[Class] expect.ahk for ahkv2

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[Class] expect.ahk for ahkv2

26 May 2024, 03:24

expect.ahk is a rapid units testing class written by @Chunjee for ahkv1. It can be found here on the AHK forums and here on github. Both these have documentation and examples.

Inspired completely by Chunjee's work, I made a version for ahkv2 and have posted it here:

Code: Select all

class ExpectClass
    /*  File Info....
        - `expect` is a units testing framework. Full description and documentation in the links below.
        - `Expect for ahkv2.ahk` is for AutoHotkey v2. It's based on `expect.ahk`(as of 02-Apr-24).

        Input:     		n/a
        Output:			n/a
        Return:			n/a

    Basic data:
        Name:        	Expect for ahkv2.ahk
        AHK Version: 	AutoHotkey 2.0.2
        OS Version: 	Microsoft Windows 11 Pro
        Credits:    	@Chunjee wrote the original `expect.ahk` AHKv1 code (https://www.autohotkey.com/boards/viewtopic.php?f=6&t=95017&e=1&view=unread#unread)
                        @DaveT1 did mods & made for AHKv2.
        Topic:     		ahkv1 at https://www.autohotkey.com/boards/viewtopic.php?f=6&t=95017&e=1&view=unread#unread
                        ahkv2 at https://www.autohotkey.com/boards/viewtopic.php?f=83&t=130093

            The actual value being passed in to compare against the Expected value below.
            Type = {number|string|object}, except in Undefined(...) where it's {number|string}.
            Default = "_Missing_Parameter_".
            The value that pActual is expected to be.
            Type = {number|string|object}.
            Default = "_Missing_Parameter_".
            (optional) additional per-test free-form text.
            Type = {string}.
            Default = "".

        Further parameters are described in each method contained in this class.

    Revision History:
    vX(new or changed functionality / may not be backwards compatible).Y(minor revisons).
        v1.1 26-May-24 (public)
            * Improved some comments.
            * Renamed report() as ShortReport().
            * Renamed `param_actual` as `pActual`.
            * Renamed `param_expected` as `pExpected`.
            * Renamed `param_note` as `psNote`.
            * Renamed `param_label` as either `psTestLabel` or `psGroupLabel` per method to better
                describe its purpose.
            * Renamed `pAHKFunc` as `psAHKFunc`
            * Renamed `pNote` as `psNote`
            * Renamed `psFilepath` as `psFilepath`
            * Renamed `.lastabel` as `.LastLabel`
            * Renamed `msg1` as `sFailMessage`
            * Renamed `group(...)` as `BatchLabel(...)`.
            * Renamed `returntext` as `sReturnText`.
            * Renamed `writeResultsToFile` as `WriteResultsToFile`.
            * Renamed `fullReport` as `FullReport`.
            * Modified text in msgbox title bar to better describe what's in the msgbox.
            * Streamlined (improved?) reporting text for test failures.
            + New method AHKIsFuncs adding some AHK Is functions. See 'Is Functions' in the AHK help file.
            + Added `iResetVars` to reporting functions to optionally allow class vars to be reset in 
                mid-sequence (of tests) so that subsequent tests are reported free of previous reporting data.
            - Removed `msg` as the was message format from original expect class. Replaced with `sFailMessage`.
            - Removed `this.LastLabel` as no longer serving a purpose.
        v1.0 13-Apr-24 (internal)
            + Initial release of `Expect for ahkv2.ahk`.
            Below are a list of major changes between `expect.ahk(02-Apr-24)` and `Expect for ahkv2.ahk`, 
                excluding, unless significant, ahk v1-->v2 syntax changes.
            + Added `TestType` to use with output to identify what each test was (equal, undefined, etc).
            + Underlining of the 1-line summary added to _build1LineSummaryOfTests() so that
            + Added to report() short code to write out the 1-line summary of tests as a msgbox.
                every time the 1-line summary is asked for it will be underlined.
            + Added blank test labelling in output (`== Lable: ==`) in _logTestFail(). This 
                improves visual clarity of outputs.
            + Added a new results string in _logTestFail() with better formatting of the test results
                ready for output via msgbox and/or file.
            + Added `psNote` to the test results string in _logTestFail().
            * Renamed _buildReport() as _build1LineSummaryOfTests() to better describe its purpose.
            * Renamed _final() as _finalWriteToStdOut() to better reflect its purpose.
            * Renamed _print() as _ConvObj2String() to better describe purpose.
            * Renamed `labelVar` as `TestLabel` to better decribe its purpose.
            * Renamed test() as _test() to better reflect that it is a private method.
            * Renamed `param_msg` as `psNote` in _logTestFail() for better consistency with rest of script.
            * Changed return in true() from false to whatever was returned from test().
            * Changed return in false() from false to whatever was returned from test().
            * Changed return in undefined() from false to whatever was returned from test().
            * Changed `logObj` to `log` in WriteResultsToFile() (`logObj` relic from an earlier version?).
            * Changed(minor) output string created in _final() (or _finalWriteToStdOut()).
            - Removed the underlining of the 1-line summary from FullReport().
            - Removed code in _logTestFail() which wrongly assigned `param_msg` to `labelVar`.

