Simple Default Printer Viewer/Changer

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Simple Default Printer Viewer/Changer

14 May 2024, 17:26

This is nothing groundbreaking. It's just a simple gui to list your installed printers as a radio group. The one that is selected by default is the current Default Printer. Select another and press the button to Change Default. Select a printer and right-click for the context menu of additional options. Note: Not all options will apply to every printer.

This is an "AHK v2 version" of the one here.


Hotkey is Alt+Shift+P

Code: Select all

#Requires AutoHotkey v2+
;   Get/Set my default printer.  Updated: 5-14-2024
; A tool to allow user to check and/or change default printer.
; By Kunkel321 with help from Garry, Boiler, RussF

+!p:: ; Shift+Alt+P
{	TraySetIcon("shell32.dll","107") ; Icon of a printer with a green checkmark.

	guiColor := "F0F8FF" ; "F0F8FF" is light blue
	pfontColor := "003366" ; "003366" is dark blue
	Global df := ""

	; ===== Get default printer name. ======
	defaultPrinter := RegRead("HKCU\Software\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\Windows", "Device")

	; ==== Get list of installed printers ======
	Global printerlist := ""
	Loop Reg, "HKCU\Software\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\devices"
		printerlist := printerlist . "" . A_loopRegName . "`n"
	printerlist := SubStr(printerlist, 1, strlen(printerlist) - 2)

	df := Gui()
	df.Title := "Default Printer Changer"
	df.OnEvent("Close", ButtonCancel)
	df.OnEvent("Escape", ButtonCancel)
	df.BackColor := guiColor
	df.SetFont("s12 bold c" . pFontColor)
	df.Add("Text", , "View or Set A Default Printer ...")
	df.SetFont("s10 bold c" . pFontColor)
	df.Add("Text","y+3" , "Select one and right-click for more options.")
	Loop Parse, printerlist, "`n"
		If InStr(defaultPrinter, A_LoopField)
			df.AddRadio("checked vRadio" . a_index, a_loopfield)
			df.AddRadio("vRadio" . a_index, a_loopfield)
	df.AddButton("default", "Set Printer").OnEvent("Click", ButtonSet)
	df.AddButton("x+4", "Queue").OnEvent("Click", ButtonQue)
	df.AddButton("x+4", "Ctrl Panel").OnEvent("Click", ButtonCtrlPanel)
	df.AddButton("x+4", "Cancel").OnEvent("Click", ButtonCancel)
	df.OnEvent("ContextMenu", PrinterToolMenu) ; Detect right-click on form.

; Gets called when user right-clicks on maing df form. 
{	Switches := " ; Find more potential switches at "help this message" menu item. 
	( ; Make sure the switch is on the left, description on the right, space between.
	/e display printing preferences
	/ge enum per machine printer connections
	/k print test page to specified printer
	/o display printer queue view
	/p display printer properties
	/s display server properties
	/y set printer as the default
	/Xg get printer settings
	/? "help this message"

	dfm := Menu()
	Loop Parse, Switches, "`n"
		dfm.Add(A_Loopfield, chosenSwitch.Bind(A_Loopfield ))

chosenSwitch(mySwitch, *)
{	Loop Parse, printerlist, "`n" 
	{	thisRadioVal := df["Radio" . a_index].value
		If thisRadioVal != 0
		newDefault := a_loopfield
	mySwitch := StrSplit(mySwitch, " ")[1]
	RunWait("C:\Windows\System32\RUNDLL32.exe PRINTUI.DLL, PrintUIEntry  " mySwitch "   /n `"" newDefault "`"") 

{ Loop Parse, printerlist, "`n" {
	thisRadioVal := df["Radio" . a_index].value
	If thisRadioVal != 0
		newDefault := a_loopfield
; ==== Set new default printer =====
RunWait("C:\Windows\System32\RUNDLL32.exe PRINTUI.DLL, PrintUIEntry /y /n `"" newDefault "`"") ; sets the printer

{ viewThis := ""
	Loop Parse, printerlist, "`n" {
		thisRadioVal := df["Radio" . a_index].value
		If thisRadioVal != 0
			viewThis := a_loopfield
	; ==== View print queue for selected =====
	RunWait("rundll32 printui.dll, PrintUIEntry /o /n `"" viewThis "`"")  ;- display printer queue view

{ Run("control printers")
	printerlist := ""

{ df.Destroy()
	printerlist := ""
-This code is embedded in the AutoCorrect2 script. If you are using that, there's no point downloading this.
-The bottom item of the context menu is "Help this message." Clicking that will show a list of all the possible command line switches. You and easily change the items that appear in the menu.
-Thanks to Boiler and RussF for the help, and especially thanks to Garry, who helped me make the original v1 script. 8-)
ste(phen|ve) kunkel
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Re: Simple Default Printer Viewer/Changer

14 May 2024, 17:45

Nice! Simple and direct, from anywhere. And a custom tray icon... rarely see that. lol. Thanks!
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Re: Simple Default Printer Viewer/Changer

14 May 2024, 17:51

andymbody wrote:
14 May 2024, 17:45
Nice! Simple and direct, from anywhere. And a custom tray icon... rarely see that. lol. Thanks!
ste(phen|ve) kunkel

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