TrayClock - digital clock in notification icon

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TrayClock - digital clock in notification icon

28 Dec 2018, 16:55

Hi, here's a digital clock that runs in the notification area. I wrote it to replace the Windows clock, because that takes up a lot of real estate on the taskbar, so I can put that off (right-click on blank area of taskbar and edit the Properties) and just have this. I've given it access to the Windows Time and Date settings Control Panel dialog via the menu, but it doesn't have its own pop-up clock and calendar, which might be nice to add. To make it easy to read, it has the two digits of the hours above the minutes, with intermittent change to the day indicator (like SU, MO, etc.) above and day of the month below (I generally know what month it is). Double-clicking or menu item also toggles between this mode and minutes above and seconds below for those times when you want to time something.

I drew digits on squared paper and put their coordinates into data, plotting them as required pixel by pixel. This seemed to work better for me than writing text to graphics.

Note, the code has an auto-restart section that detects if it's changed and saved, so if you edit it, you can just save and it will re-run.

EDIT: Just realised removing standard menu items is dangerous at this stage of development, as if something goes wrong you might not be able to quit from the script, so have left standard menu in place in this version...
EDIT: Apparently it's still buggy, as you may see below. I'm working on a fix.
Also, I forgot to say that this needs the GDI+ Library by tic (Tariq Porter). You can download that here
You should rename the file Gdip.ahk (from Gdip_All.ahk) and copy it into your "\Lib" folder in the main installation folder for Autohotkey.

EDIT: Ok, this might have fixed it (code edited in this version)...

From here, I'll keep adding notes about updates. I'll update the code in the box here, unless there's a time limit on editing posts. I'll also number versions in the code and with related changes noted you can always check if you've got the latest...
NB: Although version numbers begin at 1...., it should be understood that this is under development (strict convention says they should be 0...), and use of this script is at your own risk, although it's carefully coded and shouldn't cause problems.

v1.02 A minor tidy-up. The last version (before I numbered them) fixed the need to save the image to disc.
v1.03 Added: Options dialog with colour settings stored in ini file; Copy to clipboard a few date formats; Error handler for problem icon loading (not ideal, but will save to error log and then restart the app). Thanks to iPhilip for Colour Chooser routine.
v1.04 Removed Menu, Tray, UseErrorLevel as this seemed to cause freeze instead of error trap and reload.
v1.05 FIXED the crash! This is a small update that should fix the crashing issue when loading the icon. Hopefully, I'll have another update soon with reminders.

Code: Select all

; TrayClock v1.05 by Ahketype. Feel free to share, edit, etc. Author acknowledgement appreciated.
; Updates, info at
; A digital clock as a notification icon, to replace the standard windows clock if so wished.
; It doesn't remove the Windows clock - to do this, R-click on empty bit of taskbar > Properties > System Icons.
; Can show hours & minutes (one above other) or minutes & seconds.
; When hrs & mins, intermittently switches to day of week and day of month indicators.
; Edited from gdi+ ahk tutorial written by tic (Tariq Porter); many thanks, tic!
; Requires Gdip.ahk by tic, either in your Lib folder as standard library or using #Include
; GDI+ Library, see:
; Thanks also to iPhilip for Colour Chooser routine.

ver := 1.05

SetWorkingDir, % A_ScriptDir
#SingleInstance, Force
; Set file attribute to avoid reloading on first run.
; When script changed thereafter and saved, will reload.
FileSetAttrib, -A, %A_ScriptFullPath%

OnExit, Exitsub

; Tray menus
; Menu, Tray, UseErrorLevel
Menu, Copy, Add, yyyyMMdd, CopyYearMoDa
Menu, Copy, Add, yyyyMMdd-HHmm, CopyYearMoDaHrMi
Menu, Copy, Add, dd/MM/yyyy, CopyDaMoYear
Menu, Tray, MainWindow ; for compiled script
Menu, Tray, Add
Menu, Tray, Add
Menu, Tray, Add, Copy to clipboard, :Copy
Menu, Tray, Add, System Clock, TimeDateCpl
Menu, Tray, Add, Options, Opts
Menu, Tray, Add, Minutes and seconds, Showms
Menu, Tray, Default, Minutes and seconds

cal := 1 ; Initialize counter for showing day
CustomColors := []  ; todo: Research comdlg32\ChooseColor

