debug--an easier output about var

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debug--an easier output about var

Post by Mono919 » 16 Jan 2023, 10:53

Update: 2023.03.26
1.Fix bugs of reading prototype.
2.Distinguishing Closure and Enumerator from Func
3.Support FreezeVar && ReleaseVar && ReleasePriVar && Const(Base on thqby's native library)

Some people often ask how to display the values contained in variables in ahk normally, and some require variable names. These requirements are difficult to achieve with simple msgbox
So I use the data characteristics of ahk type to design the debug class for printing variables conveniently
The printing format is roughly as follows:
DebugObject: [your input is a var] / CONST--[your input]
[two space]Type: xxx => xxx
More examples like under examples.
The prototype of class cannot got its prop by "debug [class]" but can got its prototype func.

Source Code:

Code: Select all

class debug
    static _gui :="", hwnd := 0, ctlHwnd := 0
    static StartMakingGui := 0, locked := 1
    static WinName := "Debug Window"
    static FloatPos := 15
    static TimeShow := true
    static onlyResults := false
    static ProgramPause := true
    static PauseFlag := false

    __New(Content, &value := true)
        if A_IsCompiled
            varName := "UnKnown--[A_IsCompiled]"
            varType := type(Content)
            varErr := error("", -3)
            regmatch := "debug\((.*)\)"
            regexmatch(varErr.stack, regmatch, &var)
            if !var
                regmatch := "debug\((.*),"
                regexmatch(varErr.stack, regmatch, &var)
            if !var
                varName := "Unknown--Too Long"
                varType := type(Content)
                varName := debug.isVar(var[1]) ? var[1] : "CONST--" var[1]
                varType := type(Content)
        if Content is VarRef
            tmpVarName := debug.getVarRefName(Content)
            Content := %tmpVarName%
            varName .= "--VarRef--" tmpVarName
        value := debug.Msg(Content, varName, varType)
    static getVarRefName(&Content)
        tmp_flag := false
        fn := debug.native.func(_mcode, 2, 2)
        return fn(Content, tmp_flag)

    static Msg(Content, varName, varType)
        if !debug.onlyResults
        Content := debug.toString(Content)
        Label := format("DebugObject: {}`nDebugValue:", varName)

        If (debug.TimeShow) ; append timestamp + str
            Label := "[" A_Hour ":" A_Min ":" A_Sec "]`n" Label

        If !debug.onlyResults && (this.hwnd)
            Lst_Label := StrSplit(Label, "`n")
            Lst_Content := StrSplit(Content, "`n")

            for _label in Lst_Label
                this.AppendTxt(this.ctlHwnd, StrPtr(_label))
                this._gui["EditBox"].Value .= "`n"

            this._gui["EditBox"].Value .= "  "

            for _content in Lst_Content
                this.AppendTxt(this.ctlHwnd, StrPtr(_content))
                this._gui["EditBox"].Value .= "`n  "
            this._gui["EditBox"].Value .= "`n"
            if !WinExist("Debug Window")
                PosX := IniRead("debug.ini","Pos","PosX", 969)
                PosY := IniRead("debug.ini","Pos","PosY", 190)
                PosW := IniRead("debug.ini","Pos","PosW", 410)
                PosH := IniRead("debug.ini","Pos","PosH", 233)
                this._gui.Move(PosX, PosY, PosW, PosH)
            if debug.ProgramPause
                debug.PauseFlag := true
        return Label Content

    static makeGui()
        If (WinExist("ahk_id " this.hwnd))

        If (this.hwnd Or this.StartMakingGui) ; skip making the GUI

        this.StartMakingGui := 1

        guiClose := ObjBindMethod(this, "gClose")
        this.guiClose := guiClose
        guiSize := ObjBindMethod(this, "gSize")
        this.guiSize := guiSize
        ctlEvent := ObjBindMethod(this, "event")
        this.ctlEvent := ctlEvent

        ArkDebugObj := Gui("+Resize", this.WinName)
        ArkDebugObj.OnEvent("close", this.guiClose)
        ArkDebugObj.OnEvent("size", this.guiSize)

        ArkDebugObj.SetFont("s14","MicroSoft YaHei")
        ctl := ArkDebugObj.Add("Button", "vCopy x5 y5 Section", "Copy to Clipboard").OnEvent("Click",ctlEvent)
        ctl := ArkDebugObj.Add("Button", "vClear yp x+5", "Clear Window").OnEvent("Click",ctlEvent)
        ctl := ArkDebugObj.Add("Button", "vContinue yp x+10", "Continue Program").OnEvent("Click",ctlEvent)

        ctl := ArkDebugObj.Add("Edit","vEditBox xs y+0 w800 h600 Multi ReadOnly")
        this.ctlHwnd := ctl.hwnd, ctl := ""


        this.locked := 0
        this.hwnd := ArkDebugObj.hwnd
        this.locked := 1

        this._gui := ArkDebugObj

    static gClose(g)
        WinGetPos(&PosX, &PosY, &PosW, &PosH, this.hwnd)
        IniWrite(PosX, "debug.ini", "Pos", "PosX")
        IniWrite(PosY, "debug.ini", "Pos", "PosY")
        IniWrite(PosW, "debug.ini", "Pos", "PosW")
        IniWrite(PosH, "debug.ini", "Pos", "PosH")


        this.hwnd := 0, this.ctlHwnd := 0
        this.StartMakingGui := 0
        if debug.PauseFlag
            debug.PauseFlag := false

    static gSize(g, MinMax, Width, Height)
        x := "", y := "", w := "", h := "", ctl := ""
        w := Width - 10, h := Height - 10 - 40
        ctl := g["EditBox"]

    static AppendTxt(hEdit, ptrText, loc:="bottom")
        charLen := SendMessage(0x000E, 0, 0, , "ahk_id " hEdit)
        If (loc = "bottom")
            SendMessage 0x00B1, charLen, charLen, , "ahk_id " hEdit
        Else If (loc = "top")
            SendMessage 0x00B1, 0, 0, , "ahk_id " hEdit
        SendMessage 0x00C2, False, ptrText, , "ahk_id " hEdit

    static event(ctl,info)
        If (ctl.Name = "Copy")
            A_Clipboard := ctl.gui["EditBox"].Value
        Else If (ctl.Name = "Clear")
            ctl.gui["EditBox"].Value := ""
        Else If (ctl.Name = "Continue") && debug.PauseFlag
            debug.PauseFlag := false

    static toString(Text, extraBlank := "")
        TText := Type(Text)
            if HasMethod(Text, "toString")
                return Text.toString()

        if Text is Array
            String_Text := "Type: Array`n" extraBlank

            if Text.Length < 1
                return String_Text "  Empty"

            String_Plus := ""
            if Text[1] is Number || Text[1] is String
                String_Text .= "  Index: 1 => " debug.toString(Text[1], extraBlank)
                String_Text .= "  Index: 1 => " debug.toString(Text[1], extraBlank "  ")

            Loop Text.Length - 1
                if Text[A_Index + 1] is Number || Text[A_Index + 1] is String
                    String_Plus .= "`n  " extraBlank "Index: " A_Index + 1 " => " debug.toString(Text[A_Index + 1], extraBlank)
                    String_Plus .= "`n  " extraBlank "Index: " A_Index + 1 " => " debug.toString(Text[A_Index + 1], extraBlank "  ")

            String_Text .= String_Plus

            return String_Text

        else if Text is ComObjArray
            String_Text := "Type: ComObjArray`n" extraBlank

            if Text.MaxIndex() < 0
                return String_Text "  Empty"

            String_Plus := ""
            if Text[0] is Number || Text[0] is String
                String_Text .= "  Index: 0 => " debug.toString(Text[0], extraBlank)
                String_Text .= "  Index: 0 => " debug.toString(Text[0], extraBlank "  ")

            Loop Text.MaxIndex()
                if Text[A_Index] is Number || Text[A_Index] is String
                    String_Plus .= "`n  " extraBlank "Index: " A_Index " => " debug.toString(Text[A_Index], extraBlank)
                    String_Plus .= "`n  " extraBlank "Index: " A_Index " => " debug.toString(Text[A_Index], extraBlank "  ")

            String_Text .= String_Plus

            return String_Text

        else if Text is Map
            String_Text := "Type: (like)Map`n" extraBlank

            if Text.Count < 1
                return String_Text "  Empty"

            Map_Enum := Text.__Enum()
            String_Plus := ""
            Map_Enum(&Key, &Value)
            String_Text .= "  Key => " debug.toString(Key, extraBlank)
            if Value is Number || Value is String
                String_Text .= "`n  " extraBlank "Value => " debug.toString(Value, extraBlank)
                String_Text .= "`n  " extraBlank "Value => " debug.toString(Value, extraBlank "  ")

            while Map_Enum(&Key, &Value)
                String_Text .= "`n`n  " extraBlank "Key => " debug.toString(Key, extraBlank)
                if Value is Number || Value is String
                    String_Text .= "`n  " extraBlank "Value => " debug.toString(Value, extraBlank)
                    String_Text .= "`n  " extraBlank "Value => " debug.toString(Value, extraBlank "  ")

            return String_Text

        else if TText = "Integer"
            return "Type: Integer => " Text

        else if TText = "String"
            return "Type: String => " Format('"{}"', Text)

        else if TText = "Float"
            return "Type: Float => " Round(Text, this.FloatPos)

        else if TText = "Enumerator"
            return "Type: Enumerator"

        else if TText = "Closure"
            String_Text := "Type: Closure`n" extraBlank
                String_Text .= "  Name => " Text.Name
                String_Text .= "`n  "  extraBlank "IsBuiltIn => " Text.IsBuiltIn
                String_Text .= "`n  "  extraBlank "IsVariadic => " Text.IsVariadic
                String_Text .= "`n  "  extraBlank "MinParams => " Text.MinParams
                String_Text .= "`n  "  extraBlank "MaxParams => " Text.MaxParams
                String_Text .= "  Props => Unknown(Maybe Enumerator / Prototype)"

            return String_Text

        else if Text is Func
            String_Text := "Type: Func`n" extraBlank
                String_Text .= "  Name => " Text.Name
                String_Text .= "`n  "  extraBlank "IsBuiltIn => " Text.IsBuiltIn
                String_Text .= "`n  "  extraBlank "IsVariadic => " Text.IsVariadic
                String_Text .= "`n  "  extraBlank "MinParams => " Text.MinParams
                String_Text .= "`n  "  extraBlank "MaxParams => " Text.MaxParams
                String_Text .= "  Props => Unknown(Maybe Enumerator / Prototype)"

            return String_Text

        else if Text is Class
            String_Text := "Type: Class => " Text.Prototype.__Class "`n" extraBlank

            if ObjOwnPropCount(Text) < 1
                return String_Text "  Empty"

