Trying to make a script that presses letter n repeatedly

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Joined: 20 Jan 2024, 03:57

Trying to make a script that presses letter n repeatedly

20 Jan 2024, 04:03

I'm trying to write a script that presses n repeatedly very quickly like 0ms delay (is this possible? Or must it be 1ms delay)
The game I'm playing only registers when you press n manually (key going up and down).
totally new to this autohotkey thing, only discovered it today! (yes i'm slow)
Any help will be greatly appreciated!!! :wave:
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Re: Trying to make a script that presses letter n repeatedly

20 Jan 2024, 07:36

Welcome to this AutoHotkey forum!

Code: Select all

#Requires AutoHotkey v2.0

$n:: {
 Static on := False, go := () => SendEvent('n')
 SetTimer go, on ^= True
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Joined: 20 Jan 2024, 08:09

Re: Trying to make a script that presses letter n repeatedly

20 Jan 2024, 08:34

;how much memory you got? ;-) all those key presses gotta go somewhere. clog your buffer and ;other things to think about but

Code: Select all

#Requires AutoHotkey v2.0
#SingleInstance Force

;  .1seconds better off around 300ms but gotta figureout what best for ;you+system inside game
SetTimer spam, 100 
spam() {
  If GetKeyState("n", "P") {
    While GetKeyState("n", "P") {
        Sendinput "n"

[Mod edit: Added [code][/code] tags. Please use them yourself when posting code!]

;checks if n is Physically held down.
;theres better ways (i started learning a couple days ago) but this simple setup ive had the most ;success

;if doesnt work but opening .ahk and testing keyfunction produces no errors:convert to exe and run ;as admin

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