We want AHK for Linux!

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Re: We want AHK for Linux!

11 Dec 2019, 17:33

Also you seem to misunderstand me SOTE.

Im not entirely against AHK going down the route I described. The downsides I mentioned are risks/effects that appear if we just create a barebone version. We would have to add mechanisms to mitigate these issues.
However AHK becoming like that is in the far far future. I just wanted to give every person involved in this discussion some insight

Someone writing a new AHK clone for another OS from scratch is in my opinion wasted time - not because it's impossible, but rather because the size of AHK and how detailed you'd have to work to get something remotely similar.
Achieving even 10% similarity would be a miracle to me and if it is just similar command names or less than 10% then I ask myself what the point is.
(especially since AHK v2 once again completely changes how the language works)
You are probably better off designing something completely from scratch rather than trying to copy AHK for another OS.
At that point you might as well just use any of the existing tools for automating Linux - or expand on them.

However don't get me wrong - I won't stop you from doing that - to me any project is worth doing just for the experience.
Just don't expect any projects in that regard to be particulary fruitful.

@everone Please keep in mind that a fork is a new version of the old Program based on the same source code.
AHK_H is a fork. IronAHK isn't.
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Re: We want AHK for Linux!

11 Dec 2019, 17:47

Lexikos wrote: There may be some commands that wouldn't translate, but ultimately there's only one thing keeping AHK from going to Linux: lack of someone to do the work.

I don't use Linux. Even on Windows, I only work on AutoHotkey intermittently, and contributions by others are rare. It's already been more than 5 years since I started developing v2...
I've always been understanding of Lexikos position about this. That it will have to be up to other developers to make an AutoHotkey for Linux happen.
burque505 wrote:
11 Dec 2019, 16:38
Although I'm somewhat wary of even posting this, seeing how heated the discussions have become, I'm posting it anyway. If you don't like the post, please just ignore it. This is for information purposes only.

I haven't seen the project mentioned much, but sharpAHK is working well for me, and LucidMethod has made recent updates. (I made one small change several months ago and created a NuGet package for it - not updated to the latest version yet. I needed an "isReady() command in AutoHotkeyEngine.cs to return true or false, so I added it.)

The reason I mention this is that the project is in C#. Ergo, maybe a dotnet-core version would provide at least a subset of AHK functionality on Linux. I haven't tried to port it yet, but the portability reports are promising:
Thanks for updating everyone. Myself and I think other AHK users are rooting for and will support such efforts.
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Re: We want AHK for Linux!

11 Dec 2019, 20:23

Rooting for and supporting are fucking useless someone has to actually start doing the work until then this entire freaking conversation is stupid
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Re: We want AHK for Linux!

12 Dec 2019, 02:08

Totally understand the sentiment. Not everyone has the knowledge, experience, or time to be a developer. To include may not be using or are interested in Linux or other OSes. Yeah, maybe people will have to make the jump to become a developer, but clearly many people aren't formally trained programmers and are in totally different professions not close to programming, so it's going to be a big jump.

The ways other users might contribute, can also be different. Thus the conversation also about crowdfunding and donations, to possibly see a version on Linux. Contributing can also be with doing help documents, research, ideas, etc...

It's also not clear which direction it will go yet. Will it be C++, C#, Object Pascal, Python, restart an older project, or something even more unexpected... Which sharpAHK is for various people... That can affect who volunteers for what or who is most qualified to do what.
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Re: We want AHK for Linux!

12 Dec 2019, 04:44

I suppose if tgere is interest i would be willing to set up a money pool to see if we can raise 100k usd for a paid developer and a 1 year contract. But the only way this is ever going to happen is with a proper feature request and scope definition like target gnome3 with these features.... But honestly i cant imagine that any serious nix user ever use it. There are so many code based automations built into *nix that it just seems silly. The entire story here is an experienced ahk user switches to *nix and simply refuses to use any existing solutions.
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Re: We want AHK for Linux!

