Pulover's Macro Creator v5.4.1 - The Complete Automation Tool

Advanced Macro Recorder/Editor.

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Re: Pulover's Macro Creator v5.0.5 - The Complete Automation Tool

22 Jul 2020, 14:18

I can disable macros if I find a specific image. ?
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Re: Pulover's Macro Creator v5.0.5 - The Complete Automation Tool

05 Aug 2020, 10:05

I'm having issues running my exported ahk file. The script works perfectly in PMC, but hangs up on the first image search in ahk. What would be causing this?

The purpose of this script is to navigate to a certain website, login (credentials are saved in browser), navigate to a certain page and then upload a file using a specific user input. All of the navigating is done using ImageSearch.

Code: Select all

Run, (website link removed for security reasons)
WinWaitActive, ahk_exe firefox.exe
Sleep, 333
WinMaximize, ahk_exe firefox.exe
Sleep, 333
Loop, 200
    CoordMode, Pixel, Client
    ImageSearch, FoundX, FoundY, 0, 6, 196, 77, C:\Users\Admin\AppData\Roaming\MacroCreator\Screenshots\Screen_20200804131643.png
    CenterImgSrchCoords("C:\Users\Admin\AppData\Roaming\MacroCreator\Screenshots\Screen_20200804131643.png", FoundX, FoundY)
    If ErrorLevel
Until ErrorLevel = 0
CoordMode, Pixel, Client
ImageSearch, FoundX, FoundY, 2, 77, 721, 606, C:\Users\Admin\AppData\Roaming\MacroCreator\Screenshots\Screen_20200804092706.png
CenterImgSrchCoords("C:\Users\Admin\AppData\Roaming\MacroCreator\Screenshots\Screen_20200804092706.png", FoundX, FoundY)
If ErrorLevel = 0
	Click, %FoundX%, %FoundY% Left, 1
Loop, 100
    CoordMode, Pixel, Client
    ImageSearch, FoundX, FoundY, 0, 6, 196, 77, C:\Users\Admin\AppData\Roaming\MacroCreator\Screenshots\Screen_20200804131643.png
    CenterImgSrchCoords("C:\Users\Admin\AppData\Roaming\MacroCreator\Screenshots\Screen_20200804131643.png", FoundX, FoundY)
    If ErrorLevel
Until ErrorLevel = 0
CoordMode, Pixel, Client
ImageSearch, FoundX, FoundY, 0, 28, 226, 572, C:\Users\Admin\AppData\Roaming\MacroCreator\Screenshots\Screen_20200804141623.png
CenterImgSrchCoords("C:\Users\Admin\AppData\Roaming\MacroCreator\Screenshots\Screen_20200804141623.png", FoundX, FoundY)
If ErrorLevel = 0
	Click, %FoundX%, %FoundY% Left, 1
Sleep, 1000
Loop, 100
    CoordMode, Pixel, Client
    ImageSearch, FoundX, FoundY, -1, 78, 229, 816, C:\Users\Admin\AppData\Roaming\MacroCreator\Screenshots\Screen_20200804142048.png
    If ErrorLevel = 0
    	Click, %FoundX%, %FoundY% Left, 1
    If ErrorLevel
Until ErrorLevel = 0
Loop, 100
    CoordMode, Pixel, Client
    ImageSearch, FoundX, FoundY, 0, 80, 1121, 584, C:\Users\Admin\AppData\Roaming\MacroCreator\Screenshots\Screen_20200804142525.png
    CenterImgSrchCoords("C:\Users\Admin\AppData\Roaming\MacroCreator\Screenshots\Screen_20200804142525.png", FoundX, FoundY)
    If ErrorLevel = 0
    	Click, %FoundX%, %FoundY% Left, 1
    If ErrorLevel
Until ErrorLevel = 0
Loop, 100
    CoordMode, Pixel, Client
    ImageSearch, FoundX, FoundY, 0, 80, 1121, 584, C:\Users\Admin\AppData\Roaming\MacroCreator\Screenshots\Screen_20200804142723.png
    CenterImgSrchCoords("C:\Users\Admin\AppData\Roaming\MacroCreator\Screenshots\Screen_20200804142723.png", FoundX, FoundY)
    If ErrorLevel = 0
    	Click, %FoundX%, %FoundY% Left, 1
    If ErrorLevel
Until ErrorLevel = 0
Loop, 100
    CoordMode, Pixel, Client
    ImageSearch, FoundX, FoundY, 0, 80, 1121, 584, C:\Users\Admin\AppData\Roaming\MacroCreator\Screenshots\Screen_20200804142834.png
    CenterImgSrchCoords("C:\Users\Admin\AppData\Roaming\MacroCreator\Screenshots\Screen_20200804142834.png", FoundX, FoundY)
    If ErrorLevel = 0
    	Click, %FoundX%, %FoundY% Left, 1
    If ErrorLevel
Until ErrorLevel = 0
WinWaitActive, File Upload ahk_exe firefox.exe
Sleep, 333
InputBox, JobNumber, Job Number
Sleep, 300
SendRaw, %JobNumber%.csv
Sleep, 300
Send, {Enter}
Loop, 100
    CoordMode, Pixel, Client
    ImageSearch, FoundX, FoundY, 0, 73, 984, 627, C:\Users\Admin\AppData\Roaming\MacroCreator\Screenshots\Screen_20200804151949.png
    CenterImgSrchCoords("C:\Users\Admin\AppData\Roaming\MacroCreator\Screenshots\Screen_20200804151949.png", FoundX, FoundY)
    If ErrorLevel = 0
    	Click, %FoundX%, %FoundY% Left, 1
    If ErrorLevel
Until ErrorLevel = 0
Sleep, 500
Loop, 100
    CoordMode, Pixel, Client
    ImageSearch, FoundX, FoundY, 0, 80, 1393, 818, C:\Users\Admin\AppData\Roaming\MacroCreator\Screenshots\Screen_20200804152104.png
    CenterImgSrchCoords("C:\Users\Admin\AppData\Roaming\MacroCreator\Screenshots\Screen_20200804152104.png", FoundX, FoundY)
    If ErrorLevel = 0
    	Click, %FoundX%, %FoundY% Left, 1
    If ErrorLevel
Until ErrorLevel = 0
Sleep, 300
Send, {Enter}
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Re: Pulover's Macro Creator v5.0.5 - The Complete Automation Tool

