Newbie Help with Hotstring

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Newbie Help with Hotstring

20 Jun 2019, 10:01

I've a problem with a hotstring. What I'm trying to do is 'write' a pseudo-XML tag into a web form. This is what I'm looking for:
<comment author="abcd">

with the carat left on the blank line between the beginning and ending comment tag. Here's my hotstring:

Code: Select all

:*b0t0:<c*::{bs}omment author="abcd">{enter 2}<\comment>{enter}{left 12}
Here's what I USUALLY end up with (sometimes, the 'blank line' shifts to AFTER the closing comment tag):
<omment author="abcd">


and the carat is left at the beginning of the closing <\comment> line. I've experimented with changing the SendMode from Input to Event, adding k99 to the b0t0 and even adding {sleep, 500} before each of the different 'keystroke' commands. I can mess it up worse but I can't get to what I'm trying. Anyone know what I'm doing wrong? (Longer explanation below)

The whole story is I'm using a modified script I found on the internet to load two different scripts. Here's the MasterScript:

Code: Select all

; Master AHK Script
; Modified from
; ----- Common Settings -----
#SingleInstance force
StringCaseSense On

; ----- AutoExecute commands -----

; ----- Included Scripts -----
GoSub WebformSetup
GoSub AutoCorrectSetup
GoTo Shared

#include c:\tools\ahk_scripts\AutoCorrect.ahk

#include c:\tools\ahk_scripts\Webform.ahk

; ----- Shared subroutines, functions ---
Here's the full Webform.ahk:

Code: Select all

;#NoEnv  ; Recommended for performance and compatibility with future AutoHotkey releases.
#Warn  ; Enable warnings to assist with detecting common errors.
;SendMode Input  ; Recommended for new scripts due to its superior speed and reliability.
;SetWorkingDir %A_ScriptDir%  ; Ensures a consistent starting directory.
OldSendMode := A_SendMode
SendMode Event

; ----- Hotstrings -----
#IfWinActive PROG
:*b0t0:<t*::{sleep, 500}{bs}itle author="abcd"><\title>{sleep, 500}{left 8}
:*b0t0:<c*::{bs}omment author="abcd">{enter 2}<\comment>{enter}{left 12}

SetKeyDelay -1
SendMode %OldSendMode%
I didn't include the 'autocorrect.ahk' because it's the 'normal' autocorrect script I downloaded from If I run JUST the webform.ahk, I get closer - but it looks like the {enter 2} is completely ignored because both of the comment tags are on the same line and the carat is left just after the opening brace in the closing comment tag.

Notice I do similar things for <t* and <c* - but <t* actually works...and the only difference I can see is the '{enter 2}'...

Moderator Note: Added code tags. ~ sinkfaze
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Re: Newbie Help with Hotstring

20 Jun 2019, 10:09

I think eliminating the automatic backspacing is unnecessary, just adds complexity to what you're trying to do.

This works fine for me.

Code: Select all

:*t0:<c*::<comment author="abcd">{ENTER 2}</comment>{ENTER}{HOME}{UP 2}
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Re: Newbie Help with Hotstring

20 Jun 2019, 10:30

sinkfaze wrote:
20 Jun 2019, 10:09
I think eliminating the automatic backspacing is unnecessary, just adds complexity to what you're trying to do.

This works fine for me.

Code: Select all

:*t0:<c*::<comment author="abcd">{ENTER 2}</comment>{ENTER}{HOME}{UP 2}
I'm not sure why, but that didn't work - it actually made it worse. I thought perhaps the problem was in the MasterScript.ahk (or something it was loading) so I killed it and just ran the webform.ahk. The form I was working in was populated with:
<folder name="messages">


And, after writing hitting enter a few times to give it room, I ended up with:
<folder name="messages">


mment author="abcd">


It then jumped to a completely different section of hte web page!
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Re: Newbie Help with Hotstring

20 Jun 2019, 10:54

Try this instead:

Code: Select all

<comment author="abcd">


Sleep, 25
Send {HOME}{UP 2}
Beyond that, you're going to have to experiment with the Send modes and key delays, because the receiving program is causing the problem.
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Joined: 20 Jun 2019, 08:49

Re: Newbie Help with Hotstring

20 Jun 2019, 11:22

sinkfaze wrote:
20 Jun 2019, 10:54
Try this instead:

Code: Select all

<comment author="abcd">


Sleep, 25
Send {HOME}{UP 2}
Beyond that, you're going to have to experiment with the Send modes and key delays, because the receiving program is causing the problem.
That comes the absolute closest to what I want. It leaves the carat at the end (i.e., isn't interpreting the Send keys) but I can live with it. I don't doubt the problem is in the webform - this application is wonky even on good days.

Thanks for all the help!!

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