world of warcraft player, Looking for Autofire

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world of warcraft player, Looking for Autofire

Post by Perrito » 12 Nov 2023, 19:56

Hi, english isnt my main language so i apologize if i dont explain myself correctly.

I play world of warcraft, i spam my keys, i would like to have a funtion where i just press 1-6 and the autohotkey will spam that key as fast as posible, the script could be enabled by pressing scroll lock.

i found a player saying this work but i tried and the script would not work. I only need 1-6 to work with spam.

Little more explanation, In the game you have to press your abilities, if you are a caster you want to get the cast as fast as possible, so in order to do this what i do is i spam (lets say fireball wich is number 4) the key 4, i would like to press a key down and the script to spam that key until i release the key.

Thanks in advance.

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Re: world of warcraft player, Looking for Autofire

Post by WarlordAkamu67 » 13 Nov 2023, 06:40

You may need to change the #HotIf statement to match your window title.

Code: Select all

#Requires AutoHotkey v2.0
#SingleInstance Force

#HotIf WinActive("World of Warcraft") 
  hit_Key := LTrim(A_ThisHotkey, "~")
  while (GetKeyState(hit_Key, "P")) {

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Re: world of warcraft player, Looking for Autofire

Post by Perrito » 13 Nov 2023, 10:47

does the sleep 50 is the duration that it will take to press the key again?

can i lower that or increase that?

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Re: world of warcraft player, Looking for Autofire

Post by WarlordAkamu67 » 13 Nov 2023, 14:26

Perrito wrote:
13 Nov 2023, 10:47
does the sleep 50 is the duration that it will take to press the key again?

can i lower that or increase that?
Yes, that is 50 miliseconds. You can alter that or remove it if you would like... you did say as fast as possible.

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Re: world of warcraft player, Looking for Autofire

Post by Perrito » 13 Nov 2023, 20:41

Im using the script but it doesnt looks like its working for me, im getting the current error:

Warning: This variable appears to never be assigned a value.

Specifically: global Input

▶ 005: SendMode(Input)
006: SetWorkingDir(%A_ScriptDir%)
008: {

For more details, read the documentation for #Warn.

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Re: world of warcraft player, Looking for Autofire

Post by Perrito » 13 Nov 2023, 20:42

this is what i have on the script:

Code: Select all

#Requires AutoHotkey v2.0
#SingleInstance Force

; #Warn  ; Enable warnings to assist with detecting common errors.
SendMode Input  ; Recommended for new scripts due to its superior speed and reliability.
SetWorkingDir %A_ScriptDir%  ; Ensures a consistent starting directory.

#HotIf WinActive("World of Warcraft") 
  hit_Key := LTrim(A_ThisHotkey, "~")
  while (GetKeyState(hit_Key, "P")) {
[Mod edit: [code][/code] tags added. Please use them yourself when posting code!]

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Re: world of warcraft player, Looking for Autofire

Post by Perrito » 13 Nov 2023, 20:46 this is what im trying to do, but his script doesnt work either.

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Re: world of warcraft player, Looking for Autofire

Post by Perrito » 13 Nov 2023, 20:55

This is the script he is using, i only need 1 to 6 keys, but this doesnt work for me.

Code: Select all

#HotkeyInterval 20 ; This is the default value (milliseconds).
#MaxHotkeysPerInterval 20000

; To add a new key to the script, add it to this array:
key_list := ["1", "2", "3", "4", "5", "6", "7", "^", "t", "a", "d", "r", "s", "<", "f", "c",
, "XButton1", "XButton2", "MButton"
, "Numpad0", "Numpad1", "Numpad2", "Numpad3", "Numpad4", "Numpad5", "Numpad6", "Numpad8"
, "NumpadMult", "NumpadDiv", "NumpadAdd", "NumpadSub", "F2", "F1", "F3"]

; Init lookup array for modifiers
modifiers := {LAlt: 0, LShift: 0, LCtrl: 0}

; Build lookup array, declare hotkeys
keys := {}
keys_modded := {}
Loop % key_list.MaxIndex(){
	key := key_list[A_Index]
	; init array values
	keys[key] := 0
	keys_modded[key] := 0
	; Declare hotkeys for up and down events
	hotkey, $*%key%, keydown
	hotkey, $*%key% up, keyup