05 Aug 2020, 10:11

blazinguitar wrote:
05 Aug 2020, 10:05
I'm having issues running my exported ahk file. The script works perfectly in PMC, but hangs up on the first image search in ahk. What would be causing this?
At least your code seems to be missing the CenterImgSrchCoords() function, which would be a user-defined function (because there is no built-in AHK function of this name). Didn't PMC export this as well?
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Re: Pulover's Macro Creator v5.0.5 - The Complete Automation Tool

05 Aug 2020, 10:30

gregster wrote:
05 Aug 2020, 10:11
At least your code seems to be missing the CenterImgSrchCoords() function, which would be a user-defined function (because there is no built-in AHK function of this name). Didn't PMC export this as well?
Haha you can tell it's been a long day. I had the pmc code in the clipboard and forgot to change it to the ahk code. Here is the actual code from the ahk file.

Code: Select all

; This script was created using Pulover's Macro Creator
; www.macrocreator.com

SetWorkingDir %A_ScriptDir%
CoordMode, Mouse, Screen
SendMode Input
#SingleInstance Force
SetTitleMatchMode 2
SetControlDelay 1
SetWinDelay 0
SetKeyDelay -1
SetMouseDelay -1
SetBatchLines -1

Run, (Website link removed for secutrity reasons)
WinWaitActive, ahk_exe firefox.exe
Sleep, 333
WinMaximize, ahk_exe firefox.exe
Sleep, 333
Loop, 200
    CoordMode, Pixel, Client
    ImageSearch, FoundX, FoundY, 0, 6, 196, 77, C:\Users\Admin\AppData\Roaming\MacroCreator\Screenshots\Screen_20200804131643.png
    CenterImgSrchCoords("C:\Users\Admin\AppData\Roaming\MacroCreator\Screenshots\Screen_20200804131643.png", FoundX, FoundY)
    If ErrorLevel
Until ErrorLevel = 0
CoordMode, Pixel, Client
ImageSearch, FoundX, FoundY, 2, 77, 721, 606, C:\Users\Admin\AppData\Roaming\MacroCreator\Screenshots\Screen_20200804092706.png
CenterImgSrchCoords("C:\Users\Admin\AppData\Roaming\MacroCreator\Screenshots\Screen_20200804092706.png", FoundX, FoundY)
If ErrorLevel = 0
	Click, %FoundX%, %FoundY% Left, 1
Loop, 100
    CoordMode, Pixel, Client
    ImageSearch, FoundX, FoundY, 0, 6, 196, 77, C:\Users\Admin\AppData\Roaming\MacroCreator\Screenshots\Screen_20200804131643.png
    CenterImgSrchCoords("C:\Users\Admin\AppData\Roaming\MacroCreator\Screenshots\Screen_20200804131643.png", FoundX, FoundY)
    If ErrorLevel
Until ErrorLevel = 0
CoordMode, Pixel, Client
ImageSearch, FoundX, FoundY, 0, 28, 226, 572, C:\Users\Admin\AppData\Roaming\MacroCreator\Screenshots\Screen_20200804141623.png
