A simple date-entry tool with monthCal that shows US holidays

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A simple date-entry tool with monthCal that shows US holidays

25 Dec 2023, 11:37

This is an AHK v2 version of the v1 script here: viewtopic.php?t=118639 The v2 version was prompted by emp00 and “evolved” here: viewtopic.php?f=82&t=123895 Both versions were written mostly by Just Me.
See additional links below.

This version has a more minimalist gui for the popup month calendar, but the hotstrings work exactly the same.

FYI Several non-US holidays here: viewtopic.php?f=82&t=123895&p=552309#p552302
Information and Gif

Code: Select all

#Requires AutoHotkey v2+

; ======== DatePicker-H =========================================================
; The 'H' is for 'Holidays.'   Version: 12-19-2023.
; A simple popup calendar that has US Holidays in bold font.
; Original calendar-with-bolded-dates v1 code by PhiLho
; https://www.autohotkey.com/board/topic/13441-monthcal-setdaystate/
; IsHoliday function (v1) by TidBit.
; https://www.autohotkey.com/boards/viewtopic.php?t=77312
; The two were integrated (v1) by Just Me.
; https://www.autohotkey.com/boards/viewtopic.php?f=76&t=117399&p
; Entire code converted to AHK v2 by Just Me.  
; https://www.autohotkey.com/boards/viewtopic.php?f=82&t=123895

; ======== Directions for Use: Date HotStrings ==================================
; For today, type ";d0" (semicolon dee zero) into edit field.
; For future dates, type ";dX" where X is 1-9.
; For previous dates, type ";ddX" where X is 1-9.
; Information ToolTip shows for X seconds.  

; ======== Directions for Use: Popup Calendar ===================================
; Ctrl+Alt+Shift+D ----> Show calendar.
; Press h (while calendar is active) ----> toggle list of holidays.
; Press t (while calendar is active) ----> go to today.
; Press 1-5 (while calendar is active) ----> Show this many months.
; Double-click a date, or press Enter, to type it.
; Calendar appears placed over active window.
; Waits for window to be active again before typing date.

; ===================================================================
^Esc::ExitApp ; Ctrl+Esc to just kill the whole ding dang script.

;======== User Options ===========================================
guiTitle := "DateTool-H"         ; change title if desired 
TypeOutFormat := "M-d-yyyy"      ; preferred date format for typing date in edit field
HolidayListFormat := "MMM-dd"    ; preferred date format for popup list
ShowSingleHoliday := 1          ; show holiday when click on day (1 = yes / 0 = no)
BorderColor := "FF9966"          ; GUI background color
MonthCount := 2                  ; default number of months to display vertically
;======== Global Variables ========================================
TargetWindow := 0
MCGUI := 0
hlYear := A_YYYY
hlMonth := A_MM
HolidayList := ""
toggle := false  ; Variable to keep track of tooltip state

;=========== Hotstrings =============================================
; Warning:  The below StrReplace expects these hotstrings to have THESE names.  Edit with caution.
:?*:;dd9:: ; For entering dates.
:?*:;dd8:: ; all start with {semicolon}
:?*:;dd7:: ; ddn = in the past, n days.
:?*:;dd6:: ; dn = future by n days.
:?*:;dd1:: ; yesterday
:?*:;d0:: ; ;d0 = today
:?*:;d1:: ; tomorrow
:?*:;d2:: ; day after tomorrow
:?*:;d3:: ; etc.
{  Global nOffset := StrReplace(StrReplace(A_ThisHotkey, ":?*:;d", ""), "d", "-")
   Global DatePicked := DateAdd(A_Now, nOffset, "D") ; Puts offset into date format.
   MyDate := FormatTime(DatePicked, TypeOutFormat)
   SendInput(MyDate)   ; This types out the date.
;======= Date HotString ToolTip =======================================
{  Global nOffset
   Global DatePicked
   dateOffset := DatePicked
   vNow := SubStr(A_Now, 1, 8)
   dateOffset := DateDiff(dateOffset, vNow, "days")
   WdayArr := [6,5,4,3,2,1,0] ; Determine days until Saturday, for suffixes below.
   daysTillSat := WdayArr[A_Wday]
   fromSat := -1 * (daysTillSat - dateOffset)
   MySuffix := ""
   if (nOffset = 0)
      MySuffix := " -- Today"
   ; Use Saturday this week as a constant in determining the following suffixes.
   if (fromSat > 0)
      MySuffix := " next week"
   if (fromSat > 8)
      MySuffix := ", week after next"
   if (fromSat > 15)
      MySuffix := " in three weeks"
   if (fromSat > 22)
      MySuffix := " in four weeks"
   if (fromSat > 29)
      MySuffix := " in five weeks"
   if (fromSat > 36)
      MySuffix := " in six or more weeks"
   if (fromSat < -7)
      MySuffix := " last week"
   if (fromSat < -14)
      MySuffix := ", week before last"
   if (fromSat < -21)
      MySuffix := " three weeks ago"
   if (fromSat < -28)
      MySuffix := " four weeks ago"
   if (fromSat < -35)
      MySuffix := " five weeks ago"
   if (fromSat < -42)
      MySuffix := " six or more weeks ago"
   DatePicked := DateAdd(DatePicked, 0, "D") ; Puts it in proper date format.
   HoliTip := (isHoliday(DatePicked) != "")? isHoliday(DatePicked) . " ---> " : ""
   DayOfWeek := FormatTime(DatePicked, "dddd")
   WeekEndTip := (DayOfWeek = "Saturday") || (DayOfWeek = "Sunday")? "Weekend ---> " : ""
   If CaretGetPos(&ttx, &tty) 
      ToolTip(HoliTip "" WeekEndTip "" DayOfWeek "" MySuffix, ttx+10, tty+25, "3") ; Set location of tooltip here.
   SetTimer () => ToolTip(,,,"3"), -2500 ; Disable tooltip in this many milisecs.
   DatePicked := ""
   nOffset := ""
; ===================================================================

{ ; Hotkey is Alt+Ctrl+Shift+D
   Local X, Y, W, H
   Global MCGUI, TargetWindow
   If (MCGUI)
   If (TargetWindow := WinExist("A")) {
      WinGetPos(&X, &Y, &W, &H, TargetWindow)
   	X := X + (W * 0.30)
   	Y := Y + (H * 0.04)
      MCGUI := Gui("-MinimizeBox +LastFound +ToolWindow +Owner" TargetWindow, guiTitle)
      ;MCGUI.SetFont("s14") ; <--- optional thicker border
      MCGUI.OnEvent("Close", MCGUIClose)
      MCGUI.OnEvent("Escape", MCGUIClose)
      MCGUI.BackColor := BorderColor
      OnMessage(0x004E, WM_NOTIFY)        ; needs to be called on control creation
      MCGUI.AddMonthCal("r" MonthCount " +0x01 vMC")
      OnMessage(0x004E, WM_NOTIFY, 0)
      MCGUI["MC"].OnNotify(-747, MCN_GETDAYSTATE)
      If (ShowSingleHoliday = 1)
         MCGUI["MC"].OnEvent("Change", ShowOneHoliday)
      Set_CS_DBLCLKS(MCGUI["MC"].Hwnd)    ; needed to get WM_LBUTTONDBLCLK notifications for clicks on a MonthCal
      MCGUI.Show("x" X " y" Y)
      OnMessage(0x0203, WM_LBUTTONDBLCLK)
      OnMessage(0x0100, WM_KEYDOWN)

