Clicks on the Notification Area of TaskBar

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Clicks on the Notification Area of TaskBar

12 Nov 2017, 10:06

How can I do correct clicks in the notification area accurate?
The problem I have is when I indicate an X and Y mouse position: it works well in other areas of the screen, but does not happen in the notification area.

This is the script that I use to get the position of the mouse

Code: Select all

MouseGetPos, xpos, ypos
MsgBox, Mouse is in X =% xpos% Y =% ypos%.
And for example, if I want to click with the right button on the H of AHK that is in the notification area, tell me this

Mouse is in X = 931 Y = 758

But when I want to use this information in any script, it does not do so accurately

Code: Select all

^ Space ::
Click, Right, 931, 758
Send {Up 4}
I get another popup windows, as if I had clicked on the most extreme point (below - on the right):

"Show desktop"
"look at the desk"

What do you recommend?
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Re: Clicks on the Notification Area of TaskBar

12 Nov 2017, 10:24

- Try MouseMove, prior to the click.
- Aim for the middle of the icon.
- Check the coord mode.

Code: Select all

MsgBox, % A_CoordModeMouse
CoordMode, Mouse, Screen
Some code:

Code: Select all

CoordMode, Mouse, Screen
MouseGetPos, vCurX, vCurY
ToolTip, % A_CoordModeMouse " " vCurX " " vCurY

CoordMode, Mouse, Screen
;MouseMove, % vCurX, % vCurY
Click, % Format("right, {}, {}", vCurX, vCurY)
ToolTip, % A_CoordModeMouse " " vCurX " " vCurY

;resets each time based on the default that was set in the auto-execute section
MsgBox, % A_CoordModeMouse 
CoordMode, Mouse, Screen
MsgBox, % A_CoordModeMouse
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Re: Clicks on the Notification Area of TaskBar

12 Nov 2017, 10:35

I think, you don't need to make the real click. It's enough to get icon coordinates and to post WM_RBUTTONDOWN and WM_RBUTTONUP.
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Re: Clicks on the Notification Area of TaskBar

12 Nov 2017, 11:14

Btw you can usually invoke menu items directly:
Get Info from Context Menu (x64/x32 compatible) - AutoHotkey Community

And if you see a context menu on the screen, you can usually invoke the nth item:
context menu window messages: focus/invoke item - AutoHotkey Community
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Re: Clicks on the Notification Area of TaskBar

12 Nov 2017, 11:30

Do those give an ability to invoke the tray icon context menu?
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Re: Clicks on the Notification Area of TaskBar

12 Nov 2017, 12:03

The first directly invokes a menu item without showing a menu.
The second invokes the nth item in a visible menu.

This script right-clicks the AutoHotkey tray icon. The menu will appear wherever the cursor is.

Code: Select all

DetectHiddenWindows, On
WinGet, hWnd, ID, %A_ScriptDir%\AutoHotkey.ahk ahk_class AutoHotkey
;PostMessage, 0x404,, 0x203,, % "ahk_id " hWnd ;AHK_NOTIFYICON := 0x404
;WM_RBUTTONUP := 0x205
PostMessage, 0x404,, 0x205,, % "ahk_id " hWnd ;AHK_NOTIFYICON := 0x404
It may be possible to do similar things for other programs. You could use the TrayIcon library, to find details about the window that handles the tray icon messages.
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Re: Clicks on the Notification Area of TaskBar

12 Nov 2017, 12:19

The first directly invokes a menu item without showing a menu.
The second invokes the nth item in a visible menu.
Very useful scripts, thanks!
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Re: Clicks on the Notification Area of TaskBar

12 Nov 2017, 12:45

@teadrinker: Cheers.

- You made me wonder if I could get a simple script to invoke the right-click menu of a tray icon.
- It requires the Acc library. Other methods that I thought of to get the text of the toolbar buttons might require accessing the memory of a remote application, i.e. Explorer, which is slightly fiddly and can risk causing crashes.
- Normally with Acc, accDoDefaultAction does what you want, i.e. clicks an item, but in this, we want a right-click.
- I'm not sure if you actually have to make the item visible and hover over it, for the right-click to work, at least, it seemed that you might do.

