[Looking for Maintainers/Successors] Clipjump : The Ultimate Clipboard Manager

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Re: Clipjump : The Ultimate Clipboard Manager [v12.5]

25 Dec 2016, 23:23

DaveT1 wrote:Hi Avi,

ClipJump continues to be very useful to me....I've just started using the api, but have the following Q on this code:

Code: Select all

#Include publicAPI.ahk
cj := new Clipjump()
cj.paste(1, 1) ; From ClipJump paste entry 1 from channel 1
temp1 := cj.getClipAt(0, 1, 1)
temp2 := cj.version
temp3 := cj.getChStrength(0)
MsgBox, %temp1%, %temp2%, %temp3%
The paste command works. And when I show the msgbox, I see entries for temp1 and temp2. But not for temp3 - it appears to be blank. I have a second channel (ie., channel 1), and when I try that I also see nothing returned.

I'm sure I've done something mindless here, so would appreciate a pointer as to where I've gone wrong.

Many thanks.
I think the problem is with MsgBox here. The syntax is wrong. The commas there are following the full syntax of MsgBox.
Try MsgBox % temp1 . temp2 . temp3
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Re: Clipjump : The Ultimate Clipboard Manager [v12.5]

22 Jan 2017, 22:15

I love the idea but I'm so used to leaving my fingers on the Ctrl key when I cut and paste that I'm always wondering what it's not pasting until I remember.... :) I guess it's not for me...
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[Looking for Maintainers/Successors] Clipjump

05 Feb 2017, 23:10

Hey everyone.
It must have been obvious for the past few months but now it's official. I am retiring from developing Clipjump. It was great working on the project, it really was a life-time experience. I thank everyone for their support, feedback and patience with Clipjump.
I hope someone will be willing to pick up this project and continue the development of the program we all love and use.
I have created a brief post on Clipjump's GitHub repo with the details. (https://github.com/aviaryan/Clipjump/issues/136)
If you have any problems or suggestions, please post it here or on GitHub and I will try to resolve it as soon as possible.
Thank you.
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Re: [Looking for Maintainers/Successors] Clipjump : The Ultimate Clipboard Manager

24 Feb 2017, 12:23

Hello Avi,

my problem below is really a show-stopper for me. I asked already 22 Jul 2016, 17:41. Any hints are highly appreciated before you retire!

Is there an event after something is copied to the clipboard available? Or a callback function?
The background of that question is that I have an app where sometimes copying to the clipboard doesn't work - that problem isn't related to Clipjump in any way. It's an problem of the used GUI text control. Because the clipboard is then empty, I could repeat copying with a certain delay several times until a timeout. Therefore I need that event/callback. Any hints or other suggestions?

Many thanks and greetings
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Re: [Looking for Maintainers/Successors] Clipjump : The Ultimate Clipboard Manager

24 Feb 2017, 13:06

hotkeyguy wrote:Hello Avi,

my problem below is really a show-stopper for me. I asked already 22 Jul 2016, 17:41. Any hints are highly appreciated before you retire!

Is there an event after something is copied to the clipboard available? Or a callback function?
The background of that question is that I have an app where sometimes copying to the clipboard doesn't work - that problem isn't related to Clipjump in any way. It's an problem of the used GUI text control. Because the clipboard is then empty, I could repeat copying with a certain delay several times until a timeout. Therefore I need that event/callback. Any hints or other suggestions?

Many thanks and greetings
Hey, I don't think we have a callback/listener for the clipboard updated event right now. I feel you will have to change the codebase to get this behavior.
Clipjump.ahk has the onClipboardChange label, you can change it and add your event trigger call there.
You can define your custom routine for the event trigger in the Clipjump.ahk or any other lib file or as a custom plugin (use API.runPlugin).

Hope this helps.
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Re: Clipjump : The Ultimate Clipboard Manager [v12.5]

02 Mar 2017, 05:45

Hi Avi,

devasted to hear that you're stopping work on this project, but many thanks for bringing us this wonderful tool :D . I hope someone comes along soon to take it on. I'm a bit surprised that no one has yet!

In case you're still monitoring this board, and that you've not yet fully retired, here's a belated follow up to your reply below: I don't think that it is the formatting - that message box will work fine. But I've been retrying this for getChStrength only, and still no luck, ie., the message box is still blank:

Code: Select all

temp4 := cj.runFunction("getChStrength(0)")
MsgBox, %temp4%
In doing some very rudimentary debugging, I notice that in publicAPI.ahk, there is a line: rFuncs := "|getClipAt|getClipLoc|getVar|runFunction|". I can get the first 3 listed there to work just fine (using the same approach as the code snippet above), but haven't tried the 4th. But getChStrength is not in that list, and, I think, it makes the If statement on line 55 of publicAPI.ahk fail.

I have to say that this is all conjecture and inference - I simply don't have the skills to know if my thinking has merit, or is way off!