; ===================================================================
#HotIf WinActive(guiTitle)
h::doToggle() ; Calls function to popup list of holidays.
t::MCGUI["MC"].Value := A_Now ; Hotkey for 'Go to today.'
5::ChangeMCNumber() ; Shows this many months. (1-5)
; ===================================================================

ChangeMCNumber(*) ; Reopens calendar with specified number of months. 
{  Global MonthCount := A_ThisHotKey
   Global DefaultDate := MCGUI["MC"].Value ; Remember selected day, when changing monthcount.
; ===================================================================

IsMouseOverMC(*) {
   mX := 0, mY := 0 
   Global isOver := 0
   WinGetPos(&cX, &cY, &cW, &cH, guiTitle)
   MouseGetPos(&mX, &mY)
   IsOver := (mX > 0 and mX < cW and mY > 0 and mY < cH)? 1 : 0

{  If isHoliday(MCGUI["MC"].Value) != "" {
      If IsOver = 1
   Else tooltip(,,,"2")
; ===================================================================

doToggle(*) ; Toggles popup list of holidays.
{  global toggle
   if (toggle) 
      ToolTip(,,,"1") ; Hide the tooltip
   else HolidayNames()
   toggle := !toggle  ; Switch the toggle state
; ===================================================================

HolidayNames(*) ; Generate list of dates/names of holidays for shown months. 
{  thisDay := hlYear hlMonth "02000000"
   monIndex := 0, rStart := 0, rEnd := 0
   loop MonthCount+1 {
      While monIndex < MonthCount+1 {
         thisDay := DateAdd(thisDay, 1, "D")
         If SubStr(thisDay, 7, 2) = "01" {
         if monIndex = 1 and SubStr(thisDay, 7, 2) = "01"
            rStart := thisDay
         if monIndex = MonthCount+1 and SubStr(thisDay, 7, 2) = "01"
            rEnd := thisDay
   thisDay := rStart
   Global HolidayList := ""
   Loop DateDiff(rEnd, rStart, "Days") {
      If IsHoliday(thisDay) != "" 
         HolidayList .= FormatTime(thisDay, HolidayListFormat) "`t" IsHoliday(thisDay) "`n"
      thisDay := DateAdd(thisDay, 1, "D")
   } ToolTip(HolidayList, 275, 100, "1") ; <--- Adjust position of tooltip here.
; ===================================================================

MCGuiClose(*) {
   Global MCGUI
   MCGUI := 0
   OnMessage(0x0203, WM_LBUTTONDBLCLK, 0)
   OnMessage(0x0100, WM_KEYDOWN, 0)
   ToolTip(,,,"1") ; close H List tooltip if it's showing
   ToolTip(,,,"2") ; close one day tooltip if it's showing
   Global toggle := false 
; ===================================================================
   If (W = 0x0D) { ; VK_RETURN => ENTER key
      Return 0
; ===================================================================
   Local CtrlHwnd := 0
   MouseGetPos( , , , &CtrlHwnd, 2)
   If (CtrlHwnd = MCGUI["MC"].Hwnd) {
      Return 0
; ===================================================================
; Process the MCN_GETDAYSTATE notification
; https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/win32/controls/mcn-getdaystate
; The first notification is sent while the GuiControl is created.
; -------------------------------------------------------------------
WM_NOTIFY(W, L, *) { ; first notification
   If (NumGet(L, A_PtrSize * 2, "Int") = -747)
; -------------------------------------------------------------------
   Static OffHwnd := 0,
         OffCode := OffHwnd + (A_PtrSize * 2),
         OffYear := OffCode + A_PtrSize,
         OffMonth := OffYear + 2,
         OffCount := OffMonth + 14,
         OffArray := OffCount + A_PtrSize
   Local Year, Month, MonthCount, Addr, CurrentDate, BoldDays, I
   Year := NumGet(L + OffYear, "UShort")
   Month := NumGet(L + OffMonth, "UShort")
   MonthCount := NumGet(L + OffCount, "Int")
   Global hlYear := Year
   Global hlMonth := SubStr("0" . Month, -2) ; pad
   Addr := NumGet(L + OffArray, "UPtr")
   CurrentDate := Format("{:}{:02}01000000", Year, Month)
   Loop MonthCount {
      BoldDays := 0
      Loop DIM(CurrentDate) {
         I := A_Index - 1
         If (IsHoliday(CurrentDate) != "") {
            BoldDays |= 1 << I
         CurrentDate := DateAdd(CurrentDate, 1, "D")
      NumPut("UInt", BoldDays, Addr)
      Addr += 4
      CurrentDate := SubStr(CurrentDate, 1, 6) . "01000000"
   if (!toggle) {
      ToolTip(,,,"1")  ; Hide the tooltip
   else {
   } ; Updates tooltip when scrolling months.
   Return 1
; ===================================================================
   ; GCL_STYLE = -26, CS_DBLCLKS = 0x0008
   If (A_PtrSize = 8)
      Return DllCall("SetClassLongPtrW", "Ptr", HWND, "Int", -26, "Ptr", 0x0008)
   Return DllCall("SetClassLongW", "Ptr", HWND, "Int", -26, "Ptr", 0x0008)
; ===================================================================
DIM(Date) { ; get the number of days in the month of Date
   Date := DateAdd(SubStr(Date, 1, 6), 31, "D")
   Date := DateAdd(SubStr(Date, 1, 6), -1, "D")
   Return (SubStr(Date, 7, 2) + 0)
; ===================================================================
SendDate() {
   Local Date := FormatTime(MCGUI["MC"].Value, TypeOutFormat)
   If !WinWaitActive(TargetWindow, , 1)
   SoundBeep ; Temporary send notification.
; ===================================================================
; Name: isHoliday; Author: tidbit; Created: Thursday, June 11, 2020
IsHoliday(YYYYMMDDHHMISS := "", BusinessOnly := 0, StopAtFirst := 0) {
   Static Eastern := Map()
	; not a valid timestamp
	If !IsTime(TStamp)
		Return -1
	Local Out := "" ; return a string of all possible events today
	; grab more data than needed. safety first.
	Local Date := StrSplit(FormatTime(TStamp, "yyyy|MM|dd|MMMM|dddd"), "|")
	Date.Push(Substr(FormatTime(TStamp, "YWeek"), 5))
	Date.Push(FormatTime(TStamp, "YDay"))
	Date := {Year: Date[1], Mon: Date[2], Day: Date[3], MonN: Date[4], DayN: Date[5], DayY: Date[7], WeekY: Date[6]}
	; Leap-year
	Local IsLeap := (((Mod(Date.Year, 4) = 0) && (Mod(Date.Year, 100) != 0)) || (Mod(Date.Year, 400) = 0))
	; Easter... Amazing. Thank you, "Nature" Journal - 1876
   Local EDay, EMon
   If Eastern.Has(Date.Year) {
      EDay := Eastern[Date.Year].EDay
      EMon := Eastern[Date.Year].EMon
   Else {
      EasterSunday(Date.Year, &EMon, &EDay)
      Eastern[Date.Year] := {EDay: EDay, EMon: EMon}
	; single space delimited, strictly
	; ["month day-day dayName", "Day Text", federal/business day]
	; if "dayName" = "absolute", "month" becomes "isLeapYear", and "day-day" is a number between 1-366
	Local Dates := [["01 01", "New Year's Day", 1],
                  ["01 15-21 Monday", "Martin Luther King Jr. Day", 1],
                  ["02 14", "Valentines Day", 0],
                  ["02 15-21 Monday", "Presidents Day", 1],
                  ["02 29", "Leap Day", 0],
                  ["03 17", "St. Patrick's Day", 0],
                  ["03 14", "Pi Day", 0],
                  [ EMon " " EDay, "Easter Sunday", 0],
                  ["05 08-14 Sunday", "Mother's Day", 0],
                  ["05 25-31 Monday", "Memorial Day", 1],
                  ["0 182 absolute", "50% through the year", 0],
                  ["1 183 absolute", "50% through the year", 0],
                  ["06 19", "Juneteenth", 1],
                  ["06 15-21 Sunday", "Father's Day", 0],
                  ["07 04", "Fourth of July", 1],
                  ["09 01-07 Monday", "Labor Day", 1],
                  ["10 31", "Halloween", 0],
                  ["11 11", "Veterans Day", 1],
                  ["11 22-28 Thursday", "Thanksgiving Day", 1],
                  ["12 25", "Christmas Day", 1]] ; <-- Note double bracket ]]
	Local Stop := 0, Holiday, Stamp, Range, TTT, IsBetween
	For Day In Dates {
		If (Day[3] = 0 && BusinessOnly = 1)
		Holiday := Day[2] ; give it a nicer name
		Stamp := StrSplit(Day[1], " ")
      While Stamp.Length < 3
		Range := StrSplit(Stamp[2], "-")
      If Range.Length = 1

