TypingAid v2.22.0 - Word AutoCompletion Utility

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Re: TypingAid v2.22.0 - Word AutoCompletion Utility

01 Aug 2019, 04:36

Is there any way to fix the position ?

I have 4 screens on windows 7 and the popup always shows up in the main screen even if i type in the 2.nd or 3.rd monitor
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Re: TypingAid v2.22.0 - Word AutoCompletion Utility

01 Aug 2019, 09:20

@jukka2 I use 3 screens and I do not have that issue. Which program are you typing in? Does it work in any other programs?

Do you have the helper window open? If so, close it.
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Re: TypingAid v2.22.0 - Word AutoCompletion Utility

05 Aug 2019, 08:51

Thank's the script it very usefull. :thumbup:

Which does the part of script contains the 1-0 numbers? I would like delete this part because i use another script what it use 0,1,2,3,4 numbers to hotkey and if i run the two script one time, then thise hotkeys don't work.
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Re: TypingAid v2.22.0 - Word AutoCompletion Utility

05 Aug 2019, 09:07

@Pilu , you should be able to fix this by turning off the number keys in settings. Right click the TypingAid icon > Settings > General Settings (default) > Auto Complete Keys
Uncheck "Number Keys"
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Re: TypingAid v2.22.0 - Word AutoCompletion Utility

05 Aug 2019, 09:34

thanks your answer @Maniac, I tried it but it didn't solve my problem, my script hotkey it work as long as, when i activate the editfield and start typing.my scripts hotkey change back and send the original key 0,1,2,3..
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Re: TypingAid v2.22.0 - Word AutoCompletion Utility

05 Aug 2019, 09:44

@Pilu I think it's because that doesn't disable the hotkeys, it just bypasses the autocomplete. Try removing this code in TypingAid.ahk, around line 600:
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Re: TypingAid v2.22.0 - Word AutoCompletion Utility

06 Aug 2019, 07:25

Thanks @Maniac it worked. I have another question. Do you plan that it can choose the different wordlist?
forinstance I try to put in the "BuildTrayMenu" three different wordlists and if i choose one of them, the older list clean and load the new list, so if i change the wordlist i havn't to restart the program.
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TypingAid custom Wordlist for diferent WindowsTitles

27 May 2020, 22:09

Is there a way to Typing Aid to use diferent wordlist for diferent files.
When I open a file called "Ultrasound" I want to sugest "hipoecogenic" when I type "hip"
but when I open a file with name "Tomo" I want to sugest "hipodense" when I type "hip"
And of course a global Wordlist for the two of them.
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Re: TypingAid v2.22.0 - Word AutoCompletion Utility

28 May 2020, 05:42

@V3771n9 not currently, but if I ever spend more cycles on it, the issue in the reply above yours covers multiple wordlists.
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Re: TypingAid v2.22.0 - Word AutoCompletion Utility

11 Jul 2020, 12:21

@Maniac ,

Thanks so much for this app and answering the questions in this thread. Its been a tremendous help to me.

I'm using the app to do IntelliSense-like autocomplete in an older application that doesn't have this functionality for its scripting/macro language. The problem is, I'm seeing the list box anytime I type in any text field in the application. Instead, I'd like to only see it when I type in a field designated for code. These fields are classNN TSynEdit1 according to Window Spy, but I can't figure out how to implement logic around ShowListBox() in Window.ahk to make this work. Any advice?
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Re: TypingAid v2.22.0 - Word AutoCompletion Utility

11 Jul 2020, 13:37

@dangl, I have no way to test this, but you might try this snippet to modify Window.ahk (start at line 199 in Window.ahk). An alternative approach might be to use #IfWinActive. Am I correct in thinking you're using FreePascal for this?

