Paid request. AHK that can read numbers on my screen, calculate the numbers, and then give a warning.

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Paid request. AHK that can read numbers on my screen, calculate the numbers, and then give a warning.

Post by golgol » 09 May 2023, 08:05

Hello, I have a pretty advanced script that I want. The idea is straightforward but I believe it requires other dependencies. I would prefer to use the least amount of dependencies as possible.

I would like to pay for an AHK script that can accurately read a division equation and calculate the quotient whenever the numbers change. The numbers will always appear as fractions in this format: [dividend]/[divisor]

(e.g. 10/16, 160/190, 32/44, etc.)

The dividend is the first number and the divisor is the 2nd number. The slash between the two numbers separates them. Whenever one of the numbers change, the script should divide the numbers and see whether or not the quotient is above 0.8. If it is above 0.8, I would like my screen to turn a reddish transparent color until the quotient is no longer above 0.8. Once the divisor reaches 200, the screen will no longer change.

To control which part of the screen I want read, it would be great if I could have a box that can be adjusted and moved to pinpoint exactly which portion of the screen I want read. If this part is too difficult or requires too many dependencies, would it be easier to simply have the AHK scan the entire screen for the location of the division equation and automatically find it by itself?

The above is my solution, but if you have a more efficient idea, I am willing to listen. I just need the AHK to read a division equation that appears near the top of my screen, notice whenever it changes, do the division calculation whenever it changes, and then give a sign whenever the quotient is above 0.8. How this is achieved doesn't really matter so as long as it works. It doesn't even have to calculate the equation every single time it changes. If it can do a calculation every 5 seconds, that would be good enough. Please let me know if this is possible or if you have a superior method. I would like to paypal $5 to $10 to the person who can make a satisfactory script and help me get it working. Thank you kindly!

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Re: Paid request. AHK that can read numbers on my screen, calculate the numbers, and then give a warning.

Post by golgol » 11 May 2023, 05:20

If this code takes too long to create and requires more payment, I am willing to pay more! Please let me know if you are interested.

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Re: Paid request. AHK that can read numbers on my screen, calculate the numbers, and then give a warning.

Post by boiler » 11 May 2023, 08:15

The detail is missing that would determine whether this script is almost trivially easy or requires more advanced and potentially unreliable methods to read the text, such as OCR. Exactly what application is displaying the numbers, in what type of window, and whether the control can have its text read directly is the key to this. The fact that it’s in a game (based on where you posted) suggests that something like OCR might be necessary and may be very unreliable depending on the font, background, etc. If you provide those details, it will make it more likely that you get some responses.

I would also note that $5 or $10 is probably more of a deterrent to getting help than an enticement. It’s only a fraction of an hourly rate that a programmer would get for their time (it’s basically like asking for free help), but then they are on the hook for seeing through whatever issues might arise getting it to work, which could be relatively involved. I’m not interested in taking on this task myself — just giving you that feedback.

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Re: Paid request. AHK that can read numbers on my screen, calculate the numbers, and then give a warning.

Post by flyingDman » 11 May 2023, 11:56

Post a screenshot of the area to be read. Or try it yourself with OCR:

Code: Select all

#Requires AutoHotkey v2.0
#include <OCR>				;

msgbox OCR.FromRect(100, 100, 300, 300, "en").Text         ; change to your coordinates

(BTW I agree with @boiler)
14.3 & 1.3.7

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