simple no-cost json storage API

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simple no-cost json storage API

13 Feb 2024, 02:12

warning: insecure. dont store sens data.
There was a simple no cost json from this github called anon storage, I believe.
I found this in its stead in the pull requests. I use it for testing non-commercial api data and for basic tasks between computers like sharing a local path.

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; docs

if A_LineFile = A_ScriptFullPath && !A_IsCompiled

    ; Example usage:
    PantryAPI.PantryID := "YOUR_PANTRY_ID" ; Set your Pantry ID (akin to api key)
    PantryAPI.BasketName := "YOUR_BASKET_NAME" ; Set your Basket Name (akin to repo name)
    MsgBox PantryAPI.NewBasket()
    ; Get basket contents
    MsgBox PantryAPI.GetBasket()
    ; Update basket contents
    NewData := '{"newKey": "newValue"}'
    MsgBox PantryAPI.UpdateBasket(NewData)
    ; Delete basket
    MsgBox PantryAPI.DeleteBasket()

class PantryAPI {
    static PantryID := "" ; Your Pantry ID here
    static BasketName := "" ; Your Basket Name here
    static BaseURL := ""
    static basket :=  "/basket/"
    static Headers := Map("Content-Type", "application/json")
    static NewBasket() 
        Response := this.SendRequest("POST", "")
        return Response
    ; Method to update the contents of a basket
    static UpdateBasket(newData) {
        Url := this.BaseURL
        Response := this.SendRequest("PUT", newData)
        return Response

    ; Method to get the contents of a basket
    static GetBasket() {
        Url := this.BaseURL
        Response := this.SendRequest("GET")
        return Response

    ; Method to delete a basket
    static DeleteBasket() {
        Url := this.BaseURL
        Response := this.SendRequest("DELETE")
        return Response

    ; Helper method to send an HTTP request
    static SendRequest(Method, Data := "") {
        HttpRequest := ComObject("WinHttp.WinHttpRequest.5.1")
        HttpRequest.Open(Method, PantryAPI.BaseURL . PantryAPI.PantryID . PantryAPI.basket . PantryAPI.BasketName, false)
        for Header, Value in PantryAPI.Headers
            HttpRequest.SetRequestHeader(Header, Value)
        if (Data != "")
        return HttpRequest.ResponseText

Last edited by sashaatx on 29 Feb 2024, 18:12, edited 5 times in total.
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Re: simple no-cost json storage API

22 Feb 2024, 01:26

Looks really good. But seems to auto-delete data after inactivity. Use only for prototyping I suppose.

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