Modal Dialog Box In AutoHotkey32 2.0.14 with Masm-32 bit

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Joined: 21 Jun 2019, 08:45

Modal Dialog Box In AutoHotkey32 2.0.14 with Masm-32 bit

17 May 2024, 09:20

Using Microsoft Assembler and their disassembler makes it easy to import the opcodes into AHK.
I cut the opcode and Mnemonics from their dissassembler and pasted into an array in AHK(see script).
The Debug is needed at first to get offsets into the Masm, just paste into an empty file.
Go here for Masm:

Modal dialog box from "DialogBoxIndirectParamW" in memory.

Code: Select all

#Include MsOpCodes.ahk

;Debug := "`n"

;Windows Constants
WS_VISIBLE          := 0x10000000
WS_CHILD            := 0x40000000
WS_OVERLAPPEDWINDOW := 0x00C00000|0x00030000|0x00080000 
DS_CENTER           := 0x0800
DS_SETFONT          := 0x0040
BS_CENTER           := 0x0300
SS_CENTER           := 1  

;Win32 API Calls
WinApi := ["CreateSolidBrush","SetBkMode","SetTextColor","DestroyWindow","DialogBoxIndirectParamW","LoadIconW","SendMessageW","ExitProcess"
WinLib := ["gdi32","user32","kernel32"]
WinBuf := [],WinPtr := [],ndx := 0

;Build API Ptrs 
Loop WinApi.Length{
    WinBuf.Push Buffer(4,0)
    WinPtr.Push Hex(Swap(WinBuf[A_Index].Ptr))
    Switch A_Index{
        Case 1,2,3:
            ndx := 1
        Case 4,5,6,7:
            ndx := 2
            ndx := 3
    NumPut "ptr",DllCall("GetProcAddress","ptr",DllCall("LoadLibrary","str",WinLib[ndx],"ptr"),"astr",WinApi[A_Index],"ptr"),WinBuf[A_Index]

;Dialog Text Data
TextBuf := [],TextPtr := []
Text := ["In Memory Dialog Box AutoHotkey " A_AhkVersion,"Indirect Dialog Box Written In MS-ASM32","Times New Roman","Q u i t"]
         ;Dialog Title
         ;Static Control Text
         ;Font Name
         ;Button Text

;Build Text Sizes And Ptrs 
Loop Text.Length{
    TextBuf.Push Buffer(StrPut(Text[A_Index]),0) ;Text Buffer
    StrPut Text[A_Index],TextBuf[A_Index],"cp0"  ;Update Buffer
    TextPtr.Push Hex(TextBuf[A_Index].Size,2)    ;Text Size [1][3][5][7]
    TextPtr.Push Hex(Swap(TextBuf[A_Index].Ptr)) ;Text Ptr  [2][4][6][8]

