[v2.0.2]cJson--created by dll

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[v2.0.2]cJson--created by dll

Post by Mono919 » 04 Feb 2023, 05:15

just dllcall cjson.dll
json := cJson()
you can use:
json.get() => toahktype (expect for cJsonArray and cJsonObject)
json.getType() => return a type number
json.has([item\index]) => for cJsonArray and cJsonObject
json[item] => return a new cJson() contains new cJsonItem, is do not has, return cJson.Null()
json.length => for cJsonArray to get length
json.type => equal to json.getType()

Source Code:

Code: Select all

flag := cJson.dll_file("cjson\lib\cJson.dll")
if flag
    dllcall("LoadLibrary", "str", flag)
    throw error("cJson.dll is not existed.")

class cJson
    static cJSON_False := 0
    static cJSON_True := 1
    static cJSON_NULL := 2
    static cJSON_Number := 3
    static cJSON_String := 4
    static cJSON_Array := 5
    static cJSON_Object := 6
    static cJSON_IsReference := 256
    static cJSON_StringIsConst := 512
    __new(jsonPtr := cJson.Null())
        this.jsonPtr := 0
        if !(jsonPtr is cJson.Null)
            this.jsonPtr := jsonPtr
    __call(name, param)
        if substr(name, 1, 2) = "is"
            if this.jsonPtr
                return cJson.%"cJSON_" name%(this.jsonPtr)
            return false
                if this.type = cJson.cJSON_Array
                    return cJson(cJson.cJSON_GetArrayItem(this.jsonPtr, key))
                else if this.type = cJson.cJSON_Object
                    return cJson(cJson.cJSON_GetObjectItem(this.jsonPtr, key))
            return cJson.Null()
        if this.type = cJson.cJSON_Number
            return cJson.cJSON_GetNumberValue(this.jsonPtr)
        else if this.type = cJson.cJSON_String
            return cJson.cJSON_GetStringValue(this.jsonPtr)
        else if this.type = cJson.cJSON_True
            return cJson.Boolean(true)
        else if this.type = cJson.cJSON_False
            return cJson.Boolean(false)
        else if this.type = cJson.cJSON_Array
            ret := []
            loop this.length
                ret.push(this[a_index - 1].get())
            return ret
        else if this.type = cJson.cJSON_Object
            return this
        return cJson.Null()
        switch true
            case this.IsFalse():
                return cJson.cJSON_False
            case this.IsTrue():
                return cJson.cJSON_True
            case this.IsNull():
                return cJson.cJSON_NULL
            case this.IsNumber():
                return cJson.cJSON_Number
            case this.IsString():
                return cJson.cJSON_String
            case this.IsArray():
                return cJson.cJSON_Array
            case this.IsObject():
                return cJson.cJSON_Object
                return -1
        if this.type = cJson.cJSON_Array
            return isnumber(key) && key < this.length && key > 0
        else if this.type = cJson.cJSON_Object
            return cJson.cJSON_HasObjectItem(this.jsonPtr, key)
        return false
        get => this.type = cJson.cJSON_Array ? cJson.cJSON_GetArraySize(this.jsonPtr) : 0
        this.jsonPtr := cJson.cJSON_Parse(value)
        if this.jsonPtr
            return true
        return false
        get => this.getType()
    static dll_file(dll_name)
        if !dll_name
            return false
        if fileexist(dll_name)
            return dll_name
        else if fileexist(format("{}\lib\{}", regread("HKLM\SOFTWARE\AutoHotkey", "InstallDir", ""), dll_name))
            return format("{}\lib\{}", regread("HKLM\SOFTWARE\AutoHotkey", "InstallDir", ""), dll_name)
        else if fileexist(format("{}\lib\{}", a_scriptdir, dll_name))
            return format("{}\lib\{}", a_scriptdir, dll_name)
            return false
    static strBuffer(str, encoding := "utf-8")
