Word VBA "For...Each" to AHK COM script, help.

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Word VBA "For...Each" to AHK COM script, help.

28 Jul 2014, 13:09

I'm trying to figure out how to translate the "For...Each" Word VBA functionality into AHK script, but I'm at a loss. Can anyone please help?

Code: Select all

For Each aStory In ActiveDocument.StoryRanges 
 If aStory.StoryType <> wdMainTextStory Then aStory.Font.Reset 
Next aStory
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Re: Word VBA "For...Each" to AHK COM script, help.

28 Jul 2014, 14:19

Code: Select all

For Each, aStory In ActiveDocument.StoryRanges 
 If (aStory.StoryType <> wdMainTextStory)
Then you just need to set the constent value of "wdMainTextStory"
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Re: Word VBA "For...Each" to AHK COM script, help.

28 Jul 2014, 18:56

I'm guessing Blackholyman didn't test the code. I'm not going to either, but I'm pretty sure the Each, part needs to be removed. (Each is a variable in this case; it looks "cool" to people that are used to VB, but can be quite confusing. I don't recommend it.)

Unlike AutoHotkey Objects, COM object enumerators put the value in the first variable, not the second.
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Re: Word VBA "For...Each" to AHK COM script, help.

29 Jul 2014, 05:16

Your guess was right on lexikos...

Sorry I did not test the code before posting it, I do try to always test if possible. But thank you for pointing out my mistake ( and giving some info on how it works) now there is less chance of me doing it wrong again :)

Thank you
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Re: Word VBA "For...Each" to AHK COM script, help.

30 Jul 2014, 09:01

Thanks for the help so far guys. When I try to use the For loop, I'm getting an error (see image) with description: '_NewEnum' is not a method. I've tried with and without the "each" but I'm getting the same error in both cases.
I'm not sure what to do from here. I've posted the actual script I'm trying to run (see below), changing red text to black text throughout a word document with multiple sections. The original VBA code, which is functioning as desired, is based on guidance from this site: http://word.mvps.org/faqs/macrosvba/Fin ... ithVBA.htm

AHK Testing Script:

Code: Select all


	sleep 100
	#SingleInstance Force





TTMsg(Message, Timer) ;example TTMsg("Testing", 1000)
	MouseGetPos ttX, ttY
	ToolTip, %Message%, ttX + 50, ttY + 50
	SetTimer, RemoveToolTip, %Timer%

		SetTimer, RemoveToolTip, Off

	oWord := ComObjActive("Word.Application")
	For myStoryRange, In oWord.ActiveDocument.StoryRanges
		findObject := myStoryRange.Find
		findObject.Text := ""
		findObject.Font.Color := "255"
		findObject.Replacement.Font.Color := "0"
		findObject.Replacement.Text := ""
		findObject.Forward := 1
		findObject.Wrap := 1
		While !(myStoryRange.NextStoryRange = "")
			myStoryRange := myStoryRange.NextStoryRange
			findObject := myStoryRange.Find
			findObject.Text := ""
			findObject.Font.Color := "255"
			findObject.Replacement.Font.Color := "0"
			findObject.Replacement.Text := ""
			findObject.Forward := 1
			findObject.Wrap := 1

	oWord := ComObjActive("Word.Application")
	For Each, myStoryRange In oWord.ActiveDocument.StoryRanges
		findObject := myStoryRange.Find
		findObject.Text := ""
		findObject.Font.Color := "255"
		findObject.Replacement.Font.Color := "0"
		findObject.Replacement.Text := ""
		findObject.Forward := 1
		findObject.Wrap := 1
		While !(myStoryRange.NextStoryRange = "Nothing")
			myStoryRange := myStoryRange.NextStoryRange
			findObject := myStoryRange.Find
			findObject.Text := ""
			findObject.Font.Color := "255"
			findObject.Replacement.Font.Color := "0"
			findObject.Replacement.Text := ""
			findObject.Forward := 1
			findObject.Wrap := 1
VBA Code that is functioning properly:

Code: Select all

Sub wReColor(wColorFind, wColorReplace)

Dim myStoryRange As Range

For Each myStoryRange In ActiveDocument.StoryRanges
    With myStoryRange.Find
        .Text = ""
        .Font.Color = wColorFind
        .Replacement.Text = ""
        .Replacement.Font.Color = wColorReplace
        .Wrap = wdFindContinue
        .Execute Replace:=wdReplaceAll
    End With
    Do While Not (myStoryRange.NextStoryRange Is Nothing)
        Set myStoryRange = myStoryRange.NextStoryRange
        With myStoryRange.Find
            .Text = ""
            .Font.Color = wColorFind
            .Replacement.Text = ""
            .Replacement.Font.Color = wColorReplace
            .Wrap = wdFindContinue
            .Execute Replace:=wdReplaceAll
        End With
Next myStoryRange
End Sub
Again, I appreciate any help with this, thanks.
Wade Hatler
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Re: Word VBA "For...Each" to AHK COM script, help.

