[Func][v2] Small Gui / GuiControl object mod.

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[Func][v2] Small Gui / GuiControl object mod.

Post by Helgef » 28 May 2018, 14:05

Hello :wave:.

This is an implementation of the nice suggestion by kczx3, to have the GuiControl object methods return the object itself, to allow chaining, additionally, the behaviour is implemented for the gui methods (except for addXXX(...) and add("XXX", ...)). With example,

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	return ctrl_gui(guiCreate(p*), p[3])
	; Nested function
	ctrl_gui(o, es := "") {
		; creates a Control or Gui object wrapper object
		; o - a Control or Gui object to wrap
		; es - gui event sink object, optional.
		w :=	{	; wrapper object
					base 		: { __call : func("__call"), base : o, __class : type(o) },	; setting the object being wrapped (o) as base enables
																							; all properties to work with out any extra code.
					__es__ 		: es,	; event sink
					__cbfns__	: [],	; callback functions (for onevent)
					__ctrls__ 	: []	; the controls of the gui, for _NewEnum
		w._newenum := type(o) == "Gui"	?  (this) =>	{	; enumerator object
															enum : this.__ctrls__._newenum(), 
															next : (this, byref k, byref v := "") 
																	=>	this.enum.next(,v) 
																		? (k:=v.hwnd,true) 
																		: false
										:	func("noenum")	; Only gui objects have _newenum
		_GuiFromHwnd(w.hwnd, w)	; Adds the wrapper object to _GuiFromHwnd list (controls are added to the same list).
		return w
		; nested functions
		__call(this, fn, p*){
			; Handles all calls to the wrapper object (this), returning the wrapper object itself, or the new control in
			; case the the wrapper wraps a Gui object and the methods is addXXX(...) or add("XXX",...)
			; this - the wrapper object.
			; fn - the method to call.
			; p - method parameters.
			if type(this) == "Gui" {
				if instr(fn, "add") == 1 {
					this.__ctrls__.push( w := ctrl_gui((this.base)[fn](p*), this.__es__) )	; save control for _newenum
					return w				 		; return the new control wrapper
				} else if fn = "destroy" {			; handle removal from _GuiFromHwnd and _GuiCtrlFromHwnd.
					for hwnd in this
						_GuiCtrlFromHwnd(hwnd, -1)	; remove all control wrappers from the _GuiCtrlFromHwnd list
					_GuiFromHwnd(this.hwnd, -1)		; remove the gui wrapper from the _GuiFromHwnd list
					this.base.destroy()				; destroy the gui.
					return this
			if fn = "onevent" {		; Events require special handling, see createEventRouter()
				createEventRouter(this, this.__es__, p)
			} else {
				(this.base)[fn](p*)			; call the method
			return this						; return the wrapper object to enable chaining
		createEventRouter(this, es, p){	
			; this function does one of two things:
			; 1) creates a callback function which directs events to the udf callback function,
			; passing the wrapper object instead of the actual control / gui object.
			; 2) removes the callback.
			; this - the wrapper object
			; es - the gui's event sink (if exist)
			; p - onevent parameters
			; cbfn, callback function.
			p1 := p[1], p2 := p[2]								; convenience, allows p2 to be free variable and edit p[2] at the same time
			if this.__cbfns__[p1, p2] {							; Callback function already exists.
				cbfn := p[3] == 0	
						? this.__cbfns__[p1].delete(p2) 		; Do not call this callback.
						: this.__cbfns__[p1, p2]				; Changes AddRemove between 1 or -1 (or error).
			} else {	; add callback function, creates a router function.
				cbfn := es && type(p2) == "String" && isobject(m:=es[p2])			; m, event sink method.
						?	(ctrlOrGui, par*) => m.call(es, this, par*)				; gui uses event sink
						:	(ctrlOrGui, par*) => %p2%(this, par*)	 				; else, function name or some func/... obj.
				this.__cbfns__[p1, p2] := cbfn										; store the callback router to enable it to be deleted later.
			p[2] := cbfn				; the second parameter is replace with the callback router
			this.base.onevent(p*)		; this.base is the gui or control object, 
		noenum(p*){ ; For correct error message when using _newenum on a control.
			throw exception("Unknown method.", -1, "_NewEnum")
_GuiFromHwnd(hwnd, addremove := false){
	; Hwnd, the hwnd of the Gui or GuiControl object to handle
	; addremove, internal use only, pass an object to add to the list of guis and guicontrols, pass -1 to remove the object at 'hwnd'.
	static guis := []	; contains all gui and guicontrol wrappers. Use hwnd as key and wrapper object as value.
	if isobject(addremove)
		return guis[hwnd] := addremove
	else if addremove
		return guis.delete(hwnd)
	return guis.haskey(hwnd) ? guis[hwnd] : false
_GuiCtrlFromHwnd(hwnd, addremove := false){
	return _GuiFromHwnd(hwnd, addremove)	; gui control wrappers are stored in the same array as gui wrappers.
; Example, modification of: https://autohotkey.com/boards/viewtopic.php?f=37&t=49426
main := _GuiCreate("+resize").onEvent("close", "exitapp").onEvent("size", Gui_Size(GuiObj, MinMax, Width, Height) => tooltip(Width  "`t"  Height))
list := main.Add("DropDownList", "vddl", "Red|Green|Blue").OnEvent("Change", "listChange")


listChange(ctrl) {
I made this mostly for fun, I share it in case someone else will find it interesting. I also put it on :arrow: github. Free for any peaceful purposes.

Edit, added: _GuiFromHwnd and _GuiCtrlFromHwnd.


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