12 Dec 2019, 07:46

In reading many of the user requests for a multi-OS version of AHK, I got the impression that various users wanted a handy utility automation tool that they can use in all the environments they are encountering. Versus having to use and learn a collection of many unrelated tools and languages. Many people have Windows OS at work, Android or iOS on their phone, and might be using Linux or macOS at home or have it installed on some extra computer or laptop.

If they are experienced AHK users, it makes some sense they would prefer it to be that utility, as oppose to say using PyAutoGUI, Kantu, Sikuli, etc.. In this regard, AutoHotkey is arguably superior to those other automation tools, particularly on Windows, which might factor into why they picked it or stuck with it.

For myself, I also use Object Pascal (which can cross-compile to multiple OSes), so this isn't so great an issue to me, but I can somewhat understand why the requests are being made (and still would like to see AHK go multi-OS). Others can be using C#, Java, Python, JavaScript, etc... But for other AHK users, it is clearly a problem. They might not have the time, be reluctant to learn other languages, or they might have learned AutoHotkey, so that they don't have to learn all those other languages. It may also depend on what kinds of programs/scripts they are building.

If they are heavily involved in automation and macros, and not building their own GUI programs (rather automating existing ones), they might have a collection of such scripts. For instance they built a bunch of scripts that automate Open Office or Microsoft Office. They invested a lot of time in creating them, and would like to be able to use the same or similar scripts on that same application that exists on a different OS (or at least the same skill set/knowledge). You can download Microsoft Office to your Android and Mac these days. Keep in mind so many applications have gone multi-OS. A lot of people are going to go, "Hey, I wonder if I can use this same script (or same skill) to do the same things, with the same application, but on a different OS?"

Linux, Mac, Android, etc... have all kinds of tools. But they aren't AutoHotkey. That people want to use AutoHotkey (or something similar) is telling about the user demand, the way AutoHotkey solves things, and how much they like it. The more successful AutoHotkey is on Windows, debatably the greater the demand there will be to see it on a different OS.
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Re: We want AHK for Linux!

12 Dec 2019, 08:28

So aside from an endless supply drivel what are you willing to do about it
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Re: We want AHK for Linux!

12 Dec 2019, 09:36

I don't have to do. I wasn't the one that created this thread nor have the issue personally (use Object Pascal). But can at least sympathize with those AHK users that do and have tried to understand their reasons.
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Re: We want AHK for Linux!

12 Dec 2019, 10:37

SOTE wrote:
11 Dec 2019, 03:15
A_Perry_1984 wrote:
10 Dec 2019, 16:32
What exactly was the main reason for ending IronAHK development?
This and the other are hard questions. I will give what I know about it, but there might be more to the story than I know, in regards to both.

Chris, the original creator of AutoHotkey, originally handed over AutoHotkey leadership to a user named Polyethylene/Titan (went by both names, maybe more). Polyethylene/Titan was an advanced user/developer of AutoHotkey that created a number of scripts and contributed a lot. The original AHK Studio and IronAHK, among them.

When Polyethylene/Titan took over as leader, it appeared he behaved erratically, would leave for long periods, and got into destructive disputes. Because of neglecting the main AutoHotkey website, users broke away and started a new website (http://ahkscript.org). A dispute also started over which would be the official version of AutoHotkey, Lexikos's version AutoHotkey_L or Chris's original version AutoHotkey_Basic. It appears Polyethylene/Titan wanted AutoHotkey_Basic to be the official version and restarted, with IronAHK to be the alternative fork to AutoHotkey_Basic.

Polyethylene/Titan was asked by numerous members of the AHK community to hand over control of the main website back to other AHK members, who would do a better job of maintenance and upgrading (this is the present AutoHotkey Foundation LLC). Losing control of the website (and there were lots of harsh exchanges) appeared to have upset Polyethylene/Titan so much, that he stopped developing IronAHK. Though keep in mind he was not the only developer/contributor to the project (others helped with the code for Linux), but they mysteriously stopped too. An additional result of him losing control of the website and stopping development is that the AutoHotkey_L fork became the official version of AutoHotkey (which was/is still actively developed).

