Simple-ish macro script for grinding

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Joined: 15 Feb 2024, 10:11

Simple-ish macro script for grinding

Post by SergNMerp » 15 Feb 2024, 11:23

First off, I've just found this application and I have little to no idea what I'm doing, this is a LOT more complex than I thought it would be. I tried to binge the documentation last night but my brain soaked up next to nothing. Most of what little 'scripting' knowledge I have comes from modifying xml files for some games (not in a way that would break their ToS, just basic modifying of some values here and there to mess with stuff is all, specifically on offline singleplayer games).

Anyways, what I need is a simple-ish macro kinda script that does the following:

hold E for 3 seconds
wait 5 seconds
hold left click and tap E every 667 ms for 2 minutes and 15 seconds, release left click
wait 12 seconds
hold S for 1 second, maybe a hair over 1 second, maybe 1200 ms idk<br/>
repeat, no delay

as for activation, I have no idea how that works. Based on whatever I've seen from either documentation or other people's topics, a specific set of buttons could be set to activate & deactivate the script? if so, I think SHIFT + P would work?<br/>

Purpose is to sort of afk-grind pipeline welding on a roblox game (I don't think this breaks Rule 5 (Rule 5 on the discord, don't know if that still applies here on the forums since it's Discord's ToS)), it's a small game that's been up for only a couple months, with a single developer who's a little more focused on adding custom trucks (I think he's currently working on a vehicle customization system partially from scratch, idk) over optimizing the leveling system and fixing some bugs. (I don't blame him, everyone's all hyped about new trucks n cool stuff, plus he has some sort of Patreon going so idrc)

(either the draft system broke on me (did not load saved draft) or it's also a complicated feature I don't know how to use, I copied it from my saved drafts so apologies if there's something leftover from that)

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Joined: 04 Jun 2014, 08:33
Location: Germany

Re: Simple-ish macro script for grinding

Post by Rohwedder » 17 Feb 2024, 04:11


Code: Select all

#Requires AutoHotkey v2.0
; macro On/Off with Key Q
$q::Send "{e Up}{LButton Up}{s Up}" ; release keys pressed by the macro
#MaxThreadsPerHotkey 2
q Up:: {
#MaxThreadsPerHotkey 1
Static On := False
On := !On, Exit := "q" ; Exit the q up thread when the Q key is pressed
While On {
	Send("{e Down}"), SleepExit(3000, Exit), Send("{e Up}") ;hold E for 3 seconds
	SleepExit(5000, Exit) ;wait 5 seconds
	Send("{LButton Down}"), T := A_TickCount + 125000 ; hold left click
	While A_TickCount < T ; and tap E every 667 ms for 2 minutes and 15 seconds,
		Send("e"), SleepExit(667, Exit)
	Send("{LButton Up}"), SleepExit(12000, Exit) ;release left click, wait 12 seconds
	Send("{s Down}"), SleepExit(1200, Exit), Send("{s Up}")
	;hold S for 1 second, maybe a hair over 1 second, maybe 1200 ms 
}} ; repeat, no delay 

SleepExit(Time, Exit_Key) {
    End:= A_TickCount + Time
    While S:= End-A_TickCount > 0
        IF !GetKeyState(Exit_Key, "P")
        Else KeyWait(Exit_Key), Exit()
} ; Exit if Exit_Key pressed

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