CPULoad() : CPU usage percentage ( Demos for XGraph )

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CPULoad() : CPU usage percentage ( Demos for XGraph )

22 Apr 2014, 13:05

Code: Select all

CPULoad() { ; By SKAN, CD:22-Apr-2014 / MD:05-May-2014. Thanks to ejor, Codeproject: http://goo.gl/epYnkO
Static PIT, PKT, PUT                           ; http://ahkscript.org/boards/viewtopic.php?p=17166#p17166
  IfEqual, PIT,, Return 0, DllCall( "GetSystemTimes", "Int64P",PIT, "Int64P",PKT, "Int64P",PUT )

  DllCall( "GetSystemTimes", "Int64P",CIT, "Int64P",CKT, "Int64P",CUT )
, IdleTime := PIT - CIT,    KernelTime := PKT - CKT,    UserTime := PUT - CUT
, SystemTime := KernelTime + UserTime 

Return ( ( SystemTime - IdleTime ) * 100 ) // SystemTime,    PIT := CIT,    PKT := CKT,    PUT := CUT 
Simple test:

Code: Select all

Loop {
  Tooltip % CPULoad()
  Sleep 250
Plotting Real time CPU load with XGraph

The following samples are extremely light on CPU and takes several hours ( 6 - 12 ) to consume one second of CPU Time.

Sample #1 - High-Resolution plotting

Will plot CPU usage for trivial things like mouse movement.
  • MKV in Windows Media Player ( Peace / Loading / Running / Paused / Resumed / Closing / Peace )

    Processor in peace.

Code: Select all

#SingleInstance, Force
ListLines, Off
Process, Priority,, High
OnExit, GuiClose

Gui +AlwaysOnTop +ToolWindow 
Gui, Margin, 0, 0
Gui, Add, Text, w610 h111 hwndhGraph  
pGraph := XGraph( hGraph, 0x000044, 1, "5,5,5,5", 0x8080FF )
Gui, Show,, CPU Load Monitor - High Resolution ( One minute window )

SetTimer, XGraph_Plot, 100

F1::Msgbox, 0x1040, XGraph, % XGraph_Info( pGraph ) ; // end of auto-execute section //

  CPUL := CPULoad()
  XGraph_Plot( pGraph, 100 - CPUL, CPUL )

  pGraph := XGraph_Detach( pGraph )

; -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  - 

CPULoad() { ; By SKAN, CD:22-Apr-2014 / MD:05-May-2014. Thanks to ejor, Codeproject: http://goo.gl/epYnkO
Static PIT, PKT, PUT                           ; http://ahkscript.org/boards/viewtopic.php?p=17166#p17166
  IfEqual, PIT,, Return 0, DllCall( "GetSystemTimes", "Int64P",PIT, "Int64P",PKT, "Int64P",PUT )

  DllCall( "GetSystemTimes", "Int64P",CIT, "Int64P",CKT, "Int64P",CUT )
, IdleTime := PIT - CIT,    KernelTime := PKT - CKT,    UserTime := PUT - CUT
, SystemTime := KernelTime + UserTime 

Return ( ( SystemTime - IdleTime ) * 100 ) // SystemTime,    PIT := CIT,    PKT := CKT,    PUT := CUT 

; -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -
#Include XGraph.ahk
Sample #2 - Grid version.

Clicking on a column reveals the percentage in status bar.
Toggling ALT key will pause/un-pause the timer. ( wasn't aware until today )
  • Google Chrome ( Middle click smooth scroll, uses 2 processes in my dual core )

    Processor in peace.

Code: Select all

#SingleInstance, Force
ListLines, Off
OnExit, GuiClose

OnMessage( 0xF, "WM_PAINT")

Gui +AlwaysOnTop
Gui, Margin, 10, 10
Gui, Font, s8, Verdana
Loop, % 11 + ( Y := 15 ) - 15 ; Loop 11 times 
 Gui, Add, Text, xm y%y% w22 h10 0x200 Right, % 125 - (Y += 10)

ColumnW := 10

hBM := XGraph_MakeGrid(  ColumnW, 10, 40, 12, 0x008000, 0, GraphW, GraphH )
Gui, Add, Text, % "xm+25 ym w" ( GraphW + 2 ) " h" ( GraphH + 2 ) " 0x1000" ; SS_SUNKEN := 0x1000
Gui, Add, Text, xp+1 yp+1 w%GraphW% h%GraphH% hwndhGraph gXGraph_GetVal 0xE, pGraph
pGraph := XGraph( hGraph, hBM, ColumnW, "1,10,0,10", 0x00FF00, 1, True )