; ==================================
; Default settings in case INI file does not exist, otherwise will read ini.
; These colours use ARGB, where the first hex byte indicates opacity 00-FF
timecolour := 0xfffffff0 ; hours and minutes
timecolour2:= 0xffc0ffa0 ; colour of seconds
daycolour := 0xffff2255 ; date of the month
backcolour := 0x00000000 ; background of icon
; Yet to add to ini file (edit here for now)...
clockmode := "hm" ; Whether to show hours and minutes ("hm") or minutes and seconds ("ms") by default
interval := 100 ; How often (milliseconds) to check if update needed
calfreq := 4 ; How often to show day (secs). 2 = on/off, <2 = always, 5000000000 = not in your lifetime!
; ==============================================================================

; Create or read settings from ini file
If !FileExist("trayclock.ini")
	FileAppend, [colours]`ntimecolour=%timecolour%`ntimecolour2=%timecolour2%`ndaycolour=%daycolour%`nbackcolour=%backcolour%, trayclock.ini
} else {
	IniRead, timecolour, trayclock.ini, colours, timecolour
	IniRead, timecolour2, trayclock.ini, colours, timecolour2
	IniRead, daycolour, trayclock.ini, colours, daycolour
	IniRead, backcolour, trayclock.ini, colours, backcolour
; Split RGB component of colours from A, since only RGB used in standard colour dialog
gosub, Splitcols

; Single figure xy (space delim) coordinates of points making up digits 0-9
; These make up all digital readout plotted to image.
d0 := "01 02 03 04 05 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 20 26 30 36 40 46 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 61 62 63 64 65"
d1 := "20 26 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 56"
d2 := "04 05 06 10 13 14 15 16 20 23 26 30 33 36 40 43 46 50 51 52 53 56 61 62 66"
d3 := "10 16 20 23 26 30 33 36 40 43 46 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 61 62 64 65"
d4 := "03 04 12 13 14 21 22 24 30 31 34 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 64"
d5 := "01 02 03 10 11 12 13 16 20 23 26 30 33 36 40 43 46 50 53 54 55 56 60 64 65"
d6 := "01 02 03 04 05 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 20 23 26 30 33 36 40 43 46 50 53 54 55 56 64 65"
d7 := "10 20 25 26 30 33 34 35 36 40 42 43 44 50 51 52 60 61"
d8 := "01 02 04 05 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 20 23 26 30 33 36 40 43 46 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 61 62 64 65"
d9 := "01 02 10 11 12 13 16 20 23 26 30 33 36 40 43 46 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 61 62 63 64 65"

; Coords of days of the week, e.g. SU MO TU, as xxy (since x needs 2 digits, y is only in range 0-6)
dow1 := "001 002 005 010 011 012 013 015 016 020 023 026 030 033 036 040 043 046 050 051 053 054 055 056 061 064 065 080 081 082 083 084 085 090 091 092 093 094 095 096 106 116 126 130 131 132 133 134 135 136 140 141 142 143 144 145"
dow2 := "000 001 002 003 004 005 006 010 011 012 013 014 015 016 021 022 032 033 041 042 050 051 052 053 054 055 056 060 061 062 063 064 065 066 081 082 083 084 085 090 091 092 093 094 095 096 100 106 110 116 120 126 130 131 132 133 134 135 136 141 142 143 144 145"
dow3 := "000 010 020 021 022 023 024 025 026 030 031 032 033 034 035 036 040 050 080 081 082 083 084 085 090 091 092 093 094 095 096 106 116 126 130 131 132 133 134 135 136 140 141 142 143 144 145"
dow4 := "000 001 002 003 004 005 006 010 011 012 013 014 015 016 024 025 033 034 044 045 050 051 052 053 054 055 056 060 061 062 063 064 065 066 080 081 082 083 084 085 086 090 091 092 093 094 095 096 100 103 106 110 113 116 120 123 126 130 133 136 140 146"
dow5 := "000 010 020 021 022 023 024 025 026 030 031 032 033 034 035 036 040 050 080 081 082 083 084 085 086 090 091 092 093 094 095 096 103 113 123 130 131 132 133 134 135 136 140 141 142 143 144 145 146"
dow6 := "000 001 002 003 004 005 006 010 011 012 013 014 015 016 020 023 030 033 040 043 050 053 060 080 081 082 083 084 085 086 090 091 092 093 094 095 096 100 103 110 113 114 115 120 123 124 125 130 131 132 133 135 136 141 142 145 146"
dow7 := "001 002 005 010 011 012 013 015 016 020 023 026 030 033 036 040 043 046 050 051 053 054 055 056 061 064 065 081 082 083 084 085 086 090 091 092 093 094 095 096 100 103 110 113 120 123 130 131 132 133 134 135 136 141 142 143 144 145 146"

