UrlEncode and UriDecode for ahk v2

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UrlEncode and UriDecode for ahk v2

12 Apr 2023, 03:58

There is no UrlEncode and UriDecode function in an pure ahk way for ahk v2.
So, UrlEncode and UriDecode for ahk v2, Modified from an unknown source v1 script.

Code: Select all

UrlEncode(str, sExcepts := "-_.", enc := "UTF-8")
	hex := "00", func := "msvcrt\swprintf"
	buff := Buffer(StrPut(str, enc)), StrPut(str, buff, enc)   ;转码
	encoded := ""
	Loop {
		if (!b := NumGet(buff, A_Index - 1, "UChar"))
		ch := Chr(b)
		; "is alnum" is not used because it is locale dependent.
		if (b >= 0x41 && b <= 0x5A ; A-Z
			|| b >= 0x61 && b <= 0x7A ; a-z
			|| b >= 0x30 && b <= 0x39 ; 0-9
			|| InStr(sExcepts, Chr(b), true))
			encoded .= Chr(b)
		else {
			DllCall(func, "Str", hex, "Str", "%%%02X", "UChar", b, "Cdecl")
			encoded .= hex
	return encoded

; Decode precent encoding
UrlDecode(Url, Enc := "UTF-8")
	Pos := 1
	Loop {
		Pos := RegExMatch(Url, "i)(?:%[\da-f]{2})+", &code, Pos++)
		If (Pos = 0)
		code := code[0]
		var := Buffer(StrLen(code) // 3, 0)
		code := SubStr(code, 2)
		loop Parse code, "`%"
			NumPut("UChar", Integer("0x" . A_LoopField), var, A_Index - 1)
		Url := StrReplace(Url, "`%" code, StrGet(var, Enc))
	Return Url

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