Gui, Add, StatusBar 
SB_SetParts( 100, 150 )
Gui, Show,, CPU Load Monitor ( One minute window )

SetTimer, XGraph_Plot, 1500
GoTo, XGraph_Plot

F1::MsgbOx, 0x1040, XGraph, % XGraph_Info( pGraph )                   ; // end of auto-execute section //
F2::MsgbOx, 0x1040, XGraph - Array, % XGraph_Info( pGraph, "0.2" )

 Value := XGraph_GetVal( pGraph ) 
 If ( Col := ErrorLevel )
   SB_SetText( "`tColumn : " Col, 1 ), SB_SetText( "`tValue : " Value, 2 ) 

 Sleep -1
 XGraph_Plot( pGraph )

  CPUL := CPULoad()
  XGraph_Plot( pGraph, 100 - CPUL, CPUL )


; -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -

 IfEqual, A_GuiControl, pGraph, SetTimer, XGraph_Paint, -1

; -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  - 

CPULoad() { ; By SKAN, CD:22-Apr-2014 / MD:05-May-2014. Thanks to ejor, Codeproject: http://goo.gl/epYnkO
Static PIT, PKT, PUT                           ; http://ahkscript.org/boards/viewtopic.php?p=17166#p17166
  IfEqual, PIT,, Return 0, DllCall( "GetSystemTimes", "Int64P",PIT, "Int64P",PKT, "Int64P",PUT )

  DllCall( "GetSystemTimes", "Int64P",CIT, "Int64P",CKT, "Int64P",CUT )
, IdleTime := PIT - CIT,    KernelTime := PKT - CKT,    UserTime := PUT - CUT
, SystemTime := KernelTime + UserTime 

Return ( ( SystemTime - IdleTime ) * 100 ) // SystemTime,    PIT := CIT,    PKT := CKT,    PUT := CUT 

; -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -

#Include xGraph.ahk
Sample #3 - Spikes version.

Background gradient created with CreateDIB()
  • Google Chrome ( Middle click smooth scroll, uses 2 processes in my dual core )

    Processor in peace.

Code: Select all

#SingleInstance, Force
#Include xGraph.ahk
SetWorkingDir %A_ScriptDir%  
OnExit, GuiClose
OnMessage( 0xF, "WM_PAINT")

Gui +AlwaysOnTop
Gui, Margin, 10, 10

Gui, Font, s8 c4D7186, Verdana
Loop, % 21 + ( Y := 15 ) - 15 ; Loop 21 times 
 Gui, Add, Text, xm y%y% w25 h10 0x200 Right, % Abs( 125 - ( Y += 10 ) ) "-"

Gui, Add, Text, xm+25 ym w483 h223 0x1000 ; SS_SUNKEN := 0x1000
Gui, Add, Text, xp+1 yp+1 w481 h221 hwndhGraph, pGraph

hBM := CreateDIB( "E9F5F8|E9F5F8|FFFFFF|FFFFFF|E9F5F8|E9F5F8", 2, 3, 481, 221 )
pGraph := XGraph( hGraph, hBM, 5, "1,10,0,10", 0xAF9977, 1 ) 
Gui, Show,, CPU Load Monitor ( bi-directional spikes )
SetTimer, XGraph_Plot, 200
GoTo, XGraph_Plot

F1::MsgBox, 0x1040, XGraph, % XGraph_Info( pGraph ) ;    // end of auto-execute section //

  CPUL := CPULoad()
  XGraph_Plot( pGraph, 100 + CPUL, "", False )
  XGraph_Plot( pGraph, 100 - CPUL, "", True  )


; -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  - 

CPULoad() { ; By SKAN, CD:22-Apr-2014 / MD:05-May-2014. Thanks to ejor, Codeproject: http://goo.gl/epYnkO
Static PIT, PKT, PUT                           ; http://ahkscript.org/boards/viewtopic.php?p=17166#p17166
  IfEqual, PIT,, Return 0, DllCall( "GetSystemTimes", "Int64P",PIT, "Int64P",PKT, "Int64P",PUT )

  DllCall( "GetSystemTimes", "Int64P",CIT, "Int64P",CKT, "Int64P",CUT )
, IdleTime := PIT - CIT,    KernelTime := PKT - CKT,    UserTime := PUT - CUT
, SystemTime := KernelTime + UserTime 

Return ( ( SystemTime - IdleTime ) * 100 ) // SystemTime,    PIT := CIT,    PKT := CKT,    PUT := CUT 

