Formatting a multi-line Tooltip to align like columns ? Topic is solved

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Re: Formatting a multi-line Tooltip to align like columns ?

28 Mar 2019, 16:25

I fear that it won't be "inside a tooltip" but more like a fake tooltip :(

I'd like to see an example like the one you mention :D
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Blue Kodiak
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Re: Formatting a multi-line Tooltip to align like columns ?

28 Mar 2019, 16:26

Monospace font and count characters.
I think that's the only way.
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Joined: 08 May 2018, 10:20

Re: Formatting a multi-line Tooltip to align like columns ?

28 Mar 2019, 18:46

Okay I found a way to make this with a listView. Its rather complex and heavy just for a tooltip but maybe in the end you may decide if its worth it:

PS: I left more code than necessary to include other provided example by the kind contributors in posts above :D

In my real script it looks like this and it is shown on WM_MOUSEMOVE if hWnd = a Row # static ctrl

Code: Select all

#NoEnv  ; Recommended for performance and compatibility with future AutoHotkey releases.
SendMode Input  ; Recommended for new scripts due to its superior speed and reliability.
SetWorkingDir %A_ScriptDir%  ; Ensures a consistent starting directory.
#SingleInstance, Force ; Prevent double execution of this script

; Faking what are normally dynamic variables (changing with different calculations)
Qt_1 := 2
, Mt_1 := 100000.00
, RawTs_1 := 4000.35
, RawTq_1 := 8000.68

; Prepare the values to display in the tooltip
Line := []
, Line.OverRowNumb  := 1
, OverRowNumb		:= Line.OverRowNumb
, Line.Quantite	 	:= Qt_%OverRowNumb%
, Line.PrixUnitaire := Mt_%OverRowNumb%
, Line.TPSUnitaire  := RawTs_%OverRowNumb%
, Line.TVQUnitaire  := RawTq_%OverRowNumb%
, Line.TotalHorsTx  := (Line.PrixUnitaire - (Line.TPSUnitaire + Line.TVQUnitaire)) * Line.Quantite
, Line.TotalTPS     := Line.TPSUnitaire	* Line.Quantite
, Line.TotalTVQ 	:= Line.TVQUnitaire	* Line.Quantite
, Line.TotalTAXES	:= Line.TotalTPS + Line.TotalTVQ
, Line.TotalAvecTx  := Line.PrixUnitaire	* Line.Quantite
; _________________________________________________________
, Line.StrLen 		:= StrLen(Line.TotalAvecTx) + 3
, Line._ 			:= ""
Loop, % Line.StrLen {
	Line._ .= "_"


"Calcul Line #%OverRowNumb% :
"`nSous-total hors taxes,%Ligne_TotalHorsTx%,"$     ( %Ligne_PrixUnitaire%$ * Quantité  = %Ligne_TotalAvecTx%$ - Taxes )"
" + TPS","%Ligne_TotalTPS%","$     ( %Ligne_TPSUnitaire%$ * Quantité )"
" + TVQ","%Ligne_TotalTVQ%","$     ( %Ligne_TVQUnitaire%$ * Quantité )"
"_____________________  "
"Sous-total avec taxes","%Ligne_TotalAvecTx%","$"
	ToolTipFont("s10 q5", "Consolas")
	TT_Tip := st_columnize(data, "csv", 1,, " ") ; 1=gauche, 2=right, 3=center

;ToolTip, % TT_Tip, % A_ScreenWidth//3, % A_ScreenHeight // 2.5									; Show the ToolTip
SetTimer, ToolTipOff, -5000						; Set the Timer to automatically turn off tooltip after number of ms ;*[Untitled1]