		If (Stamp[3] != "absolute") {
			; set a temp var to blank if a weekday wasn't specified.
			; Otherwise check if the specified day is today
			TTT := (Stamp[3] = "") ? "" : Date.DayN
			IsBetween := (Date.Day >= Range[1] && Date.Day <= Range[2])
			If (Date.Mon = Stamp[1] && IsBetween = 1 && TTT = stamp[3])
				Out .= Holiday "`n", Stop := 1
		Else {
			If (IsLeap = Stamp[1] && Date.DayY = Stamp[2])
				Out .= Holiday "`n", Stop := 1

		If (StopAtFirst = 1 && Stop = 1) ; sometimes you'll want to be a nanosecond faster.
			Return Trim(Out, "`r`n `t")
	Return Trim(Out, "`r`n `t")
; ===================================================================
EasterSunday(Year, &Month, &Day) {
   Local A, B, C, D, E, F, G, H, I, K, L, M
   Month := Day := 0
	A := Mod(Year, 19),
   B := Floor(Year / 100),
   C := Mod(Year, 100),
	D := Floor(B / 4),
   E := Mod(B, 4),
   F := Floor((B + 8) / 25),
   G := Floor((B - F + 1) / 3),
   H := Mod(((19 * A) + B - D - G + 15), 30),
   I := Floor(C / 4),
   K := Mod(C, 4),
   L := Mod((32  +(2 * E) + (2 * I) - H - K), 7),
   M := Floor((A + (11 * H) + (22 * L)) / 451),
	Month := Format("{:02}", Floor((H + L +(7 * M) + 114) / 31)),
	Day := Format("{:02}", Mod((H + L - (7 * M) + 114), 31) + 1)
; ===================================================================
ste(phen|ve) kunkel
Posts: 165
Joined: 15 Apr 2023, 12:02

Re: A simple date-entry tool with monthCal that shows US holidays

30 Dec 2023, 17:13

@kunkel321 Thanks for your efforts on compiling this gem of a script!

I would like to contribute a small improvement for calculation of movable holiday dates (month/date) before or after a fixed date with a defined negative or positive delta, e.g. "X days before" or "Y days after". More specifically, I made this for holidays based on Easter Sunday. The below concrete example is for Christian Easter movable holidays relevant e.g. for parts of Europe and it can be adjusted for other religions/holiday calculations based on other fixed dates as needed. The small EDeltaString function takes care of the correct calculation even if the delta date extends or precedes one or more months. Maybe this is helpful for somebody. Happy holidays :-) :rainbow:

Code: Select all

; ---snip1: This shows how the Dates variable definition in the function IsHoliday() needs to be adjusted---
Local Dates := [["01 01", "New Year's Day", 1], ; adjust dates and holidays as applicable for your country/region!
				[EDeltaString(Date.Year, EMon, EDay, -2), "Good Friday", 1],
				[EDeltaString(Date.Year, EMon, EDay, 0), "Easter Sunday", 1],
				[EDeltaString(Date.Year, EMon, EDay, +1), "Easter Monday", 1],
				[EDeltaString(Date.Year, EMon, EDay, +39), "Ascension Day", 1],
				[EDeltaString(Date.Year, EMon, EDay, +50), "Whit Monday", 1],
				[EDeltaString(Date.Year, EMon, EDay, +60), "Corpus Christi", 1],
				["11 01", "All Saints' Day", 1],
				["12 24", "Christmas Eve", 0],
				["12 25", "Christmas Day1", 1],
				["12 26", "Christmas Day2", 1],
				["12 31", "New Year's Eve", 0]]
; ---snip1: end---

; ---snip2: Add this small delta date calculation function to your code
; Easter Delta calculation for the month with DeltaDays e.g. -2 for "Good Friday" or +60 for "Corpus Christi"
EDeltaString(EYear, EMon, EDay, DeltaDays) ; Using AHK function DateAdd to calculate correct Delta-Date
	DeltaDate := DateAdd(EYear . EMon . EDay, DeltaDays, "Days") ; Format: YYYYMMDDHHMISS
	Return SubStr(DeltaDate, 5 , 2) . " " . SubStr(DeltaDate, 7 , 2) ; Extract MM + " " + DD from DeltaDate-String
; ---snip2: end---
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Re: A simple date-entry tool with monthCal that shows US holidays

06 Jan 2024, 09:57

@emp00 Very nice! Thanks for the addition. I tried them and they work as expected. Maybe we'll get people from other cultures/countries/religions sharing their holiday definitions too.