; Uncomment next line if Gdip.ahk is not in your standard library (and get Gdip.ahk).
; #Include, Gdip.ahk

; Start gdi+
If !pToken := Gdip_Startup()
	MsgBox, 48, gdiplus error!, Gdiplus failed to start. Please ensure you have gdiplus on your system

; Create a 16x16 pixel gdi+ bitmap
pBitmap := Gdip_CreateBitmap(16, 16)

; Get a pointer to the graphics of the bitmap, for use with drawing functions
G := Gdip_GraphicsFromImage(pBitmap)

; Main GUI definition (for later use)
Gui, New, , Main
Gui, Add, Text, , Main gui window

; Options GUI definition
Gui, Options:New, HwndIdOpts
Gui, Options:+Owner
Gui, Options:+OwnDialogs
Gui, Add, GroupBox, w380 h180 y20, Colours
Gui, Add, Text, xp+42 yp+20, Basic Colour
Gui, Add, Text, xp+190 yp, Opacity
Gui, Add, Progress, h22 w23 x20 y65 vTimeco c%timeRGB% +BackgroundTrans, 100
Gui, Add, Progress, h22 w23 yp+31 vTimeco2 c%timeRGB2% +BackgroundTrans, 100
Gui, Add, Progress, h22 w23 yp+31 vDayco c%dayRGB% +BackgroundTrans, 100
Gui, Add, Progress, h22 w23 yp+31 vBackco c%backRGB% +BackgroundTrans, 100
Gui, Add, Button, gSetTimeColour xp+30 y64 w100 h25, &Hours && Mins
Gui, Add, Button, gSetTimeColour2 wp hp, &Seconds
Gui, Add, Button, gSetDayColour wp hp, &Day
Gui, Add, Button, gSetBackColour wp hp, &Background
Gui, Add, Slider, xp+120 y62 w200 h22 Range0-255 TickInterval32 Left vtimeA gUpdateTimeA, %timeA%
Gui, Add, Slider, xp yp+31 w200 h22 Range0-255 TickInterval32 Left vtimeA2 gUpdateTimeA2, %timeA2%
Gui, Add, Slider, xp yp+31 w200 h22 Range0-255 TickInterval32 Left vdayA gUpdateDayA, %dayA%
Gui, Add, Slider, xp yp+31 w200 h22 Range0-255 TickInterval32 Left vbackA gUpdateBackA, %backA%
Gui, Add, Button, x50 y450 w120 h25 gRevertOpts, &Revert
Gui, Add, Button, x240 y450 w120 h25 gCloseOpts, &Accept && Close

SetTimer, Maintimer, %interval% ; Main timer checks if update needed at these milliseconds intervals.
; ------------------------------ End of init. section-------------
; ================================================================

; Open Main Window
Gui, Show, xCenter yCenter w800 h500, Main Window

; Open options window
; Keep copies of vars to revert to if changes not accepted in dialog
Rtimeco := timecolour, Rtimeco2 := timecolour2, Rdayco := daycolour, Rbackco := backcolour
Gui, Options:Show, xCenter yCenter w400 h500, Options

; Write vars to ini file and close win
IniWrite, timecolour=%timecolour%`ntimecolour2=%timecolour2%`ndaycolour=%daycolour%`nbackcolour=%backcolour%, trayclock.ini, colours

; Reset vars from saved copies and update controls
timecolour := Rtimeco, timecolour2 := Rtimeco2, daycolour := Rdayco, backcolour := Rbackco
gosub, Splitcols
GuiControl, +c%timeRGB%, Timeco
GuiControl, +c%timeRGB2%, Timeco2
GuiControl, +c%dayRGB%, Dayco
GuiControl, +c%backRGB%, Backco
GuiControl, , timeA, %timeA%
GuiControl, , timeA2, %timeA2%
GuiControl, , dayA, %dayA%
GuiControl, , backA, %backA%

; Four subroutines call Windows colour chooser dialog and update vars, controls
Result := ChooseColor(timecolour & 0xFFFFFF, , IdOpts)
if Result =
timecolour := Result + (timeA << 24)
timeRGB := Format("{1:X}", (timecolour & 0xffffff))
GuiControl, +c%timeRGB%, Timeco

