_OK := 0, TreeScope_Descendants := 4, UIA_ControlTypePropertyId := 30003, UIA_DocumentControlTypeId := 50030, UIA_EditControlTypeId := 50004, UIA_ValueValuePropertyId := 30045
    hWnd := WinGetID("A")
    IUIAutomation := ComObject("{FF48DBA4-60EF-4201-AA87-54103EEF594E}", "{30CBE57D-D9D0-452A-AB13-7AC5AC4825EE}")
    eRoot := ComValue(13, 0)
    HRESULT := ComCall(6, IUIAutomation, "Ptr", hWnd, "Ptr*", eRoot)
    if (HRESULT != S_OK) {
        throw Error("IUIAutomation::ElementFromHandle()", -1, HRESULT)
    winClass := WinGetClass("A")
    ctrlTypeId := (winClass ~= "Chrome" ? UIA_DocumentControlTypeId : UIA_EditControlTypeId)
    value := Buffer(8 + 2 * A_PtrSize, 0)
    NumPut("UShort", 3, value, 0)
    NumPut("Ptr", ctrlTypeId, value, 8)
    condition := ComValue(13, 0)
    if (A_PtrSize = 8) {
        HRESULT := ComCall(23, IUIAutomation, "UInt", UIA_ControlTypePropertyId, "Ptr", value, "Ptr*", condition)
    } else {
        HRESULT := ComCall(23, IUIAutomation, "UInt", UIA_ControlTypePropertyId, "UInt64", NumGet(value, 0, "UInt64"), "UInt64", NumGet(value, 8, "UInt64"), "Ptr*", condition)
    if (HRESULT != S_OK) {
        throw Error("IUIAutomation::CreatePropertyCondition()", -1, HRESULT)
    eFirst := ComValue(13, 0)
    HRESULT := ComCall(5, eRoot, "UInt", TreeScope_Descendants, "Ptr", condition, "Ptr*", eFirst)
    if (HRESULT != S_OK) {
        throw Error("IUIAutomationElement::GetRootElement()", -1, HRESULT)
    propertyValue := Buffer(8 + 2 * A_PtrSize)
    HRESULT := ComCall(10, eFirst, "UInt", UIA_ValueValuePropertyId, "Ptr", propertyValue)
    if (HRESULT != S_OK) {
        throw Error("IUIAutomationElement::GetCurrentPropertyValue()", -1, HRESULT)
    try {
        pProperty := NumGet(propertyValue, 8, "Ptr")
        return StrGet(pProperty, "UTF-16")
My man's got everything on this page:
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