EXIFX() : Exif tags as object. For JPEG,TIFF and TIFF styled RAW

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EXIFX() : Exif tags as object. For JPEG,TIFF and TIFF styled RAW

04 Dec 2018, 16:36

Code: Select all

EXIFX( File, p* ) {                                       ; v0.34 - By SKAN on D1BJ/D1C5 @ goo.gl/JDLQs7
Static y := [1,1,2,4,8,1,1,2,4,8,4,8]
Static OmitList := {0x02BC:"", 0x927C:"",0xA302:""}
Global EXIFX_ErrN := 0, EXIFX_ErrM := ""

  If ( (f:=FileOpen(File,"r"))=0 or f.Length<4096 )   
        f<>0 ? f.Close() : 0
        EXIFX_ErrN :=  1,                                 EXIFX_ErrM := "File open error/File too small"

  TOJ := 0                                                ; TIFF or JPEG?   
  ot  := 0                                                ; Offset to TIFF header
  II  := ""                                               ; Is encoding Intel endian?s
                                                          ; TIFF / TIFF based RAW 
  If ( ( be:=NumGet(v,0,"UShort") )                       ; Byte encoding
   &&  ( be=0x4949 || be=0x4D4D ) )                       ; 'II' or 'MM'
        II := (be=0x4949)                                 ; Is encoding little endian?  
        n  := NumGet(v,2,"UShort")                        ; Magic number
        mn := ( II ? n : (n & 0xFF)<<8 | n>>8 )           ; converted to Little endian if required

        If ! ( mn=0x002A                                  ; Regular TIFF/RAW
        ||     mn=0x0055                                  ; Panasonic RAW  
        ||     mn=0x4F52 )                                ; Olympic RAW
              EXIFX_ErrN :=  3,                           EXIFX_ErrM := "Unknown magic number"
              TOJ := 1          

  Else                                                    ; JPEG / EXIF
  If ( ( NumGet(v,0,"UInt") & 0xFFFFFF )=0xFFD8FF )  
        l := 0                                            ; Length of data
        m := 0xFFE0                                       ; APP marker range = 0xFFE0-0xFFEF 
        x := 0
        f.Pos := 4
                                                          ; 0x66697845 = AStr:'Exif'

        While ( (m >> 4)=0x0FFE && (x & 0xFFFFFFFF)<>0x66697845 ) 

              If ( f.AtEOF )

              n := f.ReadUInt()                           ; Marker + data length
              n  := (n & 255)<<24 | (n>>8 & 255)<<16 | (n>>16 & 255)<<8 | n>>24
              m := n >> 16                                ; Marker
              l := n &  0xFFFF                            ; Length of data

              If ( m=0xFFE1 )
                    x := f.ReadInt64()                    ; APP1 data 
                    f.Pos -= 8

        If ( (x & 0xFFFFFFFF)=0x66697845 )                ; 0x66697845 = AStr:'Exif'
              II := ( (X>>48)=0x4949 )
              f.Pos += 6
              ot := f.Pos
              TOJ := 2

              EXIFX_ErrN := 2,                            EXIFX_ErrM := "EXIF not found in JPEG"

  If ( NumGet(v,0,"UInt") = 0x4D524D00 )          ; AStr:'.\0MRM' 

        b := 0
        l := 0
        f.Pos := 8

        While ( b <> 0x57545400 )
              f.Pos += l

              If ( f.AtEOF )

              b := f.ReadUInt()
              n := f.ReadUInt()
              l  := (n & 255)<<24 | (n>>8 & 255)<<16 | (n>>16 & 255)<<8 | n>>24

        If ( b = 0x57545400 )
              ot := f.Pos
              II := (NumGet(v,0,"UShort") = 0x4949)                              
              TOJ := 1

              ErrorLevel :=  6,                           EXIFX_ErrM := "Invalid Minolta RAW"

        EXIFX_ErrN :=  4,                                 EXIFX_ErrM := "Unknown file type"

  If ( EXIFX_ErrN = 0 )
        n  := NumGet(v,4,"UInt")                          ; Offset to IFD
        oi := ( II ? n : (n & 255)<<24 | (n>>8 & 255)<<16 | (n>>16 & 255)<<8 | n>>24 )

        If ( oi > f.Length )
              EXIFX_ErrN :=  5,                           EXIFX_ErrM := "Invalid offset in IFD"