Result := ChooseColor(timecolour2 & 0xFFFFFF, , IdOpts)
if Result =
timecolour2 := Result + (timeA2 << 24)
timeRGB2 := Format("{1:X}", (timecolour2 & 0xffffff))
GuiControl, +c%timeRGB2%, Timeco2

Result := ChooseColor(daycolour & 0xFFFFFF, , IdOpts)
if Result =
daycolour := Result + (dayA << 24)
dayRGB := Format("{1:X}", (daycolour & 0xffffff))
GuiControl, +c%dayRGB%, Dayco

Result := ChooseColor(backcolour & 0xFFFFFF, , IdOpts)
if Result =
backcolour := Result + (backA << 24)
backRGB := Format("{1:X}", (backcolour & 0xffffff))
GuiControl, +c%backRGB%, Backco

; Four subroutines deal with slider changes, AA bytes of AARRGGBB
timecolour := (timecolour & 0xffffff) + (timeA << 24)

timecolour2 := (timecolour2 & 0xffffff) + (timeA2 << 24)

daycolour := (daycolour & 0xffffff) + (dayA << 24)

backcolour := (backcolour & 0xffffff) + (backA << 24)

; Toggle mode from hrs/mins(+day) to mins secs, and rename menu item
if (clockmode = "hm")
	Menu, Tray, Rename, Minutes and seconds, Hours and minutes
	clockmode = ms
	Menu, Tray, Rename, Hours and minutes, Minutes and seconds
	clockmode = hm
gosub, Plotclock ; for immediate update

If (secs = A_Sec) ; Check if seconds have changed.

; If script file changed, reload (handy while programming)
FileGetAttrib, attribs, %A_ScriptFullPath%
IfInString, attribs, A
	posX = %A_CaretX%
	posY = %A_CaretY%
	ToolTip, Automatically reloading`nupdated script!, %posX%, %posY%
	Sleep, 100
gosub, Plotclock

; Get hhmmss digits
secs := A_Sec
mins := A_Min
ours := A_Hour ; "ours" just avoids syntax highlighting
day := A_DD
daytens := SubStr(day, 1, 1)
dayunits := SubStr(day, 2, 1)
hrtens := SubStr(ours, 1, 1) 
hrunits := SubStr(ours, 2, 1)
mintens := SubStr(mins, 1, 1)
minunits := SubStr(mins, 2, 1)
sectens := SubStr(secs, 1, 1)
secunits := SubStr(secs, 2, 1)

; Build the new image...

; Clear the graphic. If fully transparent, will match taskbar
Gdip_GraphicsClear(G, backcolour)

if (clockmode = "hm")
	gosub H_M ; Print hours above, minutes below
else if (clockmode = "ms")
	gosub M_S ; Print minutes above, seconds below

; Get handle of icon
hIcon := Gdip_CreateHICONFromBitmap(pBitmap)

; Update icon (try, since did fail: hopefully now fixed)
	Menu, Tray, Icon, HICON:%hIcon%
catch, e
	FormatTime, tipstring, , HH:mm dddd dd MMMM
	FileAppend, v%ver% err:%e% (loadicon) at %tipstring%`n, errlog.txt

; Update tool tip with time and date
FormatTime, tipstring, , HH:mm dddd dd MMMM
Menu, Tray, Tip, %tipstring%

if cal < %calfreq% ; Every calfreq seconds, do 'else' part...
	; Set hours and minutes as individual pixels in bitmap...
	; Hour tens
	Loop, Parse, d%hrtens%, %A_Space%
		x := SubStr(A_LoopField, 1, 1)
		y := SubStr(A_LoopField, 2, 1)
		Gdip_SetPixel(pBitmap, x, y, timecolour)
	; Hour units
	Loop, Parse, d%hrunits%, %A_Space%
		x := SubStr(A_LoopField, 1, 1)
		y := SubStr(A_LoopField, 2, 1)
		Gdip_SetPixel(pBitmap, x+9, y, timecolour)
	; Minute tens
	Loop, Parse, d%mintens%, %A_Space%
		x := SubStr(A_LoopField, 1, 1)
		y := SubStr(A_LoopField, 2, 1)
		Gdip_SetPixel(pBitmap, x, y+9, timecolour)
	; Minute units
	Loop, Parse, d%minunits%, %A_Space%
		x := SubStr(A_LoopField, 1, 1)
		y := SubStr(A_LoopField, 2, 1)
		Gdip_SetPixel(pBitmap, x+9, y+9, timecolour)
} else {
	 ; Show day of week and of month
	cal := 1
	; Day of Week
	Loop, Parse, dow%A_WDay%, %A_Space%
		x := SubStr(A_LoopField, 1, 2)
		y := SubStr(A_LoopField, 3, 1)
		Gdip_SetPixel(pBitmap, x+1, y, daycolour)
	; Day tens
	Loop, Parse, d%daytens%, %A_Space%
		x := SubStr(A_LoopField, 1, 1)
		y := SubStr(A_LoopField, 2, 1)
		Gdip_SetPixel(pBitmap, x, y+9, daycolour)
	; Day units
	Loop, Parse, d%dayunits%, %A_Space%
		x := SubStr(A_LoopField, 1, 1)
		y := SubStr(A_LoopField, 2, 1)
		Gdip_SetPixel(pBitmap, x+9, y+9, daycolour)

