objects: define succinctly, retrieve dynamically

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objects: define succinctly, retrieve dynamically

23 Jun 2017, 08:52

I'm looking for ways to define 'oArray.a.b.c := 3' as succinctly as possible.

I have a way to refer to an object and its key dynamically, which I mention in case anyone has any alternative ideas. I might use it in a custom Deref function. Cheers.

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q:: ;succinctly define/dynamically retrieve objects/keys

;one-liner definitions for 'oArray.a.b.c := 3'
oArray := {}, oArray["a","b","c"] := 3 ;can these be combined? (best so far)
MsgBox, % oArray.a.b.c

oArray := {"a":1}
MsgBox, % oArray.a
oArray := {"a":{"b":2}}
MsgBox, % oArray.a.b
oArray := {"a":{"b":{"c":3}}} ;short but unintuitive
MsgBox, % oArray.a.b.c

vObj := "oArray", vKey := "a.b.c"
%vObj% := {}, %vObj%[StrSplit(vKey, ".")*] := 3 ;dynamic and intuitive
MsgBox, % oArray.a.b.c

;retrieve object key's value dynamically (for possible use with a custom Deref function)
vObj := "oArray", vKey := "a.b.c"
MsgBox, % %vObj%[StrSplit(vKey, ".")*]
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Re: objects: define succinctly, retrieve dynamically

23 Jun 2017, 10:18

jeeswg wrote:

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oArray := {}, oArray["a","b","c"] := 3 ;can these be combined? (best so far)

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(oArray := {})["a","b","c"] := 3
It's not much shorter, and maybe slightly less readable.
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Re: objects: define succinctly, retrieve dynamically

23 Jun 2017, 12:07

Omg cheers, very cool, nicely done. Hidden in plain sight.

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(oArray := {})["a","b","c"] := 3
MsgBox, % oArray.a.b.c
@kon: Thanks for that.
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Re: objects: define succinctly, retrieve dynamically

23 Jun 2017, 12:26

I wanted a Deref function, that could handle objects with dot notation as well as variables, and I managed to make one. I was unsure what to do about literal percent signs, but then eventually I realised I could just have a variable that dereferenced to a percent sign.

Unfortunately the function is making use of a few variables, that I've given unlikely names to avoid any clashes.

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q:: ;dereference this
var := 10
vPS := "%"
(obj:={})["a","b","c"] := 20
MsgBox, % JEE_Deref("%var%%vPS% of %obj.a.b.c%")


	local vDerefOutput, vDerefPos, vDerefObj, vDerefKey
	vDerefOutput := ""
	Loop, Parse, vDerefText, % "%"
		if (A_Index & 1)
			vDerefOutput .= A_LoopField
		else if !(vDerefPos := InStr(A_LoopField, "."))
			vDerefOutput .= %A_LoopField%
			vDerefObj := SubStr(A_LoopField, 1, vDerefPos-1)
			vDerefKey := SubStr(A_LoopField, vDerefPos+1)
			vDerefOutput .= %vDerefObj%[StrSplit(vDerefKey, ".")*]
	return vDerefOutput
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Re: objects: define succinctly, retrieve dynamically

23 Jun 2017, 15:41

If you have an array of keys, a, you can use it to define (and assign) keys of another array, b, like this,

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Your deref function will not work for local variables.

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Re: objects: define succinctly, retrieve dynamically

23 Jun 2017, 15:55

Haha in a reversal of some posts where I've provided answers, I'm thinking 'err, examples please?' Anyhow I did some tests, I think I've got what you meant.

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q:: ;'if no-one objects'
a := ["d","e","f"]
b := {}
MsgBox, % b.d.e.f

c := {1:"d",2:"e",3:"f"}
b := {}
MsgBox, % b.d.e.f

Yes I had said somewhere else, that the Deref function could only handle global variables and not variables local to a function, and that I was fine with that. Cheers though, it was worth pointing it out again here.

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I'm not sure if there is any way around that, but that also ... does that mean that any AutoHotkey functions/commands that can handle variables local to functions, have special abilities that custom functions don't have.


Btw something silly:

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q:: ;ErrorLevel as an object
ErrorLevel := {}
ErrorLevel.a := "A"
ErrorLevel.b := "B"
MsgBox, % ErrorLevel.a " " ErrorLevel.b
I thought that ErrorLevel might work as an object, and it did. Actually what prompted me to try this, was the idea that ErrorLevel could be used as a method of last resort for certain problems.