            Object_Enum := Text.OwnProps()
            Value := Text.%Key%
            if !(Value is Number || Value is String) && type(Value) != "Prototype"
                String_Text .= "  PropName => " Key
                String_Text .=  "`n  " extraBlank debug.toString(Value, extraBlank "  ")
            else if type(Value) != "Prototype"
                String_Text .= "  PropName => " Key
                String_Text .= "`n  " extraBlank "PropValue => " debug.toString(Value, extraBlank)

            while Object_Enum(&Key)
                Value := Text.%Key%
                if !(Value is Number || Value is String) && type(Value) != "Prototype"
                    String_Text .= "`n`n  " extraBlank "PropName => " Key
                    String_Text .= "`n  " extraBlank debug.toString(Value, extraBlank "  ")
                else if type(Value) != "Prototype"
                    String_Text .= "`n`n  " extraBlank "PropName => " Key
                    String_Text .= "`n  " extraBlank "PropValue => " debug.toString(Value, extraBlank)

            if ObjOwnPropCount(Text.Prototype) < 1
                return String_Text "  Empty"

            Class_Enum := Text.Prototype.OwnProps()
            Value := Text.Prototype.%Key%
            String_Text .= "`n  " extraBlank "Prototype:`n    " extraBlank "PropName => " Key
            if (Value is Number || Value is String)
                String_Text .= "`n    " extraBlank "PropValue => " debug.toString(Value, extraBlank)
                String_Text .= "`n    " extraBlank "PropValue => " debug.toString(Value, extraBlank "    ")

            while Class_Enum(&Key)
                Value := Text.Prototype.%Key%
                String_Text .= "`n`n    " extraBlank "PropName => " Key
                if (Value is Number || Value is String)
                    String_Text .= "`n    " extraBlank "PropValue => " debug.toString(Value, extraBlank)
                    String_Text .= "`n    " extraBlank "PropValue => " debug.toString(Value, extraBlank "    ")

            return String_Text
        else if Text is VarRef
            String_Text := "Type: VarRef`n" extraBlank
            String_Text .= "  Name => " debug.getVarRefName(Text)

            return String_Text

        else if Text is Object
            String_Text := Format("Type: {}`n", TText)

            if ObjOwnPropCount(Text) < 1
                return String_Text "  " extraBlank "Empty"

            String_Text .= extraBlank
            Object_Enum := Text.OwnProps()
            Value := Text.%Key%
            String_Text .= "  PropName => " debug.toString(Key, extraBlank)
            if (Value is Number || Value is String)
                String_Text .= "`n  " extraBlank "PropValue => " debug.toString(Value, extraBlank)
                String_Text .= "`n  " extraBlank "PropValue => " debug.toString(Value, extraBlank "  ")

            while Object_Enum(&Key)
                    Value := Text.%Key%
                    String_Text .= "`n`n  " extraBlank "PropName => " debug.toString(Key, extraBlank)
                String_Text .= "`n`n  " extraBlank "PropName => " debug.toString(Key, extraBlank)
                if (Value is Number || Value is String)
                    String_Text .= "`n  " extraBlank "PropValue => " debug.toString(Value, extraBlank)
                    String_Text .= "`n  " extraBlank "PropValue => " debug.toString(Value, extraBlank "  ")

            return String_Text

            return "Type: " TText

    static isVar(_string)
            lst_name := strsplit(_string, ".")
            tmp := %lst_name[1]%
            loop lst_name.length - 1
                tmp := tmp.%lst_name[a_index + 1]%
            return true
            return false
     * @description create native functions or methods from mcode,
     * load ahk modules(write by c/c++) as native classes or fuctions.
     * @author thqby
     * @date 2022/02/27
     * @version 1.1.6

    class native extends func
        static prototype.caches := map()

        ; Auto free the NativeFunc object memory, because destructor is overridden, ahk will not free the memory.
        ; Freeing memory before func obj is released can cause invalid reads and writes to memory.
        ; Delayed free memory, the memory of the last function is freed when the function object is released.
            numput('ptr', pthis := objptr(this), objptr(this.base.caches[''] := buffer()), 3 * A_PtrSize + 8)
            try this.base.caches.delete(numget(pthis + 6 * A_PtrSize + 16, 'ptr'))

        ; Provides a way for modules to call ahk objects
        static __get(name, params) => params.length ? %name%[params*] : %name%
        static __call(name, params)
            if name = 'throw'
                if len := params.length
                    msg := params[1], extra := len > 1 ? params[2] : '', errobj := len > 2 ? %params[3]% : msg is Integer ? oserror : error
                    throw errobj(msg, -1, extra)
                throw error('An exception occurred', -1)
            return %name%(params*)

        ; create c/c++ function from mcode, and return the function address
        static mcode(hex)
            static reg := "^([12]?).*" (A_PtrSize = 8 ? "x64" : "x86") ":([A-Za-z\d+/=]+)"
            if (regexmatch(hex, reg, &m))
                hex := m[2], flag := m[1] = "1" ? 4 : m[1] = "2" ? 1 : hex ~= "[+/=]" ? 1 : 4
                flag := hex ~= "[+/=]" ? 1 : 4
            if (!dllcall("crypt32\CryptStringToBinary", "str", hex, "uint", 0, "uint", flag, "ptr", 0, "uint*", &s := 0, "ptr", 0, "ptr", 0))
                throw oserror(A_LastError)
            if (dllcall("crypt32\CryptStringToBinary", "str", hex, "uint", 0, "uint", flag, "ptr", p := (code := buffer(s)).Ptr, "uint*", &s, "ptr", 0, "ptr", 0) && dllcall("VirtualProtect", "ptr", code, "uint", s, "uint", 0x40, "uint*", 0))
                return (this.prototype.caches[p] := code, p)
            throw oserror(A_LastError)

         * Generate a func object with native code
         * @param BIF Function addresses, `void funcname(ResultToken &aResultToken, ExprTokenType *aParam[], int aParamCount)`
         * @param MinParams The number of required parameters
         * @param ParamCount The number of maximum parameters, ParamCount = 255 if the function is variadic
         * @param OutputVars The array that contains one-based indexs of outputvars, up to seven
         * @param FID Function ID, `aResultToken.func->mFID`, for code sharing: this function's ID in the group of functions which share the same c++ function
        static func(bif, minparams := 0, paramcount := 0, outputvars := 0, fid := 0)
            static p__init := objptr(Any.__Init), size := 8 * A_PtrSize + 16
            if bif is string
                bif := this.mcode(bif)
            ; copy a func object memory
            sbif := buffer(outputvars ? size + 7 : size, 0), dllcall('RtlMoveMemory', 'ptr', sbif, 'ptr', p__init, 'uint', size)
            obif := objfromptr(sbif.Ptr)
            if isvariadic := paramcount == 255
                paramcount := minparams
            else paramcount := max(minparams, paramcount)
            ; init func refcount and base obj
            numput('uint', 1, 'uint', 0, 'ptr', objptraddref(debug.native.prototype), sbif, A_PtrSize)
            ; init func infos
            numput('ptr', strptr('User-bif'), 'int', paramcount, 'int', minparams, 'int', isvariadic, sbif, 3 * A_PtrSize + 8)
            numput('ptr', bif, 'ptr', fid, sbif, 6 * A_PtrSize + 16)
            if outputvars
                numput('ptr', s := sbif.Ptr + size, sbif, 5 * A_PtrSize + 16)	; mOutputVars
                loop min(outputvars.length, 7)	; MAX_FUNC_OUTPUT_VAR = 7
                    s := numput('uchar', outputvars[A_Index], s)
            numput('ptr', 0, 'ptr', 0, objptr(sbif), 3 * A_PtrSize + 8) ; Avoid the memory of func object be freed when buffer is released
            return obif

         * Generate a method with native code, is same with `debug.native.func`
         * @param base The base of instance
        static method(base, bim, mit, minparams := 0, paramcount := 0, mid := 0)
            static pownprops := objptr({}.OwnProps), size := 9 * A_PtrSize + 16, nameoffset := 3 * A_PtrSize + 8
            if bim is string
                bim := this.mcode(bim)
            sbim := buffer(size, 0), dllcall('RtlMoveMemory', 'ptr', sbim, 'ptr', pownprops, 'uint', size)
            obim := objfromptr(sbim.ptr), isvariadic := paramcount == 255
            switch mit, false
                case 'call', 2: ++minparams, paramcount := isvariadic ? minparams : max(minparams, paramcount + 1), numput('ptr', strptr('User-bim'), sbim, nameoffset), mit := 2
                case 'set', 1: minparams += 2, paramcount += 2, mit := 1, numput('ptr', strptr('User-bim.Set'), sbim, nameoffset)
                case 'get', 0: ++minparams, paramcount := max(minparams, paramcount + 1), numput('ptr', strptr('User-bim.Get'), sbim, nameoffset), mit := 0
            numput('uint', 1, 'uint', 0, 'ptr', objptraddref(debug.native.prototype), sbim, A_PtrSize)
            numput('int', max(minparams, paramcount), 'int', minparams, 'int', isvariadic, sbim, 4 * A_PtrSize + 8)
            numput('ptr', bim, 'ptr', base, 'uchar', mid, 'uchar', mit, sbim, 6 * A_PtrSize + 16)
            numput('ptr', 0, 'ptr', 0, objptr(sbim), 3 * A_PtrSize + 8)
            return obim