Loop {

	; Endless loop - always running

	GetKeyState, ScrollLockState, ScrollLock, T
	for key, value in keys {
		; Loop through each of the keys
		if (value){
			; If the key is held...
			; Detect if any modifiers held
			if (modifiers.LAlt || modifiers.LCtrl || modifiers.LShift){
				modifier_held := 1
			} else {
				modifier_held := 0

			; Build the list of modifiers to use for the send
			s := ""
			if (modifiers.LAlt){
				s .= "!"
			if (modifiers.LShift){
				s .= "+"
			if (modifiers.LCtrl){
				s .= "^"
			; Send the key with the modifiers
			Send % s "{" key "}"
	Sleep 10

; Any of the "keys" (ie not modifiers) being pressed will call this
	key := SubStr(A_ThisHotkey,3)
	if (ScrollLockState <> "U") {
		keys[key] := 1
	} else {
		s := ""
		if (modifiers.LAlt){
			s .= "!"
		if (modifiers.LShift){
			s .= "+"
		if (modifiers.LCtrl){
			s .= "^"
		Send % s "{" key "}"

; Any of the "keys" being released will call this
	key := SubStr(A_ThisHotkey,3)
	; Remove " up" from end
	key := substr(key, 1, StrLen(key) - 3)
	keys[key] := 0
	keys_modded[key] := 0

; Modifiers
    mod := substr(A_ThisHotkey, 4)
    modifiers[mod] := 1

$~*LAlt up::
$~*LCtrl up::
$~*LShift up::
    mod := substr(A_ThisHotkey, 4)
    ; Remove " up" from end
    mod := substr(mod, 1, StrLen(mod) - 3)
    modifiers[mod] := 0

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Re: world of warcraft player, Looking for Autofire

Post by boiler » 13 Nov 2023, 22:07

@Perrito — Please use [code][/code] tags when posting code! And don’t post the same thing more than once. Please be patient and wait for your post to be approved. Thank you.

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Re: world of warcraft player, Looking for Autofire

Post by WarlordAkamu67 » 14 Nov 2023, 06:59

The lines that you added to what I provided are giving you and error because you are trying to set send mode to that of a variable called Input, which is not created. In version 2 of AutoHotkey, things are assumed to be expression, and so literal text must be quoted. In this case, you want a literal string, SendMode("Input"). Check out the documentation on send mode.
quotesforliteralstring.PNG (8.75 KiB) Viewed 1521 times
In the picture of the documentation, you can see the quotes around the send mode type. Additionally, you are causing some confusion with the script directory. The same problem is occurring in that the value passed to the function is assumed an expression all ready, and should be just the variable [SetWorkingDir(A_ScriptDir)] or a literal string/file path [SetWorkingDir("myfiles\here")]. More can be found in the documentation:
image.png (18.6 KiB) Viewed 1521 times
As for the second script you posted, I do not have the time today to look at it much. It is a script for AutoHotkey version 1.

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Re: world of warcraft player, Looking for Autofire

Post by Perrito » 16 Nov 2023, 06:42

boiler wrote:
13 Nov 2023, 22:07
@Perrito — Please use [code][/code] tags when posting code! And don’t post the same thing more than once. Please be patient and wait for your post to be approved. Thank you.
I apologize.

Still trying to figure out how can i get autofire on my 1-6 keys, i would prefer to activate the script when caps locks is on instead of when the game is active. Thanks in advance.

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Re: world of warcraft player, Looking for Autofire

Post by WarlordAkamu67 » 16 Nov 2023, 11:23

I see now that this isn't what you mean and later today I can provide something closer to your description. To make sure everything is addressed, though:

Sorry I missed that part in the original post. That can be done be adding or changing a check for the toggle state of CapsLock (or you can change it to scrolllock). This can be done with GetKeyState("CapsLock", "T"). By adding that to the #HotIf statement, or changing the statement. I removed the WinActive and replace it with GetKeyState. Additionally, I quoted the string for the SendMode() and removed the %'s from the SetWorkingDir().