For what it's worth, I'm actually not religious either. I keep track of Easter though, because it's so popular here in the States.
ste(phen|ve) kunkel
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Posts: 1194
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Re: A simple date-entry tool with monthCal that shows US holidays

26 Jan 2024, 08:48

Oh man... I forgot to include Groundhog Day!!! LOL

Code: Select all

                  ["02 02", "Groundhog Day", 0],
ste(phen|ve) kunkel
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Re: A simple date-entry tool with monthCal that shows US holidays

26 Jan 2024, 15:24

@emp00 my Arbor Day definition is not working...

Code: Select all

                  ["04 23-30 Friday", "Arbor Day", 0],
What am I doing wrong???
I believe it should get plotted on April 26 this year.

EDIT: Sorry / Nevermind... I didn't realize that I had two versions of the script running.... It works as expected.
ste(phen|ve) kunkel
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Posts: 1194
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Re: A simple date-entry tool with monthCal that shows US holidays

03 Mar 2024, 14:10

Here is a version of DateTool-H with more easy-to-read ToolTips

Interestingly, @just me is the one who wrote most of the DateTool-H code (and all of the hard parts, in my opinion), and Just Me also wrote the code that allows that bigger ToolTips. (Though he credits Lexikos for the inspriation.) I merely took Class ToolTipOptions from here viewtopic.php?f=83&t=113308 and pasted it into the bottom of the DateTool code.

Thanks Just Me! :D

See code in reply after this one.
Last edited by kunkel321 on 06 Mar 2024, 08:52, edited 1 time in total.
ste(phen|ve) kunkel
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Posts: 1194
Joined: 30 Nov 2015, 21:19

Re: A simple date-entry tool with monthCal that shows US holidays

05 Mar 2024, 16:16

Hey @emp00, @tidbit, and/or @just me (or anyone), Do you guys have any good ideas for making "this year only" holiday entries?

For example, I work for a school disctrict, so I keep track of things like Spring Break.

Code: Select all

 ["04 01-05", "Spring Break", 0], ; <---------- Temp for this year only.
If falls on different dates each year though. Also there are occasional "Staff training" days that don't follow any pattern at all from year to year.

EDIT: Holy Moly I think I may have it... Note how the year now appears in
["04 01-05 2024", "Spring Break", 0],
And note the double-space, such that 2024 is after the third space within those digits.

Seems to work with Spring Break only appearing for 2024... Edit: I did more testing. The "one-year-only" setup seems to work, as long as you do the double space before the year. Basically, the part of the holiday definition that is in the first set of quotations, like "04 01-05 2024" get split up, using a space " " as the elimiter. The year needs to be the fourth "chunk,' so there has to be a double-space in front of if.

I would recommend culling out the old single-year dates after using them.

Code: Select all

#Requires AutoHotkey v2+

;======== DatePicker-H =========================================================
; The 'H' is for 'Holidays.'   Version: 12-19-2023.
; A simple popup calendar that has US Holidays in bold font.
; Original calendar-with-bolded-dates v1 code by PhiLho
; https://www.autohotkey.com/board/topic/13441-monthcal-setdaystate/
; IsHoliday function (v1) by TidBit.
; https://www.autohotkey.com/boards/viewtopic.php?t=77312

; The two were integrated (v1) by Just Me.
; https://www.autohotkey.com/boards/viewtopic.php?f=76&t=117399&p
; Entire code converted to AHK v2 by Just Me.  
; https://www.autohotkey.com/boards/viewtopic.php?f=82&t=123895

;======== Directions for Use: Date HotStrings===================================
; For today, type ";d0" (semicolon dee zero) into edit field.
; For future dates, type ";dX" where X is 1-9.
; For previous dates, type ";ddX" where X is 1-9.
; Information ToolTip shows for X seconds.  

;======== Directions for Use: Popup Calendar ===================================
; Alt+Shift+D ----> Show calendar.
; Press h (while calendar is active) ----> toggle list of holidays.
; Press t (while calendar is active) ----> go to today.
; Press 1-5 (while calendar is active) ----> Show this many months.
; Double-click a date, or press Enter, to type it.
; Calendar appears placed over active window.
; Waits for window to be active again before typing date.

;======== Calendar User Options ===========================================
guiTitle := "DateTool-H"         ; change title if desired 
TypeOutFormat := "M-d-yyyy"      ; preferred date format for typing date in edit field
HolidayListFormat := "MMM-dd"    ; preferred date format for popup list
ShowSingleHoliday := 1          ; show holiday when click on day (1 = yes / 0 = no)
BorderColor := "FF9966"          ; GUI background color
MonthCount := 2                  ; default number of months to display vertically

;======== ToolTip User Options ===========================================
ToolTipOptions.SetFont("s14", "Calibri")
ToolTipOptions.SetMargins(5,5,5,5) ; Left, Top, Right, Bottom
;ToolTipOptions.SetColors("0xFFFFF0", "0x800000")
ToolTipOptions.SetColors(BorderColor, "Default")

;======== Global Variables ========================================
TargetWindow := 0
MCGUI := 0
hlYear := A_YYYY
hlMonth := A_MM
HolidayList := ""
toggle := false  ; Variable to keep track of tooltip state