         * Defines a new own property with native code, is similar with `obj.DefineProp`
         * @param obj Any object
         * @param name The name of the property
         * @param desc An object with one of following own properties, or both `Get` and `Set`
         * `Call, Get, Set`: an object with `bim` property and optional properties `minparams`, `paramcount`, `outputvars`, `mid`, is same with the parameters of `BuiltInFunc`
         * `bim`: `void (IObject::* ObjectMethod)(ResultToken& aResultToken, int aID, int aFlags, ExprTokenType* aParam[], int aParamCount)`
        static defineprop(obj, name, desc)
            descobj := {}, baseobj := objptr(obj.base)
            for mit in ['call', 'set', 'get']
                if desc.hasownprop(mit)
                    t := desc.%mit%, minparams := paramcount := mid := 0, bim := t.bim
                    for k in ['minparams', 'paramcount', 'mid']
                        if t.hasownprop(k)
                            %k% := t.%k%
                    descobj.%mit% := this.method(baseobj, bim, mit, minparams, paramcount, mid)
            obj.defineprop(name, descobj)

         * Create a class with constructor function address
         * @param ctor constructor function address, `void funcname(ResultToken &aResultToken, ExprTokenType *aParam[], int aParamCount)`
         * constructor function used to create an object
        static class(name, ctor := 0, fid := 0)
            cls := class(), cls.prototype := { base: object.prototype, __class: name }
            if ctor
                cls.defineprop('Call', {call: this.func(ctor, 1, 255, 0, fid)})
            return cls

         * Load a dll file with the specified format to create native functions and classes
         * @param path ahk module path
         * @param load_symbols Load symbols that specific names, will overwrite existing global classes
         * @param loader Create native functions and classes based on the information provided by the module, or do it in the module
         * @param provider Used to provide the ahk objects required by the module
        static loadmodule(path, load_symbols := 0, loader := 0, provider := 0)
            if !(module := dllcall('LoadLibrary', 'str', path, 'ptr'))
                throw oserror(A_LastError)
            module_load_addr := dllcall('GetProcAddress', 'ptr', module, 'astr', 'ahk2_module_load', 'ptr') || dllcall('GetProcAddress', 'ptr', module, 'ptr', 1, 'ptr')
            if !module_load_addr
                throw error('Export function not found')
            if load_symbols
                t := map(), t.casesense := false
                for k in load_symbols
                    t[k] := true
                load_symbols := t
            if !p := dllcall(module_load_addr, 'ptr', objptr(loader || default_loader), 'ptr', objptr(provider || debug.native), 'cdecl ptr')
                throw error('Load module fail', -1, oserror(A_LastError).Message)
            return objfromptr(p)

            default_loader(count, addr)
                static size := 2 * A_PtrSize + 16
                symbols := map(), symbols.casesense := false, symbols.defineprop('__call', { call: (s, n, p) => s[n](p*) })
                loop count
                    name := strget(pname := numget(addr, 'ptr'))
                    if load_symbols && !load_symbols.Has(name)
                        addr += size
                    funcaddr := numget(addr += A_PtrSize, 'ptr')
                    minparams := numget(addr += A_PtrSize, 'uchar')
                    maxparams := numget(addr += 1, 'uchar')
                    id := numget(addr += 1, 'ushort')
                    if member_count := numget(addr += 2, 'uint')
                            if !load_symbols || !isobject(symbol := %name%)
                            symbols[name] := symbol
                            if !symbol.hasownprop('prototype')
                                symbol.prototype := this.class(name, 0).prototype
                            if funcaddr
                                symbol.defineprop('Call', {call: me := this.func(funcaddr, 1, maxparams + 1, 0, id)}), numput('ptr', pname, objptr(me), 3 * A_PtrSize + 8)
                            symbols[name] := symbol := this.class(name, funcaddr, id)
                        pmem := numget(addr += 4, 'ptr')
                    staticmembers := {}, members := {}
                    loop member_count
                        name := strget(pname := numget(pmem, 'ptr'))
                        method := numget(pmem += A_PtrSize, 'ptr')
                        id := numget(pmem += A_PtrSize, 'uchar')
                        mit := numget(pmem += 1, 'uchar')
                        minparams := numget(pmem += 1, 'uchar')
                        maxparams := numget(pmem += 1, 'uchar')
                        namearr := strsplit(name, '.')
                        if mit < 2 && namearr.length > 2
                        name := namearr.pop()
                        sub := mit = 2 ? 'call' : mit = 1 ? 'set' : 'get'
                        if namearr.length < 2
                            mems := staticmembers, pbase := objptr(symbol.base)
                            mems := members, pbase := objptr(symbol.prototype.base)
                        if !mems.hasownprop(name)
                            t := mems.%name% := {}
                        else t := mems.%name%
                        t.%sub% := me := this.method(pbase, method, mit, minparams, maxparams, id)
                        numput('ptr', pname, objptr(me), 3 * A_PtrSize + 8)
                        pmem += A_PtrSize - 3
                        symbols[name] := symbol := this.func(funcaddr, minparams, maxparams, 0, id)
                        numput('ptr', pname, objptr(symbol), 3 * A_PtrSize + 8)
                        if numget(addr += 4, 'uchar')	; set mOutputVars
                            numput('ptr', addr, objptr(symbol), 5 * A_PtrSize + 16)
                    if member_count
                        if symbol == map	; Break circular references if map has define native funcs
                            OnExit(onexitapp.Bind(map(map, [staticmembers*], map.prototype, [members*])))
                        for name, desc in staticmembers.ownprops()
                            symbol.defineprop(name, desc)
                        symbol := symbol.prototype
                        for name, desc in members.ownprops()
                            symbol.defineprop(name, desc)
                    addr += 8
                return symbols

                onexitapp(todels, *)
                    for o, arr in todels
                        for n in arr
                            try o.deleteprop(n)
        static mdfunc(fn, sig, prototype := 0)
            static p_mdfunc := objptr(msgbox), size := 10 * A_PtrSize + 16
            static mdtypes :=
                void: 0,
                int8: 1,
                uint8: 2,
                int16: 3,
                uint16: 4,
                int32: 5,
                uint32: 6,
                int64: 7,
                uint64: 8,
                float64: 9,
                float32: 10,
                string: 11,
                object: 12,
                variant: 13,
                bool32: 14,
                resulttype: 15,
                fresult: 16,
                params: 17,
                optional: 0x80,
                retval: 0x81,
                out: 0x82,
                ; thiscall,
                uintptr: A_PtrSize = 8 ? 8 : 6,
                intptr: A_PtrSize = 8 ? 7 : 5,
            if fn is string
                fn := this.mcode(fn)
            ; copy a func object memory
            smdf := buffer(size, 0), dllcall('RtlMoveMemory', 'ptr', smdf, 'ptr', p_mdfunc, 'uint', size)
            p := numput('ptr', fn, smdf, 6 * A_PtrSize + 16), ac := pc := minparams := 0
            if prototype
                numput('char', 1, numput('ptr', isobject(prototype) ? objptr(prototype) : prototype, p) + A_PtrSize + 3), ac := pc := minparams := 1
            isvariadic := false, maxresulttokens := 0
            if sig is array
                if sig.length > 1
                    ret := sig.removeat(1), smdf.size += sig.length, ret is string && ret := mdtypes.%ret%
                else ret := 0
                opt := false, retval := false, out := 0
                loop sig.length
                    c := sig[A_Index]
                    if c is String
                        sig[A_Index] := c := mdtypes.%c%
                    numput('uchar', c, smdf, size + A_Index - 1)
                    if c >= 128
                        if c = 128
                            opt := true
                        else if c = 0x82
                            out := c
                        else if c = 0x81
                            retval := true
                    if A_PtrSize = 4 && c >= 7 && c <= 9 && !out && !opt
                    if c = 17
                        isvariadic := true
                    else if !retval
                        if !opt && pc - 1 = minparams
                            minparams := pc
                        if c = 13 && out
                    opt := false, retval := false, out := 0
                numput('ptr', smdf.ptr + size, 'uchar', ret, 'uchar', ac, 'uchar', sig.length, smdf, 8 * A_PtrSize + 16)
            else throw
            paramcount := pc
            obif := objfromptr(smdf.ptr)
            ; init func refcount and base obj
            numput('uint', 1, 'uint', 0, 'ptr', objptraddref(debug.native.prototype), smdf, A_PtrSize)
            ; init func infos
            numput('ptr', strptr('User-MdFunc'), 'int', paramcount, 'int', minparams, 'int', isvariadic, smdf, 3 * A_PtrSize + 8)
            numput('ptr', 0, 'ptr', 0, objptr(smdf), 3 * A_PtrSize + 8)	; Avoid the memory of func object be freed when buffer is released
            return obif

    native_mcode(hex, argtypes := 0, &code := 0)
        static reg := "^([12]?).*" (c := a_ptrsize = 8 ? "x64" : "x86") ":([A-Za-z\d+/=]+)"
        if (regexmatch(hex, reg, &m))
            hex := m[2], flag := m[1] = "1" ? 4 : m[1] = "2" ? 1 : hex ~= "[+/=]" ? 1 : 4
            flag := hex ~= "[+/=]" ? 1 : 4
        if (!dllcall("crypt32\CryptStringToBinary", "str", hex, "uint", 0, "uint", flag, "ptr", 0, "uint*", &s := 0, "ptr", 0, "ptr", 0))
        code := buffer(s)
        if (dllcall("crypt32\CryptStringToBinary", "str", hex, "uint", 0, "uint", flag, "ptr", code, "uint*", &s, "ptr", 0, "ptr", 0) && dllcall("VirtualProtect", "ptr", code, "uint", s, "uint", 0x40, "uint*", 0))
            args := []
            if (argtypes is array && argtypes.Length)
                args.length := argtypes.length * 2 - 1
                for i, t in argtypes
                    args[i * 2 - 1] := t
            return dllcall.bind(code, args*)

freezeVar := debug.native.func("2,x64:SIsCTIsASItCCIN4EAR1C0iLAEEPtkgjSIkIQcZAIwLD", 2, 2)
releaseVar := debug.native.func("2,x64:SIsCTIsASItCCIN4EAR1A0iLAA+2AEGIQCNJi0AQSIsISYkIww==", 2, 2)
releasePriVar := debug.native.func("2,x64:SIsCSIsIxkEjAcM=", 1, 1)
freezeVar(freezeVar, freezeVar_beforeType := 0)
freezeVar(releaseVar, releaseVar_beforeType := 0)

const(var, value := 0)
    flag := false
    if !(var is VarRef)
        throw typeerror("Input Type must be VarRef.")
    if !isset(%var%)
        %var% := value
    if !(%var% is Primitive)
        flag := true
    freezeVar(%var%, tmp := 0)
    if flag
        %var%.mType := tmp

