
Post your working scripts, libraries and tools for AHK v1.1 and older
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31 Oct 2016, 19:52

My dayjob consist of copy/pasting stuff from and to inputboxes. Ctrl+C, Ctrl+V isn't enough, i needed more clipboards. I have used various clipboard managers for personal use for years, and ClipJump has a much neater tooltip based UI, that i actually prefer over ClippingTool, but not at work, where i need a fast way to see all clipboards. I know it looks silly, maybe i improve it. Also, mine and many other workplaces have strict IT rules. To have a clipboard manager approved i had to be sure it didn't save sensetive data anywhere, as a bonus of that there is a little notes and template manager in the gui.

This is ClippingTool

First time you launch ClippingTool a window appears on the right side of the screen.

At the top of the window is the tab bar, each tab is a case. Box 0 is the command box, from here you can search your notes. Below box 0 is the current note, to the right of that box is a filtered list of notes.

When ClippingTool window is active you can use the following hotkeys:

Alt+[0-9]: Focus box[0-1]
Ctrl+S: Save current note.
Ctrl+T: New tab.
Ctrl+W: Close tab.
Ctrl+[1-9]: GoTo tab[1-9].

The hotkeys described below are global and works even if ClippingTool window is hidden.

CapsLock: Show/Activate ClippingTool window, if it is active, activate the previously activated window.
Ctrl+CapsLock: Hide ClippingTool window.
CapsLock+[0-9]: Send content of inputbox[0-9].
Shift+CapsLock+[0-9]: Set content of inputbox[0-9] to selected text.
CapsLock+`: Send note.
Shift+CapsLock+`: Set note to selected text.

Layouts and Notes

Notes are saved in: ClippingTool\Layouts\%layout%\%folder%\%note% . %layout% %folder% and %note% is set by you. Locally saved notes can only be viewed when it's corresponding layout is open.

If a note contains a string thats equal to a box, it will be converted to a template when saved. This means when saving a note that includes "LeifLoket", that happens to be whats in box2, in this layout: username. Next time this template is loaded, the value of username will be where the original note said: "LeifLoket".

A layout is basicly a list of what boxes is to be visible in the window.

This is how you create a layout:
  • Create a folder in ClippingTool\layouts\ , the name of the folder is the name of the layout.
  • Create a file named list in this folder.
  • Every line in list, is the name of the corresponding input box.
  • You can set the height (lines) and width (percentage) by adding (W%width% H%height%) after name declaration.
  • To have multiple boxes on the same line, separate declarations with a comma.
  • To have a new line behave as part of the same group as previous line, start line with a literal comma.
  • You can set the current layout from the window menu.
  • A sample layout is created first time you run the script.
You can drag "~~~~~~~~~~~~~" down if you need more boxes.

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