Can I consolidate code and reference a spreadsheet?

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Can I consolidate code and reference a spreadsheet?

24 Apr 2024, 03:13

I use a bit of code to run and switch to an instance of the Vivaldi web browser that presents Google Keep as an app:

Code: Select all

    #Requires AutoHotkey 2.0+
    #SingleInstance Force  
    windowTitle := 'Keep'
    program     := 'vivaldi.exe'
    SetTitleMatchMode 2 ; Matching window's case-sensitive title starts with specified WinTitle
    GroupAdd 'Keep', windowTitle ' ahk_exe ' program
    If WinExist(group := 'ahk_group Keep')
            Run 'C:\Program Files\Vivaldi\Application\vivaldi_proxy.exe --app= --w560 --h780 --custom-identifier="Keep"'
I am struggling with some elements.

1 - I want to do something similar for ChatGPT, Google Bard, BBC Radio 4 and LBC Radio.

Do I need to run separate scripts for each, or can someone help or give me pointers towards how I could possibly reference a spreadsheet of websites I want to be able to run as apps.

2 - I can't get the window sizing to work.

Any help greatly appreciated.

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