Code: Select all

debug [[1],2,3]
/* output
DebugObject: CONST--[[1],2,3]
  Type: Array
  Index: 1 => Type: Array
    Index: 1 => Type: Integer => 1
  Index: 2 => Type: Integer => 2
  Index: 3 => Type: Integer => 3

Code: Select all

b := map(2,map(3,4))
debug b
/* output
DebugObject: b
  Type: (like)Map
  Key => Type: Integer => 2
  Value => Type: (like)Map
    Key => Type: Integer => 3
    Value => Type: Integer => 4

Code: Select all

class a
    static b := [1,[map(2,4),3]]
    static d()
    class f
debug a

Code: Select all

/* output
DebugObject: a
  Type: Class => a
    PropName => __Init
    Type: Func
      Name => a.__Init
      IsBuiltIn => 0
      IsVariadic => 0
      MinParams => 1
      MaxParams => 1
    PropName => b
    Type: Array
      Index: 1 => Type: Integer => 1
      Index: 2 => Type: Array
        Index: 1 => Type: (like)Map
          Key => Type: Integer => 2
          Value => Type: Integer => 4
        Index: 2 => Type: Integer => 3
    PropName => d
    Type: Func
      Name => a.d
      IsBuiltIn => 0
      IsVariadic => 0
      MinParams => 1
      MaxParams => 1
    PropName => f
    Type: Class => a.f
      PropName => __Init
      Type: Func
        Name => a.f.__Init
        IsBuiltIn => 0
        IsVariadic => 0
        MinParams => 1
        MaxParams => 1
        PropName => __Class
        PropValue => Type: String => "a.f"
      PropName => __Class
      PropValue => Type: String => "a"
      PropName => e
      PropValue => Type: Func
        Name => a.Prototype.e
        IsBuiltIn => 0
        IsVariadic => 0
        MinParams => 1
        MaxParams => 1
Last edited by Mono919 on 26 Mar 2023, 11:24, edited 4 times in total.

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Re: debug--an easily output about var

Post by Mono919 » 18 Jan 2023, 04:27

now debug pause the script as default
if you want to disable it, please use "debug.ProgramPause := false"
when you close the gui or click the button "Continue the Program", the script will run again.
also, now your debug window's x,y,w,h will be automatically output to "debug.ini".

Code: Select all

class debug
    static _gui :="", hwnd := 0, ctlHwnd := 0
    static StartMakingGui := 0, locked := 1
    static WinName := "Debug Window"
    static FloatPos := 15
    static TimeShow := true
    static onlyResults := false
    static ProgramPause := true
    static PauseFlag := false

    __New(Content, &value := true)
        value := debug.Msg(Content)

    static Msg(Content)
        varErr := error("", -4)
        regmatch := "debug\((.*)\)"
        regexmatch(varErr.stack, regmatch, &var)
        if !var
            regmatch := "debug\((.*),"
            regexmatch(varErr.stack, regmatch, &var)
        varName := debug.isVar(var[1]) ? var[1] : "CONST--" var[1]
        varType := type(Content)

        if !debug.onlyResults
        Content := debug.toString(Content)
        Label := format("DebugObject: {}`nDebugValue:", varName)

        If (debug.TimeShow) ; append timestamp + str
            Label := "[" A_Hour ":" A_Min ":" A_Sec "]`n" Label

        If !debug.onlyResults && (this.hwnd)
            Lst_Label := StrSplit(Label, "`n")
            Lst_Content := StrSplit(Content, "`n")

            for _label in Lst_Label
                this.AppendTxt(this.ctlHwnd, StrPtr(_label))
                this._gui["EditBox"].Value .= "`n"

            this._gui["EditBox"].Value .= "  "

            for _content in Lst_Content
                this.AppendTxt(this.ctlHwnd, StrPtr(_content))
                this._gui["EditBox"].Value .= "`n  "
            this._gui["EditBox"].Value .= "`n"
            if !WinExist("Debug Window")
                PosX := IniRead("debug.ini","Pos","PosX", 969)
                PosY := IniRead("debug.ini","Pos","PosY", 190)
                PosW := IniRead("debug.ini","Pos","PosW", 410)
                PosH := IniRead("debug.ini","Pos","PosH", 233)
                this._gui.Move(PosX, PosY, PosW, PosH)
            if debug.ProgramPause
                debug.PauseFlag := true
        return Label Content

    static makeGui()
        If (WinExist("ahk_id " this.hwnd))

        If (this.hwnd Or this.StartMakingGui) ; skip making the GUI

        this.StartMakingGui := 1

        guiClose := ObjBindMethod(this, "gClose")
        this.guiClose := guiClose
        guiSize := ObjBindMethod(this, "gSize")
        this.guiSize := guiSize
        ctlEvent := ObjBindMethod(this, "event")
        this.ctlEvent := ctlEvent

        ArkDebugObj := Gui("+Resize", this.WinName)
        ArkDebugObj.OnEvent("close", this.guiClose)
        ArkDebugObj.OnEvent("size", this.guiSize)

        ArkDebugObj.SetFont("s11","Courier New")
        ctl := ArkDebugObj.Add("Button", "vCopy x5 y5 Section", "Copy to Clipboard").OnEvent("Click",ctlEvent)
        ctl := ArkDebugObj.Add("Button", "vClear yp x+5", "Clear Window").OnEvent("Click",ctlEvent)
        ctl := ArkDebugObj.Add("Button", "vContinue yp x+10", "Continue Program").OnEvent("Click",ctlEvent)

        ctl := ArkDebugObj.Add("Edit","vEditBox xs y+0 w700 h500 Multi ReadOnly")
        this.ctlHwnd := ctl.hwnd, ctl := ""


        this.locked := 0
        this.hwnd := ArkDebugObj.hwnd
        this.locked := 1

        this._gui := ArkDebugObj

    static gClose(g)
        WinGetPos(&PosX, &PosY, &PosW, &PosH, this.hwnd)
        IniWrite(PosX, "debug.ini", "Pos", "PosX")
        IniWrite(PosY, "debug.ini", "Pos", "PosY")
        IniWrite(PosW, "debug.ini", "Pos", "PosW")
        IniWrite(PosH, "debug.ini", "Pos", "PosH")


        this.hwnd := 0, this.ctlHwnd := 0
        this.StartMakingGui := 0
        if debug.PauseFlag
            debug.PauseFlag := false

    static gSize(g, MinMax, Width, Height)
        x := "", y := "", w := "", h := "", ctl := ""
        w := Width - 10, h := Height - 10 - 40
        ctl := g["EditBox"]

    static AppendTxt(hEdit, ptrText, loc:="bottom")
        charLen := SendMessage(0x000E, 0, 0, , "ahk_id " hEdit)
        If (loc = "bottom")
            SendMessage 0x00B1, charLen, charLen, , "ahk_id " hEdit
        Else If (loc = "top")
            SendMessage 0x00B1, 0, 0, , "ahk_id " hEdit
        SendMessage 0x00C2, False, ptrText, , "ahk_id " hEdit

    static event(ctl,info)
        If (ctl.Name = "Copy")
            A_Clipboard := ctl.gui["EditBox"].Value
        Else If (ctl.Name = "Clear")
            ctl.gui["EditBox"].Value := ""
        Else If (ctl.Name = "Continue") && debug.PauseFlag
            debug.PauseFlag := false

    static toString(Text, extraBlank := "")
        TText := Type(Text)

        if HasMethod(Text, "toString")
            return Text.toString()

        else if Text is Array
            String_Text := "Type: Array`n" extraBlank

            if Text.Length < 1
                return String_Text "  Empty"

            String_Plus := ""
            if Text[1] is Number || Text[1] is String
                String_Text .= "  Index: 1 => " debug.toString(Text[1], extraBlank)
                String_Text .= "  Index: 1 => " debug.toString(Text[1], extraBlank "  ")

            Loop Text.Length - 1
                if Text[A_Index + 1] is Number || Text[A_Index + 1] is String
                    String_Plus .= "`n  " extraBlank "Index: " A_Index + 1 " => " debug.toString(Text[A_Index + 1], extraBlank)
                    String_Plus .= "`n  " extraBlank "Index: " A_Index + 1 " => " debug.toString(Text[A_Index + 1], extraBlank "  ")

            String_Text .= String_Plus

            return String_Text

        else if Text is ComObjArray
            String_Text := "Type: ComObjArray`n" extraBlank

            if Text.MaxIndex() < 0
                return String_Text "  Empty"

            String_Plus := ""
            if Text[0] is Number || Text[0] is String
                String_Text := "  Index: 0 => " debug.toString(Text[0], extraBlank)
                String_Text := "  Index: 0 => " debug.toString(Text[0], extraBlank "  ")