Code: Select all

#Requires AutoHotkey v2.0
#SingleInstance Force

; #Warn  ; Enable warnings to assist with detecting common errors.
SendMode("Input") ; Recommended for new scripts due to its superior speed and reliability.
SetWorkingDir(A_ScriptDir) ; Ensures a consistent starting directory.

#HotIf (GetKeyState("CapsLock", "T"))
  hit_Key := LTrim(A_ThisHotkey, "~")
  while (GetKeyState(hit_Key, "P")) {

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Re: world of warcraft player, Looking for Autofire

Post by WarlordAkamu67 » 16 Nov 2023, 14:33

I used to convert the script you posted. I then edited it to make it work. Here is the result:

Code: Select all

A_HotkeyInterval := 20 ; This is the default value (milliseconds).
A_MaxHotkeysPerInterval := 20000

; To add a new key to the script, add it to this array:
key_list := ["1", "2", "3", "4", "5", "6"]

; Init lookup array for modifiers
modifiers := Map(LAlt: 0, LShift: 0, LCtrl: 0)

; Build lookup array, declare hotkeys
keys := map()
keys_modded := map()
Loop key_list.Length {
	key := key_list[A_Index]
	; init array values
	keys[key] := 0
	keys_modded[key] := 0
	; Declare hotkeys for up and down events
	Hotkey("$*" key, key_Down)
	Hotkey("$*" key " up", key_Up)

	; Endless loop - always running
	ScrollLockState := GetKeyState("ScrollLock", "T")
	for key, value in keys {
		; Loop through each of the keys
		if (value){
			; If the key is held...
			; Detect if any modifiers held
			if (modifiers.LAlt || modifiers.LCtrl || modifiers.LShift){
				modifier_held := 1
			} else {
				modifier_held := 0

			; Build the list of modifiers to use for the send
			s := ""
			if (modifiers.LAlt){
				s .= "!"
			if (modifiers.LShift){
				s .= "+"
			if (modifiers.LCtrl){
				s .= "^"
			; Send the key with the modifiers
			Send(s "{" key "}")

; ------------------------- ; ------------------------- ; ------------------------- ; ------------------------- ; ------------------------- ; ------------------------- ; ------------------------- ; ------------------------- ; ------------------------- ; ------------------------- ;

; Any of the "keys" (ie not modifiers) being pressed will call this
key_Down(ThisHotkey) {
	key := SubStr(A_ThisHotkey, 3)
	if (ScrollLockState) {
		keys[key] := 1
	} else {
		s := ""
		if (modifiers.LAlt){
			s .= "!"
		if (modifiers.LShift){
			s .= "+"
		if (modifiers.LCtrl){
			s .= "^"
		Send(s "{" key "}")

; ------------------------- ; ------------------------- ; ------------------------- ; ------------------------- ; ------------------------- ; ------------------------- ; ------------------------- ; ------------------------- ; ------------------------- ; ------------------------- ;

; Any of the "keys" being released will call this
key_Up(ThisHotkey) {
	key := SubStr(A_ThisHotkey, 3)
	; Remove " up" from end
	key := SubStr(key, 1, StrLen(key) - 3)
	keys[key] := 0
	keys_modded[key] := 0

; ------------------------- ; ------------------------- ; ------------------------- ; ------------------------- ; ------------------------- ; ------------------------- ; ------------------------- ; ------------------------- ; ------------------------- ; ------------------------- ;
; ------------------------- ; ------------------------- ; ------------------------- ; ------------------------- ; ------------------------- ; ------------------------- ; ------------------------- ; ------------------------- ; ------------------------- ; ------------------------- ;
; ------------------------- ; ------------------------- ; ------------------------- ; ------------------------- ; ------------------------- ; ------------------------- ; ------------------------- ; ------------------------- ; ------------------------- ; ------------------------- ;

; Modifiers
  maybeModified := SubStr(A_ThisHotkey, 4)
  modifiers[maybeModified] := 1

$~*LAlt up::
$~*LCtrl up::
$~*LShift up::
  maybeModified := SubStr(A_ThisHotkey, 4)
  ; Remove " up" from end
  maybeModified := SubStr(maybeModified, 1, StrLen(maybeModified) - 3)
  modifiers[maybeModified] := 0

