Run application elevated Topic is solved

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Run application elevated

26 Nov 2017, 15:14

How to add elevation when opening and app (ex cmd.exe) inside a script
I'm not intereted in getting the whole script to run as administrator as that doesn't really assure me that the macros inside it will run the apps elevated.

I've gone to that route and it doesn't work:

here is my script

Code: Select all

full_command_line := DllCall("GetCommandLine", "str")

if not (A_IsAdmin or RegExMatch(full_command_line, " /restart(?!\S)"))
        if A_IsCompiled
            Run *RunAs "%A_ScriptFullPath%" /restart
            Run *RunAs "%A_AhkPath%" /restart "%A_ScriptFullPath%"

Run, wbemtest
Sleep, 300
Send, {Enter}
SendRaw, root\securitycenter2
Send, {Enter}
Sleep, 300
Send, {i}
Sleep, 300
SendRaw, antivirusproduct
Send, {Enter}
What should I change to get "wbemtest" to open as administrator .
Thanks in advance.
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Re: Run application elevated  Topic is solved

26 Nov 2017, 18:33

Simply do:

Code: Select all

Run, *RunAs wbemtest
Posts: 116
Joined: 13 Feb 2016, 13:20

Re: Run application elevated

28 Nov 2017, 12:17

I think it does the trick.
Can you help me further?
My script does the job, but only on fast computers and I'm trying to make it work on slow computers too via the Winwait function, but something must be wrong. it fails to send keystrokes...

Code: Select all

Run,  *RunAs wbemtest
WinWait, Windows Management Instrumentation Tester
Sleep, 333
Send, {Enter}
WinWait, Connect
Sleep, 333
SendRaw, root\securitycenter2
Send, {Enter}
WinWait, Windows Management Instrumentation Tester
Sleep, 333
Send, i
WinWait, Class Info
Sleep, 333
SendRaw, antivirusproduct
Send, {Enter}
Any ideea what am I doing wrong?
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Re: Run application elevated

28 Nov 2017, 16:47

Failing to send keystrokes often comes down to send mode and key delay. Try adding the following to the top:

Code: Select all

SendMode, Event
SetKeyDelay, 10, 50
...and then changing your SendRaw command to Send.
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Joined: 13 Feb 2016, 13:20

Re: Run application elevated

28 Nov 2017, 16:49

Seems the problem is "Run, *RunAs wbemtest".
If I remove the *RunAs part the script will work as intended, but ofcourse wbemtest won't get elevated privileges as I need it to.
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Re: Run application elevated

29 Nov 2017, 17:10

No. Everything is as expected. You create a new elevated process from an unelevated one and UIPI does what it's meant to do, blocking you from manipulating the window. If any process could, say, type stuff into a running elevated command prompt and run a dodgy program like that then UAC isn't much good. (And I'm an unimaginative person, I'm sure an actual Windows programmer knows of sleeker ways of doing the same for any arbitrary program.)

The AutoHotkey FAQ has a section on this topic.
I'm not intereted in getting the whole script to run as administrator as that doesn't really assure me that the macros inside it will run the apps elevated.
Believe me, it's harder to start something unelevated from an elevated process.
Just run your entire script elevated.

(Also, depending on what you're doing with wbemtest, you might find it easier to just use AutoHotkey to query WMI, instead of sending keystrokes. I don't know how to do it myself, but there's tons of examples around.)
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Re: Run application elevated

29 Nov 2017, 18:19

Ok. Makes sense.
my main issue with running the whole script elevated was that on some systems it takes multiple time to start elevated and it will open multiple wbemtest instances.
any ideea how I could bypass this?
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Re: Run application elevated

02 Dec 2017, 03:53

Honestly, I have no clue how that would happen without seeing multiple elevation prompts. (And with the code you posted, when unelevated, ExitApp should always be called. At least that's what I saw when I clicked OK, Cancel at the elevation prompt, and also when I let it time out.)