    #Requires AutoHotkey 2.0-

		this.testTotal := 0
		this.failTotal := 0
		this.successTotal := 0
		this.log := []
		this.GroupLabel := ""
        this.GroupLabelActive := false
        this.iCount := 0
		this.TestLabel := ""
		this.finalTrigger := false
            ;Used in  ShortReport(), FullReport() and WriteResultsToFile() to control the final write 
            ;(of the 1-line summary) to stdOut. Is false until 1 of these methods is called, then is true.
            ;When true it prevents subsequent calls to these methods repeatedly writing the 1-line summary.

        this.TestType := ""
            ;Text to use with output to identify what each test was (equal, undefined, etc).
        iResetVars := 0
            ;Var controlling whether to 'reset' the class vars. This is used with `.ShortReport` 
            ;and `.FullReport` and works to allow reporting mid-test suite of the test results 
            ;so far, but then allows subsequent tests to be reported on their own.
            ;  = 0 (default)    false: ie., do not reset the class vars.
            ;  = 1              true: ie., reset the class vars.


    equal(pActual:="_Missing_Parameter_", pExpected:="_Missing_Parameter_", psNote:="") 
    {   ; Checks if `pActual`{number|string|object} and `pExpected`{number|string|object} inputs are equal. 
        ; The comparison is always case-sensitive.
        ; Returns {boolean} true if the values are equal, else false.

		if (A_IsCompiled) 
			return 0

        this.TestType := "equal"
		return this._test(pActual, pExpected, psNote)

	notEqual(pActual:="_Missing_Parameter_", pExpected:="_Missing_Parameter_", psNote:="") 
    {   ; Checks if `pActual`{number|string|object} and `pExpected` {number|string|object} inputs are NOT equal. 
        ; The comparison is always case-sensitive.
        ; Returns {boolean} true if the values are equal, else false.
        ; Mostly, `_test` handles the object-2-string conversion and subsequent comparison tests. 
        ; But as notEqual is the reverse, the conversion and comparison are more easily handled here.

		if (A_IsCompiled)
			return 0

		pActual := this._ConvObj2String(pActual)
		pExpected := this._ConvObj2String(pExpected)

        this.TestType := "notEqual"
		this.testTotal += 1

		if (pActual != pExpected) 
			return true
			this._logTestFail(pActual, pExpected, psNote)
			return false

	true(pActual:="_Missing_Parameter_", psNote:="") 
    {   ; checks if `pActual` {number|string} value is true.
        ; Returns {boolean} true if `pActual` is true, else false.

		if (A_IsCompiled)
			return 0

        this.TestType := "true"
        return this._test(pActual, true, psNote)

	false(pActual:="_Missing_Parameter_", psNote:="") 
    {   ; Checks if `pActual` input is false.
        ; Returns {boolean}true if the value is false, else false.