Code: Select all

   global g_LastInput_Id
   ;Show the ListBox if the old window is the same as the new one
   IfEqual, ActiveId, %g_LastInput_Id%
      WinWaitActive, ahk_id %g_LastInput_Id%,,0
      ;Check Caret Position again
	If WinActive("ahk_class TSynEdit")
   } else {
   g_Active_Id :=  ActiveId
   g_Active_Title := ActiveTitle
   Return, CurrentWindowIsActive
Please accept my apologies in advance if it doesn't help.
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Re: TypingAid v2.22.0 - Word AutoCompletion Utility

12 Jul 2020, 07:42

@burque505, Unfortunately, I'm not having any luck with that. I too thought that would be the place to add the condition. But it turns out even if I comment out the call to ShowListBox() at line 206, I still see it everywhere in my application.

Interesting note about free pascal. The app I'm trying to hack this autocomplete functionality into is written in pascal. I'm not sure what compiler is used but you may very well be right.
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Re: TypingAid v2.22.0 - Word AutoCompletion Utility

12 Jul 2020, 08:09

Sorry it didn't work. I'll keep an eye on this thread to see if you have any luck with it.
You might also try some similar logic in ListBox.ahk, starting around line 629. Maybe something like this?

Code: Select all

If WinActive("ahk_class TSynEdit") {      
     Gui, ListBoxGui: Show, NoActivate X%g_ListBoxPosX% Y%ListBoxPosY% H%ListBoxActualSizeH% W%ListBoxActualSizeW%, Word List Appears Here.
     Gui, ListBoxGui: +LastFound +AlwaysOnTop
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Re: TypingAid v2.22.0 - Word AutoCompletion Utility

12 Jul 2020, 11:37

Try this:

Code: Select all

   ControlGetFocus, cEdt, A
   If g_Match && (cEdt=="TSynEdit1")
   ;IfNotEqual, g_Match,    ; original line
It works for me (i.e. on different window and control).
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Re: TypingAid v2.22.0 - Word AutoCompletion Utility

13 Jul 2020, 06:48

@dangl The proper place to fix this should be in CheckForActive in Window.ahk. However, TypingAid was meant to turn on and off when switching Windows, not when switching fields within a window.

You might also need to have ReturnWinActive always return false (or return false under more conditions), but that still might not be enough because WinChanged might not be called when moving fields within a window.

Maybe rommmcek's recommendation to change this in ShowListBox might be the easiest, though it's not really the correct way to address this. If it works, go for it. The problem I would see is that g_Match is still being tracked under the hood and may cause issues for you. Switching fields will probably clear g_Match though.
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Re: TypingAid v2.22.0 - Word AutoCompletion Utility

19 Aug 2020, 12:53

Hi @Maniac,

I'm trying to autocomplete strings beginning with square brackets eg. `[[link]]`.
I've tried to remove them from the Terminating characters list in the advanced settings but to no avail.
Autocompletion works when the word starts with special characters like <, (, {, $ but not with [
as a workaround, I'm using replacements strings <<test>>|r|[[test]] but is there a way to make it work with strings starting with [ ?
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Re: TypingAid v2.22.0 - Word AutoCompletion Utility

20 Aug 2020, 06:16

@xxxxx I think what you really want is to NOT have them in terminating characters and TO have them in Force New Word Characters... but it's not going to work. It needs to be enhanced to support double square brackets (right now, it'd reset the word after the 2nd square bracket).

I'm not sure why it wouldn't work with [ being removed from terminating characters...
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Re: TypingAid v2.22.0 - Word AutoCompletion Utility

20 Aug 2020, 06:18

Interesting @xxxxx it LEARNS the word if you type hello[hereisabracket, but as soon as you type the "[" the word hides.
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Re: TypingAid v2.22.0 - Word AutoCompletion Utility

20 Aug 2020, 06:36

So it looks like this is due to square brackets being a special character in sqlite, though I didn't test it. The issue is probably in the WhereQuery in TypingAid.ahk. This should really be using binding, though I'm not sure that would fix this case. There's probably a way to escape square brackets.

Can you submit an issue on the TypingAid github? I probably won't get around to it... but maybe someone will someday...

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