Make Loop With Timers

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Joined: 19 Oct 2018, 22:04

Make Loop With Timers

02 Jan 2019, 01:00

So I'm pretty new to AHK and I'd like to make it so that it, for example, does: Send, f!IBakedYouAPie! then send Send, {Enter} every 294381 ms but then send after 12199 it sends Send, OhBoyWhatFlavor?!PieFlavored! then Send, {Enter}
How can I do this?
I'm pretty new to this language and barely know what I'm doing. Please excuse any stupidity lol.
Oh also try and explain stuff well if I need it :P
Posts: 66
Joined: 14 Sep 2016, 05:37

Re: Make Loop With Timers

02 Jan 2019, 05:13

Code: Select all

WinActivate ahk_exe notepad.exe		;assuming this is where you want to send the text
Send, f{!}IBakedYouAPie{!}

loop, 10		;you havent mentioned how many times to loop so I've put 10
	send {enter}
	sleep 294381

sleep 12199
send, OhBoyWhatFlavor?{!}PieFlavored{!}
send, {enter}


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