;=========== Hotstrings =============================================
; Warning:  The below StrReplace expects these hotstrings to have THESE names.  Edit with caution.
:?*:;dd9:: ; For entering dates.
:?*:;dd8:: ; all start with {semicolon}
:?*:;dd7:: ; ddn = in the past, n days.
:?*:;dd6:: ; dn = future by n days.
:?*:;dd1:: ; yesterday
:?*:;d0:: ; ;d0 = today
:?*:;d1:: ; tomorrow
:?*:;d2:: ; day after tomorrow
:?*:;d3:: ; etc.
{  Global nOffset := StrReplace(StrReplace(A_ThisHotkey, ":?*:;d", ""), "d", "-")
   Global DatePicked := DateAdd(A_Now, nOffset, "D") ; Puts offset into date format.
   MyDate := FormatTime(DatePicked, TypeOutFormat)
   SendInput(MyDate)   ; This types out the date.
;======= Date HotString ToolTip =======================================
{  Global nOffset
   Global DatePicked
   dateOffset := DatePicked
   vNow := SubStr(A_Now, 1, 8)
   dateOffset := DateDiff(dateOffset, vNow, "days")
   WdayArr := [6,5,4,3,2,1,0] ; Determine days until Saturday, for suffixes below.
   daysTillSat := WdayArr[A_Wday]
   fromSat := -1 * (daysTillSat - dateOffset)
   MySuffix := ""
   if (nOffset = 0)
      MySuffix := " -- Today"
   ; Use Saturday this week as a constant in determining the following suffixes.
   if (fromSat > 0)
      MySuffix := " next week"
   if (fromSat > 8)
      MySuffix := ", week after next"
   if (fromSat < -7)
      MySuffix := " last week"
   if (fromSat < -14)
      MySuffix := ", week before last"
   DatePicked := DateAdd(DatePicked, 0, "D") ; Puts it in proper date format.
   HoliTip := (isHoliday(DatePicked) != "")? isHoliday(DatePicked) . " ---> " : ""
   DayOfWeek := FormatTime(DatePicked, "dddd")
   WeekEndTip := (DayOfWeek = "Saturday") || (DayOfWeek = "Sunday")? "Weekend ---> " : ""
   If CaretGetPos(&ttx, &tty) 
      ToolTip(HoliTip "" WeekEndTip "" DayOfWeek "" MySuffix, ttx+10, tty+25, "3") ; Set location of tooltip here.
   SetTimer () => ToolTip(,,,"3"), -2500 ; Disable tooltip in this many milisecs.
   DatePicked := ""
   nOffset := ""
; ===================================================================

{ ; Hotkey is Alt+Shift+D
   Local X, Y, W, H
   Global MCGUI, TargetWindow
   If (MCGUI)
   If (TargetWindow := WinExist("A")) {
      WinGetPos(&X, &Y, &W, &H, TargetWindow)
   	X := X + (W * 0.30)
   	Y := Y + (H * 0.04)
      MCGUI := Gui("-MinimizeBox +LastFound +ToolWindow +Owner" TargetWindow, guiTitle)
      ;MCGUI.SetFont("s14") ; <--- optional thicker border
      MCGUI.OnEvent("Close", MCGUIClose)
      MCGUI.OnEvent("Escape", MCGUIClose)
      MCGUI.BackColor := BorderColor
      OnMessage(0x004E, WM_NOTIFY)        ; needs to be called on control creation
      MCGUI.AddMonthCal("r" MonthCount " +0x01 vMC")
      OnMessage(0x004E, WM_NOTIFY, 0)
      MCGUI["MC"].OnNotify(-747, MCN_GETDAYSTATE)
      If (ShowSingleHoliday = 1)
         MCGUI["MC"].OnEvent("Change", ShowOneHoliday)
      Set_CS_DBLCLKS(MCGUI["MC"].Hwnd)    ; needed to get WM_LBUTTONDBLCLK notifications for clicks on a MonthCal
      MCGUI.Show("x" X " y" Y)
      OnMessage(0x0203, WM_LBUTTONDBLCLK)
      OnMessage(0x0100, WM_KEYDOWN)

; ===================================================================
#HotIf WinActive(guiTitle)
h::doToggle() ; Calls function to popup list of holidays.
t::MCGUI["MC"].Value := A_Now ; Hotkey for 'Go to today.'
5::ChangeMCNumber() ; Shows this many months. (1-5)
; ===================================================================

ChangeMCNumber(*) ; Reopens calendar with specified number of months. 
{  Global MonthCount := A_ThisHotKey
   Global DefaultDate := MCGUI["MC"].Value ; Remember selected day, when changing monthcount.
; ===================================================================

IsMouseOverMC(*) {
   mX := 0, mY := 0 
   Global isOver := 0
   WinGetPos(&cX, &cY, &cW, &cH, guiTitle)
   MouseGetPos(&mX, &mY)
   IsOver := (mX > 0 and mX < cW and mY > 0 and mY < cH)? 1 : 0

{  If isHoliday(MCGUI["MC"].Value) != "" {
      If IsOver = 1
      Else tooltip(isHoliday(MCGUI["MC"].Value),60,-10,"2")
   Else tooltip(,,,"2")
; ===================================================================

doToggle(*) ; Toggles popup list of holidays.
{  global toggle
   if (toggle) 
      ToolTip(,,,"1") ; Hide the tooltip
   else HolidayNames()
   toggle := !toggle  ; Switch the toggle state
; ===================================================================

HolidayNames(*) ; Generate list of dates/names of holidays for shown months. 
{  thisDay := hlYear hlMonth "02000000"
   monIndex := 0, rStart := 0, rEnd := 0
   loop MonthCount+1 {
      While monIndex < MonthCount+1 {
         thisDay := DateAdd(thisDay, 1, "D")
         If SubStr(thisDay, 7, 2) = "01" {
         if monIndex = 1 and SubStr(thisDay, 7, 2) = "01"
            rStart := thisDay
         if monIndex = MonthCount+1 and SubStr(thisDay, 7, 2) = "01"
            rEnd := thisDay
   thisDay := rStart
   Global HolidayList := ""
   Loop DateDiff(rEnd, rStart, "Days") {
      If IsHoliday(thisDay) != "" 
         HolidayList .= FormatTime(thisDay, HolidayListFormat) "`t" IsHoliday(thisDay) "`n"
      thisDay := DateAdd(thisDay, 1, "D")
   } ToolTip(HolidayList, 275, 100, "1") ; <--- Adjust position of tooltip here.
; ===================================================================