            Loop Text.MaxIndex()
                if Text[A_Index] is Number || Text[A_Index] is String
                    String_Plus .= "`n  " extraBlank "Index: " A_Index " => " debug.toString(Text[A_Index], extraBlank)
                    String_Plus .= "`n  " extraBlank "Index: " A_Index " => " debug.toString(Text[A_Index], extraBlank "  ")

            String_Text .= String_Plus

            return String_Text

        else if Text is Map
            String_Text := "Type: (like)Map`n" extraBlank

            if Text.Count < 1
                return String_Text "  Empty"

            Map_Enum := Text.__Enum()
            String_Plus := ""
            Map_Enum(&Key, &Value)
            String_Text .= "  Key => " debug.toString(Key, extraBlank)
            if Value is Number || Value is String
                String_Text .= "`n  " extraBlank "Value => " debug.toString(Value, extraBlank)
                String_Text .= "`n  " extraBlank "Value => " debug.toString(Value, extraBlank "  ")

            while Map_Enum(&Key, &Value)
                String_Text .= "`n`n  " extraBlank "Key => " debug.toString(Key, extraBlank)
                if Value is Number || Value is String
                    String_Text .= "`n  " extraBlank "Value => " debug.toString(Value, extraBlank)
                    String_Text .= "`n  " extraBlank "Value => " debug.toString(Value, extraBlank "  ")

            return String_Text

        else if TText = "Integer"
            return "Type: Integer => " Text

        else if TText = "String"
            return "Type: String => " Format('"{}"', Text)

        else if TText = "Float"
            return "Type: Float => " Round(Text, this.FloatPos)

        else if Text is Func
            String_Text := "Type: Func`n" extraBlank
            String_Text .= "  Name => " Text.Name
            String_Text .= "`n  "  extraBlank "IsBuiltIn => " Text.IsBuiltIn
            String_Text .= "`n  "  extraBlank "IsVariadic => " Text.IsVariadic
            String_Text .= "`n  "  extraBlank "MinParams => " Text.MinParams
            String_Text .= "`n  "  extraBlank "MaxParams => " Text.MaxParams

            return String_Text

        else if Text is Class
            String_Text := "Type: Class => " Text.Prototype.__Class "`n" extraBlank

            if ObjOwnPropCount(Text) < 1
                return String_Text "  Empty"

            Object_Enum := Text.OwnProps()
            Value := Text.%Key%
            if !(Value is Number || Value is String) && type(Value) != "Prototype"
                String_Text .= "  PropName => " Key
                String_Text .=  "`n  " extraBlank debug.toString(Value, extraBlank "  ")
            else if type(Value) != "Prototype"
                String_Text .= "  PropName => " Key
                String_Text .= "`n  " extraBlank "PropValue => " debug.toString(Value, extraBlank)

            while Object_Enum(&Key)
                Value := Text.%Key%
                if !(Value is Number || Value is String) && type(Value) != "Prototype"
                    String_Text .= "`n`n  " extraBlank "PropName => " Key
                    String_Text .= "`n  " extraBlank debug.toString(Value, extraBlank "  ")
                else if type(Value) != "Prototype"
                    String_Text .= "`n`n  " extraBlank "PropName => " Key
                    String_Text .= "`n  " extraBlank "PropValue => " debug.toString(Value, extraBlank)

            if ObjOwnPropCount(Text.Prototype) < 1
                return String_Text "  Empty"

            Class_Enum := Text.Prototype.OwnProps()
            Value := Text.Prototype.%Key%
            String_Text .= "`n  " extraBlank "Prototype:`n    " extraBlank "PropName => " Key
            if (Value is Number || Value is String)
                String_Text .= "`n    " extraBlank "PropValue => " debug.toString(Value, extraBlank)
                String_Text .= "`n    " extraBlank "PropValue => " debug.toString(Value, extraBlank "    ")

            while Class_Enum(&Key)
                Value := Text.Prototype.%Key%
                String_Text .= "`n`n    " extraBlank "PropName => " Key
                if (Value is Number || Value is String)
                    String_Text .= "`n    " extraBlank "PropValue => " debug.toString(Value, extraBlank)
                    String_Text .= "`n    " extraBlank "PropValue => " debug.toString(Value, extraBlank "    ")

            return String_Text

        else if Text is Object
            String_Text := Format("Type: {}`n", TText)

            if ObjOwnPropCount(Text) < 1
                return String_Text "  Empty"

            String_Text .= extraBlank
            Object_Enum := Text.OwnProps()
            Value := Text.%Key%
            String_Text .= "  " extraBlank "PropName => " debug.toString(Key, extraBlank)
            if (Value is Number || Value is String)
                String_Text .= "`n  " extraBlank "PropValue => " debug.toString(Value, extraBlank)
                String_Text .= "`n  " extraBlank "PropValue => " debug.toString(Value, extraBlank "  ")

            while Object_Enum(&Key)
                Value := Text.%Key%
                String_Text .= "`n`n  " extraBlank "PropName => " debug.toString(Key, extraBlank)
                if (Value is Number || Value is String)
                    String_Text .= "`n  " extraBlank "PropValue => " debug.toString(Value, extraBlank)
                    String_Text .= "`n  " extraBlank "PropValue => " debug.toString(Value, extraBlank "  ")

            return String_Text

            return "Type: " TText

    static isVar(_string)
            lst_name := strsplit(_string, ".")
            tmp := %lst_name[1]%
            loop lst_name.length - 1
                tmp := tmp.%lst_name[a_index + 1]%
            return true
            return false

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Re: debug--an easily output about var

Post by dJeePe » 18 Jan 2023, 09:03


Maybe i'm to dumb to use it but i always got an error !? :eh:
2023-18_145952.png (15.25 KiB) Viewed 1978 times
fyi i'm using Version 2.0-beta.12


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Posts: 71
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Re: debug--an easily output about var

Post by Mono919 » 20 Jan 2023, 22:41

dJeePe wrote:
18 Jan 2023, 09:03

Maybe i'm to dumb to use it but i always got an error !? :eh:

fyi i'm using Version 2.0-beta.12

yeah,but,can you show me how to use it?
as my method, you should only use it like debug(xxx) nor rename it.

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Posts: 71
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Re: debug--an easily output about var

Post by Mono919 » 22 Jan 2023, 06:31

add native module(by thqby), and support get the name of varref in debug object.
fix the bugs about you input a long long text into it and err.stack will remake it as ...nmore(it will cause regexmatch failed), so now if you input a long text, debug will make its name as Unknown--Too Long.

Code: Select all

class debug
    static _gui :="", hwnd := 0, ctlHwnd := 0
    static StartMakingGui := 0, locked := 1
    static WinName := "Debug Window"
    static FloatPos := 15
    static TimeShow := true
    static onlyResults := false
    static ProgramPause := true
    static PauseFlag := false

    __New(Content, &value := true)
        varErr := error("", -3)
        regmatch := "debug\((.*)\)"
        regexmatch(varErr.stack, regmatch, &var)
        if !var
            regmatch := "debug\((.*),"
            regexmatch(varErr.stack, regmatch, &var)
        if !var
            varName := "Unknown--Too Long"
            varType := type(Content)
            varName := debug.isVar(var[1]) ? var[1] : "CONST--" var[1]
            varType := type(Content)
        if Content is VarRef
            tmpVarName := debug.getVarRefName(Content)
            Content := %tmpVarName%
            varName .= "--VarRef--" tmpVarName
        value := debug.Msg(Content, varName, varType)
    static getVarRefName(&Content)
        tmp_flag := false
        fn := debug.native.func(_mcode, 2, 2)
        return fn(Content, tmp_flag)

    static Msg(Content, varName, varType)
        if !debug.onlyResults
        Content := debug.toString(Content)
        Label := format("DebugObject: {}`nDebugValue:", varName)

        If (debug.TimeShow) ; append timestamp + str
            Label := "[" A_Hour ":" A_Min ":" A_Sec "]`n" Label

        If !debug.onlyResults && (this.hwnd)
            Lst_Label := StrSplit(Label, "`n")
            Lst_Content := StrSplit(Content, "`n")

            for _label in Lst_Label
                this.AppendTxt(this.ctlHwnd, StrPtr(_label))
                this._gui["EditBox"].Value .= "`n"

            this._gui["EditBox"].Value .= "  "

            for _content in Lst_Content
                this.AppendTxt(this.ctlHwnd, StrPtr(_content))
                this._gui["EditBox"].Value .= "`n  "
            this._gui["EditBox"].Value .= "`n"
            if !WinExist("Debug Window")
                PosX := IniRead("debug.ini","Pos","PosX", 969)
                PosY := IniRead("debug.ini","Pos","PosY", 190)
                PosW := IniRead("debug.ini","Pos","PosW", 410)
                PosH := IniRead("debug.ini","Pos","PosH", 233)
                this._gui.Move(PosX, PosY, PosW, PosH)
            if debug.ProgramPause
                debug.PauseFlag := true
        return Label Content

    static makeGui()
        If (WinExist("ahk_id " this.hwnd))

        If (this.hwnd Or this.StartMakingGui) ; skip making the GUI

        this.StartMakingGui := 1

        guiClose := ObjBindMethod(this, "gClose")
        this.guiClose := guiClose
        guiSize := ObjBindMethod(this, "gSize")
        this.guiSize := guiSize
        ctlEvent := ObjBindMethod(this, "event")
        this.ctlEvent := ctlEvent

        ArkDebugObj := Gui("+Resize", this.WinName)
        ArkDebugObj.OnEvent("close", this.guiClose)
        ArkDebugObj.OnEvent("size", this.guiSize)