Tooltip ; Off

TT_ListView(ByRef Line) { ; Pass an Object by Reference
	Gui, TT_ListView:New, -Caption ; Creates a new GUI, destroying any existing GUI with that name and sets it as the default for the current thread.
	Gui, Margin, 0, 0
	Gui, Add, ListView, w800 r8 +Grid -hdr, % "Calcul Line #"Line.OverRowNumb "| | | "
	LV_Add( "", "Calcul Line #"Line.OverRowNumb " :")
  , LV_Add( "") ; EMPTY
  , LV_Add( "", "   Sous-total hors taxes", Line.TotalHorsTx "  $ ", "   Formule :    ( Quantité    x    PRIX )    -    TAXES  ", "    ( " Line.Quantite "    x    " Line.PrixUnitaire " $ )    -    " Line.TotalTAXES " $" )
  , LV_Add( "", "     + TPS"			  , Line.TotalTPS    "  $ ", "   Formule :    ( Quantité    x    TPS  )  "				, "    ( " Line.Quantite "    x    " Line.TPSUnitaire " $ ) " )
  , LV_Add( "", "     + TVQ"			  , Line.TotalTVQ    "  $ ", "   Formule :    ( Quantité    x    TVQ  )  "				, "    ( " Line.Quantite "    x    " Line.TVQUnitaire " $ ) " )
  , LV_Add( "","   _________________  "	  , Line._ )
  , LV_Add( "", "   Sous-total avec taxes", Line.TotalAvecTx "  $ ")
  , LV_ModifyCol(1, "AutoHDR")
  , LV_ModifyCol(2, "AutoHDR Right")
  , LV_ModifyCol(3, "AutoHDR Left")
  , LV_ModifyCol(4, "AutoHDR Left")
	Gui, Show

; provided by ahk7
ToolTipFont(Options := "", Name := "", hwnd := "") {
    static hfont := 0
    if (hwnd = "")
        hfont := Options="Default" ? 0 : _TTG("Font", Options, Name), _TTHook()
        DllCall("SendMessage", "ptr", hwnd, "uint", 0x30, "ptr", hfont, "ptr", 0)

ToolTipColor(Background := "", Text := "", hwnd := "") {
    static bc := "", tc := ""
    if (hwnd = "") {
        if (Background != "")
            bc := Background="Default" ? "" : _TTG("Color", Background)
        if (Text != "")
            tc := Text="Default" ? "" : _TTG("Color", Text)
    else {
        VarSetCapacity(empty, 2, 0)
        DllCall("UxTheme.dll\SetWindowTheme", "ptr", hwnd, "ptr", 0
            , "ptr", (bc != "" || tc != "") ? &empty : 0)
        if (bc != "")
            DllCall("SendMessage", "ptr", hwnd, "uint", 1043, "ptr", bc, "ptr", 0)
        if (tc != "")
            DllCall("SendMessage", "ptr", hwnd, "uint", 1044, "ptr", tc, "ptr", 0)

_TTHook() {
    static hook := 0
    if !hook
        hook := DllCall("SetWindowsHookExW", "int", 4
            , "ptr", RegisterCallback("_TTWndProc"), "ptr", 0
            , "uint", DllCall("GetCurrentThreadId"), "ptr")

_TTWndProc(nCode, _wp, _lp) {
    Critical 999
   ;lParam  := NumGet(_lp+0*A_PtrSize)
   ;wParam  := NumGet(_lp+1*A_PtrSize)
    uMsg    := NumGet(_lp+2*A_PtrSize, "uint")
    hwnd    := NumGet(_lp+3*A_PtrSize)
    if (nCode >= 0 && (uMsg = 1081 || uMsg = 1036)) {
        _hack_ = ahk_id %hwnd%
        WinGetClass wclass, %_hack_%
        if (wclass = "tooltips_class32") {
            ToolTipColor(,, hwnd)
            ToolTipFont(,, hwnd)
    return DllCall("CallNextHookEx", "ptr", 0, "int", nCode, "ptr", _wp, "ptr", _lp, "ptr")

_TTG(Cmd, Arg1, Arg2 := "") {
    static htext := 0, hgui := 0, WM_CTLCOLORSTATIC := 0x138, WM_GETFONT := 0x31, WS_CHILD := 0x40000000
    if !htext {
        Gui _TTG: +hwndhgui +%WS_CHILD%
        Gui _TTG: Add, Text, hwndhtext
    Gui _TTG: %Cmd%, %Arg1%, %Arg2%
    if (Cmd = "Font") {
        GuiControl _TTG: Font, %htext%
        SendMessage, WM_GETFONT, 0, 0,, ahk_id %htext%
        return ErrorLevel
    if (Cmd = "Color") {
        hdc := DllCall("GetDC", "ptr", htext, "ptr")
        SendMessage, WM_CTLCOLORSTATIC, hdc, htext,, ahk_id %hgui%
        clr := DllCall("GetBkColor", "ptr", hdc, "uint")
        DllCall("ReleaseDC", "ptr", htext, "ptr", hdc)
        return clr