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Re: world of warcraft player, Looking for Autofire

Post by Perrito » 16 Nov 2023, 20:50

WarlordAkamu67 wrote:
16 Nov 2023, 11:23
I see now that this isn't what you mean and later today I can provide something closer to your description. To make sure everything is addressed, though:

Sorry I missed that part in the original post. That can be done be adding or changing a check for the toggle state of CapsLock (or you can change it to scrolllock). This can be done with GetKeyState("CapsLock", "T"). By adding that to the #HotIf statement, or changing the statement. I removed the WinActive and replace it with GetKeyState. Additionally, I quoted the string for the SendMode() and removed the %'s from the SetWorkingDir().

Code: Select all

#Requires AutoHotkey v2.0
#SingleInstance Force

; #Warn  ; Enable warnings to assist with detecting common errors.
SendMode("Input") ; Recommended for new scripts due to its superior speed and reliability.
SetWorkingDir(A_ScriptDir) ; Ensures a consistent starting directory.

#HotIf (GetKeyState("CapsLock", "T"))
  hit_Key := LTrim(A_ThisHotkey, "~")
  while (GetKeyState(hit_Key, "P")) {
im using this and still not working in game, then for no reason it crashed my computer pressing 1 non stop. i must be doing something wrong.

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Re: world of warcraft player, Looking for Autofire

Post by DuckingQuack » 16 Nov 2023, 22:01

Sounds like a classic case of "hotkey sends the hotkey" issue. Simple fix is $ in front of each hotkey but that's not so simple to add to this script.
Best of Luck,
The Duck

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Re: world of warcraft player, Looking for Autofire

Post by WarlordAkamu67 » 17 Nov 2023, 06:43

DuckingQuack wrote:
16 Nov 2023, 22:01
Sounds like a classic case of "hotkey sends the hotkey" issue. Simple fix is $ in front of each hotkey but that's not so simple to add to this script.
The 2nd script all ready includes "$" where the hotkey function creates the hotkeys. As for the original script I posted, don't forget to add them to the LTrim.

Code: Select all

#Requires AutoHotkey v2.0
#SingleInstance Force

; #Warn  ; Enable warnings to assist with detecting common errors.
SendMode("Input") ; Recommended for new scripts due to its superior speed and reliability.
SetWorkingDir(A_ScriptDir) ; Ensures a consistent starting directory.

#HotIf (GetKeyState("CapsLock", "T"))
  hit_Key := LTrim(A_ThisHotkey, "~$")
  while (GetKeyState(hit_Key, "P")) {

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Re: world of warcraft player, Looking for Autofire

Post by Perrito » 23 Nov 2023, 15:18

WarlordAkamu67 wrote:
17 Nov 2023, 06:43
DuckingQuack wrote:
16 Nov 2023, 22:01
Sounds like a classic case of "hotkey sends the hotkey" issue. Simple fix is $ in front of each hotkey but that's not so simple to add to this script.
The 2nd script all ready includes "$" where the hotkey function creates the hotkeys. As for the original script I posted, don't forget to add them to the LTrim.

Code: Select all

#Requires AutoHotkey v2.0
#SingleInstance Force

; #Warn  ; Enable warnings to assist with detecting common errors.
SendMode("Input") ; Recommended for new scripts due to its superior speed and reliability.
SetWorkingDir(A_ScriptDir) ; Ensures a consistent starting directory.

#HotIf (GetKeyState("CapsLock", "T"))
  hit_Key := LTrim(A_ThisHotkey, "~$")
  while (GetKeyState(hit_Key, "P")) {
this doesnt work while on game, when i try to use this, and come to the forums it works nonstop, the script will have to stop pressing the key when i release the key, for example. lets say my rotation is number 4 fireball wich is a 2 sec cast time, i wantt to spam 4 as fast as possible that way the spell is queque as soon as possible. then i get a proc of pyroblast, i want to now spam 5 (pyroblast key) that way when the last fireball is casted immidiatly fires the pyro and then again i want to press 4.

so it will look like this: i press 4 1 time then i press 5 1 time then i press 4 again, i want the script to fire the key until i release the key. this script is pressing that key forever and it only works sometimes on the forums not in game.