;Dialog Memory Data
pBrush  := Buffer(4,0)  ;Brush Buffer
MemData := [Hex(Swap(512)),Hex(Swap(16,2),4),Hex(Swap(43978)),Hex(Swap(0xFF0000)),Hex(Swap(0x00FFFF)),Hex(Swap(pBrush.Ptr)),139]
           ;Dialog Memory Size  
           ;Font Size
           ;Points to DLGPROC CallBack CAAB0000=43978 Replaced With pAsm.Ptr
           ;Background Color
           ;Text Color
           ;Brush Ptr
           ;Start Main OffSet - Added to pAsm.Ptr On Call
;DLGTEMPLATE structure
DialogIO := [Hex(Swap(DS_SETFONT|DS_CENTER|WS_OVERLAPPEDWINDOW)),         ;Win Styles
             Hex(Swap(WS_EX_DLGMODALFRAME)),                              ;Win EX Styles
             Hex(Swap(2,2),4),                                            ;Control Count
             Hex(0,4),                                                    ;Left
             Hex(0,4),                                                    ;Top
             Hex(Swap(150,2),4),                                          ;Width
             Hex(Swap(100,2),4)]                                          ;Height
;DLGITEMTEMPLATE structure              
              Hex(0),                                                     ;Button EX Styles
              Hex(Swap(100,2),4),                                         ;Left
              Hex(Swap(65,2),4),                                          ;Top
              Hex(Swap(30,2),4),                                          ;Width
              Hex(Swap(20,2),4),                                          ;Height
              Hex(Swap(69,2),4),                                          ;Button Id
              Hex(Swap(WS_VISIBLE|WS_CHILD|SS_CENTER)),                   ;Static Styles
              Hex(0),                                                     ;Static EX Styles
              Hex(Swap(2,2),4),                                           ;Left
              Hex(Swap(20,2),4),                                          ;Top
              Hex(Swap(140,2),4),                                         ;Width
              Hex(Swap(9,2),4),                                           ;Height
              Hex(Swap(70,2),4)]                                          ;Static Id
;Indirect Dialog Box Written In MS-ASM32              
OpCodes := [
;Points to DLGPROC CallBack CAAB0000=43978 Replaced With pAsm.Ptr
["55",                       "push    ebp"],
["8BEC",                     "mov     ebp,esp"],
["8B450C",                   "mov     eax,[ebp+0Ch]"],
["3D10010000",               "cmp     eax,110h"],
["752D",                     "jnz     loc_0040103A"],
["68" MemData[4],            "push    " MemData[4]],
["E8C1010000",               "call    jmp_CreateSolidBrush"],
["A3" MemData[6],            "mov     " MemData[6] ",eax"],
["68047F0000",               "push    7F04h"],
["6A00",                     "push    0"],
["E8CE010000",               "call    jmp_LoadIconW"],
["50",                       "push    eax"],
["6A01",                     "push    1"],
["6880000000",               "push    80h"],
["FF7508",                   "push    dword ptr [ebp+8]"],
["E8C4010000",               "call    jmp_SendMessageW"],
["EB4B",                     "jmp     loc_00401085"],
["3D11010000",               "cmp     eax,111h"],
["7516",                     "jnz     loc_00401057"],
["837D1002",                 "cmp     dword ptr [ebp+10h],2"],
["7406",                     "jz      loc_0040104D"],
["837D1045",                 "cmp     dword ptr [ebp+10h],45h"],
["7538",                     "jnz     loc_00401085"],
["FF7508",                   "push    dword ptr [ebp+8]"],
["E895010000",               "call    jmp_DestroyWindow"],
["EB2E",                     "jmp     loc_00401085"],
["3D38010000",               "cmp     eax,138h"],
["7407",                     "jz      loc_00401065"],
["3D36010000",               "cmp     eax,136h"],
["7520",                     "jnz     loc_00401085"],
["6A01",                     "push    1"],
["FF7510",                   "push    dword ptr [ebp+10h]"],
["E86F010000",               "call    jmp_SetBkMode"],
["68" MemData[5],            "push    " MemData[3]],
["FF7510",                   "push    dword ptr [ebp+10h]"],
["E868010000",               "call    jmp_SetTextColor"],
["A1" MemData[6],            "mov     eax," MemData[4]],
["C9",                       "leave   "],
["C21000",                   "ret     10h"],
["33C0",                     "xor     eax,eax"],
["C9",                       "leave   "],
["C21000",                   "ret     10h"],
;Start Main OffSet - Added to pAsm.Ptr
["68" MemData[1],            "push    " MemData[1]],
["6A40",                     "push    40h"],
["E871010000",               "call    jmp_GlobalAlloc"],
["8BF0",                     "mov     esi,eax"],
["8BFE",                     "mov     edi,esi"],
;Setup Dialog Box
["C707"     DialogIO[1],     "mov     dword ptr [edi],"    DialogIO[1]],
["C74704"   DialogIO[2],     "mov     dword ptr [edi+4],"  DialogIO[2]],
["66C74708" DialogIO[3],     "mov     word ptr [edi+8],"   DialogIO[3]],
["66C7470A" DialogIO[4],     "mov     word ptr [edi+0Ah]"  DialogIO[4]],
["66C7470C" DialogIO[5],     "mov     word ptr [edi+0Ch]," DialogIO[5]],