I wish you all the luck in the future endeavours.
Avi wrote:
DaveT1 wrote:Hi Avi,

ClipJump continues to be very useful to me....I've just started using the api, but have the following Q on this code:

Code: Select all

#Include publicAPI.ahk
cj := new Clipjump()
cj.paste(1, 1) ; From ClipJump paste entry 1 from channel 1
temp1 := cj.getClipAt(0, 1, 1)
temp2 := cj.version
temp3 := cj.getChStrength(0)
MsgBox, %temp1%, %temp2%, %temp3%
The paste command works. And when I show the msgbox, I see entries for temp1 and temp2. But not for temp3 - it appears to be blank. I have a second channel (ie., channel 1), and when I try that I also see nothing returned.

I'm sure I've done something mindless here, so would appreciate a pointer as to where I've gone wrong.

Many thanks.
I think the problem is with MsgBox here. The syntax is wrong. The commas there are following the full syntax of MsgBox.
Try MsgBox % temp1 . temp2 . temp3
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Re: [Looking for Maintainers/Successors] Clipjump : The Ultimate Clipboard Manager

02 Mar 2017, 06:07

You need to access getChStrength as cj.getChStrength(channel) . http://clipjump.sourceforge.net/help.htm

Code: Select all

temp4 := cj.getChStrength(0)
MsgBox, %temp4%
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Re: [Looking for Maintainers/Successors] Clipjump : The Ultimate Clipboard Manager

02 Mar 2017, 06:36

Hi Avi,

Nice to see you're still around :) :) .

That still doesn't work. That was my problem in the original post. I simply see a completely blank message box. Hence I tried to runFunction to see if that would sort it. I've just re-worked it to go back to the original issue:

Code: Select all

;~ temp4 := cj.getClipAt(0, 3, 1)
;~ temp4 := cj.getClipLoc(0, 1)
;~ temp4 := cj.getVar("CN.NG")
temp4 := cj.getChStrength(0)
;~ temp4 := cj.runFunction("getChStrength(0)")
MsgBox, %temp4%
and I still see a blank message box. When I use any of the other three on the lines above (used one at a time, obviously), I get a message box which displays exactly what I would expect.

So I'm really a little stumped here. I've read and re-read the documentation on the API, and it doesn't seem to suggest doing anything different to what I've tried :?. Is it just coincidence that the three api functions which work are all listed in rFuncs := "|getClipAt|getClipLoc|getVar|runFunction|" in the publicAPI.ahk? Or does the absence of getChStrength from rFuncs mean that getChStrength will never work?

Very many thanks for your continued involvement (for now!).
Avi wrote:You need to access getChStrength as cj.getChStrength(channel) . http://clipjump.sourceforge.net/help.htm

Code: Select all

temp4 := cj.getChStrength(0)
MsgBox, %temp4%
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Re: [Looking for Maintainers/Successors] Clipjump : The Ultimate Clipboard Manager

02 Mar 2017, 09:25

Hey, sorry for not understanding you earlier.
Yes I think that the absence of getChStrength from rFuncs := "|getClipAt|getClipLoc|getVar|runFunction|" could be a reason that is not working.
Just make that line as rFuncs := "|getClipAt|getClipLoc|getVar|runFunction|getChStrength|" and maybe it will work.
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Re: [Looking for Maintainers/Successors] Clipjump : The Ultimate Clipboard Manager

03 Mar 2017, 03:49

Hi Avi,

I'm really grateful for your continued support on this one - needless to say it's VERY much appreciated.

I had already tried adding getChStrength to the rFunc list, but with no luck. So I tried again, a little more systematically, after you also suggested it. This is what I've figured so far:

If the api function called (eg., cj.getClipAt(0, 3, 1)) is in rFuncs := "|getClipAt|getClipLoc|getVar|runFunction| then "C:\Users\dave\AppData\Local\Temp\cjcb.txt" is created.

If the function called (eg., cj.getChStrength(0)) is not in rFuncs := "|getClipAt|getClipLoc|getVar|runFunction| then "C:\Users\dave\AppData\Local\Temp\cjcb.txt" is not created.

If I add, eg., getChStrength into rFunc (ie., so that I now have rFuncs := "|getClipAt|getClipLoc|getVar|runFunction|getChStrength|, and try to run getChStrength, then "C:\Users\dave\AppData\Local\Temp\cjcb.txt" is also not created.

When "C:\Users\dave\AppData\Local\Temp\cjcb.txt" is not present then

Code: Select all

	while !FileExist(A_temp "\cjcb.txt")
		sleep 15
seems to be waiting indefinitely. I'm assuming that Clipjump_wait4file() is always expecting "C:\Users\dave\AppData\Local\Temp\cjcb.txt" to be created, and is just waiting until is appears?