  If ( EXIFX_ErrN || p.1="Test" )
        Return ( EXIFX_ErrN ? "" : II ? 1 : 2 )   

  f.Pos := ot + oi
  dsz := 0
  Dir := 0
  Chk := 0  

  If ( p.Count() > 1 )
        chk := p.RemoveAt(1)
        chk := ( chk="==" ? 1 : (chk="<>" || chk="!=") ? 2 : (chk=1 || chk=2) ? chk : 0 )
        If ( chk )
              chkMode := chk-1

              If IsObject(p.1)
                    chkList := p.1

                    chkList := [] 

                    For i,k in p
                          chkList[k] := ""
        p := ""      
    ; Flags for File/Thumbnail properties. -3 will exclude Thumbnail propes, -15 will exclude File props 

    PropFlags := (chk ? chkList.HasKey(-3) | chkList.HasKey(-15)<<1 : 0)

    XIF := ( PropFlags=0 ? {-15:"",-14:"",-13:"",-12:"",-11:"",-10:"",-9:"",-8:"",-3:"",-2:"",-1:""}
           : PropFlags=1 ? {-15:"",-14:"",-13:"",-12:"",-11:"",-10:"",-9:"",-8:""}
           : PropFlags=2 ? {-3:"",-2:"",-1:""}
           : {} )  

; ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------  

  While ( True )                                          ; MASTER LOOP BEGINS
        n    := NumGet(v,"UShort")                            
        nEnt := ( II ? n : (n & 0xFF)<<8 | n>>8 )         ; Number of entries (tags) in IFD

        ReqZ := (nEnt*12) +4                              ; Each tag is 12 bytes + 4 bytes for next IFD 
        VarSetCapacity(V, Reqz,0) 
        XIF.SetCapacity(XIF.GetCapacity() + nEnt)         ; Increase capacity of XIF to hold new entries
        pIFDE := &v-12

        While ( A_Index <= nEnt  && (pIFDE += 12) )       ; WORKER LOOP BEGINS
              n    := NumGet(pIFDE+0,"UShort")  
              tag  := ( II ? n : (n & 0xFF)<<8 | n>>8 )

              If ( tag>0xEA1B || (tag<0x0100 &&  Dir<>0x8825) || OmitList.HasKey(tag) )

              If ( Chk && (tag=0x014A || tag=0x8769 || tag=0x8825)=0 )
                    If ( ChkList.HasKey(tag)=ChkMode ) 

              n    := NumGet(pIFDE+2,"UShort")           
              typ  := ( II ? n : (n & 0xFF)<<8 | n>>8 )
              If ( typ>13 )                               ; Something's strange 
                  Break                                   ; Abort parsing this IFD

              n    := NumGet(pIFDE+4,"UInt")
              cnt  := ( II ? n : (n & 255)<<24 | (n>>8 & 255)<<16 | (n>>16 & 255)<<8 | n>>24 )
              dsz  := y[typ] * cnt
              n    := NumGet(pIFDE+8,"UInt")

              If ( dSz <= 4 )
                    n  := ( II ? n : (n & 255)<<24 | (n>>8 & 255)<<16 | (n>>16 & 255)<<8 | n>>24 )
                    f.Pos := ot + n

              If ( tag>0x9C99 && tag<0x9CA0 )             ; XP Tags
                    XIF[tag] := StrGet(&d, "utf-16")

              If ( (typ=1 || typ=7) && dsz<5 )            ; String
                    x := StrGet(&d,"cp0")

                    If x is not Integer
                          x := ""
                          Loop % ( dsz )
                                x  .= ( A_Index>1 ? A_Space : "" ) . NumGet(d,A_Index-1, "Uchar" )  

                    XIF[tag] := x

              If ( typ=1 || typ=2 || typ=7  )             ; String
                    XIF[tag] := StrGet(&d, "utf-8")                

              If ( typ=3 || typ=8 )                       ; unsigned Short / signed Short
                    x := ""

                    Loop % (dsz/2 )
                          n  := NumGet(d,2*(A_Index-1), typ=3 ? "UShort" : "Short" )           
                          n  := ( II ? n : (n & 0xFF)<<8 | n>>8 )
                          x  .= ( A_Index>1 ? A_Space : "" ) . n  

                    XIF[tag] := x

              If ( typ=4 || typ=9 )                       ; unsigned Long / signed Long
                    x := ""

