Wrap Text In Quotes in-line using AHK v2 Menu() & keys

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Wrap Text In Quotes in-line using AHK v2 Menu() & keys

18 Dec 2023, 13:02

I find myself wanting to enclose words and numbers in different types of quotation marks, especially when working on a AutoHotkey script :)
Taking inspiration from two old AHK v1 scripts from here and here, I rewrote my chimeric mess of a AHK v1 script into AHK v2.

Code: Select all

#Requires AutoHotkey v2.0

; Wrap Text In Quotes keys
#HotIf not WinActive("ahk_exe mpc-hc.exe") ; disable below in apps that don't use it or have conflicts

!1::EncQuote("`'","`'")         ; enclose in single quotes '' - ' U+0027 : APOSTROPHE
!2::EncQuote(Chr(34),Chr(34))   ; enclose in double quotes "" - " U+0022 : QUOTATION MARK
!3::EncQuote("(",")")           ; enclose in round breackets ()
!4::EncQuote("[","]")           ; enclose in square brackets []
!5::EncQuote("{{}","{}}")       ; enclose in flower brackets {}
!6::EncQuote(Chr(96),Chr(96))   ; enclose in accent/backtick ``
!7::EncQuote("%","%")           ; enclose in percentage sign %%
!8::EncQuote("‘","’")           ; enclose in single quotes ‘’ - ‘ U+2018 LEFT & ’ U+2019 RIGHT SINGLE QUOTATION MARK {single turned comma & comma quotation mark}
!9::EncQuote("“","”")           ; enclose in double quotes “” - “ U+201C LEFT & ” U+201D RIGHT DOUBLE QUOTATION MARK {double turned comma & comma quotation mark}
!0::EncQuote("","")             ; remove above quotes

!q:: {
WrapQuotesMenu := Menu()
WrapQuotesMenu.Add("&1  `'  Single Quotes"    ,WrapQuotesFunc)
WrapQuotesMenu.Add("&2  `"  Double Quotes"    ,WrapQuotesFunc) ;"
WrapQuotesMenu.Add("&3  (  Round Breackets"   ,WrapQuotesFunc)
WrapQuotesMenu.Add("&4  [  Square Brackets"   ,WrapQuotesFunc)
WrapQuotesMenu.Add("&5  *  Asterix"           ,WrapQuotesFunc)
WrapQuotesMenu.Add("&6  ``  Accent/Backtick"  ,WrapQuotesFunc)
WrapQuotesMenu.Add("&7  `%  Percentage Sign"  ,WrapQuotesFunc)
WrapQuotesMenu.Add("&8  ‘’  Single Quotation" ,WrapQuotesFunc)
WrapQuotesMenu.Add("&9  “”  Double Quotation" ,WrapQuotesFunc)
WrapQuotesMenu.Add("&0  Remove All Quotes"    ,WrapQuotesFunc)


; Wrap Text In Quotes Functions

WrapQuotesFunc(item, position, WrapQuotesMenu) {
If position = 1
    EncQuote("'","'")           ; enclose in single quotes ''
Else if position = 2
    EncQuote(Chr(34),Chr(34))   ; enclose in double quotes ""
Else if position = 3
    EncQuote("(",")")           ; enclose in round breackets () 
Else if position = 4
    EncQuote("[","]")           ; enclose in square brackets [] 
Else if position = 5
    EncQuote("{{}","{}}")       ; enclose in flower brackets {}
Else if position = 6
    EncQuote(Chr(96),Chr(96))   ; enclose in accent/backtick ``
Else if position = 7
    EncQuote("%","%")           ; enclose in percentage sign %%
Else if position = 8
    EncQuote("‘","’")           ; enclose in single quotes ‘’
Else if position = 9
    EncQuote("“","”")           ; enclose in double quotes “”
Else if position = 10
    EncQuote("","")             ; remove quotes

EncQuote(q,p) {
CallClipboard(2) ; 2s
QuoteStringInitial := A_Clipboard
QuoteString := A_Clipboard
QuoteString := StrReplace(QuoteString, "`r`n", "`n")
QuoteString := RegExReplace(QuoteString,'[\[\]\*`'\(\)\{\}%`"“”‘’]+|``')     ;"; remove "*`'(){}%“”‘’[]
QuoteString := RegExReplace(QuoteString,'^\s+|\s+$')     ; RegEx remove leading/trailing space
QuoteString := q QuoteString p
QuoteString := StrReplace(QuoteString, "`r`n" p, p)
Len1 := "0"
Len2 := "0"
If q ~= "{" ; RegEx match
    Len1 := Strlen(QuoteString) - 4 ; to account for extra {} in q and p
    Len1 := Strlen(QuoteString)
; if you regularly include leading/trailing spaces within quotes, comment out above RegEx and below if statements
If (RegExMatch(QuoteStringInitial, "^\s+")) {   ; if initial string has Leading space
    QuoteString := " " QuoteString              ; add Leading space to string
    Len1++                                      ; add 1 to len
If (RegExMatch(QuoteStringInitial, "\s+$")) {   ; if initial string has Trailing space
    QuoteString .= " "                          ; append trailing space to string
    Len1++                                      ; add 1 to len
Len2 := "+{left " Len1 "}"
Send QuoteString    ; send string with quotes
Send Len2           ; and select it
clipSave := ""

;  = Call Clipboard and ClipWait
; Check what happens to clipSave later in script

CallClipboard(secs) {
clipSave := ClipboardAll()
A_Clipboard := ""
Send "^c"
If !ClipWait(secs) {   
    MyNotification(A_ThisHotkey ":: Clip Failed", "2000", "1650", "985") ; personal preferrence coz tooltip conflict
    ; ToolTip "Clip Failed"           ; Alternatively to MyNotification
    ; sleep 500
    ; ToolTip
    A_Clipboard := clipSave
    clipSave := ""

;  = Notification GUI
; replace Progress command from AHK v1 with GUI in AHK v2

MyNotification(mytext, myduration, xAxis, yAxis) {
MyNotification := Gui()
MyNotification.Opt("+AlwaysOnTop -Caption +ToolWindow")  ; +ToolWindow avoids a taskbar button and an alt-tab menu item.
MyNotification.BackColor := "EEEEEE"  ; White background
MyNotification.SetFont("s9 w1000", "Arial")  ; font size 9, bold
MyNotification.Add("Text", "cBlack Center", mytext)  ; black text
MyNotification.Show("x1650 y985 NoActivate")  ; NoActivate avoids deactivating the currently active window
WinMove xAxis, yAxis,,, MyNotification
Sleep myduration
This code is old.
Updates will be posted here On GitHub.
Last edited by xypha on 26 Dec 2023, 13:06, edited 1 time in total.

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