Luckily, Polyethylene/Titan created a very liberal license for IronAHK. Somewhat similar to a MIT license, so that others are free to contribute to and use the project. Despite what happened with Polyethylene/Titan, the work on IronAHK should arguably continue. Just like AHK Studio might have been originally created by him, Maestrith picked up the torch and created an improved and better version. So should this arguably become of IronAHK, where a newer and improved version should be made.
DLL's could be converted to .SO files etc?
This is trivial in Lazarus/Free Pascal or Delphi, for compiling projects to work on Windows or Linux. Both can cross-compile to different OSes, provided your original project was created in Object Pascal. Keep in mind that Lazarus/Free Pascal has a compatibility mode for Delphi, where Delphi doesn't have the reverse.

However, you can't use the WinAPI on Linux. Your code must not include anything specific to only the Windows OS, if you want to compile it for Linux. You may need to find a "Linux way" of accomplishing a particular task.
Is it possible there exists some C++ to Pascal conversion programs?
A number of C to Pascal converters exists (https://wiki.freepascal.org/C_to_Pascal). C++ is a bit more difficult beast, but there is a SWIG variation for Object Pascal/Delphi (http://www.fmxexpress.com/create-wrapper-interfaces-for-c-and-c-libraries-using-swig-with-delphi-support/). Note- Lazarus/Free Pascal have a Delphi compatibility mode setting. SWIG developers are a bit funky about including Object Pascal/Delphi in the main branch. There have been Object Pascal programmers that have written code to be included in the main branch of SWIG, which appears to keep being forgotten to be included.

SWIG and C# should be easier to work with. Overall, for AutoHotkey, there is a lot of C# usage, where Object Pascal is rarely ever mentioned on the boards. C++ is closer linguistically to C# (though Object Pascal is arguably easier to understand), and both supported by Microsoft, and there is IronAHK already. I do think an Object Pascal fork of AutoHotkey is quite possible (as WinAutokey shows), but it will probably be easier to find developers that can restart and continue development on IronAHK in C# and Visual Studio.
Thank you Sote for that well written explanation. :thumbup: It makes it much more clear.
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Re: We want AHK for Linux!

12 Dec 2019, 14:12

tank wrote:
11 Dec 2019, 20:23
Rooting for and supporting are fucking useless someone has to actually start doing the work until then this entire freaking conversation is stupid
tank wrote:
12 Dec 2019, 08:28
So aside from an endless supply drivel what are you willing to do about it
thank god you said it. i bit my tongue out of respect for moderation guidelines

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Re: We want AHK for Linux!

12 Dec 2019, 15:59

A_Perry_1984 wrote:
12 Dec 2019, 10:37
Thank you Sote for that well written explanation. :thumbup: It makes it much more clear.
You are welcome. Taking into consideration the negative attitudes towards just discussing creating a version of AutoHotkey on a different OS, if you need something relatively soon, you might want to consider writing the project in Object Pascal (Lazarus IDE w/ Free Pascal compiler; link to some study material- https://www.autohotkey.com/boards/viewtopic.php?t=58322).

Object Pascal applications will definitely run on Windows and Linux. It can take a bit of time to learn, but you can translate your scripts to another programming language that have automation tools (to also include Python/PyAutoGUI), then compile them in that language. The Lazarus (Object Pascal) or other forums might be more helpful about writing something for Linux. If you have lots of extremely large scripts to translate over to a different language, even with a tailor made automated script, "converters", or a transpiler such code translations can be problematic and take time, but it is possible.

Edit- On second thought, I'm compelled to say a few more things, as stuff keeps being thrown around.
Last edited by SOTE on 14 Dec 2019, 01:48, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: We want AHK for Linux!

13 Dec 2019, 00:30

I hesitated to post in this thread, but here goes... I have to say I don't understand why discussion is being quashed. Isn't that what a forum is for? Why aren't people that don't like that this is being discussed just avoiding the thread? Is there some history or hidden agendas outside of this thread that I'm missing? Or would the parts that got edited out make it more clear?