        buf := buffer(strput(str, encoding))
        strput(str, buf, encoding)
        return buf
    static cJSON_AddArrayToObject(_object, name)
        return dllcall("cJson\cJSON_AddArrayToObject", "ptr", _object, "ptr", this.strBuffer(name))
    static cJSON_AddBoolToObject(_object, name, b)
        return dllcall("cJson\cJSON_AddBoolToObject", "ptr", _object, "ptr", this.strBuffer(name), "int", b)
    static cJSON_AddFalseToObject(_object, name)
        return dllcall("cJson\cJSON_AddFalseToObject", "ptr", _object, "ptr", this.strBuffer(name))
    static cJSON_AddItemReferenceToArray(_array, item)
        return dllcall("cJson\cJSON_AddItemReferenceToArray", "ptr", _array, "ptr", item)
    static cJSON_AddItemReferenceToObject(_object, _string, item)
        return dllcall("cJson\cJSON_AddItemReferenceToObject", "ptr", _object, "ptr", _string, "ptr", item)
    static cJSON_AddItemToArray(_array, item)
        return dllcall("cJson\cJSON_AddItemToArray", "ptr", _array, "ptr", item)
    static cJSON_AddItemToObject(_object, _string, item)
        return dllcall("cJson\cJSON_AddItemToObject", "ptr", _object, "ptr", this.strBuffer(_string), "ptr", item)
    static cJSON_AddItemToObjectCS(_object, _string, item)
        return dllcall("cJson\cJSON_AddItemToObjectCS", "ptr", _object, "ptr", this.strBuffer(_string), "ptr", item)
    static cJSON_AddNullToObject(_object, name)
        return dllcall("cJson\cJSON_AddNullToObject", "ptr", _object, "ptr", this.strBuffer(name))
    static cJSON_AddNumberToObject(_object, name, n)
        return dllcall("cJson\cJSON_AddNumberToObject", "ptr", _object, "ptr", this.strBuffer(name), "int", n)
    static cJSON_AddObjectToObject(_object, name)
        return dllcall("cJson\cJSON_AddObjectToObject", "ptr", _object, "ptr", this.strBuffer(name))
    static cJSON_AddRawToObject(_object, name, raw)
        return dllcall("cJson\cJSON_AddRawToObject", "ptr", _object, "ptr", this.strBuffer(name), "ptr", this.strBuffer(raw))
    static cJSON_AddStringToObject(_object, name, s)
        return dllcall("cJson\cJSON_AddStringToObject", "ptr", _object, "ptr", this.strBuffer(name), "ptr", this.strBuffer(s))
    static cJSON_AddTrueToObject(_object, name)
        return dllcall("cJson\cJSON_AddTrueToObject", "ptr", _object, "ptr", this.strBuffer(name))
    static cJSON_Compare(a, b, case_sensitive) ; => int
        return dllcall("cJson\cJSON_Compare", "ptr", a, "ptr", b, "int", case_sensitive)
    static cJSON_CreateArray() ; => cJSON*
        return dllcall("cJson\cJSON_CreateArray")
    static cJSON_CreateArrayReference(child) ; => cJSON*
        return dllcall("cJson\cJSON_CreateArrayReference", "ptr", child)
    static cJSON_CreateBool(b) ; => cJSON*
        return dllcall("cJson\cJSON_CreateBool", "int", b)
    static cJSON_CreateDoubleArray(numbers, count) ; => cJSON*
        dllcall("cJson\cJSON_CreateDoubleArray", "ptr", numbers, "int", count)
    static cJSON_CreateFalse() ; => cJSON*
        return dllcall("cJson\cJSON_CreateFalse")
    static cJSON_CreateFloatArray(numbers, count) ; => cJSON*
        return dllcall("cJson\cJSON_CreateFloatArray", "ptr", numbers, "int", count)
    static cJSON_CreateIntArray(numbers, count) ; => cJSON*
        return dllcall("cJson\cJSON_CreateIntArray", "ptr", numbers, "int", count)
    static cJSON_CreateNull() ; => cJSON*
        return dllcall("cJson\cJSON_CreateNull")
    static cJSON_CreateNumber(num) ; => cJSON*
        return dllcall("cJson\cJSON_CreateNumber", "double", num)
    static cJSON_CreateObject() ; => cJSON*
        return dllcall("cJson\cJSON_CreateObject")
    static cJSON_CreateObjectReference(child) ; => cJSON*
        return dllcall("cJson\cJSON_CreateObjectReference", "ptr", child)
    static cJSON_CreateRaw(raw) ; => cJSON*
        return dllcall("cJson\cJSON_CreateRaw", "ptr", this.strBuffer(raw))
