LButton misses Up event when clicking on the task bar, away from the active program.

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Leo Vitalis
Posts: 15
Joined: 31 Aug 2018, 07:01

LButton misses Up event when clicking on the task bar, away from the active program.

19 Jan 2019, 13:49

Hello. I am trying to remap navigation in Autodesk Revit.

Code: Select all

If GetKeyState("Space", "P") && !GetKeyState("Alt", "P") {
	Send {Blind}{LButton Up}{Space Up}{MButton Down}               ;Pan
	KeyWait LButton
	Send {MButton Up}
else if !GetKeyState("Space", "P") && GetKeyState("Alt", "P") {
	Send {Blind}{LButton Up}{Space Up}{Shift Down}{MButton Down}         ;Rotate
	KeyWait LButton
	Send {MButton Up}{Shift Up}
else if GetKeyState("Space", "P") && GetKeyState("Alt", "P") {
	Send {Blind}{LButton Up}{Space Up}{Ctrl Down}{MButton Down}         ;Zoom 
	KeyWait LButton
	Send {MButton Up}{Ctrl Up}
else {
	Send {LButton Down}
	; KeyWait LButton
	; Send {LButton Up}

LButton Up:: Send {LButton Up}
The code works, except for one thing. When I click on the task bar or away from the active window, the left mouse button misses the Up event. I have to click a couple of times, before it starts behaving normally. This behavior can be fixed If I put KeyWait instead of LButton Up. But Revit doesn't like KeyWait for some reason, and the drop-down menus refuse to respond to mouse clicks.

I would appreciate any ideas on how this can be fixed. Thank you.

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