CenterImgSrchCoords("C:\Users\Admin\AppData\Roaming\MacroCreator\Screenshots\Screen_20200804141623.png", FoundX, FoundY)
If ErrorLevel = 0
	Click, %FoundX%, %FoundY% Left, 1
Sleep, 1000
Loop, 100
    CoordMode, Pixel, Client
    ImageSearch, FoundX, FoundY, -1, 78, 229, 816, C:\Users\Admin\AppData\Roaming\MacroCreator\Screenshots\Screen_20200804142048.png
    If ErrorLevel = 0
    	Click, %FoundX%, %FoundY% Left, 1
    If ErrorLevel
Until ErrorLevel = 0
Loop, 100
    CoordMode, Pixel, Client
    ImageSearch, FoundX, FoundY, 0, 80, 1121, 584, C:\Users\Admin\AppData\Roaming\MacroCreator\Screenshots\Screen_20200804142525.png
    CenterImgSrchCoords("C:\Users\Admin\AppData\Roaming\MacroCreator\Screenshots\Screen_20200804142525.png", FoundX, FoundY)
    If ErrorLevel = 0
    	Click, %FoundX%, %FoundY% Left, 1
    If ErrorLevel
Until ErrorLevel = 0
Loop, 100
    CoordMode, Pixel, Client
    ImageSearch, FoundX, FoundY, 0, 80, 1121, 584, C:\Users\Admin\AppData\Roaming\MacroCreator\Screenshots\Screen_20200804142723.png
    CenterImgSrchCoords("C:\Users\Admin\AppData\Roaming\MacroCreator\Screenshots\Screen_20200804142723.png", FoundX, FoundY)
    If ErrorLevel = 0
    	Click, %FoundX%, %FoundY% Left, 1
    If ErrorLevel
Until ErrorLevel = 0
Loop, 100
    CoordMode, Pixel, Client
    ImageSearch, FoundX, FoundY, 0, 80, 1121, 584, C:\Users\Admin\AppData\Roaming\MacroCreator\Screenshots\Screen_20200804142834.png
    CenterImgSrchCoords("C:\Users\Admin\AppData\Roaming\MacroCreator\Screenshots\Screen_20200804142834.png", FoundX, FoundY)
    If ErrorLevel = 0
    	Click, %FoundX%, %FoundY% Left, 1
    If ErrorLevel
Until ErrorLevel = 0
WinWaitActive, File Upload ahk_exe firefox.exe
Sleep, 333
InputBox, JobNumber, Job Number
Sleep, 300
SendRaw, %JobNumber%.csv
Sleep, 300
Send, {Enter}
Loop, 100
    CoordMode, Pixel, Client
    ImageSearch, FoundX, FoundY, 0, 73, 984, 627, C:\Users\Admin\AppData\Roaming\MacroCreator\Screenshots\Screen_20200804151949.png
    CenterImgSrchCoords("C:\Users\Admin\AppData\Roaming\MacroCreator\Screenshots\Screen_20200804151949.png", FoundX, FoundY)
    If ErrorLevel = 0
    	Click, %FoundX%, %FoundY% Left, 1
    If ErrorLevel
Until ErrorLevel = 0
Sleep, 500
Loop, 100
    CoordMode, Pixel, Client
    ImageSearch, FoundX, FoundY, 0, 80, 1393, 818, C:\Users\Admin\AppData\Roaming\MacroCreator\Screenshots\Screen_20200804152104.png
    CenterImgSrchCoords("C:\Users\Admin\AppData\Roaming\MacroCreator\Screenshots\Screen_20200804152104.png", FoundX, FoundY)
    If ErrorLevel = 0
    	Click, %FoundX%, %FoundY% Left, 1
    If ErrorLevel
Until ErrorLevel = 0
Sleep, 300
Send, {Enter}