Although there may not be anyone to do the work (presently or ever), there probably would never be one unless people discuss it and express an interest. That could lead to finding a critical mass of others that are interested and eventually finding someone who is willing to take on the coding task once they see there is interest (even if it wouldn't really resemble AHK as nnnik pointed out). And if no developer expresses interest, then it was also useful in that they found their answer that there wasn't sufficient interest from anyone.

Should this thread be moved to the Offtopic sub-forum? It seems that somewhere on the AHK forum would be a good place for like-minded people on this topic to find each other.

Not looking to get flamed. I'm genuinely curious how the posters went wrong. Just trying to understand it. But as others have said, just ignore this post if anything about it upsets you.
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Re: We want AHK for Linux!

13 Dec 2019, 01:17

boiler wrote:
13 Dec 2019, 00:30
I hesitated to post in this thread, but here goes... I have to say I don't understand why discussion is being quashed. Isn't that what a forum is for? Why aren't people that don't like that this is being discussed just avoiding the thread? Is there some history or hidden agendas outside of this thread that I'm missing? Or would the parts that got edited out make it more clear?

Although there may not be anyone to do the work (presently or ever), there probably would never be one unless people discuss it and express an interest. That could lead to finding a critical mass of others that are interested and eventually finding someone who is willing to take on the coding task once they see there is interest (even if it wouldn't really resemble AHK as nnnik pointed out). And if no developer expresses interest, then it was also useful in that they found their answer that there wasn't sufficient interest from anyone.

Should this thread be moved to the Offtopic sub-forum? It seems that somewhere on the AHK forum would be a good place for like-minded people on this topic to find each other.

Not looking to get flamed. I'm genuinely curious how the posters went wrong. Just trying to understand it. But as others have said, just ignore this post if anything about it upsets you.
i believe i read this thread from the start, and i don't think anything got edited out.. but i could be wrong. the topic was merely locked for a bit, which seems to be an effort towards faster moderation after the last debacle, which i think is a good thing. i dont think anything is being quashed by mods, unless you mean the other users quashing each other?

overall, i agree with the gist of your post, and so i probably share in the blame

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Re: We want AHK for Linux!

13 Dec 2019, 01:48

There were a few things edited out - or at least slightly altered, afaik (some "passive aggressiveness"), but after that, more overt unfortunate statements (in terms of wording, not content) were kept (and then even quoted).
This is not what I would consider a consistent approach to maintain civility on the forum and I have criticized that - it seems, so far without success.
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Re: We want AHK for Linux!

13 Dec 2019, 07:37

It was a direct attack.
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Re: We want AHK for Linux!

13 Dec 2019, 10:22

guest3456 wrote: i believe i read this thread from the start, and i don't think anything got edited out.. but i could be wrong. the topic was merely locked for a bit, which seems to be an effort towards faster moderation after the last debacle, which i think is a good thing. i dont think anything is being quashed by mods, unless you mean the other users quashing each other?

overall, i agree with the gist of your post, and so i probably share in the blame
Thanks for the well-reasoned reply. Yes, I was referring to the sentiment expressed that was strongly discouraging people from even discussing this topic, as well as how it was said. I wasn't really referring to any moderation actions. I thought it was a shame that a user who is clearly very interested in this topic was basically driven away from the discussion of it. It made me think that discussion is only allowed on the forum if it is in line with some viewpoint held by some. I would hope that's not what's happening.

Of course, everyone is free to voice their disagreement with anyone's posts, but when it's made by forum leadership and in the manner it was made, it's not just expressing an opinion, it's saying "your perspective is not welcome here."
gregster wrote: There were a few things edited out - or at least slightly altered, afaik (some "passive aggressiveness"), but after that, more overt unfortunate statements (in terms of wording, not content) were kept (and then even quoted).
This is not what I would consider a consistent approach to maintain civility on the forum and I have criticized that - it seems, so far without success.
Hopefully this shows that issues regarding civility are not limited to the version 2 discussions in another thread (the "last debacle" as guest3456 aptly described it). In my opinion, it's something that is needed across the forum in order to foster a welcoming environment. If that's not a goal, then I would be less inclined to be an active member going forward. Not that that alone carries any weight, but I don't think I would be the only one noticing the prevailing culture and choosing to opt out. We have already seen at least one much more important member of the community than me make that decision.
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Re: We want AHK for Linux!