MCGuiClose(*) {
   Global MCGUI
   MCGUI := 0
   OnMessage(0x0203, WM_LBUTTONDBLCLK, 0)
   OnMessage(0x0100, WM_KEYDOWN, 0)
   ToolTip(,,,"1") ; close H List tooltip if it's showing
   ToolTip(,,,"2") ; close one day tooltip if it's showing
   Global toggle := false 
; ===================================================================
   If (W = 0x0D) { ; VK_RETURN => ENTER key
      Return 0
; ===================================================================
   Local CtrlHwnd := 0
   MouseGetPos( , , , &CtrlHwnd, 2)
   If (CtrlHwnd = MCGUI["MC"].Hwnd) {
      Return 0
; ===================================================================
; Process the MCN_GETDAYSTATE notification
; https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/win32/controls/mcn-getdaystate
; The first notification is sent while the GuiControl is created.
; -------------------------------------------------------------------
WM_NOTIFY(W, L, *) { ; first notification
   If (NumGet(L, A_PtrSize * 2, "Int") = -747)
; -------------------------------------------------------------------
   Static OffHwnd := 0,
         OffCode := OffHwnd + (A_PtrSize * 2),
         OffYear := OffCode + A_PtrSize,
         OffMonth := OffYear + 2,
         OffCount := OffMonth + 14,
         OffArray := OffCount + A_PtrSize
   Local Year, Month, MonthCount, Addr, CurrentDate, BoldDays, I
   Year := NumGet(L + OffYear, "UShort")
   Month := NumGet(L + OffMonth, "UShort")
   MonthCount := NumGet(L + OffCount, "Int")
   Global hlYear := Year
   Global hlMonth := SubStr("0" . Month, -2) ; pad
   Addr := NumGet(L + OffArray, "UPtr")
   CurrentDate := Format("{:}{:02}01000000", Year, Month)
   Loop MonthCount {
      BoldDays := 0
      Loop DIM(CurrentDate) {
         I := A_Index - 1
         If (IsHoliday(CurrentDate) != "") {
            BoldDays |= 1 << I
         CurrentDate := DateAdd(CurrentDate, 1, "D")
      NumPut("UInt", BoldDays, Addr)
      Addr += 4
      CurrentDate := SubStr(CurrentDate, 1, 6) . "01000000"
   if (!toggle) {
      ToolTip(,,,"1")  ; Hide the tooltip
   else {
   } ; Updates tooltip when scrolling months.
   Return 1
; ===================================================================
   ; GCL_STYLE = -26, CS_DBLCLKS = 0x0008
   If (A_PtrSize = 8)
      Return DllCall("SetClassLongPtrW", "Ptr", HWND, "Int", -26, "Ptr", 0x0008)
   Return DllCall("SetClassLongW", "Ptr", HWND, "Int", -26, "Ptr", 0x0008)
; ===================================================================
DIM(Date) { ; get the number of days in the month of Date
   Date := DateAdd(SubStr(Date, 1, 6), 31, "D")
   Date := DateAdd(SubStr(Date, 1, 6), -1, "D")
   Return (SubStr(Date, 7, 2) + 0)
; ===================================================================
SendDate() {
   Local Date := FormatTime(MCGUI["MC"].Value, TypeOutFormat)
   If !WinWaitActive(TargetWindow, , 1)
   SoundBeep ; Temporary send notification.
; ===================================================================
; Name: isHoliday; Author: tidbit; Created: Thursday, June 11, 2020
IsHoliday(YYYYMMDDHHMISS := "", BusinessOnly := 0, StopAtFirst := 0) {
   Static Eastern := Map()
	; not a valid timestamp
	If !IsTime(TStamp)
		Return -1
	Local Out := "" ; return a string of all possible events today
	; grab more data than needed. safety first.
	Local Date := StrSplit(FormatTime(TStamp, "yyyy|MM|dd|MMMM|dddd"), "|")
	Date.Push(Substr(FormatTime(TStamp, "YWeek"), 5))
	Date.Push(FormatTime(TStamp, "YDay"))
	Date := {Year: Date[1], Mon: Date[2], Day: Date[3], MonN: Date[4], DayN: Date[5], DayY: Date[7], WeekY: Date[6]}
	; Leap-year
	Local IsLeap := (((Mod(Date.Year, 4) = 0) && (Mod(Date.Year, 100) != 0)) || (Mod(Date.Year, 400) = 0))
	; Easter... Amazing. Thank you, "Nature" Journal - 1876
   Local EDay, EMon
   If Eastern.Has(Date.Year) {
      EDay := Eastern[Date.Year].EDay
      EMon := Eastern[Date.Year].EMon
   Else {
      EasterSunday(Date.Year, &EMon, &EDay)
      Eastern[Date.Year] := {EDay: EDay, EMon: EMon}
	; single space delimited, strictly
	; ["month day-day dayName", "Day Text", federal/business day]
	; if "dayName" = "absolute", "month" becomes "isLeapYear", and "day-day" is a number between 1-366
	Local Dates := [["01 01", "New Year's Day", 1],   ; <-- Note double [[ bracket
                  ["01 15-21 Monday", "Martin Luther King Jr. Day", 1],
                  ["02 02", "Groundhog Day", 0],
                  ["02 14", "Valentines Day", 0],
                  ["02 15-21 Monday", "Presidents Day", 1],
                  ["02 29", "Leap Day", 0],
                  ["03 17", "St. Patrick's Day", 0],
                  ["03 14", "Pi Day", 0],
                  ["03 14  2025", "Lunar Eclipse", 0], ; <---------- Temp for one year only.
                  ["04 01-05  2024", "Spring Break", 0], ; <---------- Temp for one year only.
                  [ EMon " " EDay, "Easter", 0], ; "Zombie Day," for the cynical. 
                  ["04 23-30 Friday", "Arbor Day", 0],
                  ["05 01", "May Day", 0],
                  ["05 08-14 Sunday", "Mother's Day", 0],
                  ["05 25-31 Monday", "Memorial Day", 1],
                  ["0 182 absolute", "50% through the year", 0],
                  ["1 183 absolute", "50% through the year", 0],
                  ["06 19", "Juneteenth", 1],
                  ["06 15-21 Sunday", "Father's Day", 0],
                  ["07 04", "Independence Day", 1],
                  ["09 01-07 Monday", "Labor Day", 1],
                  ["10 08-15 Monday", "Indigenous Peoples Day", 0],
                  ["10 31", "Halloween", 0],
                  ["11 11", "Veterans Day", 1],
                  ["11 22-28 Thursday", "Thanksgiving Day", 1],
                  ["12 25", "Christmas Day", 1]] ; <-- Note double bracket ]]
	Local Stop := 0, Holiday, Stamp, Range, TTT, TTY := "", IsBetween
	For Day In Dates {
		If (Day[3] = 0 && BusinessOnly = 1)
		Holiday := Day[2] ; give it a nicer name
		Stamp := StrSplit(Day[1], " ")

      If Stamp.Length = 4
         TTY := Stamp[4]
         TTY := Date.Year

      While Stamp.Length < 3
		Range := StrSplit(Stamp[2], "-")
      If Range.Length = 1

		If (Stamp[3] != "absolute") {
			; set a temp var to blank if a weekday wasn't specified.
			; Otherwise check if the specified day is today
			TTT := (Stamp[3] = "") ? "" : Date.DayN
			IsBetween := (Date.Day >= Range[1] && Date.Day <= Range[2])
			If (Date.Mon = Stamp[1] && IsBetween = 1 && TTT = stamp[3] && TTY = Date.Year)
				Out .= Holiday "`n", Stop := 1
		Else {
			If (IsLeap = Stamp[1] && Date.DayY = Stamp[2])
				Out .= Holiday "`n", Stop := 1