CenterImgSrchCoords(File, ByRef CoordX, ByRef CoordY)
	static LoadedPic
	LastEL := ErrorLevel
	Gui, Pict:Add, Pic, vLoadedPic, %File%
	GuiControlGet, LoadedPic, Pict:Pos
	Gui, Pict:Destroy
	CoordX += LoadedPicW // 2
	CoordY += LoadedPicH // 2
	ErrorLevel := LastEL
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Re: Pulover's Macro Creator v5.0.5 - The Complete Automation Tool

20 Aug 2020, 15:35

Hello,, I am very new to Pulover's macro creator,

I just want to create a very simple macro, but it still does not work,, and wondering if anybody could help me.

My scenario is like this video,

Copy one cell from the spreadsheet,
and another couple of cells, (if possible copy append)
Then paste them to Outlook online e-mail,
The contents are actually, To, cc, subject, message body.

I really hope this can be possible with Pulover's Macro creator..
Looking forward to have kind help!
Last edited by joedf on 21 Aug 2020, 07:45, edited 1 time in total.
Reason: fix youtube link
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Re: Pulover's Macro Creator v5.0.5 - The Complete Automation Tool

05 Sep 2020, 10:20

I'm also having the same issue with image searches not working when exported to AHK, the rest works fine.

Any solution would be really appreciated
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Re: Pulover's Macro Creator v5.0.5 - The Complete Automation Tool

08 Sep 2020, 04:30

archiebaker wrote:
05 Sep 2020, 10:20
I'm also having the same issue with image searches not working when exported to AHK, the rest works fine.

Any solution would be really appreciated
In visual search, images are saved to disk. This is used for searching images. Are you paying attention to this issue?

Rodolfo U. Batista announced last year that he would continue to develop. But it takes a little more time to dedicate.
After a while, PMC may be more stable. And don't forget to report any issues.
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Update: Macro Creator v5.1.2

14 Sep 2020, 09:22

Pulover wrote:Version Update!

Version 5.1.2
  • Added Go to selected line button and Auto-select code on Preview window.
  • Added per-macro Context Sensitve Hotkeys.
  • Added support for OutputVar in Function window for RegExMatch, RegExReplace and StrReplace.
  • Improved performance of Text::Paste from Clipboard.
  • Fixed INI and REG commands not working when omitting optional parameters.
  • Fixed bug in Adjust coordinates to the center of the image option in Image Search.
  • Fixed mixing rows bug when saving a project (thanks to chosen1ft).
  • Fixed reordered macros exported in the wrong order.
  • Fixed bug when closing macro tab.
  • Fixed bugs and crashes.
Download version 5.1.2
Did you miss me? :lol:
Click here to read more about this update and the future of the project.
Rodolfo U. Batista
Pulover's Macro Creator - Automation Tool (Recorder & Script Writer)
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Re: Pulover's Macro Creator v5.1.2 - The Complete Automation Tool

14 Sep 2020, 14:45

Thank god, It was getting super hard to fend off the haters on discord! Now what guys!? lol jkjk :lol:
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Re: Pulover's Macro Creator v5.1.2 - The Complete Automation Tool

14 Sep 2020, 15:40

If you don´t mind, could you maybe make the font a little bigger on your Macro Creator for the next update, please?
I have a big screen and with all the additional white color it makes it even more hard to read.
Thank you.
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Re: Pulover's Macro Creator v5.1.2 - The Complete Automation Tool

14 Sep 2020, 16:05

WOlfen wrote:
14 Sep 2020, 15:40
If you don´t mind, could you maybe make the font a little bigger on your Macro Creator for the next update, please?
I have a big screen and with all the additional white color it makes it even more hard to read.
Thank you.
I guess I could implement font settings... although there's a lot of gui's in the code, but I'll see if it's possible.