; Set minutes and seconds as individual pixels in bitmap
; Minute tens
Loop, Parse, d%mintens%, %A_Space%
	x := SubStr(A_LoopField, 1, 1)
	y := SubStr(A_LoopField, 2, 1)
	Gdip_SetPixel(pBitmap, x, y, timecolour)
; Minute units
Loop, Parse, d%minunits%, %A_Space%
	x := SubStr(A_LoopField, 1, 1)
	y := SubStr(A_LoopField, 2, 1)
	Gdip_SetPixel(pBitmap, x+9, y, timecolour)
; Second tens
Loop, Parse, d%sectens%, %A_Space%
	x := SubStr(A_LoopField, 1, 1)
	y := SubStr(A_LoopField, 2, 1)
	Gdip_SetPixel(pBitmap, x, y+9, timecolour2)
; Second units
Loop, Parse, d%secunits%, %A_Space%
	x := SubStr(A_LoopField, 1, 1)
	y := SubStr(A_LoopField, 2, 1)
	Gdip_SetPixel(pBitmap, x+9, y+9, timecolour2)

; Runs system time and date control panel app
Run, control timedate.cpl

; Allows editing of this script.

; Copy to clipboard
FormatTime, Clipboard, , yyyyMMdd

FormatTime, Clipboard, , yyyyMMdd-HHmm

FormatTime, Clipboard, , dd/MM/yyyy

; Split colours to A, RGB components
timeRGB := Format("{1:X}", (timecolour & 0xffffff)), timeA := timecolour >> 24
timeRGB2 := Format("{1:X}", (timecolour2 & 0xffffff)), timeA2 := timecolour2 >> 24
dayRGB := Format("{1:X}", (daycolour & 0xffffff)), dayA := daycolour >> 24
backRGB := Format("{1:X}", (backcolour & 0xffffff)), backA := backcolour >> 24

; Cleanup Gdip memory before exit.
; The bitmap can be deleted

; The graphics may now be deleted

; ...and gdi+ may now be shutdown

; Call Windows Colour Chooser, adapted from script by iPhilip
ChooseColor(StartingRGB := 0x0, CustomRGBs := "", hWnd := 0x0, Flags := 0x3) {  ; CC_RGBINIT = 0x1, CC_FULLOPEN = 0x2
   VarSetCapacity(CustomColors, 64, 0)
   NumPut(VarSetCapacity(CC, A_PtrSize = 8 ? 72 : 36, 0), CC, 0, "UInt")
   NumPut(hWnd ? hWnd : A_ScriptHwnd, CC, A_PtrSize = 8 ? 8 : 4, "Ptr")
   NumPut(COLORREF(StartingRGB), CC, A_PtrSize = 8 ? 24 : 12, "UInt")
   NumPut(&CustomColors, CC, A_PtrSize = 8 ? 32 : 16, "Ptr")
   NumPut(Flags, CC, A_PtrSize = 8 ? 40 : 20, "UInt")
   if IsObject(CustomRGBs)
      for each, RGB in CustomRGBs
         NumPut(COLORREF(RGB), CustomColors, (each-1)*4, "UInt")
   if DllCall("comdlg32\ChooseColor", "Ptr", &CC, "Int") {
      if IsObject(CustomRGBs)
         Loop, 16
            CustomRGBs[A_Index] := COLORREF(NumGet(CustomColors, (A_Index-1)*4, "UInt"))
      Offset := A_PtrSize = 8 ? 24 : 12
;      Return Format("{:02X}{:02X}{:02X}", NumGet(CC, Offset, "UChar"), NumGet(CC, Offset+1, "UChar"), NumGet(CC, Offset+2, "UChar"))
      Return 256 * 256 * NumGet(CC, Offset, "UChar") + 256 * NumGet(CC, Offset+1, "UChar") + NumGet(CC, Offset+2, "UChar")

