How can I set the focus in my GUI on a specific button after a submit? Topic is solved

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How can I set the focus in my GUI on a specific button after a submit?

Post by Rosto » 24 Apr 2023, 08:03

I have a GUI (MoveM) with some buttons on it to move other windows on my screen.

After clicking on a button:

Code: Select all


; the WinMove(....) code

Everything works fine except that the last clicked button Focus is not updated

How can I set the focus in my GUI on a specific button after a submit() ?

e.g. my last clicked button is "H_L_12"
How can I set the focus on button "H_L_12"?

I tried this without success:

Code: Select all

ControlFocus("H_L_12", MoveM)
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Re: How can I set the focus in my GUI on a specific button after a submit?

Post by Rosto » 24 Apr 2023, 08:13

I tried this also without success.

Code: Select all

Still the same error:
This variable appears to never be assigned a value
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Re: How can I set the focus in my GUI on a specific button after a submit?

Post by mikeyww » 24 Apr 2023, 08:26

Code: Select all

#Requires AutoHotkey v2.0
MoveM := Gui(, 'Buttons')
b1    := MoveM.AddButton('w230 Default', 1), b1.OnEvent('Click', btn_Click)
b2    := MoveM.AddButton('wp'          , 2), b2.OnEvent('Click', btn_Click)
b3    := MoveM.AddButton('wp'          , 3), b3.OnEvent('Click', btn_Click)

btn_Click(btn, info) {
 MsgBox btn.Text, 'You pressed', 64
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Re: How can I set the focus in my GUI on a specific button after a submit?

Post by Rosto » 24 Apr 2023, 08:47

mikeyww wrote:
24 Apr 2023, 08:26

Code: Select all

#Requires AutoHotkey v2.0
MoveM := Gui(, 'Buttons')
b1    := MoveM.AddButton('w230 Default', 1), b1.OnEvent('Click', btn_Click)
b2    := MoveM.AddButton('wp'          , 2), b2.OnEvent('Click', btn_Click)
b3    := MoveM.AddButton('wp'          , 3), b3.OnEvent('Click', btn_Click)

btn_Click(btn, info) {
 MsgBox btn.Text, 'You pressed', 64
Thank you for your answer.
I create my GUI dynamically.
This is a part of my code:

Code: Select all

    for j, m in n {
        if j > 2
           label := StartVal . m
           default := MFocusLast = label ? "Default" : ""
           link := MoveM.Add("Button", "x+5 " . "v" . label . " " . default, m)
           link.OnEvent("Click", MoveStarter.Bind(label, "Normal"))
I read MFocusLast value from an ini file.
And when I close the GUI, MFocusLast value is written in an ini file.

I had no problems when I reload the GUI every time after clicking a button, but I decided not to reload the script every time, but minimize and restore the GUI, but MFocusLast is no longer updated every time.
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Re: How can I set the focus in my GUI on a specific button after a submit?  Topic is solved

Post by mikeyww » 24 Apr 2023, 09:13

Code: Select all

#Requires AutoHotkey v2.0
n          := [1, 2, 3, 4]
StartVal   := 'a'
MFocusLast := StartVal 3
link       := Map()
MoveM      := Gui(, 'Test'), MoveM.SetFont('s10')
MoveM.AddText('w230', 'Test')
MoveM.AddButton('wp', 'Button')
For j, m in n
 If j > 2
    label       := StartVal m
  , default     := MFocusLast = label ? 'Default' : ''
  , link[label] := MoveM.AddButton('x+5 ' default, m)
  , link[label].OnEvent('Click', MoveStarter.Bind(label, 'Normal'))

MoveStarter(label, mode, btn, info) {
 saved := MoveM.Submit(False)
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Re: How can I set the focus in my GUI on a specific button after a submit?

Post by Rosto » 24 Apr 2023, 09:49

Thank you very much.
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