An improved script to use space as modifier

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Joined: 28 Apr 2017, 10:21

An improved script to use space as modifier

28 Apr 2017, 10:36

I have written an improved script to use space as modifier. The problem in ... ifier-key/ is solved.

Space becomes a modifier when it is pressed more than 0.1 second (100 ms). Of course, this delay could be modified. If no other keys are pressed during space is pressed, a space is output when space is released. Fewest hand move are necessary when typing. You can type arrow keys, BS, DEL, HOME, END and any other keys you like without moving your hand.

I made several tunes so that it works well when typing fast. You should feel just like normal when typing in fast speed.

Since, this is my first AHK script, there should be some problems such as misusing some functions. Any suggestions are welcome.

Code: Select all

; AutoHotkey Version: 1.x
; Language:       English
; Platform:       Win9x/NT
; Author:         cy18 <>
; An improved script to use space as modifier
; In normal cases, if space is pressed for more than 0.1 second, it becomes a modifier, this time could be modified in the script
; If no other keys are pressed during space is pressed, a space is output when space is released
; Severial tunes are made so that the script works well when typing in fast speed
; Note that repeating space no longer works

#NoEnv  ; Recommended for performance and compatibility with future AutoHotkey releases.
; #Warn  ; Enable warnings to assist with detecting common errors.
SendMode Input  ; Recommended for new scripts due to its superior speed and reliability.
SetWorkingDir %A_ScriptDir%  ; Ensures a consistent starting directory.

AnyKeyPressedOtherThanSpace(mode = "P") {
    keys = 1234567890-=qwertyuiop[]\asdfghjkl;'zxcvbnm,./
    Loop, Parse, keys
        isDown :=  GetKeyState(A_LoopField, mode)
            return True
    return False
Space Up::
    space_up := true
    Send, {F18}
    if AnyKeyPressedOtherThanSpace(){
        SendInput, {Blind}{Space}
    space_up := False
    inputed := False
    input, UserInput, L1 T0.1, {F18}
    if (space_up) {
        Send, {Blind}{Space}
    }else if (StrLen(UserInput) == 1){
        Send, {Space}%UserInput%
    while true{
        input, UserInput, L1, {F18}
        if (space_up) {
            if (!inputed){
                Send, {Blind}{Space}
        }else if (StrLen(UserInput) == 1) {
            inputed := True
            StringLower, UserInput, UserInput
            if (UserInput == "e")
                Send, {Blind}{Up}
            else if (UserInput == "d")
                Send, {Blind}{Down}
            else if (UserInput == "s")
                Send, {Blind}{Left}
            else if (UserInput == "f")
                Send, {Blind}{Right}
            else if (UserInput == "w")
                Send, {Blind}{Home}
            else if (UserInput == "r")
                Send, {Blind}{End}
            else if (UserInput == "c")
                Send, {Blind}{BS}
            else if (UserInput == "v")
                Send, {Blind}{DEL}
                Send, {Blind}%UserInput%

Posts: 91
Joined: 01 Nov 2015, 13:43

Re: An improved script to use space as modifier

28 Apr 2017, 23:58

Look strange for me. How about this:

Code: Select all

*Space Up::Send % (A_PriorKey = "Space") ? "{Blind}{Space}" : ""

#If GetKeyState("Space", "P")
	Left::WinMinimize A
	Up::WinMaximize A
	*vk45:: ; e
	*vk44:: ; d
	*vk53:: ; s
	*vk46:: ; f

SendRemap() {
	Static RemapArr:={e: "{Up}", d: "{Down}", s: "{Left}", f: "{Right}"}
	Send % "{Blind}" RemapArr[GetKeyName(SubStr(A_ThisHotkey, 2))]
With delay:

Code: Select all

#MaxHotkeysPerInterval 200
ModActivateDelay := 100

	If SpacePressed ; AutoRepeat defense
	SetTimer ModActivate, % "-" ModActivateDelay
*Space Up::
	SetTimer ModActivate, Off
	If ((A_PriorKey = "Space") OR !ModActive)
		Send {Blind}{Space}
	ModActive := false
	ModActive := true

#If (GetKeyState("Space", "P") && ModActive)
	Left::WinMinimize A
	Up::WinMaximize A
	*vk45::SendRemap() ; e
	*vk44::SendRemap() ; d
	*vk53::SendRemap() ; s
	*vk46::SendRemap() ; f

SendRemap() {
	Static SendRemapArr:={e: "{Up}", d: "{Down}", s: "{Left}", f: "{Right}"}
	Send % "{Blind}" SendRemapArr[GetKeyName(SubStr(A_ThisHotkey, 2))]
Last edited by stealzy on 29 Apr 2017, 06:30, edited 1 time in total.
Posts: 3
Joined: 28 Apr 2017, 10:21

Re: An improved script to use space as modifier

29 Apr 2017, 01:26

For example, if A is pressed, then press Space, then release A, then release Space. With my script, the output is "a ".
Another case is press Space, then press A, release Space, release A. With my script, the output is " a".
These two situation are common when typing fast.
Posts: 91
Joined: 01 Nov 2015, 13:43

Re: An improved script to use space as modifier

29 Apr 2017, 06:38

In my examples your first case work as you want.
Your second case disputable: in my opinion, if there is a hotkey Space+A, then hotkey must be unconditional.
Just imagine that the Ctrl+C action effect depends on the speed of execution. If you press it slow — copy; if you press it fast — something else :| .
Posts: 3
Joined: 28 Apr 2017, 10:21

Re: An improved script to use space as modifier

29 Apr 2017, 08:17

I have to say, behavior depending on the speed is all what I improved in the script.

After all, space is so commonly used. If not this way, the script would be annoying rather than convenient because of the mistakes made when typing fast.
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Re: An improved script to use space as modifier

11 Feb 2023, 01:27

stealzy wrote:
28 Apr 2017, 23:58
Look strange for me. How about this:

Code: Select all

*Space Up::Send % (A_PriorKey = "Space") ? "{Blind}{Space}" : ""

#If GetKeyState("Space", "P")
	Left::WinMinimize A
	Up::WinMaximize A
	*vk45:: ; e
	*vk44:: ; d
	*vk53:: ; s
	*vk46:: ; f

SendRemap() {
	Static RemapArr:={e: "{Up}", d: "{Down}", s: "{Left}", f: "{Right}"}
	Send % "{Blind}" RemapArr[GetKeyName(SubStr(A_ThisHotkey, 2))]
With delay:

Code: Select all

#MaxHotkeysPerInterval 200
ModActivateDelay := 100

	If SpacePressed ; AutoRepeat defense
	SetTimer ModActivate, % "-" ModActivateDelay
*Space Up::
	SetTimer ModActivate, Off
	If ((A_PriorKey = "Space") OR !ModActive)
		Send {Blind}{Space}
	ModActive := false
	ModActive := true

#If (GetKeyState("Space", "P") && ModActive)
	Left::WinMinimize A
	Up::WinMaximize A
	*vk45::SendRemap() ; e
	*vk44::SendRemap() ; d
	*vk53::SendRemap() ; s
	*vk46::SendRemap() ; f

SendRemap() {
	Static SendRemapArr:={e: "{Up}", d: "{Down}", s: "{Left}", f: "{Right}"}
	Send % "{Blind}" SendRemapArr[GetKeyName(SubStr(A_ThisHotkey, 2))]
This works great. I am wondering if there is a way to make it generic. That is any key pressed with space should send a modifier (eg: alt) + the at key.

*:: send !* ?

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