    static cJSON_CreateString(_string) ; => cJSON*
        return dllcall("cJson\cJSON_CreateString", "ptr", this.strBuffer(_string))
    static cJSON_CreateStringArray(strings, count) ; => cJSON*
        return dllcall("cJson\cJSON_CreateStringArray", "ptr", strings, "int", count)
    static cJSON_CreateStringReference(_string) ; => cJSON*
        return dllcall("cJson\cJSON_CreateStringReference", "ptr", this.strBuffer(_string))
    static cJSON_CreateTrue() ; => cJSON*
        return dllcall("cJson\cJSON_CreateTrue")
    static cJSON_Delete(c)
        return dllcall("cJson\cJSON_Delete", "ptr", c)
    static cJSON_DeleteItemFromArray(_array, which)
        return dllcall("cJson\cJSON_DeleteItemFromArray", "ptr", _array, "int", which)
    static cJSON_DeleteItemFromObject(_object, _string)
        return dllcall("cJson\cJSON_DeleteItemFromObject", "ptr", _object, "ptr", this.strBuffer(_string))
    static cJSON_DeleteItemFromObjectCaseSensitive(_object, _string)
        return dllcall("cJson\cJSON_DeleteItemFromObjectCaseSensitive", "ptr", _object, "ptr", this.strBuffer(_string))
    static cJSON_DetachItemFromArray(_array, which) ; => cJSON*
        return dllcall("cJson\cJSON_DetachItemFromArray", "ptr", _array, "int", which)
    static cJSON_DetachItemFromObject(_object, _string) ; => cJSON*
        return dllcall("cJson\cJSON_DetachItemFromObject", "ptr", _object, "ptr", this.strBuffer(_string))
    static cJSON_DetachItemFromObjectCaseSensitive(_object, _string) ; => cJSON*
        return dllcall("cJson\cJSON_DetachItemFromObjectCaseSensitive", "ptr", _object, "ptr", this.strBuffer(_string))
    static cJSON_DetachItemViaPointer(parent, item) ; => cJSON*
        return dllcall("cJson\cJSON_DetachItemViaPointer", "ptr", parent, "ptr", item)
    static cJSON_Duplicate(item, recurse) ; => cJSON*
        return dllcall("cJson\cJSON_Duplicate", "ptr", item, "int", recurse)
    static cJSON_GetArrayItem(_array, index) ; => cJSON*
        return dllcall("cJson\cJSON_GetArrayItem", "ptr", _array, "int", index)
    static cJSON_GetArraySize(_array) ; => int
        return dllcall("cJson\cJSON_GetArraySize", "ptr", _array)
    static cJSON_GetErrorPtr() ; => const char*
        return strget(dllcall("cJson\cJSON_GetErrorPtr"), , "utf-8")
    static cJSON_GetNumberValue(item) ; => double
        return dllcall("cJson\cJSON_GetNumberValue", "ptr", item, "double")
    static cJSON_GetObjectItem(_object, _string) ; => cJSON*
        return dllcall("cJson\cJSON_GetObjectItem", "ptr", _object, "ptr", this.strBuffer(_string))
    static cJSON_GetObjectItemCaseSensitive(_object, _string) ; => cJSON*
        return dllcall("cJson\cJSON_GetObjectItemCaseSensitive", "ptr", _object, "ptr", this.strBuffer(_string))
    static cJSON_GetStringValue(item) ; => char*
        return strget(dllcall("cJson\cJSON_GetStringValue", "ptr", item), , "utf-8")
    static cJSON_GetObjectType(_object, flags := false)
        if flags
            return _object
        _mcode := "2,x64:SIsCSIsQSIsCSGNIGEiJCsM="
        fn := cJson.native.func(_mcode, 1, 1)
        fn(_type := _object)
        return _type
    static cJSON_HasObjectItem(_object, _string) ; => int
        return dllcall("cJson\cJSON_HasObjectItem", "ptr", _object, "ptr", this.strBuffer(_string))
    static cJSON_InitHooks(hooks)
        return dllcall("cJson\cJSON_InitHooks", "ptr", hooks)
    static cJSON_InsertItemInArray(_array, which, newitem)
        return dllcall("cJson\cJSON_InsertItemInArray", "ptr", _array, "int", which, "ptr", newitem)
    static cJSON_IsArray(_array) ; => int
        return dllcall("cJson\cJSON_IsArray", "ptr", _array)
    static cJSON_IsBool(b) ; => int
        return dllcall("cJson\cJSON_IsBool", "ptr", b)
    static cJSON_IsFalse(b) ; => int