		If (StopAtFirst = 1 && Stop = 1) ; sometimes you'll want to be a nanosecond faster.
			Return Trim(Out, "`r`n `t")
	Return Trim(Out, "`r`n `t")
; ===================================================================
EasterSunday(Year, &Month, &Day) {
   Local A, B, C, D, E, F, G, H, I, K, L, M
   Month := Day := 0
	A := Mod(Year, 19),
   B := Floor(Year / 100),
   C := Mod(Year, 100),
	D := Floor(B / 4),
   E := Mod(B, 4),
   F := Floor((B + 8) / 25),
   G := Floor((B - F + 1) / 3),
   H := Mod(((19 * A) + B - D - G + 15), 30),
   I := Floor(C / 4),
   K := Mod(C, 4),
   L := Mod((32  +(2 * E) + (2 * I) - H - K), 7),
   M := Floor((A + (11 * H) + (22 * L)) / 451),
	Month := Format("{:02}", Floor((H + L +(7 * M) + 114) / 31)),
	Day := Format("{:02}", Mod((H + L - (7 * M) + 114), 31) + 1)
; ===================================================================

; Below is another tool...  Also made by by Just Me !!! :)
; ========== Class ToolTipOptions - 2023-09-10 ==================
; https://www.autohotkey.com/boards/viewtopic.php?f=83&t=113308
; ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
; ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
;ToolTipOptions.SetFont("s14", "Calibri")
;ToolTipOptions.SetMargins(5,5,5,5) ; Left, Top, Right, Bottom
;ToolTipOptions.SetTitle("Title" , 4)
;ToolTipOptions.SetColors("Default", "Default")
;ToolTipOptions.SetColors("0xFFFFF0", "0x800000")
;ToolTip("Hello world!")
; ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