/* ; from string things by Tidbit
	Take a set of data with a common delimiter (csv, tab, |, "a string", anything) and
	nicely organize it into a column structure, like an EXCEL spreadsheet.
	data    = [String] Your input data to be organized.
	delim   = [Optional] What separates each set of data? It can be a string or it can
	be the word "csv" to treat it as a CSV document.
	justify = [Optional] Specify 1 to align the data to the left of the column, 2 for
	aligning to the right or 3 to align centered. You may enter a 
	string such as "2|1|3" to adjust columns specifically. Columns are 
	separeted by |.
	pad     = [Optional] The string that should fill in shorter column items to match
	the longest item.
	colsep  = [Optional] What string should go between every column?
	"25 May","Bloggs, Fred","C"
	"25 May","Doe, Jane","B"
	"15 July","Bloggs, Fred","A"
	"15 April","Muniz, Alvin ""Hank""","A"
	output:=Columnize(data, "csv", 2)  
	Date |               Pupil | Grade
	---- |               ----- | -----
	25 May |        Bloggs, Fred |     C
	25 May |           Doe, Jane |     B
	15 July |        Bloggs, Fred |     A
	15 April | Muniz, Alvin "Hank" |     A
st_columnize(data, delim="csv", justify=1, pad=" ", colsep=" | ")
	if (instr(justify, "|"))
		colMode:=strsplit(justify, "|")
	; make the arrays and get the total rows and columns
	loop, parse, data, `n, `r
		if (A_LoopField="")
		if (delim="csv")
			loop, parse, A_LoopField, csv
				dataArr[row, a_index]:=A_LoopField
				if (dataArr.maxindex()>maxr)
				if (dataArr[a_index].maxindex()>maxc)
			dataArr[a_index]:=strsplit(A_LoopField, delim)
			if (dataArr.maxindex()>maxr)
			if (dataArr[a_index].maxindex()>maxc)
	; get the longest item in each column and store its length
	loop, %maxc%
		loop, %maxr%
			if (strLen(dataArr[a_index, col])>widths[col])
				widths[col]:=strLen(dataArr[a_index, col])
	; the main goodies.
	loop, %maxr%
		loop, %maxc%
			; generate a repeating string about the length of the longest item
			; in the column.
			loop, % ceil(widths[col]/((strlen(pad)<1) ? 1 : strlen(pad)))
			if (isObject(colMode))
			; justify everything correctly.
			; 3 = center, 2= right, 1=left.
			if (strlen(stuff)<widths[col])
				if (justify=3)
					stuff:=SubStr(padSymbol, 1, floor(difference/2)) . stuff
					. SubStr(padSymbol, 1, ceil(difference/2))
					if (justify=2)
						stuff:=SubStr(padSymbol, 1, difference) stuff
					else ; left justify by default.
						stuff:= stuff SubStr(padSymbol, 1, difference) 
			out.=stuff ((col!=maxc) ? colsep : "")
	stringTrimRight, out, out, 2 ; remove the last blank newline
	return out
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Re: Formatting a multi-line Tooltip to align like columns ?

28 Mar 2019, 19:35

Give this a go.