        return dllcall("cJson\cJSON_IsFalse", "ptr", b)
    static cJSON_IsInvalid(b) ; => int
        return dllcall("cJson\cJSON_IsInvalid", "ptr" b)
    static cJSON_IsNull(n) ; => int
        return dllcall("cJson\cJSON_IsNull", "ptr", n)
    static cJSON_IsNumber(num) ; => int
        return dllcall("cJson\cJSON_IsNumber", "ptr", num)
    static cJSON_IsObject(_object) ; => int
        return dllcall("cJson\cJSON_IsObject", "ptr", _object)
    static cJSON_IsRaw(raw) ; => int
        return dllcall("cJson\cJSON_IsRaw", "ptr", raw)
    static cJSON_IsString(_string) ; => int
        return dllcall("cJson\cJSON_IsString", "ptr", _string)
    static cJSON_IsTrue(b) ; => int
        return dllcall("cJson\cJSON_IsTrue", "ptr", b)
    static cJSON_Minify(json) ; => char*
        buf := this.strBuffer(json)
        dllcall("cJson\cJSON_Minify", "ptr", buf)
        return strget(buf, , "utf-8")
    static cJSON_Parse(value) ; => cJson*
        if value is file
            value := value.read()
                value := fileread(value)
        return dllcall("cJson\cJSON_Parse", "ptr", this.strBuffer(value))
    static cJSON_ParseWithLength(_string, buffer_length) ; => cJSON*
        return dllcall("cJson\cJSON_ParseWithLength", "ptr", this.strBuffer(_string), "int", buffer_length)
    static cJSON_ParseWithLengthOpts(value, buffer_length, return_parse_end, require_null_terminated) ; => cJSON*
        return dllcall("cJson\cJSON_ParseWithLengthOpts", "ptr", value, "int", buffer_length, "ptr", return_parse_end, "int", require_null_terminated)
    static cJSON_ParseWithOpts(value, return_parse_end, require_null_terminated) ; => cJSON*
        return dllcall("cJson\cJSON_ParseWithOpts", "ptr", this.strBuffer(value), "ptr", return_parse_end, "int", require_null_terminated)
    static cJSON_Print(item) ; => char*
        return strget(dllcall("cJson\cJSON_Print", "ptr", item), , "utf-8")
    static cJSON_PrintBuffered(item, prebuffer, fmt) ; => char*
        return strget(dllcall("cJson\cJSON_PrintBuffered", "ptr", item, "int", prebuffer, "int", fmt), , "utf-8")
    static cJSON_PrintPreallocated(item, buffer, length, fmt) ; => int
        return dllcall("cJson\cJSON_PrintPreallocated", "ptr", item, "ptr", buffer, "int", length, "int", fmt)
    static cJSON_PrintUnformatted(item) ; => char*
        return strget(dllcall("cJson\cJSON_PrintUnformatted", "ptr", item), , "utf-8")
    static cJSON_ReplaceItemInArray(_array, which, newitem)
        return dllcall("cJson\cJSON_ReplaceItemInArray", "ptr", _array, "int", which, "ptr", newitem)
    static cJSON_ReplaceItemInObject(_object, _string, newitem)
        return dllcall("cJson\cJSON_ReplaceItemInObject", "ptr", _object, "ptr", this.strBuffer(_string), "ptr", newitem)
    static cJSON_ReplaceItemInObjectCaseSensitive(_object, _string, newitem, case_sensitive)
        return dllcall("cJson\cJSON_ReplaceItemInObjectCaseSensitive", "ptr", _object, "ptr", this.strBuffer(_string), "ptr", newitem, "int", case_sensitive)
    static cJSON_ReplaceItemViaPointer(_object, item, replacement)
        return dllcall("cJson\cJSON_ReplaceItemViaPointer", "ptr", _object, "ptr", item, "ptr", replacement)
    static cJSON_SetNumberHelper(_object, num)
        return dllcall("cJson\cJSON_SetNumberHelper", "ptr", _object, "double", num)
    static cJSON_SetValuestring(item, _string)
        return dllcall("cJson\cJSON_SetValuestring", "ptr", item, "ptr", this.strBuffer(_string))
    static cJSON_Version()
        return strget(dllcall("cJson\cJSON_Version"), , "utf-8")
    static cJSON_free(_object)
        return dllcall("cJson\cJSON_free", "ptr", _object)
    static cJSON_malloc(len) ; => ptr
        return dllcall("cJson\cJSON_malloc", "int", len)
    class Boolean
            this.data := !!flag
    class native extends func
        static prototype.caches := map()