        ArkDebugObj.SetFont("s11","Courier New")
        ctl := ArkDebugObj.Add("Button", "vCopy x5 y5 Section", "Copy to Clipboard").OnEvent("Click",ctlEvent)
        ctl := ArkDebugObj.Add("Button", "vClear yp x+5", "Clear Window").OnEvent("Click",ctlEvent)
        ctl := ArkDebugObj.Add("Button", "vContinue yp x+10", "Continue Program").OnEvent("Click",ctlEvent)

        ctl := ArkDebugObj.Add("Edit","vEditBox xs y+0 w700 h500 Multi ReadOnly")
        this.ctlHwnd := ctl.hwnd, ctl := ""


        this.locked := 0
        this.hwnd := ArkDebugObj.hwnd
        this.locked := 1

        this._gui := ArkDebugObj

    static gClose(g)
        WinGetPos(&PosX, &PosY, &PosW, &PosH, this.hwnd)
        IniWrite(PosX, "debug.ini", "Pos", "PosX")
        IniWrite(PosY, "debug.ini", "Pos", "PosY")
        IniWrite(PosW, "debug.ini", "Pos", "PosW")
        IniWrite(PosH, "debug.ini", "Pos", "PosH")


        this.hwnd := 0, this.ctlHwnd := 0
        this.StartMakingGui := 0
        if debug.PauseFlag
            debug.PauseFlag := false

    static gSize(g, MinMax, Width, Height)
        x := "", y := "", w := "", h := "", ctl := ""
        w := Width - 10, h := Height - 10 - 40
        ctl := g["EditBox"]

    static AppendTxt(hEdit, ptrText, loc:="bottom")
        charLen := SendMessage(0x000E, 0, 0, , "ahk_id " hEdit)
        If (loc = "bottom")
            SendMessage 0x00B1, charLen, charLen, , "ahk_id " hEdit
        Else If (loc = "top")
            SendMessage 0x00B1, 0, 0, , "ahk_id " hEdit
        SendMessage 0x00C2, False, ptrText, , "ahk_id " hEdit

    static event(ctl,info)
        If (ctl.Name = "Copy")
            A_Clipboard := ctl.gui["EditBox"].Value
        Else If (ctl.Name = "Clear")
            ctl.gui["EditBox"].Value := ""
        Else If (ctl.Name = "Continue") && debug.PauseFlag
            debug.PauseFlag := false

    static toString(Text, extraBlank := "")
        TText := Type(Text)

        if HasMethod(Text, "toString")
            return Text.toString()

        else if Text is Array
            String_Text := "Type: Array`n" extraBlank

            if Text.Length < 1
                return String_Text "  Empty"

            String_Plus := ""
            if Text[1] is Number || Text[1] is String
                String_Text .= "  Index: 1 => " debug.toString(Text[1], extraBlank)
                String_Text .= "  Index: 1 => " debug.toString(Text[1], extraBlank "  ")

            Loop Text.Length - 1
                if Text[A_Index + 1] is Number || Text[A_Index + 1] is String
                    String_Plus .= "`n  " extraBlank "Index: " A_Index + 1 " => " debug.toString(Text[A_Index + 1], extraBlank)
                    String_Plus .= "`n  " extraBlank "Index: " A_Index + 1 " => " debug.toString(Text[A_Index + 1], extraBlank "  ")

            String_Text .= String_Plus

            return String_Text

        else if Text is ComObjArray
            String_Text := "Type: ComObjArray`n" extraBlank

            if Text.MaxIndex() < 0
                return String_Text "  Empty"

            String_Plus := ""
            if Text[0] is Number || Text[0] is String
                String_Text := "  Index: 0 => " debug.toString(Text[0], extraBlank)
                String_Text := "  Index: 0 => " debug.toString(Text[0], extraBlank "  ")

            Loop Text.MaxIndex()
                if Text[A_Index] is Number || Text[A_Index] is String
                    String_Plus .= "`n  " extraBlank "Index: " A_Index " => " debug.toString(Text[A_Index], extraBlank)
                    String_Plus .= "`n  " extraBlank "Index: " A_Index " => " debug.toString(Text[A_Index], extraBlank "  ")

            String_Text .= String_Plus

            return String_Text

        else if Text is Map
            String_Text := "Type: (like)Map`n" extraBlank

            if Text.Count < 1
                return String_Text "  Empty"

            Map_Enum := Text.__Enum()
            String_Plus := ""
            Map_Enum(&Key, &Value)
            String_Text .= "  Key => " debug.toString(Key, extraBlank)
            if Value is Number || Value is String
                String_Text .= "`n  " extraBlank "Value => " debug.toString(Value, extraBlank)
                String_Text .= "`n  " extraBlank "Value => " debug.toString(Value, extraBlank "  ")

            while Map_Enum(&Key, &Value)
                String_Text .= "`n`n  " extraBlank "Key => " debug.toString(Key, extraBlank)
                if Value is Number || Value is String
                    String_Text .= "`n  " extraBlank "Value => " debug.toString(Value, extraBlank)
                    String_Text .= "`n  " extraBlank "Value => " debug.toString(Value, extraBlank "  ")

            return String_Text

        else if TText = "Integer"
            return "Type: Integer => " Text

        else if TText = "String"
            return "Type: String => " Format('"{}"', Text)

        else if TText = "Float"
            return "Type: Float => " Round(Text, this.FloatPos)

        else if Text is Func
            String_Text := "Type: Func`n" extraBlank
            String_Text .= "  Name => " Text.Name
            String_Text .= "`n  "  extraBlank "IsBuiltIn => " Text.IsBuiltIn
            String_Text .= "`n  "  extraBlank "IsVariadic => " Text.IsVariadic
            String_Text .= "`n  "  extraBlank "MinParams => " Text.MinParams
            String_Text .= "`n  "  extraBlank "MaxParams => " Text.MaxParams

            return String_Text

        else if Text is Class
            String_Text := "Type: Class => " Text.Prototype.__Class "`n" extraBlank

            if ObjOwnPropCount(Text) < 1
                return String_Text "  Empty"

            Object_Enum := Text.OwnProps()
            Value := Text.%Key%
            if !(Value is Number || Value is String) && type(Value) != "Prototype"
                String_Text .= "  PropName => " Key
                String_Text .=  "`n  " extraBlank debug.toString(Value, extraBlank "  ")
            else if type(Value) != "Prototype"
                String_Text .= "  PropName => " Key
                String_Text .= "`n  " extraBlank "PropValue => " debug.toString(Value, extraBlank)

            while Object_Enum(&Key)
                Value := Text.%Key%
                if !(Value is Number || Value is String) && type(Value) != "Prototype"
                    String_Text .= "`n`n  " extraBlank "PropName => " Key
                    String_Text .= "`n  " extraBlank debug.toString(Value, extraBlank "  ")
                else if type(Value) != "Prototype"
                    String_Text .= "`n`n  " extraBlank "PropName => " Key
                    String_Text .= "`n  " extraBlank "PropValue => " debug.toString(Value, extraBlank)

            if ObjOwnPropCount(Text.Prototype) < 1
                return String_Text "  Empty"

            Class_Enum := Text.Prototype.OwnProps()
            Value := Text.Prototype.%Key%
            String_Text .= "`n  " extraBlank "Prototype:`n    " extraBlank "PropName => " Key
            if (Value is Number || Value is String)
                String_Text .= "`n    " extraBlank "PropValue => " debug.toString(Value, extraBlank)
                String_Text .= "`n    " extraBlank "PropValue => " debug.toString(Value, extraBlank "    ")

            while Class_Enum(&Key)
                Value := Text.Prototype.%Key%
                String_Text .= "`n`n    " extraBlank "PropName => " Key
                if (Value is Number || Value is String)
                    String_Text .= "`n    " extraBlank "PropValue => " debug.toString(Value, extraBlank)
                    String_Text .= "`n    " extraBlank "PropValue => " debug.toString(Value, extraBlank "    ")

            return String_Text
        else if Text is VarRef
            String_Text := "Type: VarRef`n" extraBlank
            String_Text .= "  Name => " debug.getVarRefName(Text)

            return String_Text

        else if Text is Object
            String_Text := Format("Type: {}`n", TText)

            if ObjOwnPropCount(Text) < 1
                return String_Text "  Empty"

            String_Text .= extraBlank
            Object_Enum := Text.OwnProps()
            Value := Text.%Key%
            String_Text .= "  " extraBlank "PropName => " debug.toString(Key, extraBlank)
            if (Value is Number || Value is String)
                String_Text .= "`n  " extraBlank "PropValue => " debug.toString(Value, extraBlank)
                String_Text .= "`n  " extraBlank "PropValue => " debug.toString(Value, extraBlank "  ")

            while Object_Enum(&Key)
                Value := Text.%Key%
                String_Text .= "`n`n  " extraBlank "PropName => " debug.toString(Key, extraBlank)
                if (Value is Number || Value is String)
                    String_Text .= "`n  " extraBlank "PropValue => " debug.toString(Value, extraBlank)
                    String_Text .= "`n  " extraBlank "PropValue => " debug.toString(Value, extraBlank "  ")

            return String_Text

            return "Type: " TText

    static isVar(_string)
            lst_name := strsplit(_string, ".")
            tmp := %lst_name[1]%
            loop lst_name.length - 1
                tmp := tmp.%lst_name[a_index + 1]%
            return true
            return false
     * @description create native functions or methods from mcode,
     * load ahk modules(write by c/c++) as native classes or fuctions.
     * @author thqby
     * @date 2022/02/27
     * @version 1.1.6

    class native extends func
        static prototype.caches := map()

        ; Auto free the NativeFunc object memory, because destructor is overridden, ahk will not free the memory.
        ; Freeing memory before func obj is released can cause invalid reads and writes to memory.
        ; Delayed free memory, the memory of the last function is freed when the function object is released.
            numput('ptr', pthis := objptr(this), objptr(this.base.caches[''] := buffer()), 3 * A_PtrSize + 8)
            try this.base.caches.delete(numget(pthis + 6 * A_PtrSize + 16, 'ptr'))

