Socket Class - 2022/09/07 - beta.8

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Re: Socket Class - 2022/09/07 - beta.8

19 Jan 2023, 03:41


A blocking implementation is easier I guess?
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Re: Socket Class - 2022/09/07 - beta.8

19 Jan 2023, 13:58


Yes, but less convenient when trying to handle connection issues. Depending on how you code, your script can freeze until the connection finally times out, or connects.

ASYNC is better for a more robust application, but also more complex.
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Re: Socket Class - 2022/09/07 - beta.8

20 Jan 2023, 02:54


I think this won't be a issue, I'm only sending locally.
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Re: Socket Class - 2022/09/07 - beta.8

07 Mar 2023, 03:37


Sorry for bothering you again. But I seem to be to dumb to send a UDP String.
Could you please write an example to send an UDP String to localhost?

Thank you :)
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Re: Socket Class - 2022/09/07 - beta.8

08 Mar 2023, 18:19

My apologies. I meant to get to this sooner.

The following code will perform a udp example:

Code: Select all


test_server_udp() { ; server - uses async to accept sockets
    sock := winsock("server",cb,"IPV4","UDP","DGram")
    sock.Bind("",27015) ; "",27015
    print_gui("Server listening...`r`n`r`n")

test_client_udp() { ; client
    sock := winsock("client",cb,"IPV4","UDP","DGram")
    sock.Connect("",27015) ;",27015 ;",80
    print_gui("Client connecting...`r`n`r`n")

Sadly this example isn't as simple as it should be. It deviates a bit too much from the win32 docs. I'll probably revert some of this stuff in the future to better mirror the original MS docs.

I tried to simplify usage, but I don't think i achieved that.

EDIT:. paste this in the example file. Run script, and press F7, then F8. This is still an async example, not blocking. I'll work on that next.

The main change to use udp is this:

Code: Select all

sock := winsock("server",cb,"IPV4","UDP","DGram")
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Re: Socket Class - 2022/09/07 - beta.8

09 Mar 2023, 06:41

Thank you very much for Posting the example.

I managed to build my own minimal example.

Code: Select all

#Include _socket.ahk

sock := winsock("client",cb,"IPV4","UDP","DGram")

cb(sock, event, err) {
	get_req := "Test"
	strbuf := Buffer(StrLen(get_req)+1,0)
Unfortunately it doesn't really work reliably. It only sends the String when there is this MsgBox :? and then it will be sent twice.
What am I doing wrong?
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Re: Socket Class - 2022/09/07 - beta.8

09 Mar 2023, 18:35

Read up on the async events. At a minimum, if you are only sending, you will have 2 events. See the original example for event handling.

Read up here: WSAAsyncSelect

On return from connect command.
Err code will indicate success or reason for fail.

Socket is ready to write, now is the time to use send cmd

I'll clean up the example when I have more time.

As for "needing the MsgBox", that makes no sense. My example only uses msgbox to show events.

Check err codes in callback to see what is happening.
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Re: Socket Class - 2022/09/07 - beta.8

09 Mar 2023, 18:48

You probably "need" the msgbox because of timing issues. Use the events properly and check err codes. That should fix the root of this issue.
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Re: Socket Class - 2022/09/07 - beta.8

10 Mar 2023, 02:41

Thank you for alle your time and effort!
I will try to dig deeper into the topic.
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Re: Socket Class - 2022/09/07 - beta.8

03 Jun 2023, 02:20

Basic http server, I use it to call ahk running in another computer (VM actually). Thanks for the winsock class.

Code: Select all

#include <_socket>

class HTTPRequest {
	method := ''
	path := ''
	queries := Map()
	headers := Map()

	static URIDecode(value) {
		static _UrlUnescape := DllCall(
			'Ptr', DllCall('kernel32.dll\GetModuleHandle', 'Str', 'shlwapi.dll', 'Ptr'),
			'AStr', 'UrlUnescapeW',
		return DllCall(
			'Str', value,
			'Ptr', 0,
			'UInt', 0,
			'UInt', 0x00140000,
		) ? '' : value