		if (A_IsCompiled)
			return 0

        this.TestType := "false"
        if (pActual == false)      ;if pActual=0 it is 'false'.
            pActual := "false"
            pExpected := "false"
        else if (pActual == true)  ;if pActual=1 it is 'true'.
            pActual := "true"
            pExpected := "false"
            pActual := pActual
            pExpected := "true"
		return this._test(pActual, pExpected, psNote)

	undefined(pActual:="_Missing_Parameter_", psNote:="") 
    {   ; Checks if `pActual` is undefined, ie is Set, but has no value so = "".
        ; Not originally stated, but assumed that this can only be for strings.
        ; Returns {boolean} true if the value is `""`, else false.

		if (A_IsCompiled)
			return 0

        this.TestType := "undefined"

		return this._test(pActual, "", psNote)

    AHKIsFuncs(psAHKFunc, pValue?, psParam3:="", psNote:="")
    {   ; Allows the 'type | misc | string' to be checked using most of the AHKv2 Is functions.
        ; See "Is Functions" in the AHKv2 helpfile.
        ; Also includes AHKv2 InStr function.

        ; psAHKFunc
        ;   A String defining which of the AHKv2 "Is" function is required
        ; pValue
        ;   The value being passed to the selected Is function
        ;   Declared with "?" to allow for the possibility that it might be `UnSet` so as to allow
        ;       the UnSet test below to work.
        ; psNote
        ;   Optional additional free text to associate with the test.

        switch psAHKFunc
            Case "InStr":
            {   ;Returns true if the needle(pValue) is in the haystack(psAHKFunc), else false.

                this.TestType := "InStr"
                iPos := %psAHKFunc%(pValue, psParam3)
                if (iPos > 0)
                    return this._test(1, true, psNote)
                    return this._test(0, true, psNote) 

            Case "IsInteger":
            {   ;Returns true if (pValue) is an integer, else false.

                this.TestType := "IsInteger"

                if IsInteger(pValue)
                    return this._test(1, true, psNote)
                    return this._test(0, true, psNote) 

            Case "IsFloat":
            {   ;Returns true if (pValue) is a real number, else false.

                this.TestType := "IsFloat"
                if IsFloat(pValue)
                    return this._test(1, true, psNote)
                    return this._test(0, true, psNote)


            Case "IsNumber":
            {   ;Returns true if (pValue) is an integer or a real number, else false.

                this.TestType := "IsNumber"
                if IsNumber(pValue)
                    return this._test(1, true, psNote)
                    return this._test(0, true, psNote) 


            Case "IsObject":
            {   ;Returns true if (pValue) is an object, else false.

                this.TestType := "IsObject"
                if IsObject(pValue)
                    return this._test(1, true, psNote)
                    return this._test(0, true, psNote) 
            Case "IsSet":
            {   ;Returns true if (pValue) has been assigned a value, else false.
                ;**Im not sure this works...by passing an unset var it seems to become 'set'?**

                this.TestType := "IsSet"
                if IsSet(pValue)
                    return this._test(1, true, psNote)
                    return this._test(0, true, psNote) 
            Case "IsDigit":
            {   ; Returns true if (pValue) is a positive integer, an empty string, or a string which 
                ; contains only the characters 0 through 9. 
                ;Other characters such as the following are not allowed: spaces, tabs, plus signs, 
                ;    minus signs, decimal points, hexadecimal digits, and the 0x prefix.

                this.TestType := "IsDigit"
                if IsDigit(pValue)
                    return this._test(1, true, psNote)
                    return this._test(0, true, psNote) 

            Case "IsAlpha":
            {   ; Returns true if (pValue) is a string and is empty or contains only alphabetic characters. 
                ; Returns False if there are any digits, spaces, tabs, punctuation, or other non-alphabetic 
                ;   characters anywhere in the string. For example, if pValue contains a space followed 
                ;   by a letter, it is not considered to be alpha.

                this.TestType := "IsAlpha"
                if IsAlpha(pValue)
                    return this._test(1, true, psNote)
                    return this._test(0, true, psNote) 
            Case "IsSpace":
            {   ; Returns true if (pValue) is a string and is empty or contains only whitespace consisting
                ; of the following characters: space (A_Space or `s), tab (A_Tab or `t), linefeed (`n), 
                ; return (`r), vertical tab (`v), and formfeed (`f).