14 Dec 2019, 01:41

boiler wrote:
13 Dec 2019, 10:22
I thought it was a shame that a user who is clearly very interested in this topic was basically driven away from the discussion of it. It made me think that discussion is only allowed on the forum if it is in line with some viewpoint held by some. I would hope that's not what's happening.

Of course, everyone is free to voice their disagreement with anyone's posts, but when it's made by forum leadership and in the manner it was made, it's not just expressing an opinion, it's saying "your perspective is not welcome here."
i understand where you're coming from, but that's not how i read things. this topic is old, and for quite a while, the topic went on just as you would have hoped: people interested in an AHK version for other operating systems, discussing the viability, etc. nothing being quashed, just other interested parties sharing thoughts and opinions. the thread was normal, nothing was unwelcomed.

it wasn't until a very specific comment was made which seemed to send the thread sideways:

edit: i will censor myself and edit out the quote. and dont even know if i should edit the next paragraph. i'm second guessing all of this now.

there are subtleties to be read between the lines. that implies that AHK is not trying to innovate currently, and takes a shot at ongoing development, as if AHK doesn't move to other OS's then it will be left behind. i dont know how others read that, but i took it negatively. sometimes there is an entitlement where users feel they deserve x,y,z. if the author of that quote "thinks it might be better for x,y,z" then why don't they get to work to provide x,y,z instead of coming and making comments about AHK being un-innovative. i found the comment disrespectful to the current work being done, and so i found responses to be appropriate. and i think if crowdfunding were to happen i think it should be towards our current devs.

but i'm just one user, my opinion shouldn't mean much. its up to the mod team to determine the direction of the forum that they want. if they think the original comment was fine, and the responses to be out line, then they should moderate appopriately, and everyone who doesn't like it needs to adjust. it looked like they tried to nip things in the bud immediately, which seemed fine to me too

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Re: We want AHK for Linux!

14 Dec 2019, 02:48

guest3456 wrote:
14 Dec 2019, 01:41
boiler wrote:
13 Dec 2019, 10:22
I thought it was a shame that a user who is clearly very interested in this topic was basically driven away from the discussion of it. It made me think that discussion is only allowed on the forum if it is in line with some viewpoint held by some. I would hope that's not what's happening.

Of course, everyone is free to voice their disagreement with anyone's posts, but when it's made by forum leadership and in the manner it was made, it's not just expressing an opinion, it's saying "your perspective is not welcome here."
i understand where you're coming from, but that's not how i read things. this topic is old, and for quite a while, the topic went on just as you would have hoped: people interested in an AHK version for other operating systems, discussing the viability, etc. nothing being quashed, just other interested parties sharing thoughts and opinions. the thread was normal, nothing was unwelcomed.

it wasn't until a very specific comment was made which seemed to send the thread sideways:

edit: i will censor myself and edit out the quote. and dont even know if i should edit the next paragraph. second guessing all of this now.

there are subtleties to be read between the lines. that implies that AHK is not trying to innovate currently, and takes a shot at ongoing development, as if AHK doesn't move to other OS's then it will be left behind. i dont know how others read that, but i took it negatively. sometimes there is an entitlement where users feel they deserve x,y,z. if the author of that quote "thinks it might be better for x,y,z" then why don't they get to work to provide x,y,z instead of coming and making comments about AHK being un-innovative.
The topic is "We want AHK for Linux!"

People should be freely allowed to discuss a topic, without bullying or suppression. If a person doesn't like the topic, they don't have to comment on it. If a person disagrees with a comment, we can at least show civility. And I feel compelled to comment again, to stop possible misconceptions or false narratives.