; -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -

CreateDIB( PixelData, W, H, ResizeW := 0, ResizeH := 0, Gradient := 1  ) {      
; http://ahkscript.org/boards/viewtopic.php?t=3203                  SKAN, CD: 01-Apr-2014 MD: 05-May-2014
Static LR_Flag1 := 0x2008 ; LR_CREATEDIBSECTION := 0x2000 | LR_COPYDELETEORG := 8
    ,  LR_Flag2 := 0x200C ; LR_CREATEDIBSECTION := 0x2000 | LR_COPYDELETEORG := 8 | LR_COPYRETURNORG := 4 
    ,  LR_Flag3 := 0x0008 ; LR_COPYDELETEORG := 8

  WB := Ceil( ( W * 3 ) / 2 ) * 2,  VarSetCapacity( BMBITS, WB * H + 1, 0 ),  P := &BMBITS
  Loop, Parse, PixelData, |
    P := Numput( "0x" A_LoopField, P+0, 0, "UInt" ) - ( W & 1 and Mod( A_Index * 3, W * 3 ) = 0 ? 0 : 1 )

  hBM := DllCall( "CreateBitmap", "Int",W, "Int",H, "UInt",1, "UInt",24, "Ptr",0, "Ptr" )    
  hBM := DllCall( "CopyImage", "Ptr",hBM, "UInt",0, "Int",0, "Int",0, "UInt",LR_Flag1, "Ptr" ) 
  DllCall( "SetBitmapBits", "Ptr",hBM, "UInt",WB * H, "Ptr",&BMBITS )

  If not ( Gradient + 0 )
     hBM := DllCall( "CopyImage", "Ptr",hBM, "UInt",0, "Int",0, "Int",0, "UInt",LR_Flag3, "Ptr" )  
Return DllCall( "CopyImage", "Ptr",hBM, "Int",0, "Int",ResizeW, "Int",ResizeH, "Int",LR_Flag2, "UPtr" )

; -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -
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Re: CPULoad() : CPU usage as percentage

22 Apr 2014, 15:37

thanks! does this have something to do with http://www.auto-hotkey.com/boards/viewt ... ?f=6&t=254 ?
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Re: CPULoad() : CPU usage as percentage

22 Apr 2014, 18:04

I have seen that one.. a good one, but no!

I have written a high speed graphing component ( 24fps ) and needed something to test with ( which will also end up as example script ), and hence CPULoad().
I have been test running the graph for more than an hour and it is yet to use 1 second of "CPU Time" according to Task manager. *Sigh*. Right now, I am writing a test tool that can show the milliseconds used by a process.

Hopefully, I will post a GUI script ( separate topic ) for CPULoad() by tomorrow.

Thanks. :)
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Re: CPULoad() : CPU usage as percentage

22 Apr 2014, 19:56

Guest10 wrote:thanks! does this have something to do with http://www.auto-hotkey.com/boards/viewt ... ?f=6&t=254 ?
Ah, Thanks for pointing it out. I read the code. When Sean wrote it, it did not work for me Win 2000 and I had completely forgotten about it. When I googled today, only the Laszlo's old versions were returned. Wheel recreated! I am getting too old, I guess. :)
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Re: CPULoad() : CPU usage as percentage

22 Apr 2014, 21:18

Image Image Image Image Image
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Re: CPULoad() : CPU usage percentage ( Demos for XGraph )

05 May 2014, 19:28

Topic updated.
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Re: CPULoad() : CPU usage percentage ( Demos for XGraph )

30 May 2014, 00:08

Hi, SKAN! Do you by chance have any experience with the Win9x version of getting CPU load (via registry, that is)? I've been trying to use it in my MemPanel script (see repository in my sig) but I'm getting unreal results as if the value is accumulating over time and never settles back to a minimum when no activity. Could it be my system's fault or am I using the readings in a wrong way?

BTW, I got both versions in my script so it can be run (theoretically) on any OS.
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Re: CPULoad() : CPU usage percentage ( Demos for XGraph )

31 May 2014, 00:39

Hello Drugwash :D, Welcome.
Drugwash wrote:Hi, SKAN! Do you by chance have any experience with the Win9x version of getting CPU load (via registry, that is)?
Unfortunately, no.
my MemPanel script
I am on a slow connection right now. I will try it in a couple of days after I return to city.