Btw in reference to a one-liner in a post above. Nicely 'konceived'.
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Re: objects: define succinctly, retrieve dynamically

23 Jun 2017, 17:32

Your example is what I meant.
Interesting observation regarding ErrorLevel, maybe it can be useful,

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; Unpolished

	if (info="")
		return ErrorLevel := new info:={__Delete:func("warnErrorLevel").bind([Exception("",-1).line ,Exception("",-2).what])}
		Msgbox, % "ErrorLevel changed somewhere after line: " info.1 (info.2!=-2?" in " info.2 : "")
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Re: objects: define succinctly, retrieve dynamically

28 Jun 2017, 19:28

I've come up with a variant Deref function, all the 'variables' are derived from an object, passed to a function. It would not suffer from issues to do with local v. global. Also, I thought that a 'variable' '%%' might be dereferenced to a percent sign.

I want to eliminate continuation sections from all of my scripts, because they are awkward for parsing and conversion to AHK v2 etc. At the same time, I may want some of my continuation sections to use command style variables within expressions, as some of them currently do.

(However in principle, I'm not against continuation sections at all, and I would like to see a 'verbatim' 'command' for one-line 'continuation sections', to work much like the current continuation sections do now, for storing text verbatim (or semi-verbatim, its workings based on an options parameter). It could look similar to a command, although it would be a bit like the curly brackets array notation ('obj := {}') ... unique.)

[EDIT:] (Continuation sections are very useful for temporary and single-purpose small scripts, especially for pasting in a list of CRLF-delimited items verbatim.)

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q:: ;continuation section alternative
vText = ;continuation section
MsgBox, % vText
vText := ""
. "a" "`r`n"
. "b" "`r`n"
. "c"
MsgBox, % vText

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;q:: ;dereference, and continuation section alternatives
oArray := {vDir:"C:\MyDir", vNameNoExt:"New Text Document", vNum:3, vExt:".txt"}
vPath := "%vDir%\%vNameNoExt% (%vNum%)%vExt%"
MsgBox, % JEE_Deref2(vPath, oArray)

vDir:="C:\MyDir", vNameNoExt:="New Text Document", vNum:=3, vExt:=".txt"
vPath := vDir "\" vNameNoExt " (" vNum ")" vExt
MsgBox, % JEE_Deref2(vPath, oArray)

vPath := A_AhkPath
SplitPath, vPath, vName, vDir, vExt, vNameNoExt, vDrive
vList := "Path,Name,Dir,Ext,NameNoExt,Drive"
oArray := {}
Loop, Parse, vList, % ","
	oArray["v" A_LoopField] := v%A_LoopField%
vText := ""
. "path: %vPath%`r`n"
. "name: %vName%`r`n"
. "dir: %vDir%`r`n"
. "ext: %vExt%`r`n"
. "name no ext: %vNameNoExt%`r`n"
. "drive: %vDrive%"
MsgBox, % JEE_Deref2(vText, oArray)

vText := ""
. "path: " vPath "`r`n"
. "name: " vName "`r`n"
. "dir: " vDir "`r`n"
. "ext: " vExt "`r`n"
. "name no ext: " vNameNoExt "`r`n"
. "drive: " vDrive
MsgBox, % vText

a := 10, b := 20
vText := a "% of " b
MsgBox, % vText

vText := "%a%%% of %b%"
oArray := {a:10,b:20}
MsgBox, % JEE_Deref2(vText, oArray)

vText := "%a%%PS% of %b%"
oArray := {a:10,b:20,ps:"%"}
MsgBox, % JEE_Deref2(vText, oArray)


JEE_Deref2(vText, oArray)
	vOutput := ""
	VarSetCapacity(vOutput, StrLen(vText)*2)
	Loop, Parse, vText, % "%"
		if (A_Index & 1)
			vOutput .= A_LoopField
		else if (A_LoopField = "")
			vOutput .= "%"
			vOutput .= oArray[StrSplit(A_LoopField, ".")*]
	return vOutput
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Re: objects: define succinctly, retrieve dynamically

30 Jun 2017, 14:57

I like this notation trick, it's quite good for copying (cloning) and editing an existing array:

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q:: ;objects - copy and edit an existing array
oArray1 := ["a","b","c"]
(oArray2:=oArray1.Clone())[3] := "d"
(oArray3:=oArray1.Clone()).3 := "e"
Loop, 3
	vOutput := ""
	for vKey, vValue in oArray%A_Index%
		vOutput .= vKey " " vValue "`r`n"
	MsgBox, % vOutput
oArray1 := oArray2 := oArray3 := ""
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