That is, if you just discuss the topic of AHK on a different OS, you must develop the solution

I don't ever remember that being a requirement. But if that's so, are the people making disparaging comments actively developing any solutions for AHK on alternative OSes? Are they all themselves active developers, even for Windows? So if we are attacking posters who aren't developers just because they want to discuss AHK on Linux, what's really going on?

Being against the present development of AHK on Windows

I am not. Because a person is for one thing, doesn't make them against the other. I can speak for myself, not have words put into my mouth. For the record, I've said that I like AutoHotkey. I'm pro all versions of AutoHotkey, be it AHK_L v1, AHK_L v2, AHK_H, IronAHK, etc... I think the concept behind the language is great.

The topic is about the possibility and wish to have AHK on Linux. To include something similar or a subset of it. To want AutoHotkey on Linux, does not make me or others against the present AutoHotkey on Windows. In fact, I think it might be more of the reverse. There appears to be those that don't want any projects started on an alternative version of AutoHotkey that could run on other OSes. Because if that's not the case, I don't understand what is with the negativity and attempting to silence those that do. For those people that are not interested in AHK on Linux, it is possible to leave those people who do want it alone. And there are multiple versions/forks of AutoHotkey now (to include the past) so that shouldn't be an issue.

No offered solutions or that any solutions weren't being discussed

On the first page, I gave the suggest to make a transpiler that can translate the AutoHotkey scripting language to corresponding code in Object Pascal. And Object Pascal has existing automation tools, libraries, and code to help. So, that's quite possible and valid. To include the possibility of a transpiler in other languages like Python or Lua, for people that are "fluent" in those langauges.

I stated it's possible to restart the IronAHK project, which already has C# code that allows it to run on Linux and macOS. That's more than quite possible, there is already existing code, which is sadly collecting dust.

That's put on the table, as part of a discussion, for those that want to consider those routes. To be a developer, you need to have the knowledge, time, and interest to do it. It's not a pressing need for me, but it can be for others, and if they want to be a developer then there are some ideas and paths forward that they might not have known about. We don't need to force or bully anybody to do anything that they don't want to do, let them volunteer on their own when they are ready or want to.

That development of AHK for Linux, will interfere or hamper development of AHK for Windows

Being involved in one project doesn't mean a person has to be involved with the other. If a person contributes to the C++ source code for AHK on Windows, they don't have to have anything to do with say IronAHK C# source code, an AutoHotkey to Object Pascal Transpiler (to possibly include other languages like Lua or Python), or some new alternative fork of AutoHotkey that works on Linux. They don't even have to comment about it. And if they do, I hope it would be to encourage or volunteer, and not attack or discourage the discussion of it.

That the present development of AHK is innovative or not

That would be an opinion not a personal shot or attack. I personally respect the present AutoHotkey developers, creator, and foundation members. Who have done a fantastic job. The context was about developing alternative versions of AutoHotkey that could run on different OSes, not to take shots at present Windows development. The discussion was not centered around the present state of AutoHotkey Windows development, which is great, but rather would it be possible to develop something for other OSes.

I was not the one bringing the conversation to intertwining and mixing present Windows development with future Linux development together, as if it was or must be the same project, done by the same development team. Nor do I see Windows and Linux development being in competition with each other.

Rather, I saw it as likely separate projects and initiatives, which would have separate teams or people that volunteer to work on them. Debatably, the very nature of attempting to create a multi-OS version of AutoHotkey (or something similar) would require various levels of innovativeness or to do what hasn't been done before.
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Re: We want AHK for Linux!

14 Dec 2019, 11:09

look, you don't need to get defensive. its very clear.. the mods took action, only after your post. if you say no harm intended, so be it. the mods did their job.

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Re: We want AHK for Linux!

14 Dec 2019, 11:19

If the following is doing their job, then I don't want any part of the forum.
tank wrote:
11 Dec 2019, 20:23
Rooting for and supporting are fucking useless someone has to actually start doing the work until then this entire freaking conversation is stupid
tank wrote:
12 Dec 2019, 08:28
So aside from an endless supply drivel what are you willing to do about it

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