Taskbar Color Shifter

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Taskbar Color Shifter

22 Oct 2023, 07:21

Hey everyone,

Taskbar Color Shifter is a simple script to enable smooth and dynamic color shifting for the Windows taskbar. (only tested Win10 so far)

The script gradually transitions the color of the taskbar from one hue to another, creating a visually appealing effect.

Github: https://github.com/bceenaeiklmr/Taskbar-Color-Shifter

The script contains a function that is a fork (update to v2) of jNizM's Make the Windows 10 taskbar translucent (blur) repository.
Special thanks to jNizM!

- I added a function to handle user-defined colors, it was requested by someone on YouTube.

Code: Select all

#Requires AutoHotkey v2.0
#SingleInstance Force

; default value is 30 ms, one shift takes at least 30 ms on a high-end system
TimerPeriod := 30
; the alpha value of the taskbar (using 0 or 255 is not recommended, the colors are bright in this mode, and it's distracting to the eyes)
TaskBarAlpha := 100
; start the timer
SetTimer(TaskBar_RandColorShift.Bind(TaskBarAlpha), TimerPeriod) ; <-- random colors
;SetTimer(TaskBar_ColorShift.Bind(0x000000, 0xFFFFFF, TaskBarAlpha), TimerPeriod) ; <-- only two colors

; unfortunately, there is no restore function yet

 * Shifts the color of the Windows taskbar using random colors.
 * @param {Integer} Alpha - The alpha value for transparent mode.
 * @param {Integer} Range - The value where the color shift ends. This determines how long the color transition takes.
TaskBar_RandColorShift(Alpha := 255, Range := 255, *) {

    static c1 := {R:0, G:0, B:0},
           c2 := {R:0, G:0, B:255},
           i := 0

    ; linear interpolation between the two specified colors
    p := (i += 1) / Range, ; percent
    R := c1.R + Ceil(p * (c2.R - c1.R)),
    G := c1.G + Ceil(p * (c2.G - c1.G)),
    B := c1.B + Ceil(p * (c2.B - c1.B)),
    Color := Format("{:#02x}{:02x}{:02x}{:02x}", Alpha, R, G, B)

    ; if it reaches the color2 then swap the colors and set a new color2
    if (i=range) {
        c1 := c2,
        c2 := {R : Random(0,255), G : Random(0,255), B : Random(0,255)},
        i := 0
    ; apply the new color setting on the taskbar
    ColorMode := !Alpha || Alpha = 255 ? 1 : 2
    TaskBar_SetAttr(ColorMode, Color)

 * Shifts the color of the Windows taskbar using user-defined colors.
 * @param {Hex} Color1 - 0x000000
 * @param {Hex} Color2 - 0x000000
 * @param {Integer} Alpha - The alpha value for transparent mode.
 * @param {Integer} Range - The value where the color shift ends. This determines how long the color transition takes.
TaskBar_ColorShift(Color1 := 0x000000, Color2 := 0xFFFFFF, Alpha := 255, Range := 255, *) {

    static i := 0, reverse := 1

    c1 := { R : (0xff0000 & Color1) >> 16,
	        G : (0x00ff00 & Color1) >> 8,
	        B :  0x0000ff & Color1 }

    c2 := { R : (0xff0000 & Color2) >> 16,
            G : (0x00ff00 & Color2) >> 8,
            B :  0x0000ff & Color2 }   

    ; linear interpolation between the two specified colors
    p := (i += 1 * reverse) / Range, ; percent
    R := c1.R + Ceil(p * (c2.R - c1.R)),
    G := c1.G + Ceil(p * (c2.G - c1.G)),
    B := c1.B + Ceil(p * (c2.B - c1.B)),
    Color := Format("{:#02x}{:02x}{:02x}{:02x}", Alpha, R, G, B)

    ; change direction
    if i=range || !i 
        reverse := reverse * (-1)
    ; apply the new color setting on the taskbar
    ColorMode := !Alpha || Alpha = 255 ? 1 : 2
    TaskBar_SetAttr(ColorMode, Color)

 * The following function is a fork (update to v2) of jNizM's Make the Windows 10 taskbar translucent (blur) repository.
 * https://github.com/jNizM/AHK_TaskBar_SetAttr/tree/master
 * https://autohotkey.com/boards/viewtopic.php?f=6&t=26752
 * TaskBar_SetAttr(option, color)
 * option -> 0 = off,
 *           1 = gradient    (+color),
 *           2 = transparent (+color),
 *           3 = blur
 * color  -> ABGR (alpha | blue | green | red) 0xffd7a78f
TaskBar_SetAttr(accent_state := 0, gradient_color := "0x01000000")
    static init, hTrayWnd, ver := DllCall("GetVersion") & 0xff < 10
    static pad := A_PtrSize = 8 ? 4 : 0, WCA_ACCENT_POLICY := 19

    if !IsSet(init) {
        if (ver)
            throw ValueError("Minimum support client: Windows 10", -1)
        if !(hTrayWnd := DllCall("user32\FindWindow", "str", "Shell_TrayWnd", "ptr", 0, "ptr"))
            throw ValueError("Failed to get the handle", -1)
        init := 1

    ACCENT_POLICY := Buffer(16, 0)
    NumPut("int", (accent_state > 0 && accent_state < 4) ? accent_state : 0, ACCENT_POLICY, 0)

    if (accent_state >= 1) && (accent_state <= 2) && (RegExMatch(gradient_color, "0x[[:xdigit:]]{8}"))
        NumPut("int", gradient_color, ACCENT_POLICY, 8)

    WINCOMPATTRDATA := Buffer(4 + pad + A_PtrSize + 4 + pad, 0)
    NumPut("ptr", ACCENT_POLICY.ptr, WINCOMPATTRDATA, 4 + pad)
    NumPut("uint", ACCENT_POLICY.Size, WINCOMPATTRDATA, 4 + pad + A_PtrSize)
    if !(DllCall("user32\SetWindowCompositionAttribute", "ptr", hTrayWnd, "ptr", WINCOMPATTRDATA.ptr))
        throw ValueError("Failed to set transparency / blur", -1)
    return true

Cheers, :wave:

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