31 Jul 2014, 16:52

UNTESTED: I didn't test this in your example, but I've used it before for COM enumeration with some success. This is a script I found on the forum some time ago, but don't know who wrote it.

Code: Select all

ComObjEnum(obj) {
    if ComObjType(obj) & 0x2000 ; if *obj* is a SafeArray
        return, obj
    else if ComObjType(obj) != 9
        MsgBox, Object is not a valid Dispatch Object.
    else if ComObj_IsMemberOf(obj, "_NewEnum")
        return, obj
    else if Not ComObj_IsMemberOf(obj, "length")
        MsgBox, Object does not have a "Length" property
        return, {ComObj:obj, i:0, _NewEnum:Func("ComObj_NewEnum"), Next:Func("ComObj_Next")}

ComObj_NewEnum(this) {
    return, this

ComObj_Next(this, ByRef item) {
    if Not this.HasKey("stored")
        this.stored := item
    if this.i < this.ComObj.length
        if ComObj_IsMember(this.ComObj, "item")
            return, true, item:=this.ComObj.item(this.i++)
        else { ; if there isn't an "item" property/method
            DllCall("SetLastError", "uint", 0) ; Ensure A_LastError is 0
            ComError:=ComObjError(), ComObjError(false)
            item:=this.ComObj, ComObjError(ComError)
            if A_LastError ; if there was a Com Error
                if this.i = 1 ; zero-based failed - try one-based
                    GoTo, retry_enum
                else {
                    MsgBox, Object does not have an "Item" property, and the enumeration attempt failed.
                    return, false
            return, true
    item := this.stored ; Reset the first param in the for-loop
    return, false

ComObj_IsMemberOf(obj, name) {
   return, DllCall(NumGet(NumGet(1*p:=ComObjUnwrap(obj))+A_PtrSize*5), "Ptr",p, "Ptr",VarSetCapacity(iid,16,0)*0+&iid, "Ptr*",&name, "UInt",1, "UInt",1024, "Int*",dispID)=0 && dispID+1, ObjRelease(p)
If you want to give it a try, save the script as ComObjEnum.ahk, and then #Include it. Then you call it with something like:

Code: Select all

for key, value in ComObjEnum(yourobject)
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Re: Word VBA "For...Each" to AHK COM script, help.

31 Jul 2014, 17:05

StoryRanges does not have a Length property, so I don't think that'll work.

You can probably use

Code: Select all

ranges := oWord.ActiveDocument.StoryRanges
Loop % ranges.Count
    myStoryRange := ranges.Item(A_Index).Text
instead of

Code: Select all

For myStoryRange, In oWord.ActiveDocument.StoryRanges
However, I don't have Word at hand to test it.

Edit: Fixed as below.
Wade Hatler
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Re: Word VBA "For...Each" to AHK COM script, help.

31 Jul 2014, 17:48

Good catch. You're correct that it doesn't have a .Length parameter, but it also won't index from the Ranges object. You have to use Ranges.Item[n] and it's 1.nn instead of 0..n-1.

This works:

Code: Select all

App    := ComObjActive("Word.Application")
Ranges := App.ActiveDocument.StoryRanges
Loop % ranges.Count
	MsgBox % Ranges.Item[A_Index].Text
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Re: Word VBA "For...Each" to AHK COM script, help.

31 Jul 2014, 20:42

Thanks. 1..n is unusual for COM/Microsoft. Item(Index) is actually a method, but AutoHotkey's COM support is designed to treat methods and property-get interchangeably most of the time.
Wade Hatler
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Re: Word VBA "For...Each" to AHK COM script, help.

31 Jul 2014, 21:35

Yes, you're right there. I find that most MS COM in general is 0..n-1 except for Office Interop, which is mostly 1..n because most of it started out as VBA. Don't count on it though, because I've seen 0..n-1 here and there.

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