Code: Select all

;[Acc functions]
;Acc library (MSAA) and AccViewer download links - AutoHotkey Community

q:: ;right-click tray icon (tested on Windows 7)
vName := "AutoHotkey"
;vName := "Untitled - Notepad"

WinGet, hWnd, ID, ahk_class NotifyIconOverflowWindow
if !DllCall("user32\IsWindowVisible", Ptr,hWnd)
	ControlSend, Button1, {Enter}, ahk_class Shell_TrayWnd ;show systray
CoordMode, Mouse, Screen
DetectHiddenWindows, On
ControlGet, hCtl, Hwnd,, ToolbarWindow321, ahk_class NotifyIconOverflowWindow
;WinGetPos, vCtlX, vCtlY, vCtlW, vCtlH, % "ahk_id " hCtl
;MsgBox, % Format("x{} y{} w{} h{}", vCtlX, vCtlY, vCtlW, vCtlH)

oAcc := Acc_Get("Object", "4", 0, "ahk_id " hCtl)
oRect := Acc_Location(oAcc)
;MsgBox, % Format("x{} y{} w{} h{}", oRect.x, oRect.y, oRect.w, oRect.h)
vPosX := oRect.x, vPosY := oRect.y

Loop, % oAcc.accChildCount
	if (oAcc.accName(A_Index) = vName)
		oRect := Acc_Location(oAcc, A_Index)
		;MsgBox, % Format("x{} y{} w{} h{}", oRect.x, oRect.y, oRect.w, oRect.h)
		vCoords := Format("X{} Y{}", oRect.x - vPosX + 16, vPosY := oRect.y - vPosY + 16)
		;MsgBox, % vCoords
		;ToolTip, % vCoords
		MouseMove, % oRect.x + 16, % oRect.y + 16
		ControlClick, % vCoords, % "ahk_id " hCtl,, R
oAcc := oRect := ""
Last edited by jeeswg on 12 Nov 2017, 13:14, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Clicks on the Notification Area of TaskBar

12 Nov 2017, 13:05

It seems to work.
Other methods that I thought of to get the text of the toolbar buttons might require accessing the memory of a remote application, i.e. Explorer, which is slightly fiddly and can risk causing crashes
I wrote the script wich posts messages to a tray icon by its index. It works with Shell_TrayWnd and NotifyIconOverflowWindow both (without NotifyIconOverflowWindow showing).
However, it doesn't work with system icons for some reason.

Code: Select all

idx := 3
   , "Shell_TrayWnd"   ; "Shell_TrayWnd" or "NotifyIconOverflowWindow"
   , WM_RBUTTONUP := 0x205)

PostMessage2TrayIconIndex(idx, winClass, messages*)
typedef TRAYDATA
IntPtr hwnd;
uint uID;
uint uCallbackMessage;
uint Reserved;
uint Reserved2;
IntPtr hIcon;
   static WM_USER := 0x400, TB_BUTTONCOUNT := WM_USER + 24, TB_GETBUTTON := WM_USER + 23
        , PtrSize := A_Is64bitOS ? 8 : 4, szTBBUTTON := 8 + PtrSize*3, szTRAYDATA := 16 + PtrSize*2

   DHW_Prev := A_DetectHiddenWindows
   DetectHiddenWindows, On
   if (winClass = "NotifyIconOverflowWindow")
      ControlGet, hWnd, hwnd,, ToolbarWindow321, ahk_class NotifyIconOverflowWindow
   else  {
      for k, v in ["TrayNotifyWnd", "SysPager", "ToolbarWindow32"]
         hWnd := DllCall("FindWindowEx", Ptr, k = 1 ? WinExist("ahk_class Shell_TrayWnd") : hWnd, Ptr, 0, Str, v, UInt, 0, Ptr)
   WinExist("ahk_id" hWnd)
   WinGet, PID, PID

   if !IsObject(RemoteBuff := New RemoteBuffer(PID, szTRAYDATA)) {
      DetectHiddenWindows, %DHW_Prev%
      Return, 0, DllCall("MessageBox", Ptr, 0, Str, "Failed to create the remote buffer`nError " A_LastError, Str, "", UInt, 0)
   SendMessage, TB_GETBUTTON, idx - 1, RemoteBuff.ptr
   if ! ( pTBBUTTON := RemoteBuff.Read(szTBBUTTON) )
      || !pTRAYDATA := RemoteBuff.Read(szTRAYDATA, NumGet(pTBBUTTON + 8 + PtrSize) - RemoteBuff.ptr) {
      DetectHiddenWindows, %DHW_Prev%

   WinExist("ahk_id" NumGet(pTRAYDATA+0))
   uID := NumGet(pTRAYDATA + PtrSize, "UInt")
   uCallbackMessage := NumGet(pTRAYDATA + PtrSize + 4, "UInt")

   for i, message in messages
      PostMessage, uCallbackMessage, uID, message
   DetectHiddenWindows, %DHW_Prev%