Meanwhile, did you try to change your DPI settings?
Rodolfo U. Batista
Pulover's Macro Creator - Automation Tool (Recorder & Script Writer)
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Re: Pulover's Macro Creator v5.1.2 - The Complete Automation Tool

14 Sep 2020, 17:04

Hi, Thank you very much for the update.
I wonder if this is happening only for me,,
The issue is, F9 or F10 does not start recording..

And I have another questions, I am very new to PCM,,, I am sorry if this is already discussed point.
I want to copy apend & paste apend.

Below information is on the spreadsheet,
Email address (to)
Email address (cc)
Email Subject
Email message body
The name of attached file,

I just want to copy them all, and paste all (except the attached file name) on the Email(outlook)
And, lastly, I want to search the attached file from from the folder in my PC, by the file name.
I have send several hundred e-mail to send,, and want to use PMC..
Can we do COPY append, and PASTE apend with PMC..?

Or, I have separeate software, I can copy apend by repeating Ctrl+c, and Paste apend by repeating Ctrl+V,
But Ctrl does not seem to be usable with PMC.. Is there any trick to make it happen..?

I wonder if anybody could offere me kind help...

Best regards
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Re: Pulover's Macro Creator v5.1.2 - The Complete Automation Tool

14 Sep 2020, 19:24

felislinnaeus wrote:
14 Sep 2020, 17:04
Hi, Thank you very much for the update.
I wonder if this is happening only for me,,
The issue is, F9 or F10 does not start recording..
Reset settings to default and try again. Unless you have other ahk scripts running with those hotkeys it should work, but you need to activate them first by clicking the record button.
felislinnaeus wrote:
14 Sep 2020, 17:04
I just want to copy them all, and paste all (except the attached file name) on the Email(outlook)
And, lastly, I want to search the attached file from from the folder in my PC, by the file name.
I have send several hundred e-mail to send,, and want to use PMC..
Can we do COPY append, and PASTE apend with PMC..?
You can, but what you want to accomplish is complex. You'll need to study the commands so you can develop an strategy. You'll probably need loops and control commands. I suggest you copy all data and the clipboard content using Loop, Parse. To copy and paste you just need to send the key combinations.
Rodolfo U. Batista
Pulover's Macro Creator - Automation Tool (Recorder & Script Writer)
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Re: Update: Macro Creator v5.1.2

15 Sep 2020, 01:13

Pulover wrote:
14 Sep 2020, 09:22
Did you miss me? :lol:
Click here to read more about this update and the future of the project.
Wow, great day for the AutoHotkey nation. :dance:
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Re: Pulover's Macro Creator v5.1.2 - The Complete Automation Tool

15 Sep 2020, 01:27

Pulover wrote:
14 Sep 2020, 16:05
I guess I could implement font settings... although there's a lot of gui's in the code, but I'll see if it's possible.

Meanwhile, did you try to change your DPI settings?
Thanks for the tip, but nah, this sadly didn´t changed anything.
Btw if you don´t know i mean the font in the main window where it´s showing your commands on the left side and the Preview on the right.
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Update: Macro Creator v5.1.3

15 Sep 2020, 22:43

Pulover wrote:Version Update!

Version 5.1.3
  • Fixed bugs in Capture key presses feature.
  • Fixed bugs when recording keystrokes.
Download version 5.1.3
Click here to read more about this update and the future of the project.
Rodolfo U. Batista
Pulover's Macro Creator - Automation Tool (Recorder & Script Writer)
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Re: Pulover's Macro Creator v5.1.3 - The Complete Automation Tool

17 Sep 2020, 05:53

if update the tool i lose my created macro?
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Re: Pulover's Macro Creator v5.1.3 - The Complete Automation Tool

17 Sep 2020, 06:27

wiking76 wrote:
17 Sep 2020, 05:53
if update the tool i lose my created macro?
No. You can save your macros and open them in the updated version.
Rodolfo U. Batista
Pulover's Macro Creator - Automation Tool (Recorder & Script Writer)

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