                this.TestType := "IsSpace"
                if IsSpace(pValue)
                    return this._test(1, true, psNote)
                    return this._test(0, true, psNote) 


    {   ;Labels the test for logs and readability.
        ;psTestLabel{string} - A human readable label for the next test(s) in sequence.

		if (A_IsCompiled)
			return 0

        this.TestLabel := psTestLabel


    {   ;Creates a free-text line in the output stream to add readability of the output.
        ;psGroupLabel{string} - A human readable label prepend for the next test(s) in sequence
        ;Note that once `psGroupLabel` is invoked, it remains in force until 'turned off' by 
        ;calling `expect.BatchLabel("")`.
        ;Any test results produced while `psGroupLabel` is active, is indented to create visual grouping.

		if (A_IsCompiled)
			return 0

        this.iCount := 1

        if (psGroupLabel)
            this.GroupLabel := psGroupLabel
            this.GroupLabelActive := true
            this.GroupLabelActive := false


    {   ;Returns a string containing a 1-line summary of all the test results, something like:
        ;        "2 tests completed with 0% success (2 failures)"
        ;Write to stdout and to a msgbox.
		if (A_IsCompiled)
			return 0

		if (this.finalTrigger = false)

		if (this.failTotal > 0)
			l_options := 48
			l_options := 64

        OneLineSummary := this._build1LineSummaryOfTests()

		msgbox(OneLineSummary, "expect.ahk: 1-Line Summary", l_options)

        if (iResetVars = 1)

        return OneLineSummary

    {   ;Uses msgbox to display the 1-line summary for all tests together with details of any failures.
        ;Returns{string} with the generated full report message.

		if (A_IsCompiled)
			return 0

		if (this.finalTrigger = false)

		msgReport := this._build1LineSummaryOfTests()

		if (this.failTotal > 0) 
        {   ;Add the logged values from the tests.
			loop this.log.Length
				msgReport .= "`n" this.log[A_Index]

		; choose the msgbox icon
		if (this.failTotal > 0)
			l_options := 48
			l_options := 64

		msgbox(msgReport, "expect.ahk: Details of Failed Tests", l_options)

        if (iResetVars = 1)

		return msgReport

	WriteResultsToFile(iResetVars:=0, psFilepath:=".\results.test.log") 
    {   ;Writes the report to a file.
        ;psFilepath - The path of the file where the report will be written. If not provided, the 
        ;   default logResultPath will be used.
        ;Throws and exception if there is an error writing the report to the disk.
        ;Returns a string containing the report that was written to the file.

		if (A_IsCompiled)
			return 0

        if (this.finalTrigger = false)

		if (subStr(psFilepath, 1, 2) == ".\")
			psFilepath := A_WorkingDir subStr(psFilepath, 2)

			; do nothing

		msgReport := this._build1LineSummaryOfTests() "`n"

        loop this.log.Length
			msgReport .= this.log[A_Index] "`n"            

        fileAppend(msgReport, psFilepath)

        if (iResetVars = 1)

        if (A_LastError > 0)
            Msgbox("Failed to write report to disk")

		return msgReport

	_test(pActual:="_Missing_Parameter_", pExpected:="_Missing_Parameter_", psNote:="") 
    {   ;Checks if `pActual` and `pExpected` inputs are the same or equal (always case-sensitive).
        ;pActual{number|string|object} - The actual value computed.
        ;pExpected{number|string|object} - The expected value.
        ;psNote{string} - Additional notes for the test (Optional).
        ;Returns{boolean} true if the values are equal, else false.
		if (isObject(pActual))
			pActual := this._ConvObj2String(pActual)

		if (isObject(pExpected))
			pExpected := this._ConvObj2String(pExpected)