class RemoteBuffer
   __New(PID, size)  {
      static PROCESS_VM_OPERATION := 0x8, PROCESS_VM_WRITE := 0x20
           , PROCESS_VM_READ := 0x10, MEM_COMMIT := 0x1000, PAGE_READWRITE := 0x4
      if !(this.hProc := DllCall("OpenProcess", UInt, PROCESS_VM_OPERATION|PROCESS_VM_READ|PROCESS_VM_WRITE, Int, 0, UInt, PID, Ptr))
      if !(this.ptr := DllCall("VirtualAllocEx", Ptr, this.hProc, Ptr, 0, Ptr, size, UInt, MEM_COMMIT, UInt, PAGE_READWRITE, Ptr))
         Return, "", DllCall("CloseHandle", Ptr, this.hProc)
      this.hHeap := DllCall("GetProcessHeap", Ptr)
   __Delete()  {
      DllCall("VirtualFreeEx", Ptr, this.hProc, Ptr, this.ptr, UInt, 0, UInt, MEM_RELEASE := 0x8000)
      DllCall("CloseHandle", Ptr, this.hProc)
      DllCall("HeapFree", Ptr, this.hHeap, UInt, 0, Ptr, this.pHeap)
   Read(size, offset = 0)  {
      (this.pHeap && DllCall("HeapFree", Ptr, this.hHeap, UInt, 0, Ptr, this.pHeap))
      this.pHeap := DllCall("HeapAlloc", Ptr, this.hHeap, UInt, HEAP_ZERO_MEMORY := 0x8, Ptr, size, Ptr)
      if !DllCall("ReadProcessMemory", Ptr, this.hProc, Ptr, this.ptr + offset, Ptr, this.pHeap, Ptr, size, Int, 0)
         Return, 0, DllCall("MessageBox", Ptr, 0, Str, "Failed to read data`nError " A_LastError, Str, "", UInt, 0)
      Return this.pHeap
   Write(pLocalBuff, size, offset = 0)  {
      if !res := DllCall("WriteProcessMemory", Ptr, this.hProc, Ptr, this.ptr + offset, Ptr, pLocalBuff, Ptr, size, PtrP, writtenBytes)
         DllCall("MessageBox", Ptr, 0, Str, "Failed to write data`nError " A_LastError, Str, "", UInt, 0)
      Return writtenBytes
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Re: Clicks on the Notification Area of TaskBar

12 Nov 2017, 13:43

You tried Admin mode?
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Re: Clicks on the Notification Area of TaskBar

18 Dec 2017, 14:59


- Some simple techniques to avoid interacting with the systray icons:
- use Run and the process path (and possibly command line parameters/switches)
- get the menu item IDs and send WM_COMMAND messages to the main window
Get Info from Context Menu (x64/x32 compatible) - AutoHotkey Community

- If invoking the right-click menu, and selecting a menu item, must be done, then MN_DBLCLK (0x1F1) can be used, see the example here:
Selecting a context menu item by text value - AutoHotkey Community ... 71#p187771

- There are two scripts here. One retrieves information about the tray icons, using one of my functions, JEE_TBGetText, that has essentially the same functionality as the TrayIcon library. There is a link to the function in the script.
[LIB] TrayIcon - Sean's TrayIcon for Unicode and 64 bit - AutoHotkey Community
- The other uses tray icon information for AutoHotkey (or uTorrent) to invoke clicking/right-clicking on a tray icon.

Code: Select all

;[JEE_TBGetText function]
;GUIs via DllCall: get/set internal/external control text - AutoHotkey Community

;with tray icons there is a window
;that receives information about clicks,
;this window can be the program's main window,
;Class/Title/PName/PPath are info that can be
;used to identify that window,
;the uMsg value, is the value you use
;to send a PostMessage to that window

q:: ;systray icons - get info
DetectHiddenWindows, On
ControlGet, hTB, Hwnd,, ToolbarWindow321, ahk_class NotifyIconOverflowWindow
oTrayInfo := JEE_TBGetText(hTB, -1, "`n", "t")
vOutput := ""
for vKey1 in oTrayInfo
	for vKey, vValue in oTrayInfo[vKey1]
		vOutput .= (A_Index=1?"":"|") vKey ": " vValue
	vOutput .= "`r`n"
MsgBox, % Clipboard := vOutput


;e.g. using WM_RBUTTONUP will invoke a tray icon's
;right-click menu, at the point where the cursor is

w:: ;invoke systray icon (send left/right clicks)
DetectHiddenWindows, On

;AutoHotkey tray icon
WinGet, hWnd, ID, %A_ScriptDir%\AutoHotkey.ahk ahk_class AutoHotkey
vMsg := 1028 ;0x404

;uTorrent tray icon
;WinGet, hWnd, ID, μTorrent
;vMsg := 32769 ;0x8001

;PostMessage, % vMsg,, 0x201,, % "ahk_id " hWnd
;WM_LBUTTONUP := 0x202
;PostMessage, % vMsg,, 0x202,, % "ahk_id " hWnd
;PostMessage, % vMsg,, 0x203,, % "ahk_id " hWnd
;PostMessage, % vMsg,, 0x204,, % "ahk_id " hWnd
;WM_RBUTTONUP := 0x205
PostMessage, % vMsg,, 0x205,, % "ahk_id " hWnd

Detect if PhonerLite is running - AutoHotkey Community
[Solved] Clicking on the AHK icon in the System Tray? - AutoHotkey Community
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