["66C7470E" DialogIO[6],     "mov     word ptr [edi+0Eh]," DialogIO[6]],
["66C74710" DialogIO[7],     "mov     word ptr [edi+10h]," DialogIO[7]],
["83C716",                   "add     edi,16h"],
["6A" TextPtr[1],            "push    " TextPtr[1]],
["57",                       "push    edi"],
["6AFF",                     "push    -1"],
["68" TextPtr[2],            "push    offset " TextPtr[2]], 	
["6A01",                     "push    1"],
["6A00",                     "push    0"],
["E838010000",               "call    jmp_MultiByteToWideChar"],
["83C74E",                   "add     edi,4Eh"],
["66C707" MemData[2],        "mov     word ptr [edi]," MemData[2]],
["83C702",                   "add     edi,2"],
["6A" TextPtr[5],            "push    " TextPtr[5]],
["57",                       "push    edi"],
["6AFF",                     "push    -1"],
["68" TextPtr[6],            "push    offset " TextPtr[6]],
["6A01",                     "push    1"],
["6A00",                     "push    0"],
["E81A010000",               "call    jmp_MultiByteToWideChar"],
["83C720",                   "add     edi,20h"],
["83C703",                   "add     edi,3"],
["83E7FC",                   "and     edi,-4"],
;Setup Button Control
["C707"     ControlIO[1],    "mov     dword ptr [edi],"    ControlIO[1]],
["C74704"   ControlIO[2],    "mov     dword ptr [edi+4],"  ControlIO[2]],
["66C74708" ControlIO[3],    "mov     word ptr [edi+8],"   ControlIO[3]],
["66C7470A" ControlIO[4],    "mov     word ptr [edi+0Ah]," ControlIO[4]],
["66C7470C" ControlIO[5],    "mov     word ptr [edi+0Ch]," ControlIO[5]],
["66C7470E" ControlIO[6],    "mov     word ptr [edi+0Eh]," ControlIO[6]],
["66C74710" ControlIO[7],    "mov     word ptr [edi+10h]," ControlIO[7]],
["66C74712FFFF",             "mov     word ptr [edi+12h],0FFFFh"],
["66C747148000",             "mov     word ptr [edi+14h],80h"],
["83C716",                   "add     edi,16h"],
["6A" TextPtr[7],            "push    " TextPtr[7]],
["57",                       "push    edi"],
["6AFF",                     "push    -1"],
["68" TextPtr[8],            "push    offset " TextPtr[8]], 	
["6A01",                     "push    1"],
["6A00",                     "push    0"],
["E8C4000000",               "call    jmp_MultiByteToWideChar"],
["83C710",                   "add     edi,10h"],
["83C701",                   "add     edi,1"],
["83E7FE",                   "and     edi,-2"],
["83C702",                   "add     edi,2"],
["83C703",                   "add     edi,3"],
["83E7FC",                   "and     edi,-4"],
;Setup Static Control
["C707"     ControlIO[8],    "mov     dword ptr [edi],"    ControlIO[8]],
["C74704"   ControlIO[9],    "mov     dword ptr [edi+4],"  ControlIO[9]],
["66C74708" ControlIO[10],   "mov     word ptr [edi+8],"   ControlIO[10]],
["66C7470A" ControlIO[11],   "mov     word ptr [edi+0Ah]," ControlIO[11]],
["66C7470C" ControlIO[12],   "mov     word ptr [edi+0Ch]," ControlIO[12]],
["66C7470E" ControlIO[13],   "mov     word ptr [edi+0Eh]," ControlIO[13]],
["66C74710" ControlIO[14],   "mov     word ptr [edi+10h]," ControlIO[14]],
["66C74712FFFF",             "mov     word ptr [edi+12h],0FFFFh"],
["66C747148200",             "mov     word ptr [edi+14h],82h"],
["83C716",                   "add     edi,16h"],
["6A" TextPtr[3],            "push    " TextPtr[3]],
["57",                       "push    edi"],
["6AFF",                     "push    -1"],
["68" TextPtr[4],            "push    offset " TextPtr[4]],
["6A01",                     "push    1"],
["6A00",                     "push    0"],
["E865000000",               "call    jmp_MultiByteToWideChar"],
["83C750",                   "add     edi,50h"],
["83C701",                   "add     edi,1"],
["83E7FE",                   "and     edi,-2"],
["83C702",                   "add     edi,2"],
["6A00",                     "push    0"],
;Points to DLGPROC CallBack CAAB0000=43978 Replaced With pAsm.Ptr
["68" MemData[3],            "push    offset " MemData[3]],                               
["6A00",                     "push    0"],
["56",                       "push    esi"],
["6A00",                     "push    0"],
["E824000000",               "call    jmp_DialogBoxIndirectParamW"],
["56",                       "push    esi"],
["E83C000000",               "call    jmp_GetModuleHandleW"],
["50",                       "push    eax"],
["E82A000000",               "call    jmp_ExitProcess"],
["FF25" WinPtr[1],           "jmp     dword ptr " WinPtr[1]],
["FF25" WinPtr[2],           "jmp     dword ptr " WinPtr[2]],
["FF25" WinPtr[3],           "jmp     dword ptr " WinPtr[3]],
["FF25" WinPtr[4],           "jmp     dword ptr " WinPtr[4]],
["FF25" WinPtr[5],           "jmp     dword ptr " WinPtr[5]],
["FF25" WinPtr[6],           "jmp     dword ptr " WinPtr[6]],
["FF25" WinPtr[7],           "jmp     dword ptr " WinPtr[7]],
["FF25" WinPtr[8],           "jmp     dword ptr " WinPtr[8]],
["FF25" WinPtr[9],           "jmp     dword ptr " WinPtr[9]],
["FF25" WinPtr[10],          "jmp     dword ptr " WinPtr[10]],
["FF25" WinPtr[11],          "jmp     dword ptr " WinPtr[11]]]