"C:\Users\dave\AppData\Local\Temp\cjcb.txt" seems to be created by SendMessage, 0x4a, 0, &CopyDataStruct,, %TargetScriptTitle%. I really can't figure what this bit of code is doing, and therefore why it sometimes creates "C:\Users\dave\AppData\Local\Temp\cjcb.txt", and sometimes doesn't.

I'm also not sure if this is a symptom or a cause of the problem! Any pointers would, as ever, be gratefully received.
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Re: [Looking for Maintainers/Successors] Clipjump : The Ultimate Clipboard Manager

03 Mar 2017, 04:02

Hi Dave,
Apparently rFuncs is also defined in the API.ahk file (ohh bad design). https://github.com/aviaryan/Clipjump/bl ... PI.ahk#L10
Add getChStrength there and it should work. (i.e. getChStrength should be added to both rFuncs)
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Clipjump Clipboard Manager : More Scripts (updated 2019)

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Re: [Looking for Maintainers/Successors] Clipjump : The Ultimate Clipboard Manager

03 Mar 2017, 04:06

Oh, you're the man, you're the man :D :D :D . Let me try and I will report back.
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Re: [Looking for Maintainers/Successors] Clipjump : The Ultimate Clipboard Manager

11 Apr 2017, 10:02

Hello everyone,

I've noticed something weird lately when using ClipJump.
When I try and copy text from a PDF file (Abode Reader DC), it won't transfer to Clipjump, it doesn't copy at all. Today I tried CNTRL+, I pressed it 10 times and finally it copied it to the clipjump. Next try, worked on the first try. Then next number, 6 Control+c and it copied.

Any ideas?
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Re: [Looking for Maintainers/Successors] Clipjump : The Ultimate Clipboard Manager

23 Oct 2022, 21:46

Items are not getting copied to clipboard history when doing it with ahk command and javascript and even ctrl+c while working properly when doing it with rightClick+copy.. Please fix this issue
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Re: [Looking for Maintainers/Successors] Clipjump : The Ultimate Clipboard Manager

24 Oct 2022, 11:25

yasin7070 wrote:
23 Oct 2022, 21:46
Items are not getting copied to clipboard history when doing it with ahk command and javascript and even ctrl+c while working properly when doing it with rightClick+copy.. Please fix this issue
As you can see from the title of the thread and also the github repo clipjump is unmaintained, so either take up the mantle and fork and fix it - or have a look at other clipboard programs which are in current development and may suit your needs just as well.

Of course CL3 is absolutely the best clipboard manager ever, viewtopic.php?f=6&t=814, but I might be a bit biased :D
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Re: [Looking for Maintainers/Successors] Clipjump : The Ultimate Clipboard Manager

27 Oct 2022, 02:26

I have tried every kind of clipboard apps but none is lightweight and flexible like clipjump .. in CL3 we also need to use up and down arrow for selecting an item from history and than press enter while in clipjump you just need to Press and hold win and start pressing the v key to cycle through the history
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Re: [Looking for Maintainers/Successors] Clipjump : The Ultimate Clipboard Manager

27 Oct 2022, 03:23

yasin7070 wrote:
23 Oct 2022, 21:46
Items are not getting copied to clipboard history when doing it with ahk command and javascript and even ctrl+c while working properly when doing it with rightClick+copy.. Please fix this issue
I agree with your later sentiments about Clipjump - very lightweight and intuitive. I'm a big fan, constant user and would like to learn enough to port it to v2. However, in the meantime, I don't understand what the problem is - could you expand on the issue, and maybe include a screenshot or 2?
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Re: [Looking for Maintainers/Successors] Clipjump : The Ultimate Clipboard Manager

27 Oct 2022, 11:25

yasin7070 wrote:
27 Oct 2022, 02:26
in CL3 we also need to use up and down arrow for selecting an item from history and than press enter while in clipjump you just need to Press and hold win and start pressing the v key to cycle through the history
That is also available in CL3, Cycle through clipboard history animation: https://github.com/hi5/CL3/wiki/Cycle-history - and you can apply a plugin on the 'selected' one as well. If you have any questions about CL3 I suggest you (or others) ask in the CL3 thread to avoid taking away from the ClipJump discussion.
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Re: [Looking for Maintainers/Successors] Clipjump : The Ultimate Clipboard Manager

27 Oct 2022, 22:31

Sir I have used the AHK version of the tool and it's working fine while exe version is still very old

The tool is my choice of using now but there is one problem needed to be fixed

I have retain the history to only slots (max history: 6; menu width: 1; more history: 0). but the CL3 history still goes up to "Z" I wanted it to start from beginning when it is reached 6 "G".

Also If could please make a portable exe version of this app it will be very much appreciated
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Re: [Looking for Maintainers/Successors] Clipjump : The Ultimate Clipboard Manager

01 Oct 2023, 01:55

hey guys, since clipjump hasn't been updated for a long time, I created a branching version, Clipjump-Plus, you can try here. :D :D

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