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Re: world of warcraft player, Looking for Autofire

Post by DuckingQuack » 23 Nov 2023, 20:39

My suggestion is changing send mode to event and adding setkeydelay( , 250) to the top.
On mobile, so i can’t test it or write it for you, but the script you have as a whole should do exactly what you want, but with these changes, the game should see the presses too.
Best of Luck,
The Duck

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Re: world of warcraft player, Looking for Autofire

Post by Perrito » 30 Nov 2023, 11:17

DuckingQuack wrote:
23 Nov 2023, 20:39
My suggestion is changing send mode to event and adding setkeydelay( , 250) to the top.
On mobile, so i can’t test it or write it for you, but the script you have as a whole should do exactly what you want, but with these changes, the game should see the presses too.
You think you can convert this into V2

Code: Select all

#HotkeyInterval 20 ; This is the default value (milliseconds).
#MaxHotkeysPerInterval 20000

; To add a new key to the script, add it to this array:
key_list := ["1", "2", "3", "4", "5", "6"]

; Init lookup array for modifiers
modifiers := {LAlt: 0, LShift: 0, LCtrl: 0}

; Build lookup array, declare hotkeys
keys := {}
keys_modded := {}
Loop % key_list.MaxIndex(){
	key := key_list[A_Index]
	; init array values
	keys[key] := 0
	keys_modded[key] := 0
	; Declare hotkeys for up and down events
	hotkey, $*%key%, keydown
	hotkey, $*%key% up, keyup

Loop {

	; Endless loop - always running

	GetKeyState, ScrollLockState, ScrollLock, T
	for key, value in keys {
		; Loop through each of the keys
		if (value){
			; If the key is held...
			; Detect if any modifiers held
			if (modifiers.LAlt || modifiers.LCtrl || modifiers.LShift){
				modifier_held := 1
			} else {
				modifier_held := 0

			; Build the list of modifiers to use for the send
			s := ""
			if (modifiers.LAlt){
				s .= "!"
			if (modifiers.LShift){
				s .= "+"
			if (modifiers.LCtrl){
				s .= "^"
			; Send the key with the modifiers
			Send % s "{" key "}"
	Sleep 10

; Any of the "keys" (ie not modifiers) being pressed will call this
	key := SubStr(A_ThisHotkey,3)
	if (ScrollLockState <> "U") {
		keys[key] := 1
	} else {
		s := ""
		if (modifiers.LAlt){
			s .= "!"
		if (modifiers.LShift){
			s .= "+"
		if (modifiers.LCtrl){
			s .= "^"
		Send % s "{" key "}"

; Any of the "keys" being released will call this
	key := SubStr(A_ThisHotkey,3)
	; Remove " up" from end
	key := substr(key, 1, StrLen(key) - 3)
	keys[key] := 0
	keys_modded[key] := 0

; Modifiers
    mod := substr(A_ThisHotkey, 4)
    modifiers[mod] := 1

$~*LAlt up::
$~*LCtrl up::
$~*LShift up::
    mod := substr(A_ThisHotkey, 4)
    ; Remove " up" from end
    mod := substr(mod, 1, StrLen(mod) - 3)
    modifiers[mod] := 0

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Re: world of warcraft player, Looking for Autofire

Post by DuckingQuack » 30 Nov 2023, 15:47

This script is a simplified version of Warlord's script but with the changes I suggested earlier included. Try this and we can test other stuff depending on how it goes. I included an exit button if things go crazy (F12). Keep this line the first time you run it for safety, but if you need F12 in-game, then delete that line. The hotkeys are only activated while scroll lock is toggled on, so make sure you use it.

Code: Select all

#Requires AutoHotkey v2.0
#SingleInstance Force
SetKeyDelay( 0, 250)


#HotIf GetKeyState("ScrollLock", "T")
~$1:: {
    While GetKeyState("1", "P") {

~$2:: {
    While GetKeyState("2", "P") {

~$3:: {
    While GetKeyState("3", "P") {

~$4:: {
    While GetKeyState("4", "P") {

~$5:: {
    While GetKeyState("5", "P") {

~$6:: {
    While GetKeyState("6", "P") {
Best of Luck,
The Duck

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