		; create

        ;In the `If` block below have added 2 lots of `this.TestLabel := "". This fixes the following issue:
        ;If a label is defined before a test, and no label is defined before the next test, the
        ;1st label persists and appears in the output of the 2nd test (assuming it fails). 
        ;This is the last location in the class before returning to the caller script so is the right 
        ;place to re-blank `testLabel`.
        if (pActual == pExpected) 
            this.TestLabel := ""
            return true
            this._logTestFail(pActual, pExpected, psNote)
            this.TestLabel := ""
            return false

    _logTestFail(pActual, pExpected, psNote:="") 

        if (this.GroupLabelActive = true)
            sIndents := "    "
            if (this.icount = 1)
                sFailMessage .= this.GroupLabel "`n"
            sIndents := ""
            sFailMessage := ""

        if (this.TestLabel = "")
            sFailMessage .= sIndents "Test label: n/d `n"
            sFailMessage .= sIndents "Test label: " this.TestLabel "`n"

		sFailMessage .= sIndents "Test type : " this.TestType "`n"
		sFailMessage .= sIndents "Expected: " pExpected "`n"
		sFailMessage .= sIndents "Actual: " pActual "`n"
        if (psNote != "")
            sFailMessage .= sIndents "Note: " psNote "`n"
		this._stdOut(sFailMessage "`n") ;unsure why, but `n needed to put blank between tests logged to DebugConsole.


    {   ;Writes 'rolling' as-you-go test-fail messages to the Debug Console.

            FileAppend(output, "*") ;'asterisk' writes to stdout.
        catch error
			return false

		return true

    {   ;Called by ShortReport(), FullReport() and WriteResultsToFile() if this.finalTrigger is false
        ;to write the 1-line test summary report to stdOut.

		this.finalTrigger := true

		return true

    {   ;Generates a 1-line summary of all tests to date, ie something like 
        ;   "2 tests completed with 0% success (2 failures)"

		this.percentsuccess := floor( ( this.successTotal / this.testTotal ) * 100 )
		sReturnText := this.testTotal " tests completed with " this.percentsuccess "% success (" this.failTotal " failures)`n"

		if (this.failTotal = 1)
			sReturnText := strReplace(sReturnText, "failures", "failure")

		if (this.testTotal = 1)
			sReturnText := strReplace(sReturnText, "tests", "test")

        ;Add underlining to the summary line.
		sReturnText .= "=================================`n"

		return sReturnText

    {   ;It seems this converts an object into a string called <output>. 
        ;If the param is not an object, the unchanged param is returned.
        ;I renamed this method as _ConvObj2String from _print()to better reflect its purpose.

		if (isObject(pValue)) 
			for key, value in pValue 
				if IsNumber(key)
					output .= "`"" . key . "`":"
					output .= key . ":"

				if IsObject(value)
					output .= "[" . this._ConvObj2String(value) . "]"
                else if(IsObject(value))
					output .= "`"" . value . "`""
					output .= value

				output .= ", "

			return subStr(output, 2)

		return pValue
I have re-formatted and re-named along the way to my liking as my brain is too small to do otherwise! Apologies in advance if that causes any difficulties!

I have added 2 bits of extra functionality, viz:
  1. A new method AHKIsFuncs adding some AHK Is functions - see the 'Is Functions' topic in the AHKv2 help file.
  2. Added a new parameter iResetVars to reporting functions to optionally allow class vars to be reset in
    mid-test sequence so that subsequent tests are reported free of previous reporting data.
I have created a longish script showing use of expect.ahk for ahkv2 to serve as part examples, part documentation and part testing:

Code: Select all

#Requires AutoHotkey 2.0-
#Include "D:\AutoHotKey\Libraries - mine\Expect Units Testing\Expect for ahkv2.ahk"

/*  Description:
    These are examples / tests / docs for the `Expect for ahkv2.ahk` class (as included above).
    Each public function from the class is tested below, with separate function arranged by a 
    `.BatchLabel()`, and subtests 'grouped' by contiguous code.
    The expected outcome of each test is indicated by an inline comment such as ";--> fails".

expect := ExpectClass()

; expect.BatchLabel("Expect & AHK InStr Functions")
; {
;     sHaystack := "SomeHaystackText"