                    Loop % (dsz/4 )
                          n  := NumGet(d,4*(A_Index-1), typ=4 ? "UInt" : "Int" )           
                          n  := ( II ? n : (n & 255)<<24 | (n>>8 & 255)<<16 | (n>>16 & 255)<<8 | n>>24 )
                          x  .= ( A_Index>1 ? A_Space : "" ) . n  

                    XIF[tag] := x

              If ( typ=5 || typ=10 )                      ; unsigned Rational / signed Rational
                    x := "" 
                    q := 0 

                    Loop % ( dsz/8 )
                          n  := NumGet(d,q, typ=5 ? "UInt" : "Int")
                          n1 := ( II ? n : (n & 255)<<24 | (n>>8 & 255)<<16 | (n>>16 & 255)<<8 | n>>24 )

                          n  := NumGet(d,q+4, typ=5 ? "UInt" : "Int")
                          n2 := ( II ? n : (n & 255)<<24 | (n>>8 & 255)<<16 | (n>>16 & 255)<<8 | n>>24 )

                          x  .= ( A_Index>1 ? A_Space : "" ) . ( n1 . "/" . n2 )
                          q += 8
                    XIF[tag] :=  x
              If ( typ=11 || typ=12 )                     ; single Float / double float
                    XIF[tag] :=  "Float"                  ; Too rare to handle
              XIF[tag] :=  "Unknown data type. Please report to Dev."                              
          }                                               ; WORKER LOOP ENDS

    If ( Dir=0 )                                          ; IFD0
          n := NumGet( pIFDE+12, "UInt" )
          n := ( II ? n : (n & 255)<<24 | (n>>8 & 255)<<16 | (n>>16 & 255)<<8 | n>>24 )
          If ( n )
                Dir := 1                                  ; IFD1

    If XIF.HasKey(0x014A) && (Dir:=0x014A)                ; SubIFD
          n := XIF[Dir]
          If (n+0)

    If XIF.HasKey(0x8769) && (Dir:=0x8769)                ; ExifIFD
          n := XIF[Dir]
          If (n+0)

    If XIF.HasKey(0xA005) && (Dir:=0xA005)                ; InteropIFD
          n := XIF[Dir]
          If (n+0)

    If XIF.HasKey(0x8825) && (Dir:=0x8825)                ; GpsIFD
          n := XIF[Dir]
          If (n+0)

    Break                                               ; Break MASTER LOOP
    }                                                     ; MASTER LOOP ENDS
; ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------  

  If ! ( PropFlags & 2 )                                  ; Exclude File properties = 2
        XIF[-15] := file

        VarSetCapacity(d,84,0)                            ; 52 (+32 for 2 SYSTEMTIME structures)  
        DllCall( "GetFileInformationByHandle", "Ptr",f.__Handle, "Ptr",&d )

        XIF[-14] := Format( "{1:08X}-{2:08X}{3:08X}"
                          ,  Numget(d,28,"UInt")          ; dwVolumeSerialNumber                              
                          ,  Numget(d,44,"UInt")          ; nFileIndexHigh
                          ,  Numget(d,48,"UInt") )        ; nFileIndexLow

        XIF[-13] := f.Length                              ; File size

        DllCall( "FileTimeToLocalFileTime", "Ptr",&d+4,  "Ptr",&d+20 )
        DllCall( "FileTimeToSystemTime", "Ptr",&d+20, "Ptr",&d+52 )

        DllCall( "FileTimeToLocalFileTime", "Ptr",&d+12, "Ptr",&d+20 )
        DllCall( "FileTimeToSystemTime", "Ptr",&d+20, "Ptr",&d+68 )

        XIF[-12] := Format( "{:04}:{:02}:{:02} {:02}:{:02}:{:02}"
                          , NumGet(d,52,"UShort"), NumGet(d,54,"UShort"), NumGet(d,58,"UShort")
                          , NumGet(d,60,"UShort"), NumGet(d,62,"UShort"), NumGet(d,64,"UShort") )
        XIF[-11] := Format( "{:04}:{:02}:{:02} {:02}:{:02}:{:02}"
                          , NumGet(d,68,"UShort"), NumGet(d,70,"UShort"), NumGet(d,74,"UShort")
                          , NumGet(d,76,"UShort"), NumGet(d,78,"UShort"), NumGet(d,80,"UShort") )

        XIF[-10] := Format("0x{:08X}", NumGet(d,0,"UInt"))
        XIF[ -9] := ot
        XIF[ -8] := (II ? "II" : "MM" )

