[FUNCTION] Net_GetNetworkProfilesInfo

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[FUNCTION] Net_GetNetworkProfilesInfo

Post by cyruz » 14 Dec 2022, 10:16

Hello guys,

next network function here. This one retrieves several info about network profiles. Tested on Windows 10.

Code: Select all

; ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
; Function .....: Net_GetNetworkProfilesInfo
; Description ..: Get saved network profiles informations.
; Parameters ...: nFlag = 1 "Connected networks" | 2 "Disconnected networks" | 3 "All networks"
; Return .......: Array of objects with profile information:
; ..............: { name:          "xxx" 
; ..............: , description:   "xxx"
; ..............: , isconnected:   0|1
; ..............: , hasinternet:   0|1
; ..............: , connectivity:  0|1|2|16|32|64|256|512|1024
; ..............: , category:      0|1|2
; ..............: , domaintype:    0|1|2
; ..............: , guid:          "xxx"
; ..............: , timecreated:   { year: x, month: x, dayofweek: x, day: x
; ..............:                  , hour: x, minute: x, second: x, millisecond: x }
; ..............: , timeconnected: { year: x, month: x, dayofweek: x, day: x
; ..............:                  , hour: x, minute: x, second: x, millisecond: x } }
; AHK Version ..: AHK v2
; Author .......: Cyruz  (http://ciroprincipe.info)
; License ......: WTFPL - http://www.wtfpl.net/txt/copying/
; Changelog ....: Dec. 14, 2022 - v0.1 - First version.
; Remarks ......: The INetwork interface has also the method "GetNetworkConnections" that has not been implemented.
; Info .........: https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/win32/api/netlistmgr/nn-netlistmgr-inetworklistmanager
; ..............: https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/win32/api/netlistmgr/nn-netlistmgr-inetwork
; ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
    If !IsInteger(nFlag) || nFlag < 1 || nFlag > 3
        Throw ValueError("Incorrect flag value")
    oNetMan := ComObject("{DCB00C01-570F-4A9B-8D69-199FDBA5723B}") ; CLSID INetworkListManager
    aNetworks := []
    cGuid := Buffer(16), sGuid := "", VarSetStrCapacity(&sGuid, 128)
    For oNet in oNetMan.GetNetworks(nFlag)
        oTmp := { name:         oNet.GetName() 
                , description:  oNet.GetDescription()
                , isconnected:  oNet.IsConnected()
                , hasinternet:  oNet.IsConnectedToInternet()
                , connectivity: oNet.GetConnectivity()
                , category:     oNet.GetCategory()
                , domaintype:   oNet.GetDomainType()}
        oQ := ComObjQuery(oNet, "{dcb00002-570f-4a9b-8d69-199fdba5723b}") ; IID INetwork
        ComCall(11, oQ, "Ptr",cGuid)
        oTmp.guid := DllCall("Ole32.dll\StringFromGUID2", "Ptr",cGuid, "Str",sGuid, "Int",64)
        cFTCreated := Buffer(8), cFTConnected := Buffer(8), cSTCreated := Buffer(16), cSTConnected := Buffer(16)
        ComCall(14, oQ, "UInt*",cFTCreated.Ptr, "UInt*",cFTCreated.Ptr+4, "UInt*",cFTConnected.Ptr, "UInt*",cFTConnected.Ptr+4)
        DllCall("FileTimeToSystemTime", "Ptr",cFTCreated, "Ptr",cSTCreated)
        DllCall("FileTimeToSystemTime", "Ptr",cFTConnected, "Ptr",cSTConnected)
        oTmp.timecreated   := { year:        NumGet(cSTCreated,   0,  "Short")
                              , month:       NumGet(cSTCreated,   2,  "Short")
                              , dayofweek:   NumGet(cSTCreated,   4,  "Short")
                              , day:         NumGet(cSTCreated,   6,  "Short")
                              , hour:        NumGet(cSTCreated,   8,  "Short")
                              , minute:      NumGet(cSTCreated,   10, "Short")
                              , second:      NumGet(cSTCreated,   12, "Short")
                              , millisecond: NumGet(cSTConnected, 14, "Short") }
        oTmp.timeconnected := { year:        NumGet(cSTConnected, 0,  "Short")
                              , month:       NumGet(cSTConnected, 2,  "Short")
                              , dayofweek:   NumGet(cSTConnected, 4,  "Short")
                              , day:         NumGet(cSTConnected, 6,  "Short")
                              , hour:        NumGet(cSTConnected, 8,  "Short")
                              , minute:      NumGet(cSTConnected, 10, "Short")
                              , second:      NumGet(cSTConnected, 12, "Short")
                              , millisecond: NumGet(cSTConnected, 14, "Short") }
    cGuid := "", VarSetStrCapacity(&sGuid, 0)
    cFTCreated := cFTConnected := cSTCreated := cSTConnected := ""
    Return aNetworks
Cheers :beer:
ABCza on the old forum.
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Re: [FUNCTION] Net_GetNetworkProfilesInfo

Post by DataLife » 31 Jan 2023, 14:10

Would you be able/willing to create another Net_GetNetworkProfilesInfo function to work with AHK V1?
Check out my scripts. (MyIpChanger) (ClipBoard Manager) (SavePictureAs)
All my scripts are tested on Windows 10, AutoHotkey 32 bit Ansi unless otherwise stated.

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Re: [FUNCTION] Net_GetNetworkProfilesInfo

Post by cyruz » 31 Jan 2023, 17:33

DataLife wrote:
31 Jan 2023, 14:10
Would you be able/willing to create another Net_GetNetworkProfilesInfo function to work with AHK V1?
Hi DataLife, I'm not using V1 anymore, but I'll have a look into it, not soon!
ABCza on the old forum.
My GitHub.

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Re: [FUNCTION] Net_GetNetworkProfilesInfo

Post by DataLife » 01 Feb 2023, 15:40

cyruz wrote:
31 Jan 2023, 17:33
DataLife wrote:
31 Jan 2023, 14:10
Would you be able/willing to create another Net_GetNetworkProfilesInfo function to work with AHK V1?
Hi DataLife, I'm not using V1 anymore, but I'll have a look into it, not soon!
I found another solution, so you don't need to do it for me. thanks

I have a V1 script that the method I was using to retrieve the network connections was broken with a windows update. It is over 6000 lines long and I am not going to convert to V2. I am just going to maintain it as V1.

Check out my scripts. (MyIpChanger) (ClipBoard Manager) (SavePictureAs)
All my scripts are tested on Windows 10, AutoHotkey 32 bit Ansi unless otherwise stated.

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Posts: 348
Joined: 30 Sep 2013, 13:31

Re: [FUNCTION] Net_GetNetworkProfilesInfo

Post by cyruz » 01 Feb 2023, 17:00

DataLife wrote:
01 Feb 2023, 15:40
cyruz wrote:
31 Jan 2023, 17:33
DataLife wrote:
31 Jan 2023, 14:10
Would you be able/willing to create another Net_GetNetworkProfilesInfo function to work with AHK V1?
Hi DataLife, I'm not using V1 anymore, but I'll have a look into it, not soon!
I found another solution, so you don't need to do it for me. thanks

I have a V1 script that the method I was using to retrieve the network connections was broken with a windows update. It is over 6000 lines long and I am not going to convert to V2. I am just going to maintain it as V1.

Got it. Yeah for such long scripts it doesn't make sense to convert...
ABCza on the old forum.
My GitHub.

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