;     sNeedle := "z"
;     expect.label("InStr(" sHaystack "/" sNeedle ")")
;     expect.ahkIsFuncs("InStr", sHaystack?, sNeedle, ) ;--> fails
;     sNeedle := "Somt"
;     expect.label("InStr(" sHaystack "/" sNeedle ")")
;     expect.ahkIsFuncs("InStr", sHaystack?, sNeedle, ) ;--> fails
;     sNeedle := "s"
;     expect.label("InStr(" sHaystack "/" sNeedle ")")
;     expect.ahkIsFuncs("InStr", sHaystack?, sNeedle, ) ;--> true (ie "s" is in `sHaystack`)
;     sNeedle := "someh"
;     expect.label("InStr(" sHaystack "/" sNeedle ")")
;     expect.ahkIsFuncs("InStr", sHaystack?, sNeedle, ) ;--> true (ie "someh" is in `sHaystack`)
; }

; expect.BatchLabel("Expect & AHK IsInteger Functions")
; {
;     Value := 27
;     expect.label("IsInteger(" Value ")")
;     expect.ahkIsFuncs("IsInteger", Value?, , ) ;--> true
;     Value := 0
;     expect.label("IsInteger(" Value ")")
;     expect.ahkIsFuncs("IsInteger", Value?, , ) ;--> true
;     Value := 27.2
;     expect.label("IsInteger(" Value ")")
;     expect.ahkIsFuncs("IsInteger", Value?, , ) ;--> fail
;     Value := 0.0
;     expect.label("IsInteger(" Value ")")
;     expect.ahkIsFuncs("IsInteger", Value?, , ) ;--> fail
; }

; expect.BatchLabel("Expect & AHK-IsFloat Functions")
; {
;     Value := 27
;     expect.label("IsFloat(" Value ")")
;     expect.ahkIsFuncs("IsFloat", Value?,,) ;--> fail
;     Value := 0
;     expect.label("IsFloat(" Value ")")
;     expect.ahkIsFuncs("IsFloat", Value?,,) ;--> fail
;     Value := 27.2
;     expect.label("IsFloat(" Value ")")
;     expect.ahkIsFuncs("IsFloat", Value?, , ) ;--> true
;     expect.BatchLabel("new stuff")
;     Value := 0.3
;     expect.label("IsFloat(" Value ")")
;     expect.ahkIsFuncs("IsFloat", Value?, , ) ;--> true
; }

; expect.BatchLabel("Expect & AHK IsNumber Functions")
; {
;     Value := "a"
;     expect.label("IsNumber(" Value ")")
;     expect.ahkIsFuncs("IsNumber", Value?, , ) ;--> false
;     Value := 3
;     expect.label("IsNumber(" Value ")")
;     expect.ahkIsFuncs("IsNumber", Value?, , ) ;--> true
;     Value := 3.14156
;     expect.label("IsNumber(" Value ")")
;     expect.ahkIsFuncs("IsNumber", Value?, , ) ;--> true
; }

; expect.BatchLabel("Expect & AHK IsObject Functions")
; {
;     Value := "a"
;     expect.label("IsObject(" Value ")")
;     expect.ahkIsFuncs("IsObject", Value?, , ) ;--> false
;     Value := 2.4
;     expect.label("IsObject(" Value ")")
;     expect.ahkIsFuncs("IsObject", Value?, , ) ;--> false
;     Value := []
;     expect.label("IsObject(--NotDefined--)")
;     expect.ahkIsFuncs("IsObject", Value?, , ) ;--> true
;     Value := [1, 2, 3]
;     expect.label("IsObject(--NotDefined--)")
;     expect.ahkIsFuncs("IsObject", Value?, , ) ;--> true
;     Value := {key: "value"}
;     expect.label("IsObject(--NotDefined--)")
;     expect.ahkIsFuncs("IsObject", Value?, , ) ;--> true
; }