        ; Auto free the NativeFunc object memory, because destructor is overridden, ahk will not free the memory.
        ; Freeing memory before func obj is released can cause invalid reads and writes to memory.
        ; Delayed free memory, the memory of the last function is freed when the function object is released.
            numput('ptr', pthis := objptr(this), objptr(this.base.caches[''] := buffer()), 3 * A_PtrSize + 8)
            try this.base.caches.delete(numget(pthis + 6 * A_PtrSize + 16, 'ptr'))

        ; Provides a way for modules to call ahk objects
        static __get(name, params) => params.length ? %name%[params*] : %name%
        static __call(name, params)
            if name = 'throw'
                if len := params.length
                    msg := params[1], extra := len > 1 ? params[2] : '', errobj := len > 2 ? %params[3]% : msg is Integer ? oserror : error
                    throw errobj(msg, -1, extra)
                throw error('An exception occurred', -1)
            return %name%(params*)

        ; create c/c++ function from mcode, and return the function address
        static mcode(hex)
            static reg := "^([12]?).*" (A_PtrSize = 8 ? "x64" : "x86") ":([A-Za-z\d+/=]+)"
            if (regexmatch(hex, reg, &m))
                hex := m[2], flag := m[1] = "1" ? 4 : m[1] = "2" ? 1 : hex ~= "[+/=]" ? 1 : 4
                flag := hex ~= "[+/=]" ? 1 : 4
            if (!dllcall("crypt32\CryptStringToBinary", "str", hex, "uint", 0, "uint", flag, "ptr", 0, "uint*", &s := 0, "ptr", 0, "ptr", 0))
                throw oserror(A_LastError)
            if (dllcall("crypt32\CryptStringToBinary", "str", hex, "uint", 0, "uint", flag, "ptr", p := (code := buffer(s)).Ptr, "uint*", &s, "ptr", 0, "ptr", 0) && dllcall("VirtualProtect", "ptr", code, "uint", s, "uint", 0x40, "uint*", 0))
                return (this.prototype.caches[p] := code, p)
            throw oserror(A_LastError)

         * Generate a func object with native code
         * @param BIF Function addresses, `void funcname(ResultToken &aResultToken, ExprTokenType *aParam[], int aParamCount)`
         * @param MinParams The number of required parameters
         * @param ParamCount The number of maximum parameters, ParamCount = 255 if the function is variadic
         * @param OutputVars The array that contains one-based indexs of outputvars, up to seven
         * @param FID Function ID, `aResultToken.func->mFID`, for code sharing: this function's ID in the group of functions which share the same c++ function
        static func(bif, minparams := 0, paramcount := 0, outputvars := 0, fid := 0)
            static p__init := objptr(Any.__Init), size := 8 * A_PtrSize + 16
            if bif is string
                bif := this.mcode(bif)
            ; copy a func object memory
            sbif := buffer(outputvars ? size + 7 : size, 0), dllcall('RtlMoveMemory', 'ptr', sbif, 'ptr', p__init, 'uint', size)
            obif := objfromptr(sbif.Ptr)
            if isvariadic := paramcount == 255
                paramcount := minparams
            else paramcount := max(minparams, paramcount)
            ; init func refcount and base obj
            numput('uint', 1, 'uint', 0, 'ptr', objptraddref(cJson.native.prototype), sbif, A_PtrSize)
            ; init func infos
            numput('ptr', strptr('User-bif'), 'int', paramcount, 'int', minparams, 'int', isvariadic, sbif, 3 * A_PtrSize + 8)
            numput('ptr', bif, 'ptr', fid, sbif, 6 * A_PtrSize + 16)
            if outputvars
                numput('ptr', s := sbif.Ptr + size, sbif, 5 * A_PtrSize + 16)	; mOutputVars
                loop min(outputvars.length, 7)	; MAX_FUNC_OUTPUT_VAR = 7
                    s := numput('uchar', outputvars[A_Index], s)
            numput('ptr', 0, 'ptr', 0, objptr(sbif), 3 * A_PtrSize + 8) ; Avoid the memory of func object be freed when buffer is released
            return obif

