AutoHotkey & NVIDIA (NvAPI)

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Re: AutoHotkey & NVIDIA (NvAPI)

06 Nov 2016, 23:49

@jNizM: Thanks very much for this.
Just been looking at the possibility of using NvAPI_SetViewEx to change scaling constants because of an issue here.
It's probably a subset NvAPI_DISP_SetDisplayConfig used for the same purpose in this example.
Interested? Or instead should I just try DLLCall to the address of NvAPI_SetViewEx: 06B89E6.
:arrow: itros "ylbbub eht tuO kaerB" a ni kcuts m'I pleH

Re: AutoHotkey & NVIDIA (NvAPI)

05 Jun 2017, 04:11

Hello, and BIG thanks for the nice Script:

We have a little Problem. One could change the condition so that when a program starts in the full-screen mode which is then the script is reloaded?
Whenever a game or program changes to full screen mode? Is this possible?

Thank you for replies.


; GLOBAL SETTINGS ================================================================================ ===============================

#SingleInstance Force
SetBatchLines -1
#Include Class_NvAPI.ahk

; SCRIPT ================================================================================ ========================================

OnExit, EOF
NVIDIA := new NvAPI()

def := NVIDIA.GetDVCInfoEx(0).defaultLevel

; Win + Numpad 4 (or Numpad Left) ==> Decrease Digital Vibrance by 1
#Numpad4:: NVIDIA.SetDVCLevelEx((DV := NVIDIA.GetDVCInfoEx(0).currentLevel - 1) > 100 ? 100 : DV < 0 ? 0 : DV, 0)
#NumpadLeft:: NVIDIA.SetDVCLevelEx((DV := NVIDIA.GetDVCInfoEx(0).currentLevel - 1) > 100 ? 100 : DV < 0 ? 0 : DV, 0)

; Win + Numpad 5 (or Numpad Clear) ==> Set Digital Vibrance to Default (50)
#Numpad5:: NVIDIA.SetDVCLevelEx(def, 0)
#NumpadClear:: NVIDIA.SetDVCLevelEx(def, 0)

; Win + Numpad 6 (or Numpad Right) ==> Increase Digital Vibrance by 1
#Numpad6:: NVIDIA.SetDVCLevelEx((DV := NVIDIA.GetDVCInfoEx(0).currentLevel + 1) > 100 ? 100 : DV < 0 ? 0 : DV, 0)
#NumpadRight:: NVIDIA.SetDVCLevelEx((DV := NVIDIA.GetDVCInfoEx(0).currentLevel + 1) > 100 ? 100 : DV < 0 ? 0 : DV, 0)

; Win + Numpad 8 (or Numpad UpArrow) ==> Set Digital Vibrance to 80
#Numpad8:: NVIDIA.SetDVCLevelEx(80, 0)
#NumpadUp:: NVIDIA.SetDVCLevelEx(80, 0)

; EXIT ================================================================================ ==========================================

NVIDIA.SetDVCLevelEx(def, 0)
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Re: AutoHotkey & NVIDIA (NvAPI)

05 Jun 2017, 14:47

Casi wrote:We have a little Problem. One could change the condition so that when a program starts in the full-screen mode which is then the script is reloaded?
You could check out Power Play: ... 19&t=30007
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Re: AutoHotkey & NVIDIA (NvAPI)

08 Jul 2017, 22:46

Hi, is there a way how to get a power consumption from the gpu using this script? Like 80% tdp or 100% tdp or 120% tdp etc..
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Re: AutoHotkey & NVIDIA (NvAPI)

09 Jul 2017, 05:12

Killerko wrote:Hi, is there a way how to get a power consumption from the gpu using this script? Like 80% tdp or 100% tdp or 120% tdp etc..
Doesn't seem like it. You could get a rough estimate by getting the load though I would assume.
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Re: AutoHotkey & NVIDIA (NvAPI)

05 Aug 2017, 08:19

Anybody found a solution for lmstearn's need to change the scaling settings? Want to do the same thing, but dunno how.

Re: AutoHotkey & NVIDIA (NvAPI)

28 Nov 2017, 18:38

Is there anyway to get current power of the card %, known as "power, %" in afterburner ?

Thank you
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Re: AutoHotkey & NVIDIA (NvAPI)

29 Nov 2017, 04:12

Did you test the Classic GUI (Clocks, Load, Fans & Temperature)?
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Re: AutoHotkey & NVIDIA (NvAPI)

26 Dec 2017, 15:18

whoa,that's nice as hell. made my asusrog laptop colors just jump off screen.
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Re: AutoHotkey & NVIDIA (NvAPI)

24 Apr 2019, 13:46

can this be tweaked to control Brightness COntrast & Gamma?
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Re: AutoHotkey & NVIDIA (NvAPI)

06 May 2019, 13:41

I would also love to see brightness and contrast added, but I am not sure if it is possible if the appropriate APIs are not under the public NVIDIA SDK version.
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Re: AutoHotkey & NVIDIA (NvAPI)

29 Sep 2021, 02:07

AHK v2 moved here -> viewtopic.php?f=83&t=95112
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Re: AutoHotkey & NVIDIA (NvAPI)

29 Nov 2021, 00:10

Thanks for the great library!
I switched immediately from LibreHardwareMonitor.
Is there a sample that displays the values in a progress bar?

and there any plans to support power parameters?

(LEFT:AutoHotkey & NVIDIA (NvAPI) Right:LibreHardwareMonitor)
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Re: AutoHotkey & NVIDIA (NvAPI)

29 Nov 2021, 03:34

Can you try the nvidia nvml lib if power usage is sopported for your gpu? There is also an example with progress bars.
[AHK] v2.0.5 | [WIN] 11 Pro (Version 22H2) | [GitHub] Profile
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Re: AutoHotkey & NVIDIA (NvAPI)

21 Feb 2022, 05:59

Hello jNizM, thank you for creating this thread and posting your code. I joined this forum just because of this topic that you have created. I always wanted to create different color profiles for Nvidia like the way my old Nvidia control panel used to allow me to do, but with my current card this is not possible. I have tried over and over again to change the Hue with an autohotkey script, but have been unsuccessful. I have a pretty old card, which is nvidia geforce GT 525m, but I believe it still uses the same Nvidia control panel that is available with modern cards. I also have windows 7 and Autohotkey version I have even tried copying and pasting your Digital Vibrance script into a newly created script called "Class_NvAPI.ahk" but have had no success. I would appreciate if you could help me generate a script that would allow me to change the hue levels to specific numbers and also the digital vibrance because I am really lost. I have created small autohotkey scripts in the past, but nothing this great. I don't know if I need another piece of software, because you show a .png that looks unfamiliar to me, and cant see it in the nvidia control panel. I hope you are able to see this as for your last post in this thread was 2021. Thank you for taking the time to read this.
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Re: AutoHotkey & NVIDIA (NvAPI)

21 Feb 2022, 07:13

jNizM wrote:
08 Dec 2014, 09:49

* DRS_LoadSettings()
* DRS_LoadSettingsFromFile()
* DRS_SaveSettings()
* DRS_SaveSettingsToFile()
I also am wondering, do these save and load settings apply to the "Adjust Desktop Color Settings" ? If so that would be optimal, and actually mean I can save/load different color profiles, with different gamma, contrast, brightness, Digital Vibrance, and Hue. That would be great.
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Re: AutoHotkey & NVIDIA (NvAPI)

28 Jul 2022, 16:18

@nvidianes2 can save/load different color profiles, with different gamma, contrast, brightness, Digital Vibrance, and Hue. That would be great.

This would be great! I wonder if its possible?

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