   Return ((RGB & 0xFF) << 16) + (RGB & 0xFF00) + ((RGB >> 16) & 0xFF)

Enjoy, and let me know if there are any problems or you have suggestions. My AHK was a bit basic when I started this (well, it still is) so it might be better with proper arrays instead of pseudo-ones, etc. I might add some bits and bobs like timers in future. I'll update in this thread. Cheers. :xmas:
Last edited by ahketype on 01 Feb 2019, 11:05, edited 9 times in total.
Posts: 27
Joined: 22 Dec 2018, 06:03

Re: TrayClock - digital clock in notification icon

28 Dec 2018, 17:53

Im obviously doing something wrong included the gdip.ahk but now its telling me it cant load the icon :?:

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Re: TrayClock - digital clock in notification icon

28 Dec 2018, 19:35

godofOOF wrote:
28 Dec 2018, 17:53
Im obviously doing something wrong included the gdip.ahk but now its telling me it cant load the icon :?:
Hi, godofOOF,
Drat - sorry about that! This was a recurring problem (but intermittent) for me at one time, and I never discovered the cause, nor why it fixed itself - and it just never does that now! I'll post in the Ask for Help section about it and see if anyone can figure it out. I tried adding the Sleep line, and increased the delay, and that sometimes seemed to fix it, so I thought it might be a file system error when saving the file and immediately trying to load it to the icon. You could try a longer Sleep after saving. Also wondered if you might try loading the file with the same command near the beginning of the script (assuming the file has saved to your disc). It might be that it needs a different kind of reference there, like the HBITMAP handle. I'll try a few things and get back to you. What Windows version are you using, BTW? I'm on Win 7.

Many thanks for letting me know!
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Joined: 22 Dec 2018, 06:03

Re: TrayClock - digital clock in notification icon

28 Dec 2018, 20:01

ahketype wrote:
28 Dec 2018, 19:35
godofOOF wrote:
28 Dec 2018, 17:53
Im obviously doing something wrong included the gdip.ahk but now its telling me it cant load the icon :?:
Hi, godofOOF,
Drat - sorry about that! This was a recurring problem (but intermittent) for me at one time, and I never discovered the cause, nor why it fixed itself - and it just never does that now! I'll post in the Ask for Help section about it and see if anyone can figure it out. I tried adding the Sleep line, and increased the delay, and that sometimes seemed to fix it, so I thought it might be a file system error when saving the file and immediately trying to load it to the icon. You could try a longer Sleep after saving. Also wondered if you might try loading the file with the same command near the beginning of the script (assuming the file has saved to your disc). It might be that it needs a different kind of reference there, like the HBITMAP handle. I'll try a few things and get back to you. What Windows version are you using, BTW? I'm on Win 7.

Many thanks for letting me know!
Im using windows 10 maybe that could be the reason
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Location: Yorkshire, UK

Re: TrayClock - digital clock in notification icon

28 Dec 2018, 20:14

Thanks. I'm betting it's something else. Did you download the latest GDI+ library from here ... f=6&t=6517 ... the first line, where it's called Gdip_All.ahk? ...and then rename it Gdip.ahk and put it either in your main Lib folder in the program's installation directory or in - I think - the script's directory (or \Lib in that)? It just came back to me that this problem got fixed round about when I updated my copy of the GDI+ library.

If you did that already, I'll keep digging.
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Re: TrayClock - digital clock in notification icon

28 Dec 2018, 20:46

Wow, that was useful - I think this new version (edited in the original text at top) may have fixed it. If it has, thanks a million - it now no longer even writes and reads the icon bitmap from the file. I've been trying to work out how to do that for some time. Hope that works now.
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Re: TrayClock - digital clock in notification icon

29 Dec 2018, 03:04

It works fine and looks good on win10, ahk 64 bit, good job, and thanks for sharing.