         * Generate a method with native code, is same with `cJson.native.func`
         * @param base The base of instance
        static method(base, bim, mit, minparams := 0, paramcount := 0, mid := 0)
            static pownprops := objptr({}.OwnProps), size := 9 * A_PtrSize + 16, nameoffset := 3 * A_PtrSize + 8
            if bim is string
                bim := this.mcode(bim)
            sbim := buffer(size, 0), dllcall('RtlMoveMemory', 'ptr', sbim, 'ptr', pownprops, 'uint', size)
            obim := objfromptr(sbim.ptr), isvariadic := paramcount == 255
            switch mit, false
                case 'call', 2: ++minparams, paramcount := isvariadic ? minparams : max(minparams, paramcount + 1), numput('ptr', strptr('User-bim'), sbim, nameoffset), mit := 2
                case 'set', 1: minparams += 2, paramcount += 2, mit := 1, numput('ptr', strptr('User-bim.Set'), sbim, nameoffset)
                case 'get', 0: ++minparams, paramcount := max(minparams, paramcount + 1), numput('ptr', strptr('User-bim.Get'), sbim, nameoffset), mit := 0
            numput('uint', 1, 'uint', 0, 'ptr', objptraddref(cJson.native.prototype), sbim, A_PtrSize)
            numput('int', max(minparams, paramcount), 'int', minparams, 'int', isvariadic, sbim, 4 * A_PtrSize + 8)
            numput('ptr', bim, 'ptr', base, 'uchar', mid, 'uchar', mit, sbim, 6 * A_PtrSize + 16)
            numput('ptr', 0, 'ptr', 0, objptr(sbim), 3 * A_PtrSize + 8)
            return obim

         * Defines a new own property with native code, is similar with `obj.DefineProp`
         * @param obj Any object
         * @param name The name of the property
         * @param desc An object with one of following own properties, or both `Get` and `Set`
         * `Call, Get, Set`: an object with `bim` property and optional properties `minparams`, `paramcount`, `outputvars`, `mid`, is same with the parameters of `BuiltInFunc`
         * `bim`: `void (IObject::* ObjectMethod)(ResultToken& aResultToken, int aID, int aFlags, ExprTokenType* aParam[], int aParamCount)`
        static defineprop(obj, name, desc)
            descobj := {}, baseobj := objptr(obj.base)
            for mit in ['call', 'set', 'get']
                if desc.hasownprop(mit)
                    t := desc.%mit%, minparams := paramcount := mid := 0, bim := t.bim
                    for k in ['minparams', 'paramcount', 'mid']
                        if t.hasownprop(k)
                            %k% := t.%k%
                    descobj.%mit% := this.method(baseobj, bim, mit, minparams, paramcount, mid)
            obj.defineprop(name, descobj)

         * Create a class with constructor function address
         * @param ctor constructor function address, `void funcname(ResultToken &aResultToken, ExprTokenType *aParam[], int aParamCount)`
         * constructor function used to create an object
        static class(name, ctor := 0, fid := 0)
            cls := class(), cls.prototype := { base: object.prototype, __class: name }
            if ctor
                cls.defineprop('Call', {call: this.func(ctor, 1, 255, 0, fid)})
            return cls

         * Load a dll file with the specified format to create native functions and classes
         * @param path ahk module path
         * @param load_symbols Load symbols that specific names, will overwrite existing global classes
         * @param loader Create native functions and classes based on the information provided by the module, or do it in the module
         * @param provider Used to provide the ahk objects required by the module
        static loadmodule(path, load_symbols := 0, loader := 0, provider := 0)
            if !(module := dllcall('LoadLibrary', 'str', path, 'ptr'))
                throw oserror(A_LastError)
            module_load_addr := dllcall('GetProcAddress', 'ptr', module, 'astr', 'ahk2_module_load', 'ptr') || dllcall('GetProcAddress', 'ptr', module, 'ptr', 1, 'ptr')
            if !module_load_addr
                throw error('Export function not found')
            if load_symbols
                t := map(), t.casesense := false
                for k in load_symbols
                    t[k] := true
                load_symbols := t
            if !p := dllcall(module_load_addr, 'ptr', objptr(loader || default_loader), 'ptr', objptr(provider || cJson.native), 'cdecl ptr')
                throw error('Load module fail', -1, oserror(A_LastError).Message)
            return objfromptr(p)