; expect.BatchLabel("Expect & AHK IsSet Functions")
; {
;     Value := "1" 
;     expect.label("IsSet(--Var is Set--)")
;     expect.ahkIsFuncs("IsSet", Value?, , ) ;--> true
;     ; when commented out `Value1234` is UnSet. Otherwise it's Set.
;     ; Value1234 := "" 
;     expect.label( "IsSet(--Var is Not Set--)")
;     expect.ahkIsFuncs("IsSet", Value1234?, , ) ;--> false
; }

; expect.BatchLabel("Expect & AHK IsDigit Functions")
; {
;     Value := "3"
;     expect.label("IsDigit(" Value ")")
;     expect.ahkIsFuncs("IsDigit", Value?, , ) ;--> true
;     Value := "3.2"
;     expect.label("IsDigit(" Value ")")
;     expect.ahkIsFuncs("IsDigit", Value?, , ) ;--> false
;     Value := "-3"
;     expect.label("IsDigit(" Value ")")
;     expect.ahkIsFuncs("IsDigit", Value?, , ) ;--> false
;     Value := "0123456789"
;     expect.label("IsDigit(" Value ")")
;     expect.ahkIsFuncs("IsDigit", Value?, , ) ;--> true
;     Value := "0123456789a"
;     expect.label("IsDigit(" Value ")")
;     expect.ahkIsFuncs("IsDigit", Value?, , ) ;--> false
;     Value := "012345 6789"
;     expect.label("IsDigit(" Value ")")
;     expect.ahkIsFuncs("IsDigit", Value?, , ) ;--> false
; }

; expect.BatchLabel("Expect & AHK IsAlpha Functions")
; {
;     Value := ""
;     expect.label("IsAlpha(" Value ")")
;     expect.ahkIsFuncs("IsAlpha", Value?, , ) ;--> true
;     Value := "a"
;     expect.label("IsAlpha(" Value ")")
;     expect.ahkIsFuncs("IsAlpha", Value?, , ) ;--> true
;     Value := "a1"
;     expect.label("IsAlpha(" Value ")")
;     expect.ahkIsFuncs("IsAlpha", Value?, , ) ;--> false
;     Value := "bcdef"
;     expect.label("IsAlpha(" Value ")")
;     expect.ahkIsFuncs("IsAlpha", Value?, , ) ;--> true
;     Value := "abc def"
;     expect.label("IsAlpha(" Value ")")
;     expect.ahkIsFuncs("IsAlpha", Value?, , ) ;--> false
;     Value := "   " 
;     expect.label("IsAlpha(" Value ")")
;     expect.ahkIsFuncs("IsAlpha", Value?, , ) ;--> false
; }

; expect.BatchLabel("Expect & AHK IsSpace Functions")
; {
;     Value := ""
;     expect.label("IsSpace(" Value ")")
;     expect.ahkIsFuncs("IsSpace", Value?, , ) ;--> true
;     Value := "    "
;     expect.label("IsSpace(" Value ")")
;     expect.ahkIsFuncs("IsSpace", Value?, , ) ;--> true
;     Value := "        "
;     expect.label("IsSpace(" Value ")")
;     expect.ahkIsFuncs("IsSpace", Value?, , ) ;--> true
;     Value := "1"
;     expect.label("IsSpace(" Value ")")
;     expect.ahkIsFuncs("IsSpace", Value?, , ) ;--> false
;     Value := "abc"
;     expect.label("IsSpace(" Value ")")
;     expect.ahkIsFuncs("IsSpace", Value?, , ) ;--> false
; }

; expect.BatchLabel("Expect Equal tests")
; {
;     Actual := 2 + 0, Expected := 2
;     expect.label("Equal to " Expected)
;     expect.equal(Actual, Expected, )  ;--> true
;     Actual := 3, Expected := 2
;     expect.label("Is " Actual " equal to " Expected)
;     expect.equal(Actual, Expected, ) ;--> false
;     expect.label("Equal to " 2)
;     expect.equal((2+1), 2, ) ;--> false
;     expect.equal((2+0), 2, ) ;--> true
;     expect.equal(2, 2, ) ;--> true
;     expect.equal((2+1), 2, "note we can add optional notes here") ;--> false
;     expect.equal("some text", "some text", ) ;--> true
;     expect.equal("some text", "some other text", ) ;--> false
;     expect.equal("some 1.0 text", "some other", ) ;--> false