Cheers :fireworks: :champagne:.
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Re: TrayClock - digital clock in notification icon

29 Dec 2018, 10:28

Interesting idea!
What about two icons?
Tray Clock.png
Tray Clock.png (1.88 KiB) Viewed 6354 times
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Location: Yorkshire, UK

Re: TrayClock - digital clock in notification icon

29 Dec 2018, 11:09

Helgef wrote:
29 Dec 2018, 03:04
It works fine and looks good on win10, ahk 64 bit, good job, and thanks for sharing.

Cheers :fireworks: :champagne:.
Glad you like it Helgef, and good to know that it works on Win10.
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Location: Yorkshire, UK

Re: TrayClock - digital clock in notification icon

29 Dec 2018, 11:14

rommmcek wrote:
29 Dec 2018, 10:28
Interesting idea!
What about two icons?
That's a great idea, rommmcek, and one I've tried already, but I don't know how to guarantee that they stay together and the right way round - maybe for someone with better programming skills than I have. On the other hand, my main reason for it was to reduce the amount of taskbar taken up by the clock. I think two icons might still be shorter than the system clock in Win 7, but not by a great deal. If someone does make it two icons together, it would be cool if it read the other way - time across the top of each, maybe even with a colon, and date below. That would be fun to code... :crazy:
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Location: Yorkshire, UK


30 Dec 2018, 07:57

Oh dear, v1.02 still has an intermittent problem with the icon not loading for me. It was working for me when I saved it to disc and loaded the icon from the file, but it had this problem some time back and I don't know why it got fixed. GodofOOF reported the same problem (perhaps it never loaded at all), and I switched to the better method of loading from HBITMAP:*%handle% (better because you don't have to keep accessing the disc every second), but the old issue has raised its head again. It seems only to happen rarely for me. Autohotkey v1.1.30.00.
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Re: TrayClock - digital clock in notification icon

02 Jan 2019, 15:00

I've updated this to version 1.03 - added an options dialogue with colour settings (I'll add more), copy-to-clipboard some date-and-time formats (I'll add more or make configurable) and a quick and dirty error handler. Main thing is you can now edit the colours from within the program and they'll be retained in an ini file. You can try them out while the clock is running, and click "Revert" to cancel changes.

I hacked a routine iPhilip posted here ... 76&t=59141
Cheers iPhilip!
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Re: TrayClock - digital clock in notification icon

04 Jan 2019, 09:47

ahketype wrote:
02 Jan 2019, 15:00
I've updated this to version 1.03 - added an options dialogue with colour settings (I'll add more), copy-to-clipboard some date-and-time formats (I'll add more or make configurable) and a quick and dirty error handler. Main thing is you can now edit the colours from within the program and they'll be retained in an ini file. You can try them out while the clock is running, and click "Revert" to cancel changes.

I hacked a routine iPhilip posted here ... 76&t=59141
Cheers iPhilip!
Im glad you fixed it! it works for me NOW :bravo:

i forgot about this, was checking the forum and came back

and now its updated thanks for the script :superhappy:
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Re: TrayClock - digital clock in notification icon

05 Jan 2019, 14:32

Just updated to TrayClock v1.04 in original post - minor change as described there - but if 1.03 freezes on you, update.
Last edited by ahketype on 05 Jan 2019, 14:44, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: TrayClock - digital clock in notification icon

05 Jan 2019, 14:42

godofOOF wrote:
04 Jan 2019, 09:47
Im glad you fixed it! it works for me NOW :bravo:

i forgot about this, was checking the forum and came back

and now its updated thanks for the script :superhappy:
You're welcome, I kept meaning to PM you to tell you about the updates. Glad it's fixed - I hope it is anyway! I've just updated it again because it wasn't fixed on my system, but if it's working for you as v1.03, maybe stick with it. If it freezes, you could try 1.04. Either way, if you check the folder where it is, you'll possibly find a file, "errlog.txt", and this will record all the times when it's crashed and reloaded. If it's not there, it probably hasn't crashed (at least not by the error handler routine I wrote in). You might not even know that it's crashed, as it reloads the script pretty fast - I actually added a little ding sound to my copy so I know - and it's still doing that several times a day, usually as I open something and the system gets under load, I think. I'll keep working on it. I'd like to add things like a timer and reminders, but it's not ideal if it's unstable.
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Re: TrayClock - digital clock in notification icon

05 Jan 2019, 17:58

Nice job
I've got a similar tool called TrayDate (for the date)

You could try making the time display like 8:30 but slowly scrolling left and right across the icon, only displaying wwhat can fit
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Re: TrayClock - digital clock in notification icon