Code: Select all

Column1:=["25 May","25 May","15 July","15 April"]
;~ Column2:=["Bloggs, Fred","Doe, Jane","Bloggs, Fred","Muniz, Alvin, Hank"]
Column2:=["Bloggs, Fred","Doe, Jane","Bloggs, Fred","Muniz, Alvin, Hank, Bob, Sam, Tom, Dick, Harry"]
loop 3	{
	Loop,% num	+3
;Example 2
Gui,1:+AlwaysOnTop -Caption +ToolWindow +Border ; +E0x20 Not working for some reason?
Gui,1:Font,cBlack s8,Courier New
loop 3
	Gui,1:Add,Edit,% ((A_Index=1)?("xm"):("x+0")) " y0 -Wrap -VScroll +Disabled -e0x200 +Border",% "`n  "  columns[A_Index] "   `n  " Sep[A_Index] "`n  "  Column%A_Index%[1] "`n  " Column%A_Index%[2] "`n  " Column%A_Index%[3] "`n  " Column%A_Index%[4] "`n"
Gui,1:Show, NA,ToolTip Window
;Example 2
Gui,2:+AlwaysOnTop -Caption +ToolWindow +Border ; +E0x20 Not working for some reason?
Gui,2:Font,s10 Bold,Arial
loop 3
	Gui,2:Add,Edit,% ((A_Index=1)?("xm"):("x+0")) " y0 -Wrap -VScroll +Disabled -e0x200 +Border",% "`n  "  columns[A_Index] "   `n  " Sep[A_Index] "`n  "  Column%A_Index%[1] "`n  " Column%A_Index%[2] "`n  " Column%A_Index%[3] "`n  " Column%A_Index%[4] "`n"
Gui,2:Show,x0 y0 NA,ToolTip Window
;Example 3
Gui,3:+AlwaysOnTop -Caption +ToolWindow +Border
Gui,3:Font,cBlack s12,Segoe UI
loop 3
	Gui,3:Add,Edit,% ((A_Index=1)?("xm"):("x+0")) " y0 -Wrap -VScroll +Disabled -e0x200 +Border hwndhwnd",% "`n  "  columns[A_Index] "   `n  " Sep[A_Index] "`n  "  Column%A_Index%[1] "`n  " Column%A_Index%[2] "`n  " Column%A_Index%[3] "`n  " Column%A_Index%[4] "`n"
Gui,3:Show,x300 y300 NA,ToolTip Window
;Example 4
Gui,4:+AlwaysOnTop -Caption +ToolWindow +Border
Gui,4:Font,cBlack s12,Arial Black
loop 3
	Gui,4:Add,Edit,% ((A_Index=1)?("xm"):("x+0")) " y0 -Wrap -VScroll +Disabled -e0x200 +Border hwndhwnd",% "`n  "  columns[A_Index] "   `n  " Sep[A_Index] "`n  "  Column%A_Index%[1] "`n  " Column%A_Index%[2] "`n  " Column%A_Index%[3] "`n  " Column%A_Index%[4] "`n"
Gui,4:Show,x500 y500 NA,ToolTip Window
	Gui,1:Show,% "x" tx+15 " y" ty+15 " NA"
		return a
	else if(b>=c&&b>=d&&b>=e)
		return b
	else if(c>=d&&c>=e)
		return c
	else if(d>=e)
		return d
	return e
Posts: 2688
Joined: 08 Feb 2015, 20:55

Re: Formatting a multi-line Tooltip to align like columns ?

28 Mar 2019, 20:29

make your own LV_Gui

Code: Select all

#SingleInstance Force

Table := []
Table.Push({Date: "25 May", Pupil: "Bloggs, Fred", Grade: "C"})
Table.Push({Date: "25 May", Pupil: "Doe, Jane", Grade: "B"})
Table.Push({Date: "15 July", Pupil: "Bloggs, Fred", Grade: "A"})
Table.Push({Date: "15 April", Pupil: "Muniz, Alvin 'Hank'", Grade: "A"})
config := [[" A_Index "," # "," AutoHdr Integer Center "]
, [" Date "," Date "," AutoHdr "]
, [" Pupil "," Pupil "," AutoHdr "]
, [" Grade "," Grade "," AutoHdr Center"]]
LV_Gui(Table, config)
LV_Gui(ByRef Obj, config) {
 for each, Column in config
 Headers .= Trim(Column[2]) "|"
 Gui, LV_Gui: New,, LV_Gui
 Gui, -Caption
 Gui, Margin, 0, 0
 Gui, Add, ListView, w220 Grid, %Headers%%A_Space%
 Col := []
 for each, Column in config
 if (A_Index > 1)
 Col[A_Index] := Trim(Column[1])
 for each, Row in Obj {
 Private := []
 if IsObject(Row)
 Loop, % config.Length() - 1
 Private.Push(Row[Col[A_Index + 1]])
 Private.Push(each, Row)
 LV_Add("", A_Index, Private*)
 for each, Column in config
 LV_ModifyCol(A_Index, Column[3])
 LV_ModifyCol(LV_GetCount("Col"), 0)
 Gui, Show
Posts: 565
Joined: 08 May 2018, 10:20