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Re: CPULoad() : CPU usage percentage ( Demos for XGraph )

31 May 2014, 07:21

Thank you for the welcome and for taking the time to reply. :) Take your time, there's no rush with my script.
BTW, my connection is most of the time capped at 14kB/s just as in the good ol' dial-up days 15-20 years ago so I hear you. But we're unstoppable anyway. :D
Part of my AHK work can be found here.

Re: CPULoad() : CPU usage percentage ( Demos for XGraph )

16 Dec 2014, 06:23

is it possible to have cpuload with a exitcode with cpu integer usage value to use in a windows .bat batch file?
Thank so much
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Re: CPULoad() : CPU usage percentage ( Demos for XGraph )

16 Dec 2014, 08:32

Code: Select all

#include CPULoad.ahk
Exitapp, % CPULoad()
Image Image Image Image Image
Windows 10 x64 Professional, Intel i5-8500, NVIDIA GTX 1060 6GB, 2x16GB Kingston FURY Beast - DDR4 3200 MHz | [About Me] | [About the AHK Foundation] | [Courses on AutoHotkey]
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Re: CPULoad() : CPU usage percentage ( Demos for XGraph )

17 Dec 2014, 09:45

thank you, I tested yout script but in batch windows after i execute script "echo %errorlevel%" return me a 0 value and echo %exitcode% return me "exitcode" (word not number).
I would that script executed from cmd.exe window and after execution give me a numeric value that I can save in a variabile with cmd.exe command set /a var= cpuload
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Re: CPULoad() : CPU usage percentage ( Demos for XGraph )

29 Dec 2014, 19:21

SKAN, I just wanted to say your scripts are amazing. I've been looking for a way to graph data with AHK for a while (and knew it had to do something with GDI+ but didn't know what to do). Same thing with getting CPU usage...

Again; SKAN, thank you. :)
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Re: CPULoad() : CPU usage percentage ( Demos for XGraph )

08 Jan 2015, 06:53

Hey, thanks for the script, I have been using it for a bit now. Would it be possible to get a memory usage graph as well?
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Re: CPULoad() : CPU usage percentage ( Demos for XGraph )

08 Jan 2015, 08:15

use this function for Memory Usage

Code: Select all

    static MEMORYSTATUSEX, init := NumPut(VarSetCapacity(MEMORYSTATUSEX, 64, 0), MEMORYSTATUSEX, "uint")
    if !(DllCall("GlobalMemoryStatusEx", "ptr", &MEMORYSTATUSEX))
        throw Exception("Call to GlobalMemoryStatusEx failed: " A_LastError, -1)
    return NumGet(MEMORYSTATUSEX, 4, "UInt")
[AHK] v2.0.5 | [WIN] 11 Pro (Version 22H2) | [GitHub] Profile
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Re: CPULoad() : CPU usage percentage ( Demos for XGraph )

09 Jan 2015, 06:44

Thank you, good sir.
jNizM wrote:yes...
use this function for Memory Usage

Code: Select all

    static MEMORYSTATUSEX, init := VarSetCapacity(MEMORYSTATUSEX, 64, 0) && NumPut(64, MEMORYSTATUSEX, "UInt")
    if !(DllCall("Kernel32.dll\GlobalMemoryStatusEx", "Ptr", &MEMORYSTATUSEX))
        return DllCall("kernel32.dll\GetLastError")
    return NumGet(MEMORYSTATUSEX, 4, "UInt")
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Re: CPULoad() : CPU usage percentage ( Demos for XGraph )

05 Apr 2015, 08:20

First, big thanks to SKAN for this awesome function!

Is it possible to get process that uses the most CPU, using this code?
I tried it myself - getting all processes and then getting CPU for each of them, but nothing worked out - my programming skills are very limited.

Maybe someone already have code for this? Or can show direction on how it can be done?

Thanks in advance!
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Re: CPULoad() : CPU usage percentage ( Demos for XGraph )

26 Apr 2017, 23:05

I know the thread is old, but has anyone used XGraph to track CPU/mem usage of a single process with PID as an input ?
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Re: CPULoad() : CPU usage percentage ( Demos for XGraph )

06 Jul 2022, 14:27

I see that under Windows 11 it does not produce correct results. Is there an alternative function?
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Re: CPULoad() : CPU usage percentage ( Demos for XGraph )

08 Jul 2022, 01:40

hasantr wrote:
06 Jul 2022, 14:27
I see that under Windows 11 it does not produce correct results. Is there an alternative function?
Sure. With PDH (viewtopic.php?f=83&t=104451)
[AHK] v2.0.5 | [WIN] 11 Pro (Version 22H2) | [GitHub] Profile

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