        ; Provides a way for modules to call ahk objects
        static __get(name, params) => params.length ? %name%[params*] : %name%
        static __call(name, params)
            if name = 'throw'
                if len := params.length
                    msg := params[1], extra := len > 1 ? params[2] : '', errobj := len > 2 ? %params[3]% : msg is Integer ? oserror : error
                    throw errobj(msg, -1, extra)
                throw error('An exception occurred', -1)
            return %name%(params*)

        ; create c/c++ function from mcode, and return the function address
        static mcode(hex)
            static reg := "^([12]?).*" (A_PtrSize = 8 ? "x64" : "x86") ":([A-Za-z\d+/=]+)"
            if (regexmatch(hex, reg, &m))
                hex := m[2], flag := m[1] = "1" ? 4 : m[1] = "2" ? 1 : hex ~= "[+/=]" ? 1 : 4
                flag := hex ~= "[+/=]" ? 1 : 4
            if (!dllcall("crypt32\CryptStringToBinary", "str", hex, "uint", 0, "uint", flag, "ptr", 0, "uint*", &s := 0, "ptr", 0, "ptr", 0))
                throw oserror(A_LastError)
            if (dllcall("crypt32\CryptStringToBinary", "str", hex, "uint", 0, "uint", flag, "ptr", p := (code := buffer(s)).Ptr, "uint*", &s, "ptr", 0, "ptr", 0) && dllcall("VirtualProtect", "ptr", code, "uint", s, "uint", 0x40, "uint*", 0))
                return (this.prototype.caches[p] := code, p)
            throw oserror(A_LastError)

         * Generate a func object with native code
         * @param BIF Function addresses, `void funcname(ResultToken &aResultToken, ExprTokenType *aParam[], int aParamCount)`
         * @param MinParams The number of required parameters
         * @param ParamCount The number of maximum parameters, ParamCount = 255 if the function is variadic
         * @param OutputVars The array that contains one-based indexs of outputvars, up to seven
         * @param FID Function ID, `aResultToken.func->mFID`, for code sharing: this function's ID in the group of functions which share the same c++ function
        static func(bif, minparams := 0, paramcount := 0, outputvars := 0, fid := 0)
            static p__init := objptr(Any.__Init), size := 8 * A_PtrSize + 16
            if bif is string
                bif := this.mcode(bif)
            ; copy a func object memory
            sbif := buffer(outputvars ? size + 7 : size, 0), dllcall('RtlMoveMemory', 'ptr', sbif, 'ptr', p__init, 'uint', size)
            obif := objfromptr(sbif.Ptr)
            if isvariadic := paramcount == 255
                paramcount := minparams
            else paramcount := max(minparams, paramcount)
            ; init func refcount and base obj
            numput('uint', 1, 'uint', 0, 'ptr', objptraddref(debug.native.prototype), sbif, A_PtrSize)
            ; init func infos
            numput('ptr', strptr('User-bif'), 'int', paramcount, 'int', minparams, 'int', isvariadic, sbif, 3 * A_PtrSize + 8)
            numput('ptr', bif, 'ptr', fid, sbif, 6 * A_PtrSize + 16)
            if outputvars
                numput('ptr', s := sbif.Ptr + size, sbif, 5 * A_PtrSize + 16)	; mOutputVars
                loop min(outputvars.length, 7)	; MAX_FUNC_OUTPUT_VAR = 7
                    s := numput('uchar', outputvars[A_Index], s)
            numput('ptr', 0, 'ptr', 0, objptr(sbif), 3 * A_PtrSize + 8) ; Avoid the memory of func object be freed when buffer is released
            return obif

         * Generate a method with native code, is same with `debug.native.func`
         * @param base The base of instance
        static method(base, bim, mit, minparams := 0, paramcount := 0, mid := 0)
            static pownprops := objptr({}.OwnProps), size := 9 * A_PtrSize + 16, nameoffset := 3 * A_PtrSize + 8
            if bim is string
                bim := this.mcode(bim)
            sbim := buffer(size, 0), dllcall('RtlMoveMemory', 'ptr', sbim, 'ptr', pownprops, 'uint', size)
            obim := objfromptr(sbim.ptr), isvariadic := paramcount == 255
            switch mit, false
                case 'call', 2: ++minparams, paramcount := isvariadic ? minparams : max(minparams, paramcount + 1), numput('ptr', strptr('User-bim'), sbim, nameoffset), mit := 2
                case 'set', 1: minparams += 2, paramcount += 2, mit := 1, numput('ptr', strptr('User-bim.Set'), sbim, nameoffset)
                case 'get', 0: ++minparams, paramcount := max(minparams, paramcount + 1), numput('ptr', strptr('User-bim.Get'), sbim, nameoffset), mit := 0
            numput('uint', 1, 'uint', 0, 'ptr', objptraddref(debug.native.prototype), sbim, A_PtrSize)
            numput('int', max(minparams, paramcount), 'int', minparams, 'int', isvariadic, sbim, 4 * A_PtrSize + 8)
            numput('ptr', bim, 'ptr', base, 'uchar', mid, 'uchar', mit, sbim, 6 * A_PtrSize + 16)
            numput('ptr', 0, 'ptr', 0, objptr(sbim), 3 * A_PtrSize + 8)
            return obim

         * Defines a new own property with native code, is similar with `obj.DefineProp`
         * @param obj Any object
         * @param name The name of the property
         * @param desc An object with one of following own properties, or both `Get` and `Set`
         * `Call, Get, Set`: an object with `bim` property and optional properties `minparams`, `paramcount`, `outputvars`, `mid`, is same with the parameters of `BuiltInFunc`
         * `bim`: `void (IObject::* ObjectMethod)(ResultToken& aResultToken, int aID, int aFlags, ExprTokenType* aParam[], int aParamCount)`
        static defineprop(obj, name, desc)
            descobj := {}, baseobj := objptr(obj.base)
            for mit in ['call', 'set', 'get']
                if desc.hasownprop(mit)
                    t := desc.%mit%, minparams := paramcount := mid := 0, bim := t.bim
                    for k in ['minparams', 'paramcount', 'mid']
                        if t.hasownprop(k)
                            %k% := t.%k%
                    descobj.%mit% := this.method(baseobj, bim, mit, minparams, paramcount, mid)
            obj.defineprop(name, descobj)

         * Create a class with constructor function address
         * @param ctor constructor function address, `void funcname(ResultToken &aResultToken, ExprTokenType *aParam[], int aParamCount)`
         * constructor function used to create an object
        static class(name, ctor := 0, fid := 0)
            cls := class(), cls.prototype := { base: object.prototype, __class: name }
            if ctor
                cls.defineprop('Call', {call: this.func(ctor, 1, 255, 0, fid)})
            return cls

         * Load a dll file with the specified format to create native functions and classes
         * @param path ahk module path
         * @param load_symbols Load symbols that specific names, will overwrite existing global classes
         * @param loader Create native functions and classes based on the information provided by the module, or do it in the module
         * @param provider Used to provide the ahk objects required by the module
        static loadmodule(path, load_symbols := 0, loader := 0, provider := 0)
            if !(module := dllcall('LoadLibrary', 'str', path, 'ptr'))
                throw oserror(A_LastError)
            module_load_addr := dllcall('GetProcAddress', 'ptr', module, 'astr', 'ahk2_module_load', 'ptr') || dllcall('GetProcAddress', 'ptr', module, 'ptr', 1, 'ptr')
            if !module_load_addr
                throw error('Export function not found')
            if load_symbols
                t := map(), t.casesense := false
                for k in load_symbols
                    t[k] := true
                load_symbols := t
            if !p := dllcall(module_load_addr, 'ptr', objptr(loader || default_loader), 'ptr', objptr(provider || debug.native), 'cdecl ptr')
                throw error('Load module fail', -1, oserror(A_LastError).Message)
            return objfromptr(p)

            default_loader(count, addr)
                static size := 2 * A_PtrSize + 16
                symbols := map(), symbols.casesense := false, symbols.defineprop('__call', { call: (s, n, p) => s[n](p*) })
                loop count
                    name := strget(pname := numget(addr, 'ptr'))
                    if load_symbols && !load_symbols.Has(name)
                        addr += size
                    funcaddr := numget(addr += A_PtrSize, 'ptr')
                    minparams := numget(addr += A_PtrSize, 'uchar')
                    maxparams := numget(addr += 1, 'uchar')
                    id := numget(addr += 1, 'ushort')
                    if member_count := numget(addr += 2, 'uint')
                            if !load_symbols || !isobject(symbol := %name%)
                            symbols[name] := symbol
                            if !symbol.hasownprop('prototype')
                                symbol.prototype := this.class(name, 0).prototype
                            if funcaddr
                                symbol.defineprop('Call', {call: me := this.func(funcaddr, 1, maxparams + 1, 0, id)}), numput('ptr', pname, objptr(me), 3 * A_PtrSize + 8)
                            symbols[name] := symbol := this.class(name, funcaddr, id)
                        pmem := numget(addr += 4, 'ptr')
                    staticmembers := {}, members := {}
                    loop member_count
                        name := strget(pname := numget(pmem, 'ptr'))
                        method := numget(pmem += A_PtrSize, 'ptr')
                        id := numget(pmem += A_PtrSize, 'uchar')
                        mit := numget(pmem += 1, 'uchar')
                        minparams := numget(pmem += 1, 'uchar')
                        maxparams := numget(pmem += 1, 'uchar')
                        namearr := strsplit(name, '.')
                        if mit < 2 && namearr.length > 2
                        name := namearr.pop()
                        sub := mit = 2 ? 'call' : mit = 1 ? 'set' : 'get'
                        if namearr.length < 2
                            mems := staticmembers, pbase := objptr(symbol.base)
                            mems := members, pbase := objptr(symbol.prototype.base)
                        if !mems.hasownprop(name)
                            t := mems.%name% := {}
                        else t := mems.%name%
                        t.%sub% := me := this.method(pbase, method, mit, minparams, maxparams, id)
                        numput('ptr', pname, objptr(me), 3 * A_PtrSize + 8)
                        pmem += A_PtrSize - 3
                        symbols[name] := symbol := this.func(funcaddr, minparams, maxparams, 0, id)
                        numput('ptr', pname, objptr(symbol), 3 * A_PtrSize + 8)
                        if numget(addr += 4, 'uchar')	; set mOutputVars
                            numput('ptr', addr, objptr(symbol), 5 * A_PtrSize + 16)
                    if member_count
                        if symbol == map	; Break circular references if map has define native funcs
                            OnExit(onexitapp.Bind(map(map, [staticmembers*], map.prototype, [members*])))
                        for name, desc in staticmembers.ownprops()
                            symbol.defineprop(name, desc)
                        symbol := symbol.prototype
                        for name, desc in members.ownprops()
                            symbol.defineprop(name, desc)
                    addr += 8
                return symbols