05 Jan 2019, 22:54

ahketype wrote:
05 Jan 2019, 14:42
godofOOF wrote:
04 Jan 2019, 09:47
Im glad you fixed it! it works for me NOW :bravo:

i forgot about this, was checking the forum and came back

and now its updated thanks for the script :superhappy:
You're welcome, I kept meaning to PM you to tell you about the updates. Glad it's fixed - I hope it is anyway! I've just updated it again because it wasn't fixed on my system, but if it's working for you as v1.03, maybe stick with it. If it freezes, you could try 1.04. Either way, if you check the folder where it is, you'll possibly find a file, "errlog.txt", and this will record all the times when it's crashed and reloaded. If it's not there, it probably hasn't crashed (at least not by the error handler routine I wrote in). You might not even know that it's crashed, as it reloads the script pretty fast - I actually added a little ding sound to my copy so I know - and it's still doing that several times a day, usually as I open something and the system gets under load, I think. I'll keep working on it. I'd like to add things like a timer and reminders, but it's not ideal if it's unstable.
For v1.03
Yeah i noticed that the timer would stop working unless i reload it or compile it

ive noticed when its compiled its a tad bit less glitchy

But im going to try your newer version and keep you updated on my experience
You might not even know that it's crashed, as it reloads the script pretty fast
i havent noticed it reloading after crash, i usually have to reload it my self i even made a hotkey for it becuase it crashes ever 4 hours or so also
if you check the folder where it is, you'll possibly find a file, "errlog.txt"
i never seen an error log (but maybe its not a crash becuase when i mean crash the counter just simply stops working which leads me to reload it)
I'd like to add things like a timer and reminders, but it's not ideal if it's unstable
i genuinely would love to see that added! it also gives me more reasons to use it i use to have a few timers and reminders based off ahk but they werent
that good

But nonetheless i love the script and i use it everyday thanks! :bravo: :D
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Re: TrayClock - digital clock in notification icon

06 Jan 2019, 15:48

gwarble wrote:
05 Jan 2019, 17:58
Nice job
I've got a similar tool called TrayDate (for the date)

You could try making the time display like 8:30 but slowly scrolling left and right across the icon, only displaying wwhat can fit
Thanks gwarble. Yes, I've toyed with the idea of some kind of scroll, but haven't yet faced the maths involved! I then decided it would be easier to have the time and date fade in and out instead of flashing, and coded it, but I was still saving and loading the image on disc and it was far too slow. It might work better now to do some sort of animation. I intend to tidy the code up, putting some of the plotting into functions, and then it'll be easier to send different data like position to it. But I personally don't think I want it scrolling, and like the fact that I can just glance at it and see the time. If it's scrolling, there's the temptation to put too much on it, and then you have to decipher where you are in the text when you look at it.

I'll have a look for your TrayDate and try it out - I've also got one of those that just loads the correct calendar date icon from an icl file, which I currently have as my default autohotkey.ahk with my usual hotkeys etc. Cheers.
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Re: TrayClock - digital clock in notification icon

06 Jan 2019, 16:03

godofOOF wrote:
05 Jan 2019, 22:54
For v1.03
Yeah i noticed that the timer would stop working unless i reload it or compile it

ive noticed when its compiled its a tad bit less glitchy
Interesting. I've not even tried compiling it yet!
i never seen an error log (but maybe its not a crash becuase when i mean crash the counter just simply stops working which leads me to reload it)
Yeah, it might freeze before it has time to append/create the error file. 1.04 should give you data in the file, and reload automatically.
i genuinely would love to see that added! it also gives me more reasons to use it i use to have a few timers and reminders based off ahk but they werent that good
Great. I could do with it myself as a quick thing instead of setting reminders in my calendar, which has too many options to be quick and easy. Also I often have need of a simple count-down timer, so I'll do that, or more than one perhaps.

But nonetheless i love the script and i use it everyday thanks! :bravo: :D
I'm very pleased. I've enjoyed writing this more after I decided to share it here, and your feedback is really useful. Cheers. :thumbup:
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Re: TrayClock - digital clock in notification icon

01 Feb 2019, 07:09

Just updated the script in the OP to version 1.05, which I'm pretty sure has fixed the crash! It uses HICON: instead of HBITMAP:* (and the * was a mistake, too).

I'm working on the event reminders now, which probably won't be too long coming. :)

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