;SetUp OpCodes

;Call Asm
DllCall pAsm.Ptr+MemData[MemData.Length]

Code: Select all

    Switch iSize{
        Case 4:
            Return SubStr(Format("{:04X}",val),-4)
        Case 2:
            Return SubStr(Format("{:02X}",val),-2)
        Case 8:
            Return SubStr(Format("{:08X}",val),-8)
        Case 16:
            Return SubStr(Format("{:016X}",val),-16)

    Switch iSize{
        Case 4:
            Return (((val>>24)&0x000000FF)|((val>>8)&0x0000FF00)|((val<<8)&0x00FF0000)|((val<<24)&0xFF000000))
        Case 2:
            Return (((val>>8)&0x00FF)|((val<<8)&0xFF00))
        Case 8,16:
            val := ((val<<8)&0xFF00FF00FF00FF00)|((val>>8)&0x00FF00FF00FF00FF)
            val := ((val<<16)&0xFFFF0000FFFF0000)|((val>>16)&0x0000FFFF0000FFFF)
            Return  (val<<32)|((val>>32)&0xFFFFFFFF)

;For Debug
    io := ""
    Loop (Pad-iLen)
        io .= A_Space
    Return io

    Loop OpCodes.Length{
        AsmCode .= OpCodes[A_Index][1]
            OffSet += StrLen(OpCodes[A_Index][1])//2
            A_Clipboard .= OpCodes[A_Index][1] I_Pad(StrLen(OpCodes[A_Index][1]),25) OpCodes[A_Index][2] I_Pad(StrLen(OpCodes[A_Index][2]),45) OffSet DeBug

    pAsm    := Buffer(StrLen(AsmCode)//2,0)
    AsmCode := StrReplace(AsmCode,"CAAB0000",Hex(Swap(pAsm.Ptr)))

        A_Clipboard := StrReplace(A_Clipboard,"CAAB0000",Hex(Swap(pAsm.Ptr)))
    Loop pAsm.Size
        NumPut "char","0x" SubStr(AsmCode,2*A_Index-1,2),pAsm,A_Index-1

;Global Vars
AsmCode := Debug := A_Clipboard := pAsm := "",OffSet := 0  
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Posts: 433
Joined: 16 Apr 2021, 11:18

Re: Modal Dialog Box In AutoHotkey32 2.0.14 with Masm-32 bit

17 May 2024, 11:36

Why not compile C/C++ code directly without a compiler and linker?
MCode that supports importing functions can be created using GCC or MSVC compilers and AHK linkers.

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