Re: Formatting a multi-line Tooltip to align like columns ?

28 Mar 2019, 20:39

Hellbent wrote:
28 Mar 2019, 19:35
Give this a go.
Holy cow... this is massive. Thanks man very creative. I like the complete customization.
I am trying to understand it. What does the BSort() do ?
Posts: 565
Joined: 08 May 2018, 10:20

Re: Formatting a multi-line Tooltip to align like columns ?

28 Mar 2019, 20:52

wolf_II wrote:
28 Mar 2019, 20:29
make your own LV_Gui
Damn nice usage of For loops and objects!!
I've messed with it too!

Code: Select all

#SingleInstance Force

Table := []
Table.Push({Date: "25 May", Pupil: "Bloggs, Fred", Grade: "C"})
Table.Push({Date: "25 May", Pupil: "Doe, Jane", Grade: "B"})
Table.Push({Date: "15 July", Pupil: "Bloggs, Fred", Grade: "A"})
Table.Push({Date: "15 April", Pupil: "Muniz, Alvin 'Hank'", Grade: "A"})
config := [[" A_Index "," # "," AutoHdr Integer Center "]
		 , [" Date "," Date "," AutoHdr "]
		 , [" Pupil "," Pupil "," AutoHdr "]
		 , [" Grade "," Grade "," AutoHdr Center"]]
LV_Gui(Table, config)

LV_Gui(ByRef Obj, config) {
	Col := []
	for each, Column in config {
		Headers .= Trim(Column[2]) "|"
		if (A_Index > 1)
			Col[A_Index] := Trim(Column[1])
	Gui, LV_Gui: New, -Caption, LV_Gui
	Gui, Margin, 0, 0
	Gui, Add, ListView, w220 Grid, %Headers%%A_Space%
	for each, Row in Obj {
		Private := []
		if IsObject(Row)
			Loop, % config.Length() - 1
				Private.Push(Row[Col[A_Index + 1]])
			Private.Push(each, Row)
		LV_Add("", A_Index, Private*)
	for each, Column in config
		LV_ModifyCol(A_Index, Column[3])
	LV_ModifyCol(LV_GetCount("Col"), 0)
	Gui, Show
I think this topic has had more valid solutions in a single afternoon than all off my previous questions in a week!
Thank you every one this is fabulous and I think we got a good amount of examples here to solve this problem in flexible ways. :superhappy:
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Re: Formatting a multi-line Tooltip to align like columns ?

28 Mar 2019, 21:12

DRocks wrote:
28 Mar 2019, 20:39
I am trying to understand it. What does the BSort() do ?
BSort just checks to see what the longest item in a column is and adds a appropriately long divider between the column heading and entry's.

Most of the code is contained in the 4 examples, I'd suggest removing all but the first one and it will be much simpler to follow. Likewise, if you don't need it to follow your cursor you can remove the timer, setting the coordmode and the move function. You can use any font and any any size and it should fit just the same.

