line text::gWinButton:: Error: invalid hotkey? Please could someone help me?

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line text::gWinButton:: Error: invalid hotkey? Please could someone help me?

07 Dec 2023, 21:57

Hi I dont know anything about ahkhotkeys of how to make one but i was using this website called BardAi because somewhere on reddit said it does a well job at making ahk scripts of what you need

so i told the bardai i wanted this

i need an ahk script that will open a panal with a set window button, followed by a blank bar where the info of the window goes, it needs to also have a click delay, and a loop check box, as well a set position button, that has me after i click it select an area on my screen with my mouse and once i click it the coordinates bo into the blank bar near the button, i also need their to be a number of clicks with a blank bar where i type a number and it does the amount of clicks of the number the panal also needs to have start button a stop button and a reload button,

AHK Script with Panel, Set Window Button, Information Bar, Click Delay, Loop Checkbox, Set Position Button, Click Count, Start/Stop/Reload Buttons Code snippet

[Mod edit: AI-generated code removed.]

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This script will open a panel with the following features:

Set Window Button: Opens the specified window by its title.
Information Bar: Displays information about the selected window.
Click Delay: Allows setting a delay between clicks.
Loop Checkbox: Enables looping through clicks.
Set Position Button: Allows setting the click position by clicking on the screen.
Click Count: Specifies the number of clicks to perform.
Start Button: Starts the clicking process.
Stop Button: Stops the clicking process.
Reload Button: Resets the script.
Exit Button: Closes the script's panel.

But when i right clicked my desktop and selected new selected ahkhotkey script, named it, selected edit script opened notepad

pasted what i copied from the bardai

and tried to run it i got this error message

[The Error Message][1]

If someone could please help me that be great but im afraid i wont know how to fix this myself so if you could explain to me step by step what i need to type instead i can do that!

but just trying to tell me relace for example GwinButton because this command is for blank so used wthe .......

you will lose me i am not a coder or a scripter, so please do explain it to me as if coding for dummies books

with very straight forward directions of literally what i need to replace in what lines and what i need to type instead
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[Mod edit: Redundant attached image removed.]
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Re: line text::gWinButton:: Error: invalid hotkey? Please could someone help me?

07 Dec 2023, 22:11

Asking for help with AI-generated code is against the forum rules for the very reason you needed so much help with it: It produces a mess that is a waste of the forum members’ time to try to untangle.
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Joined: 29 Nov 2023, 20:41

Re: line text::gWinButton:: Error: invalid hotkey? Please could someone help me?

07 Dec 2023, 23:26

@boiler my apologize i did not read up on the forum rules i kind of on impulse created this account so i could ask this question

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