;     expect.equal([1, 2, 3], [1, 2, 3], ) ;--> true
;     expect.equal([1, 2, 3], [1, 2, 3, 4], ) ;--> false
;     expect.equal([1, 2.3, 3], [1, 2, 3], ) ;--> false
; }

; expect.BatchLabel("Expect NotEqual tests")
; {
;     Actual := 99, Expected := 99
;     expect.label("ninety nine not equal")
;     expect.notEqual(Actual, Expected, "optional note as an example") ;--> false

;     Actual := 99+1, Expected := 99
;     expect.label("ninety nine not equal2")
;     expect.notEqual(Actual, Expected, ) ;--> true

;     expect.label("Nos not vars")
;     expect.notEqual((99+0), 99, ) ;--> false
;     expect.notEqual((99+1), 99, ) ;--> true

;     expect.label("Strings NotEqual")
;     expect.notEqual("some text", "some text", "testing strings") ;--> false
;     expect.notEqual("some text", "some zz text", "testing strings") ;--> true

;     expect.label("Arrays")
;     expect.notEqual( ("a",1), ("a",false), "arrays") ;--> true
;     expect.notEqual( ("a",1), ("a",1), "arrays") ;--> false
; }

; expect.BatchLabel("Expect True & False tests")
; {
;     expect.label("True test ")
;     expect.true((1 == 1), ) ;--> true
;     expect.label("ffff")
;     Var1 := 2, Var2 := 2
;     expect.true((Var1 == Var2), "ffff") ;--> true

;     expect.label("boolean")
;     Var1 := 0
;     expect.true(Var1, "boolean - false") ;--> false
;     Var1 := 1
;     expect.true(Var1, "boolean - true") ;--> true
;     expect.label("latest")
;     Var1 := 2, Var2 := 3
;     expect.true((Var1 == Var2), "is " Var1 "=" Var2) ;--> false

;     expect.label("floats")
;     Var1 := 2.9111, Var2 := 2.9112
;     expect.true((Var1 == Var2), "is " Var1 "=" Var2) ;--> false
;     expect.label("equal text")
;     Var1 := "Test text", Var2 := "Test text"
;     expect.true((Var1 == Var2), "is " Var1 "=" Var2) ;--> true
;     expect.label("un-equal text")
;     Var1 := "Test text", Var2 := "Test Text"
;     expect.true((Var1 == Var2), "is " Var1 "=" Var2) ;--> false

;     expect.label("false check")
;     expect.false((1 = 1), "this is a note") ; => false
;     expect.label("false example from github")
;     expect.false((99 < 3), ) ;--> true
; }

; expect.BatchLabel("Expect Undefined tests")
; {
;     expect.label("undefined check")
;     testing := ""
;     expect.undefined(testing, "should be undefined") ; => true
;     testing := "12"
;     expect.undefined(testing, "should be undefined") ; => false
; }

    ;Including '1' in the parameter list causes the class to 'reset' after writting to file and 
    ;thereby reporting subesequent tests as though they are the first tests.

expect.BatchLabel("Tests to report as if starting from here:")
    expect.label("True test")
    expect.true((1 == 2), ) ;--> true



(I've been un-commenting each 'section' in this script in turn, relying on the reporting functions at end to do their stuff!)

I shall follow expect.ahk closely and adapt expect.ahk for ahkv2 as necessary.

All mistakes in expect.ahk for ahkv2 are entirely down to me. All credit and kudos for the idea is entirely down to @Chunjee.

Any corrections / ideas for new functionality / thoughts on better ways to code it are always gratefully received.
Posts: 227
Joined: 07 Oct 2014, 11:23

Re: [Class] expect.ahk for ahkv2

26 May 2024, 05:39

Chunjee wrote:
26 May 2024, 03:35
I'll be using this. Very well done! :thumbsup:
Oh man, I'm super-happy to have your support :wave:

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