Code: Select all

Column1:=["25 May","25 May","15 July","15 April"]
Column2:=["Bloggs, Fred","Doe, Jane","Bloggs, Fred","Muniz, Alvin, Hank"]
loop 3	{
	Loop,% num	+3
Gui,1:+AlwaysOnTop -Caption +ToolWindow +Border 
Gui,1:Font,s8,Courier New
loop 3
	Gui,1:Add,Edit,% ((A_Index=1)?("xm"):("x+0")) " y0 -Wrap -VScroll +Disabled -e0x200 +Border",% "`n  "  columns[A_Index] "   `n  " Sep[A_Index] "`n  "  Column%A_Index%[1] "`n  " Column%A_Index%[2] "`n  " Column%A_Index%[3] "`n  " Column%A_Index%[4] "`n"
Gui,1:Show, NA,ToolTip Window
		return a
	else if(b>=c&&b>=d&&b>=e)
		return b
	else if(c>=d&&c>=e)
		return c
	else if(d>=e)
		return d
	return e
Last edited by Hellbent on 28 Mar 2019, 21:15, edited 1 time in total.
Posts: 2688
Joined: 08 Feb 2015, 20:55

Re: Formatting a multi-line Tooltip to align like columns ?

28 Mar 2019, 21:15

I cleaned up config and compressed the code

Code: Select all

#SingleInstance Force

Table := []
Table.Push({Date: "25 May", Pupil: "Bloggs, Fred", Grade: "C"})
Table.Push({Date: "25 May", Pupil: "Doe, Jane", Grade: "B"})
Table.Push({Date: "15 July", Pupil: "Bloggs, Fred", Grade: "A"})
Table.Push({Date: "15 April", Pupil: "Muniz, Alvin 'Hank'", Grade: "A"})

config := [["Date"], ["Pupil"], ["Grade", "Center"]]
LV_Gui(Table, config)
Esc:: ExitApp

LV_Gui(ByRef Obj, ByRef config) {
    Col := []
    for each, Column in config
        Headers .= (Col[A_Index] := Column[1]) "|"
    Gui, -Caption
    Gui, Margin, 0, 0
    Gui, Add, ListView, w200 Grid, % Headers A_Space
    for each, Row in Obj {
        Private := []
        if IsObject(Row)
            Loop, % config.Length() - 1
                Private.Push(Row[Col[A_Index + 1]])
            Private.Push(each, Row)
        LV_Add("", A_Index, Private*)
    for each, Column in config
        LV_ModifyCol(A_Index, "AutoHdr " Column[2])
    LV_ModifyCol(LV_GetCount("Col"), 0)
    Gui, Show
edit: Byref added
Last edited by wolf_II on 28 Mar 2019, 21:47, edited 1 time in total.
Posts: 565
Joined: 08 May 2018, 10:20

Re: Formatting a multi-line Tooltip to align like columns ?

28 Mar 2019, 21:43

Hellbent wrote:
28 Mar 2019, 21:12
Yes intuitively I did remove the other example and focused on one to customize it until I get it.

Its pretty nice. Thank you for clarifications about BSort too.

Now I am hesitating between regular ListView and this custom Gui. I'll keep testing on this topic tommorow.

I'm amazed how many different ways there are to do the same things :D
Posts: 565
Joined: 08 May 2018, 10:20

Re: Formatting a multi-line Tooltip to align like columns ?

28 Mar 2019, 21:45

wolf_II wrote:
28 Mar 2019, 21:15
I cleaned up config and compressed the code
Very nice. Yes this easier to follow! Your object makes it easy to generate a quick ListView Gui for pop-up I like it!!
Posts: 565
Joined: 08 May 2018, 10:20

Re: Formatting a multi-line Tooltip to align like columns ?

28 Mar 2019, 22:51

I've been messing around with this for a while and trying uncommun stuff.

Is therre a way to know what width a LV col is ?
I am trying such a idea :

Code: Select all

#SingleInstance Force

Table := []
Table.Push({Date: "25 May", Pupil: "Bloggs, Fred", Grade: "C"})
Table.Push({Date: "25 May", Pupil: "Doe, Jane", Grade: "B"})
Table.Push({Date: "15 July", Pupil: "Bloggs, Fred", Grade: "A"})
Table.Push({Date: "15 April", Pupil: "Muniz, Alvin 'Hank'", Grade: "A"})
config := [["Date"], ["Pupil"], ["Grade", "Center"]]
LV_Gui(Table, config)
Esc:: ExitApp