You might consider setting #SingleInstance to force, wrapping your RunAs & Send etc. commands with a simple if (!WinExist("Windows Management Instrumentation Tester")) { or something.
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Re: Run application elevated

02 Dec 2017, 06:42

It usually happens when UAC is set to the highest security setting. The script will restart many times and somehow so does wbemtest.
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Re: Run application elevated

24 Dec 2017, 06:34

I'm on to another issue.
by default the script is generated for 64bit systems, so of course it won't run on 32bit machines.
if i generate it for 32bit wich should run on both types of arhitectures it gives me an error that it can't find wbemtest when I run it on x64 architecture (didn't have to ocasion to test it on 32bit also)

Re: Run application elevated

24 Dec 2017, 06:40

apoklyps3 wrote:I'm on to another issue.
by default the script is generated for 64bit systems, so of course it won't run on 32bit machines.
if i generate it for 32bit wich should run on both types of arhitectures it gives me an error that it can't find wbemtest when I run it on x64 architecture (didn't have to ocasion to test it on 32bit also)
you might be blocked by the antivirus on the machine as the sequence you outlined thus far matches that of popular malware even though I am sure your intentions are pure and godly
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Re: Run application elevated

24 Dec 2017, 08:34

apoklyps3 wrote:it can't find wbemtest when I run it on x64 architecture (didn't have to ocasion to test it on 32bit also)
File System Redirector

Try something like

Code: Select all

if (A_Is64bitOS && A_PtrSize == 4)
	Run, %A_WinDir%\SysNative\wbemtest.exe
	Run, wbemtest

Code: Select all

if (A_Is64bitOS && A_PtrSize == 4) ; first condition is self- explanatory, the second tells you you are running a 32-bit script on a 64-bit system (64-bit pointers are 8 bytes)
	DllCall("Wow64DisableWow64FsRedirection", "Ptr*", oldRedirectionValue) ; disable redirection
Run, wbemtest
if (oldRedirectionValue) {
	DllCall("Wow64RevertWow64FsRedirection", "Ptr", oldRedirectionValue) ; re-enable it, something that must be done ASAP
	oldRedirectionValue : =0
if you need to actually disable the redirection for an amount of time rather than just overriding it when needed. I recommend the first approach.
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Re: Run application elevated

24 Dec 2017, 13:50

thanks but with the first i get : error failed attempt to launch program "Run, %A_WinDir%\SysNative\wbemtest.exe"

and with the second error : oldRedirectionValue : =0
this line does not contain a recognized action

the purpose of this script is to run on both x86 and x64 OS and to go directly to antivirus product enum so you can see if there are leftover entries from uninstalled security solutions.
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Re: Run application elevated

24 Dec 2017, 15:34

My bad. The first should actually be Run, %A_WinDir%\SysNative\wbem\wbemtest.exe

With the second, that's just a typo on my part, try oldRedirectionValue := 0

(I'm still of the opinion that running wbemtest and automating it by keystrokes is weird when you can query WMI with AHK. Admittedly, I don't know how to do it myself, but I do know there's tons of examples around.)
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Re: Run application elevated

24 Dec 2017, 16:01

I think it works. no error anymore. many thanks.
Does winwait also work with multiple variables ? ex : Windows in french will have " Windows Management Instrumentation Tester" window called differently so I wouldn't want the script to freze on other languages.
Many thanks

I would have gone with WMI query but unfortunately that only displays the infromation without the possibility to alter stuff.
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Re: Run application elevated

25 Dec 2017, 09:22

apoklyps3 wrote:Does winwait also work with multiple variables ? ex : Windows in french will have " Windows Management Instrumentation Tester" window called differently so I wouldn't want the script to freze on other languages.
Many thanks
I think you might be able to use a window group, but I'm not sure.

Code: Select all

Run, %A_WinDir%\SysNative\wbem\wbemtest.exe,,, wbempid ; fix the path as necessary 
WinWait ahk_class #32770 ahk_pid %wbempid%
might also work for you. (The downside being that #32770 is the generic class for dialog boxes, so if wbemtest showed an error message, WinWait would probably flock to that.
I would have gone with WMI query but unfortunately that only displays the infromation without the possibility to alter stuff.
Fair enough. Performing WMI queries that change settings is surely possible in AHK, but I know even less about the GUI commands needed to make such an interface suited for altering things than I do the WMI queries themselves.
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Re: Run application elevated

04 Jan 2018, 10:00

Many thanks and happy new year !
You helped alot. Basicaly made the whole script work as I wanted, but unfortunately I hit another brick wall. And it's the one you mentioned so many times. The send key part.
Unfortunately different language windows has a different key shortcut for the tasks i want.
I wonder if I can make so it will hit the correct button from wbemtest interface, no matter the language I am on
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Joined: 13 Feb 2016, 13:20

Re: Run application elevated

05 Jan 2018, 08:22

found that I can work around that with "ControlClick" , but it seems it doesn't work everytime. It doesn't click the button every time I run the script.

LE: it seems it malfunctions, when the mouse is on top of the wbemtest window.

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