; ======================================================================================================================
; ToolTipOptions        -  additional options for ToolTips
; Tooltip control       -> https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/win32/controls/tooltip-control-reference
; TTM_SETMARGIN         = 1050
; TTM_SETTITLEW         = 1057
; WM_SETFONT            = 0x30
; SetClassLong()        -> https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/win32/api/winuser/nf-winuser-setclasslongw
; ======================================================================================================================
Class ToolTipOptions {
   ; -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
   Static HTT := DllCall("User32.dll\CreateWindowEx", "UInt", 8, "Str", "tooltips_class32", "Ptr", 0, "UInt", 3
                       , "Int", 0, "Int", 0, "Int", 0, "Int", 0, "Ptr", A_ScriptHwnd, "Ptr", 0, "Ptr", 0, "Ptr", 0)
   Static SWP := CallbackCreate(ObjBindMethod(ToolTipOptions, "_WNDPROC_"), , 4) ; subclass window proc
   Static OWP := 0                                                               ; original window proc
   Static ToolTips := Map()
   ; -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
   Static BkgColor := ""
   Static TktColor := ""
   Static Icon := ""
   Static Title := ""
   Static HFONT := 0
   Static Margins := ""
   ; -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
   Static Call(*) => False ; do not create instances
   ; -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
   ; Init()          -  Initialize some class variables and subclass the tooltip control.
   ; -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
   Static Init() {
      If (This.OWP = 0) {
         This.BkgColor := ""
         This.TktColor := ""
         This.Icon := ""
         This.Title := ""
         This.Margins := ""
         If (A_PtrSize = 8)
            This.OWP := DllCall("User32.dll\SetClassLongPtr", "Ptr", This.HTT, "Int", -24, "Ptr", This.SWP, "UPtr")
            This.OWP := DllCall("User32.dll\SetClassLongW", "Ptr", This.HTT, "Int", -24, "Int", This.SWP, "UInt")
         OnExit(ToolTipOptions._EXIT_, -1)
         Return This.OWP
         Return False
   ; -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
   ;  Reset()        -  Close all existing tooltips, delete the font object, and remove the tooltip's subclass.
   ; -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
   Static Reset() {
      If (This.OWP != 0) {
         For HWND In This.ToolTips.Clone()
            DllCall("DestroyWindow", "Ptr", HWND)
         If This.HFONT
            DllCall("DeleteObject", "Ptr", This.HFONT)
         This.HFONT := 0
         If (A_PtrSize = 8)
            DllCall("User32.dll\SetClassLongPtr", "Ptr", This.HTT, "Int", -24, "Ptr", This.OWP, "UPtr")
            DllCall("User32.dll\SetClassLongW", "Ptr", This.HTT, "Int", -24, "Int", This.OWP, "UInt")
         This.OWP := 0
         Return True
         Return False
   ; -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
   ; SetColors()     -  Set or remove the text and/or the background color for the tooltip.
   ; Parameters:
   ;     BkgColor    -  color value like used in Gui, Color, ...
   ;     TxtColor    -  see above.
   ; -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
   Static SetColors(BkgColor := "", TxtColor := "") {
      This.BkgColor := BkgColor = "" ? "" : BGR(BkgColor)
      This.TxtColor := TxtColor = "" ? "" : BGR(TxtColor)
      BGR(Color, Default := "") { ; converts colors to BGR
         ; HTML Colors (BGR)
         Static HTML := {AQUA:   0xFFFF00, BLACK: 0x000000, BLUE:   0xFF0000, FUCHSIA: 0xFF00FF, GRAY:  0x808080,
                         GREEN:  0x008000, LIME:  0x00FF00, MAROON: 0x000080, NAVY:    0x800000, OLIVE: 0x008080,
                         PURPLE: 0x800080, RED:   0x0000FF, SILVER: 0xC0C0C0, TEAL:    0x808000, WHITE: 0xFFFFFF,
                         YELLOW: 0x00FFFF}
         If IsInteger(Color)
            Return ((Color >> 16) & 0xFF) | (Color & 0x00FF00) | ((Color & 0xFF) << 16)
         Return HTML.HasProp(Color) ? HTML.%Color% : Default
   ; -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
   ; SetFont()       -  Set or remove the font used by the tooltip.
   ; Parameters:
   ;     FntOpts     -  font options like Gui.SetFont(Options, ...)
   ;     FntName     -  font name like Gui.SetFont(..., Name)
   ; -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
   Static SetFont(FntOpts := "", FntName := "") {
      Static HDEF := DllCall("GetStockObject", "Int", 17, "UPtr") ; DEFAULT_GUI_FONT
      Static LOGFONTW := 0
      If (FntOpts = "") && (FntName = "") {
         If This.HFONT
            DllCall("DeleteObject", "Ptr", This.HFONT)
         This.HFONT := 0
         LOGFONTW := 0
      Else {
         If (LOGFONTW = 0) {
            LOGFONTW := Buffer(92, 0)
            DllCall("GetObject", "Ptr", HDEF, "Int", 92, "Ptr", LOGFONTW)
         HDC := DllCall("GetDC", "Ptr", 0, "UPtr")
         LOGPIXELSY := DllCall("GetDeviceCaps", "Ptr", HDC, "Int", 90, "Int")
         DllCall("ReleaseDC", "Ptr", HDC, "Ptr", 0)
         If (FntOpts != "") {
            For Opt In StrSplit(RegExReplace(Trim(FntOpts), "\s+", " "), " ") {
               Switch StrUpper(Opt) {
                  Case "BOLD":      NumPut("Int", 700, LOGFONTW, 16)
                  Case "ITALIC":    NumPut("Char",  1, LOGFONTW, 20)
                  Case "UNDERLINE": NumPut("Char",  1, LOGFONTW, 21)
                  Case "STRIKE":    NumPut("Char",  1, LOGFONTW, 22)
                  Case "NORM":      NumPut("Int", 400, "Char", 0, "Char", 0, "Char", 0, LOGFONTW, 16)
                     O := StrUpper(SubStr(Opt, 1, 1))
                     V := SubStr(Opt, 2)
                     Switch O {
                        Case "C":
                           Continue ; ignore the color option
                        Case "Q":
                           If !IsInteger(V) || (Integer(V) < 0) || (Integer(V) > 5)
                              Throw ValueError("Option Q must be an integer between 0 and 5!", -1, V)
                           NumPut("Char", Integer(V), LOGFONTW, 26)
                        Case "S":
                           If !IsNumber(V) || (Number(V) < 1) || (Integer(V) > 255)
                              Throw ValueError("Option S must be a number between 1 and 255!", -1, V)
                           NumPut("Int", -Round(Integer(V + 0.5) * LOGPIXELSY / 72), LOGFONTW)
                        Case "W":
                           If !IsInteger(V) || (Integer(V) < 1) || (Integer(V) > 1000)
                              Throw ValueError("Option W must be an integer between 1 and 1000!", -1, V)
                           NumPut("Int", Integer(V), LOGFONTW, 16)
                           Throw ValueError("Invalid font option!", -1, Opt)
         NumPut("Char", 1, "Char", 4, "Char", 0, LOGFONTW, 23) ; DEFAULT_CHARSET, OUT_TT_PRECIS, CLIP_DEFAULT_PRECIS
         NumPut("Char", 0, LOGFONTW, 27) ; FF_DONTCARE
         If (FntName != "")
            StrPut(FntName, LOGFONTW.Ptr + 28, 32)
         If !(HFONT := DllCall("CreateFontIndirectW", "Ptr", LOGFONTW, "UPtr"))
            Throw OSError()
         If This.HFONT
            DllCall("DeleteObject", "Ptr", This.HFONT)
         This.HFONT := HFONT
   ; -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
   ; SetMargins()    -  Set or remove the margins used by the tooltip
   ; Parameters:
   ;     L, T, R, B  -  left, top, right, and bottom margin in pixels.
   ; -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
   Static SetMargins(L := 0, T := 0, R := 0, B := 0) {
      If ((L + T + R + B) = 0)
         This.Margins := 0
      Else {
         This.Margins := Buffer(16, 0)
         NumPut("Int", L, "Int", T, "Int", R, "Int", B, This.Margins)
   ; -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
   ; SetTitle()      -  Set or remove the title and/or the icon displayed on the tooltip.
   ; Parameters:
   ;     Title       -  string to be used as title.
   ;     Icon        -  icon to be shown in the ToolTip.
   ;                    This can be the number of a predefined icon (1 = info, 2 = warning, 3 = error
   ;                    (add 3 to display large icons on Vista+) or a HICON handle.
   ; -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
   Static SetTitle(Title := "", Icon := "") {
      Switch {
         Case (Title = "") && (Icon != ""):
            This.Icon := Icon
            This.Title := " "
         Case (Title != "") && (Icon = ""):
            This.Icon := 0
            This.Title := Title
            This.Icon := Icon
            This.Title := Title
   ; -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
   ; For internal use only!
   ; -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
   Static _WNDPROC_(hWnd, uMsg, wParam, lParam) {
      ; WNDPROC -> https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/win32/api/winuser/nc-winuser-wndproc
      Switch uMsg {
         Case 0x0411: ; TTM_TRACKACTIVATE - just handle the first message after the control has been created
            If This.ToolTips.Has(hWnd) && (This.ToolTips[hWnd] = 0) {
               If (This.BkgColor != "")
                  SendMessage(1043, This.BkgColor, 0, hWnd)                ; TTM_SETTIPBKCOLOR
               If (This.TxtColor != "")
                  SendMessage(1044, This.TxtColor, 0, hWnd)                ; TTM_SETTIPTEXTCOLOR
               If This.HFONT
                  SendMessage(0x30, This.HFONT, 0, hWnd)                   ; WM_SETFONT
               If (Type(This.Margins) = "Buffer")
                  SendMessage(1050, 0, This.Margins.Ptr, hWnd)             ; TTM_SETMARGIN
               If (This.Icon != "") || (This.Title != "")
                  SendMessage(1057, This.Icon, StrPtr(This.Title), hWnd)   ; TTM_SETTITLE
               This.ToolTips[hWnd] := 1
         Case 0x0001: ; WM_CREATE
            DllCall("UxTheme.dll\SetWindowTheme", "Ptr", hWnd, "Ptr", 0, "Ptr", StrPtr(""))
            This.ToolTips[hWnd] := 0
         Case 0x0002: ; WM_DESTROY
      Return DllCall(This.OWP, "Ptr", hWnd, "UInt", uMsg, "Ptr", wParam, "Ptr", lParam, "UInt")
   ; -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
   Static _EXIT_(*) {
      If (ToolTipOptions.OWP != 0)
EDIT 3-19-2024: Fyi here are a few single-year items, for those who are interested:

Code: Select all

                  ["06 20  2024", "Summer Solstice", 0], ; <---------- Temp for one year only.
                  ["09 22  2024", "Autumn Equinox", 0], ; <---------- Temp for one year only.
                  ["12 21  2024", "Winter Solstice", 0], ; <---------- Temp for one year only.
                  ["03 20  2025", "Spring Equinox", 0], ; <---------- Temp for one year only.
                  ["06 20  2025", "Summer Solstice", 0], ; <---------- Temp for one year only.
                  ["09 22  2025", "Autumn Equinox", 0], ; <---------- Temp for one year only.
                  ["12 21  2025", "Winter Solstice", 0], ; <---------- Temp for one year only.
                  ["03 20  2026", "Spring Equinox", 0], ; <---------- Temp for one year only.
                  ["06 21  2026", "Summer Solstice", 0], ; <---------- Temp for one year only.
                  ["09 22  2026", "Autumn Equinox", 0], ; <---------- Temp for one year only.
                  ["12 21  2026", "Winter Solstice", 0], ; <---------- Temp for one year only.
ste(phen|ve) kunkel

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