  If ! ( PropFlags & 1 )                                  ; Exclude Thumbnail properties = 1
        If ( ( tno := ( XIF[0x0201] +0 ) )  
          && ( tsz := ( XIF[0x0202] +0 ) )
          && ( tno+tsz < f.Length )      ) 

              f.Seek(tno+(TOJ=2 ? ot : 0),0)
              n := f.ReadUInt()                           ; Read 24bit from header

              If ( (n & 0xFFFFFF)=0xFFD8FF )              ; 0xFFD8FF is JPEG magic number in header

                    p := XIF.GetAddress(-1)
                    XIF[-2] := tsz

                    pEnd := p+tsz
                    err := 0
                    p += 2                                ; Ascertain thumbnail dimensions
                    While ( (Segm := NumGet(p+0,"UShort")) > 0x00FF )
                          Segm >>= 8
                          If ( Segm>=0xC0 && Segm<=0xCF && Segm<>0xCC && Segm<>0xC4 )

                          n    := NumGet(p+2,"UShort" )                     
                          sLen := ( (n & 0xFF)<<8 | n>>8 ) + 2 
                          p += sLen

                          If (err := p > pEnd)

                      If (err=0)
                            n := NumGet(p+7,"UShort")
                            W := ( (n & 0xFF)<<8 | n>>8 )
                            n := NumGet(p+5,"UShort")
                            H := ( (n & 0xFF)<<8 | n>>8 )
                            xIF[ -3] := W "x" H


Return XIF     

;- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Usage examples:

Code: Select all

XT := EXIFX( "somefile.jpg") ; Returns all (possible) tags as an object.
XT := EXIFX( "somefile.jpg", "<>",0x0132) ; Excludes tag 0x0132 from resulting object (if present in source image)
XT := EXIFX( "somefile.jpg", "==",0x9003,0x9004 ) ; Will extract only those two tags (if present in source image)
EXIFX() will handle only tags in the range of 0x0100 and 0xEA1C
The returned object is a sparsely populated (integer keys only) associated array. No nested values.
The function was written in AHK Unicode and requires newer functionalities like Force local mode.

Tag reference and utils:
Standard Exif Tags
Extensive list of tags.
It wouldn't have been possible to write this function without the help from
HTML dump feature of ExifTool by Phil Harvey
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Re: EXIFX() : Exif tags as object. For JPEG,TIFF and TIFF styled RAW

21 Sep 2020, 14:39

It is a very nice work. It is lovely! Congratulations Skan!

I wonder if one could change it to remove the exif metadata? Eg. where you do all those NumGets, one could overwrite them using NumPut() with zeros?

Thank you .

Best regards, Marius.
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Re: EXIFX() : Exif tags as object. For JPEG,TIFF and TIFF styled RAW

21 Sep 2020, 19:46

robodesign wrote: It is a very nice work. It is lovely! Congratulations Skan!
Thanks. :)
robodesign wrote:I wonder if one could change it to remove the exif metadata? Eg. where you do all those NumGets, one could overwrite them using NumPut() with zeros?
Any specific reason to do this?. There are tools which can remove complete EXIF from JPEG.
I think, I could manage to write one.
I use this function with CR2, ARW raw files which shouldn't be modified in any way.
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Re: EXIFX() : Exif tags as object. For JPEG,TIFF and TIFF styled RAW

22 Sep 2020, 02:47

Hello, Skan.

I'd like to implement an option to remove EXIFF metadata in my image viewer. I have a friend who wants to ditch IrfanView for my image viewer, but would miss this option from IrfanView....

Would you be able to do this? I'd credit your code...

Thank you.

Best regards, Marius.
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Re: EXIFX() : Exif tags as object. For JPEG,TIFF and TIFF styled RAW

22 Sep 2020, 03:01

robodesign wrote: I'd like to implement an option to remove EXIFF metadata in my image viewer. I have a friend who wants to ditch IrfanView for my image viewer, but would miss this option from IrfanView....
I need some time. I'm familiar with JPEG format but not with TIFF.
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Re: EXIFX() : Exif tags as object. For JPEG,TIFF and TIFF styled RAW

22 Sep 2020, 05:56

SKAN wrote:
22 Sep 2020, 03:01
robodesign wrote: I'd like to implement an option to remove EXIFF metadata in my image viewer. I have a friend who wants to ditch IrfanView for my image viewer, but would miss this option from IrfanView....
I need some time. I'm familiar with JPEG format but not with TIFF.
hey, thank you very much ; I will let him know!
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