LV_Gui(ByRef Obj, ByRef config) {
    Col := []
    for each, Column in config
        Headers .= (Col[A_Index] := Column[1]) "|"
    Gui, -Caption
	Gui, Color, 000000 ; Black Gui Background
	Gui, Margin, 0, 0 ; Creates Black border around the ListView
	w := 300
    Gui, Add, ListView, Y30 w%w% R4 Grid -hdr, % Headers A_Space
    for each, Row in Obj {
        Private := []
        if IsObject(Row)
			Loop, % config.Length() - 1
				Private.Push(Row[Col[A_Index + 1]])
			Private.Push(each, Row)
        LV_Add("", A_Index, Private*)
    for each, Column in config
		LV_ModifyCol(A_Index, "AutoHdr " Column[2])
    LV_ModifyCol(LV_GetCount("Col"), 0)
	Gui, Font, s11 cWhite Bold
	Gui, Add, Text, 		% "x0  y0  w"55 " 	h30 +0x201 +bORDER"	, % "DATE"
	Gui, Add, Text, 		% "x+-1  y0  w"85 " 	h30 +0x201 +bORDER"	, % "PUPIL"
	Gui, Add, Text, 		% "x+-1  y0  w"65 " 	h30 +0x201 +bORDER"	, % "GRADE"
    Gui, Show
Posts: 2688
Joined: 08 Feb 2015, 20:55

Re: Formatting a multi-line Tooltip to align like columns ?

28 Mar 2019, 23:21

Code: Select all

    ; get column widths (4125 = LVM_GETCOLUMNWIDTH)
    SendMessage, 4125, 0, 0, SysListView321 ; 0 = column_#1
in the script:

Code: Select all

#SingleInstance Force

Table := []
Table.Push({Date: "25 May", Pupil: "Bloggs, Fred", Grade: "C"})
Table.Push({Date: "25 May", Pupil: "Doe, Jane", Grade: "B"})
Table.Push({Date: "15 July", Pupil: "Bloggs, Fred", Grade: "A"})
Table.Push({Date: "15 April", Pupil: "Muniz, Alvin 'Hank'", Grade: "A"})
config := [["Date"], ["Pupil"], ["Grade", "Center"]]
LV_Gui(Table, config)
Esc:: ExitApp

LV_Gui(ByRef Obj, ByRef config) {
    Col := []
    for each, Column in config
        Headers .= (Col[A_Index] := Column[1]) "|"

    Gui, -Caption   +LastFound
	Gui, Color, 000000 ; Black Gui Background*
	Gui, Margin, 0, 0 ; Creates Black border around the ListView
	w := 300
    Gui, Add, ListView, Y30 w%w% R4 Grid -hdr, % Headers A_Space

    for each, Row in Obj {
        Private := []
        if IsObject(Row)
			Loop, % config.Length() - 1
				Private.Push(Row[Col[A_Index + 1]])
			Private.Push(each, Row)
        LV_Add("", A_Index, Private*)
    for each, Column in config
		LV_ModifyCol(A_Index, "AutoHdr " Column[2])
    LV_ModifyCol(LV_GetCount("Col"), 0)

    ; get column widths (4125 = LVM_GETCOLUMNWIDTH)
    SendMessage, 4125, 0, 0, SysListView321
    w1 := ErrorLevel 
    SendMessage, 4125, 1, 0, SysListView321
    w2 := ErrorLevel 
    SendMessage, 4125, 2, 0, SysListView321
    w3 := ErrorLevel 

	Gui, Font, cWhite Bold
	Gui, Add, Text, x0    y0  w%w1%     h30 +0x201 +bORDER	    , % "DATE"
	Gui, Add, Text, x+-1  y0  w%w2% 	h30 +0x201 +bORDER	, % "PUPIL"
	Gui, Add, Text, x+-1  y0  w%w3% 	h30 +0x201 +bORDER  	, % "GRADE"
    Gui, Show
Posts: 565
Joined: 08 May 2018, 10:20

Re: Formatting a multi-line Tooltip to align like columns ?

29 Mar 2019, 07:52

Thank you. This has led me to other experimentations, I'll post when I get something different and usable. I'm going 100% custom Gui. It might takae a day or two ebfore I post again tho :)

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