	__New(request) {
		loop parse request, '`n', '`r' {
			if !A_LoopField
			if !this.method {
				arr := StrSplit(A_LoopField, ' ')
				this.method := arr[1]
				if pos := InStr(arr[2], '?') {
					this.path := SubStr(arr[2], 1, pos - 1)
					loop parse SubStr(arr[2], pos + 1), '&' {
						if pos := InStr(A_LoopField, '=') {
							param := HTTPRequest.URIDecode(SubStr(A_LoopField, 1, pos - 1))
							value := HTTPRequest.URIDecode(SubStr(A_LoopField, pos + 1))
							this.queries[param] := value
						} else {
							param := HTTPRequest.URIDecode(A_LoopField)
							this.queries[param] := ''
				} else {
					this.path := arr[2]
			} else {
				arr := StrSplit(A_LoopField, ':', ' ', 2)
				this.headers[arr[1]] := arr[2]

class HTTPResponse {
	static STATUS_CODES := Map(
		200, 'OK',
		404, 'Not Found'

	__New(sock) {
		this.sock := sock

	Send(status, headers := Map(), content := '') {
		if !IsObject(headers) && !content {
			content := headers
			headers := Map()

		NL := '`r`n'
		response := 'HTTP/1.1 ' status ' ' HTTPResponse.STATUS_CODES[status] NL
		if !headers.Has('Content-Type') {
			headers['Content-Type'] := 'text/plain'
		if headers {
			for key, value in headers {
				response .= key ': ' value NL
		response .= 'Content-Length: ' (StrPut(content, 'UTF-8') - 1) NL ; -1 to exclude the terminating \0
		response .= NL
		response .= content

		buf := Buffer(StrPut(response, 'UTF-8') - 1)
		StrPut(response, buf, 'UTF-8')

class HTTPServer {
	paths := Map()

	__Item[name] {
		get => this.paths[name]
		set => this.paths[name] := value

	_Callback(sock, event, err) {
		switch event {
			case 'Read':
				request := ''
				while true {
					buf := sock.Recv()
					if !buf.Size
					request .= StrGet(buf, 'UTF-8')

				if request {
					request := HTTPRequest(request)
					response := HTTPResponse(sock)
					if (this.paths.Has(request.path)) {
						this.paths[request.path](request, response)
					} else {
						response.Send(404, 'Not Found')


	Run(host := '', port := 80) {
		this.sock := winsock('server', this._Callback.Bind(this), 'IPV4')
		this.sock.Bind(host, port)

Hello(request, response) {
	response.Send(200, 'Hello World')

server := HTTPServer()
server['/'] := Hello
server.Run('', 8001)
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Re: Socket Class - 2022/09/07 - beta.8

20 Dec 2023, 03:11

Big Thanks for the winsock.
Start server:

Code: Select all

sock := winsock("server",cb,"IPV4")
		sock.Bind("",27015) ; "",27015
Close server?

Code: Select all

If start server again

Code: Select all

sock := winsock("server",cb,"IPV4")
		sock.Bind("",27015) ; "",27015
I have Error:
WSAASyncSelect failed. Line: 287: (!block) ? this.RegisterEvents() : ""
Code RegisterEvents:

Code: Select all

RegisterEvents(lEvent:=0x3FF) { ; FD_ALL_EVENTS = 0x3FF
        this.block := !lEvent ? false : true
        If (result:=this._WSAAsyncSelect(this.desc, A_ScriptHwnd, winsock.wm_msg, lEvent) = -1)
            throw Error("WSAASyncSelect failed.", -1)
        ;If !lEvent
            ; result := this._ioctlsocket(this.desc, 0x8004667E, &r:=0) ; FIONBIO := 0x8004667E (non-blocking mode)
        return !result
What I am wrong?
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Re: Socket Class - 2022/09/07 - beta.8

20 Dec 2023, 09:28

And second question:
how to set "wait time" response from sever (for example - 20 milliseconds)?
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Re: Socket Class - 2022/09/07 - beta.8

20 Dec 2023, 11:49


Thanks for the post, I'll look into it.

In case you have more time to experiment before I get to it, my first thought is that maybe the port is no longer open? But I don't actually have a method that will check for specific port availability currently. That is a loose "To-Do" item.

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