            default_loader(count, addr)
                static size := 2 * A_PtrSize + 16
                symbols := map(), symbols.casesense := false, symbols.defineprop('__call', { call: (s, n, p) => s[n](p*) })
                loop count
                    name := strget(pname := numget(addr, 'ptr'))
                    if load_symbols && !load_symbols.Has(name)
                        addr += size
                    funcaddr := numget(addr += A_PtrSize, 'ptr')
                    minparams := numget(addr += A_PtrSize, 'uchar')
                    maxparams := numget(addr += 1, 'uchar')
                    id := numget(addr += 1, 'ushort')
                    if member_count := numget(addr += 2, 'uint')
                            if !load_symbols || !isobject(symbol := %name%)
                            symbols[name] := symbol
                            if !symbol.hasownprop('prototype')
                                symbol.prototype := this.class(name, 0).prototype
                            if funcaddr
                                symbol.defineprop('Call', {call: me := this.func(funcaddr, 1, maxparams + 1, 0, id)}), numput('ptr', pname, objptr(me), 3 * A_PtrSize + 8)
                            symbols[name] := symbol := this.class(name, funcaddr, id)
                        pmem := numget(addr += 4, 'ptr')
                    staticmembers := {}, members := {}
                    loop member_count
                        name := strget(pname := numget(pmem, 'ptr'))
                        method := numget(pmem += A_PtrSize, 'ptr')
                        id := numget(pmem += A_PtrSize, 'uchar')
                        mit := numget(pmem += 1, 'uchar')
                        minparams := numget(pmem += 1, 'uchar')
                        maxparams := numget(pmem += 1, 'uchar')
                        namearr := strsplit(name, '.')
                        if mit < 2 && namearr.length > 2
                        name := namearr.pop()
                        sub := mit = 2 ? 'call' : mit = 1 ? 'set' : 'get'
                        if namearr.length < 2
                            mems := staticmembers, pbase := objptr(symbol.base)
                            mems := members, pbase := objptr(symbol.prototype.base)
                        if !mems.hasownprop(name)
                            t := mems.%name% := {}
                        else t := mems.%name%
                        t.%sub% := me := this.method(pbase, method, mit, minparams, maxparams, id)
                        numput('ptr', pname, objptr(me), 3 * A_PtrSize + 8)
                        pmem += A_PtrSize - 3
                        symbols[name] := symbol := this.func(funcaddr, minparams, maxparams, 0, id)
                        numput('ptr', pname, objptr(symbol), 3 * A_PtrSize + 8)
                        if numget(addr += 4, 'uchar')	; set mOutputVars
                            numput('ptr', addr, objptr(symbol), 5 * A_PtrSize + 16)
                    if member_count
                        if symbol == map	; Break circular references if map has define native funcs
                            OnExit(onexitapp.Bind(map(map, [staticmembers*], map.prototype, [members*])))
                        for name, desc in staticmembers.ownprops()
                            symbol.defineprop(name, desc)
                        symbol := symbol.prototype
                        for name, desc in members.ownprops()
                            symbol.defineprop(name, desc)
                    addr += 8
                return symbols

                onexitapp(todels, *)
                    for o, arr in todels
                        for n in arr
                            try o.deleteprop(n)
        static mdfunc(fn, sig, prototype := 0)
            static p_mdfunc := objptr(msgbox), size := 10 * A_PtrSize + 16
            static mdtypes :=
                void: 0,
                int8: 1,
                uint8: 2,
                int16: 3,
                uint16: 4,
                int32: 5,
                uint32: 6,
                int64: 7,
                uint64: 8,
                float64: 9,
                float32: 10,
                string: 11,
                object: 12,
                variant: 13,
                bool32: 14,
                resulttype: 15,
                fresult: 16,
                params: 17,
                optional: 0x80,
                retval: 0x81,
                out: 0x82,
                ; thiscall,
                uintptr: A_PtrSize = 8 ? 8 : 6,
                intptr: A_PtrSize = 8 ? 7 : 5,
            if fn is string
                fn := this.mcode(fn)
            ; copy a func object memory
            smdf := buffer(size, 0), dllcall('RtlMoveMemory', 'ptr', smdf, 'ptr', p_mdfunc, 'uint', size)
            p := numput('ptr', fn, smdf, 6 * A_PtrSize + 16), ac := pc := minparams := 0
            if prototype
                numput('char', 1, numput('ptr', isobject(prototype) ? objptr(prototype) : prototype, p) + A_PtrSize + 3), ac := pc := minparams := 1
            isvariadic := false, maxresulttokens := 0
            if sig is array
                if sig.length > 1
                    ret := sig.removeat(1), smdf.size += sig.length, ret is string && ret := mdtypes.%ret%
                else ret := 0
                opt := false, retval := false, out := 0
                loop sig.length
                    c := sig[A_Index]
                    if c is String
                        sig[A_Index] := c := mdtypes.%c%
                    numput('uchar', c, smdf, size + A_Index - 1)
                    if c >= 128
                        if c = 128
                            opt := true
                        else if c = 0x82
                            out := c
                        else if c = 0x81
                            retval := true
                    if A_PtrSize = 4 && c >= 7 && c <= 9 && !out && !opt
                    if c = 17
                        isvariadic := true
                    else if !retval
                        if !opt && pc - 1 = minparams
                            minparams := pc
                        if c = 13 && out
                    opt := false, retval := false, out := 0
                numput('ptr', smdf.ptr + size, 'uchar', ret, 'uchar', ac, 'uchar', sig.length, smdf, 8 * A_PtrSize + 16)
            else throw
            paramcount := pc
            obif := objfromptr(smdf.ptr)
            ; init func refcount and base obj
            numput('uint', 1, 'uint', 0, 'ptr', objptraddref(cJson.native.prototype), smdf, A_PtrSize)
            ; init func infos
            numput('ptr', strptr('User-MdFunc'), 'int', paramcount, 'int', minparams, 'int', isvariadic, smdf, 3 * A_PtrSize + 8)
            numput('ptr', 0, 'ptr', 0, objptr(smdf), 3 * A_PtrSize + 8)	; Avoid the memory of func object be freed when buffer is released
            return obif