                onexitapp(todels, *)
                    for o, arr in todels
                        for n in arr
                            try o.deleteprop(n)
        static mdfunc(fn, sig, prototype := 0)
            static p_mdfunc := objptr(msgbox), size := 10 * A_PtrSize + 16
            static mdtypes :=
                void: 0,
                int8: 1,
                uint8: 2,
                int16: 3,
                uint16: 4,
                int32: 5,
                uint32: 6,
                int64: 7,
                uint64: 8,
                float64: 9,
                float32: 10,
                string: 11,
                object: 12,
                variant: 13,
                bool32: 14,
                resulttype: 15,
                fresult: 16,
                params: 17,
                optional: 0x80,
                retval: 0x81,
                out: 0x82,
                ; thiscall,
                uintptr: A_PtrSize = 8 ? 8 : 6,
                intptr: A_PtrSize = 8 ? 7 : 5,
            if fn is string
                fn := this.mcode(fn)
            ; copy a func object memory
            smdf := buffer(size, 0), dllcall('RtlMoveMemory', 'ptr', smdf, 'ptr', p_mdfunc, 'uint', size)
            p := numput('ptr', fn, smdf, 6 * A_PtrSize + 16), ac := pc := minparams := 0
            if prototype
                numput('char', 1, numput('ptr', isobject(prototype) ? objptr(prototype) : prototype, p) + A_PtrSize + 3), ac := pc := minparams := 1
            isvariadic := false, maxresulttokens := 0
            if sig is array
                if sig.length > 1
                    ret := sig.removeat(1), smdf.size += sig.length, ret is string && ret := mdtypes.%ret%
                else ret := 0
                opt := false, retval := false, out := 0
                loop sig.length
                    c := sig[A_Index]
                    if c is String
                        sig[A_Index] := c := mdtypes.%c%
                    numput('uchar', c, smdf, size + A_Index - 1)
                    if c >= 128
                        if c = 128
                            opt := true
                        else if c = 0x82
                            out := c
                        else if c = 0x81
                            retval := true
                    if A_PtrSize = 4 && c >= 7 && c <= 9 && !out && !opt
                    if c = 17
                        isvariadic := true
                    else if !retval
                        if !opt && pc - 1 = minparams
                            minparams := pc
                        if c = 13 && out
                    opt := false, retval := false, out := 0
                numput('ptr', smdf.ptr + size, 'uchar', ret, 'uchar', ac, 'uchar', sig.length, smdf, 8 * A_PtrSize + 16)
            else throw
            paramcount := pc
            obif := objfromptr(smdf.ptr)
            ; init func refcount and base obj
            numput('uint', 1, 'uint', 0, 'ptr', objptraddref(debug.native.prototype), smdf, A_PtrSize)
            ; init func infos
            numput('ptr', strptr('User-MdFunc'), 'int', paramcount, 'int', minparams, 'int', isvariadic, smdf, 3 * A_PtrSize + 8)
            numput('ptr', 0, 'ptr', 0, objptr(smdf), 3 * A_PtrSize + 8)	; Avoid the memory of func object be freed when buffer is released
            return obif

    native_mcode(hex, argtypes := 0, &code := 0)
        static reg := "^([12]?).*" (c := a_ptrsize = 8 ? "x64" : "x86") ":([A-Za-z\d+/=]+)"
        if (regexmatch(hex, reg, &m))
            hex := m[2], flag := m[1] = "1" ? 4 : m[1] = "2" ? 1 : hex ~= "[+/=]" ? 1 : 4
            flag := hex ~= "[+/=]" ? 1 : 4
        if (!dllcall("crypt32\CryptStringToBinary", "str", hex, "uint", 0, "uint", flag, "ptr", 0, "uint*", &s := 0, "ptr", 0, "ptr", 0))
        code := buffer(s)
        if (dllcall("crypt32\CryptStringToBinary", "str", hex, "uint", 0, "uint", flag, "ptr", code, "uint*", &s, "ptr", 0, "ptr", 0) && dllcall("VirtualProtect", "ptr", code, "uint", s, "uint", 0x40, "uint*", 0))
            args := []
            if (argtypes is array && argtypes.Length)
                args.length := argtypes.length * 2 - 1
                for i, t in argtypes
                    args[i * 2 - 1] := t
            return dllcall.bind(code, args*)

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Re: debug--an easily output about var

Post by Mono919 » 26 Mar 2023, 07:48

***This is wrong, please see under example.

Update: 2023.03.26
1.Fix bugs of reading prototype.
2.Distinguishing Closure and Enumerator from Func
3.Support FreezeVar && ReleaseVar(Base on thqby's native library)

FreezeVar && ReleaseVar Example:

Code: Select all

#include <debug>
a := 1
freezeVar(a, b := 0) ; Note that the second parameter here must be of numeric type and a variable(It will output the mType type of the original variable)
; a += 1 ; => throw error
releaseVar(a, b) ; Note that the second parameter here must be of numeric type and a variable
a += 1 ; normal
Last edited by Mono919 on 26 Mar 2023, 11:29, edited 2 times in total.

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Re: debug--an easier output about var

Post by Mono919 » 26 Mar 2023, 11:27

Update: 2023.03.26
1.Fix bugs of reading prototype.
2.Distinguishing Closure and Enumerator from Func
3.Support FreezeVar && ReleaseVar && ReleasePriVar && Const(Base on thqby's native library)

Code: Select all

m := 100
freezeVar(m, b := 0) ; Note that the second parameter here must be of numeric type and a variable(It will output the mType type of the original variable)
const &a := 100
releasePriVar(a) ; primitive => unset; object => varref
const &a := {}
releaseVar(a, 1) ; primitive => error; object => object

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Re: debug--an easier output about var

Post by JoeSchmoe » 04 Apr 2023, 12:58

Looks very interesting and helpful! I've wanted something like this for a while.

Would it be possible to add a setting to provide information about base properties of objects and prototype properties of classes? The setting might be turned off by default, but it could be a nice feature for people trying to plumb the depths of the 'base' and 'prototype' hierarchies. Ideally, when the setting was on, it could recursively generate charts like the one that @sirksel made and Lexikos confirmed in the following post:

Code: Select all

any.prototype                                     class
(type:prototype)                                  (type:class)
   /|\                                                |                        
    | (base)                                   (base) | 
    |             (base)                  (base)     \|/                            
object.prototype  <----- class.prototype  <-----  object        
(type:prototype)         (type:prototype)         (type:class)  
   /|\                                              /|\         
    | (base)                                  (base) |
    |             (base)                             |          
animal.prototype  <----- wally                    animal        
(type:prototype)         (type:animal)            (type:class)  
   /|\                                              /|\         
    | (base)                                  (base) |
    |             (base)                             |          
dog.prototype     <----- fido                     dog           
(type:prototype)         (type:dog)               (type:class) 
I've been thinking it would be really nice to to have a tutorial on the hierarchy of prototypes and bases, and something like this would make it so much easier.

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Re: debug--an easier output about var

Post by Mono919 » 05 Apr 2023, 19:30

JoeSchmoe wrote:
04 Apr 2023, 12:58
Looks very interesting and helpful! I've wanted something like this for a while.

Would it be possible to add a setting to provide information about base properties of objects and prototype properties of classes? The setting might be turned off by default, but it could be a nice feature for people trying to plumb the depths of the 'base' and 'prototype' hierarchies. Ideally, when the setting was on, it could recursively generate charts like the one that @sirksel made and Lexikos confirmed in the following post:

Code: Select all

any.prototype                                     class
(type:prototype)                                  (type:class)
   /|\                                                |                        
    | (base)                                   (base) | 
    |             (base)                  (base)     \|/                            
object.prototype  <----- class.prototype  <-----  object        
(type:prototype)         (type:prototype)         (type:class)  
   /|\                                              /|\         
    | (base)                                  (base) |
    |             (base)                             |          
animal.prototype  <----- wally                    animal        
(type:prototype)         (type:animal)            (type:class)  
   /|\                                              /|\         
    | (base)                                  (base) |
    |             (base)                             |          
dog.prototype     <----- fido                     dog           
(type:prototype)         (type:dog)               (type:class)
I've been thinking it would be really nice to to have a tutorial on the hierarchy of prototypes and bases, and something like this would make it so much easier.
As for the prototype chain, my recommendation is to use an existing vscode plug-in. I'll look into it, but it doesn't seem to be a common requirement, so I won't update it soon.

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Joined: 30 Mar 2021, 22:02

Re: debug--an easier output about var

Post by jsong55 » 08 Apr 2023, 00:14

Wow nice! Super useful. But do we need line 834 onwards of the source code?
That seems to be sitting uncomfortably outside the class

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Re: debug--an easier output about var

Post by Mono919 » 08 Apr 2023, 09:09

jsong55 wrote:
08 Apr 2023, 00:14
Wow nice! Super useful. But do we need line 834 onwards of the source code?
That seems to be sitting uncomfortably outside the class
After line 834 is extra part for some magic usage, if you think they're unsafe, you can remove it, class debug do not base on any of those.

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