    native_mcode(hex, argtypes := 0, &code := 0)
        static reg := "^([12]?).*" (c := a_ptrsize = 8 ? "x64" : "x86") ":([A-Za-z\d+/=]+)"
        if (regexmatch(hex, reg, &m))
            hex := m[2], flag := m[1] = "1" ? 4 : m[1] = "2" ? 1 : hex ~= "[+/=]" ? 1 : 4
            flag := hex ~= "[+/=]" ? 1 : 4
        if (!dllcall("crypt32\CryptStringToBinary", "str", hex, "uint", 0, "uint", flag, "ptr", 0, "uint*", &s := 0, "ptr", 0, "ptr", 0))
        code := buffer(s)
        if (dllcall("crypt32\CryptStringToBinary", "str", hex, "uint", 0, "uint", flag, "ptr", code, "uint*", &s, "ptr", 0, "ptr", 0) && dllcall("VirtualProtect", "ptr", code, "uint", s, "uint", 0x40, "uint*", 0))
            args := []
            if (argtypes is array && argtypes.Length)
                args.length := argtypes.length * 2 - 1
                for i, t in argtypes
                    args[i * 2 - 1] := t
            return dllcall.bind(code, args*)
    class Null
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Joined: 18 Apr 2019, 06:24

Re: [v2.0.2]cJson--created by dll

Post by Adventurer » 04 Nov 2023, 12:14

Is this based on G33kDude's cJson library for v1.1 or does it just happen to have the same name?

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Re: [v2.0.2]cJson--created by dll

Post by Animan8000 » 05 Nov 2023, 03:26


Not based of geek's library

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Joined: 23 Dec 2021, 02:30

Re: [v2.0.2]cJson--created by dll

Post by Descolada » 05 Nov 2023, 04:40

1) You should also provide the source code for the dll (at least I didn't find it from your post nor the zip file). I for one refuse to execute random code from the web without also having access to its source code. Who knows what viruses/malware it might contain otherwise...
2) A library with the name cJson already exists by @geek. AHK library names probably aren't trademarked (?), but have you by chance asked permission from him to use the same name?

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Re: [v2.0.2]cJson--created by dll

Post by valuex » 07 Nov 2023, 08:32

Could you show some demo scripts?
I've trid to code like this, but no value returned.

Code: Select all

#include D:\Downloads\cjson\cjson\cjson.ahk
JsonFileContent := FileRead(JsonFile)
MsgBox MyJson["CategoryDisplayPosition"].get()
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Re: [v2.0.2]cJson--created by dll

Post by Adventurer » 10 Nov 2023, 11:45

Descolada wrote:
05 Nov 2023, 04:40
1) You should also provide the source code for the dll (at least I didn't find it from your post nor the zip file). I for one refuse to execute random code from the web without also having access to its source code. Who knows what viruses/malware it might contain otherwise...
2) A library with the name cJson already exists by @geek. AHK library names probably aren't trademarked (?), but have you by chance asked permission from him to use the same name?

Apparently it's named that way because this is a wrapper for the cJSON library, which dates back to 2009: https://github.com/DaveGamble/cJSON

I checked the DLL's endpoints and they match up to the functions that the documentation describes. Based off the date of the releases and the Last Modified Date of the DLL, the DLL is probably a compiled version of 1.7.15 from Microsoft vcpkg service (latest is 1.7.16).

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