Image Following mouse

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Image Following mouse

05 Feb 2018, 14:27

Im teacher, creating educational videos to teach my students how to work properly in different software. And one problem students has is that they don't know when I clicked my mouse. And if I clicked left, right or middle mouse button. I am trying to learn AutoHotkey for creating image that will follow my cursor and change If I click on my mouse. So they will know when and what i clicked. But I'm failing totally to create this script.

Is there anyone that could help me doing this?

Images: ... SVpka?dl=0

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Re: Image Following mouse

05 Feb 2018, 14:46

Hi Matt, I'm at work right now but I love creating graphical scripts and will definitely help you by the end of the night if no one else has yet. Are you sure you want the image to follow your cursor? It might obscure the view (unless it fades in and out per click, possible to do).
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Re: Image Following mouse

05 Feb 2018, 15:17

Off Topic wrote:Are you sure you want the image to follow your cursor? It might obscure the view (unless it fades in and out per click, possible to do).
There are video capture tools that have a semi-transparent yellow spot under the cursor at all times so it's easy to follow. Because it's semi-transparent, it doesn't really obscure what's underneath. You might want to do something like that.
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Re: Image Following mouse

05 Feb 2018, 15:37

This also can be done using a combination of geometric shapes sufficiently significant:

Code: Select all

blackSquare := Chr(9632), whiteSquare := Chr(9633)
LButton := blackSquare . whiteSquare . whiteSquare
MButton := whiteSquare . blackSquare . blackSquare
RButton := whiteSquare . whiteSquare . blackSquare
DetectHiddenWindows, On
Gui, New, +ToolWindow -Caption -Border +AlwaysOnTop +%WS_EX_CLICKTHROUGH% +LastFound +HWNDID
Gui, Font, s14 cwhite, Segoe UI
Gui, Color, red
Gui, Add, Text, hwndCID, % LButton := blackSquare . whiteSquare . whiteSquare
Gui, Show, Hide AutoSize
WinSet, Transparent, 90
DetectHiddenWindows, Off
enabled := true

!t::enabled:=not enabled
#If (enabled)
		hotkey := LTrim(A_ThisHotkey, "~")
		GuiControl,, %CID%, % %hotkey%
		MouseGetPos, x, y
		Gui, %ID%:Show, NA x%x% y%y%
		SetTimer, GUIHide, -2000

Gui, %ID%:Show, Hide
my scripts
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Re: Image Following mouse

05 Feb 2018, 15:44

Not sure why that's not working for me.

Here's a simple one I just made:

Code: Select all

CoordMode, Mouse, Screen

Gui, +AlwaysOnTop -Caption -Border +E0x20 
Gui, Color, Yellow
Gui, Show, NoActivate w51 h51, MouseSpot

WinSet, Trans, 100, MouseSpot
WinSet, Region, 0-0 W51 H51 E, MouseSpot

	MouseGetPos, MX, MY
	WinMove, MouseSpot,, MX - 25, MY - 25

	Gui, Color, Lime
	KeyWait, LButton
	Gui, Color, Yellow

	Gui, Color, Red
	KeyWait, RButton
	Gui, Color, Yellow
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Re: Image Following mouse

05 Feb 2018, 15:48

I would just use what BoBo posted. Looks pretty good and very configurable.
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Re: Image Following mouse

05 Feb 2018, 16:41

A (German) thread about the requested topic: ... ng.107721/ it contains a few AHK script snippets as a starting point. Good luck.
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Re: Image Following mouse

06 Feb 2018, 02:26

I've been wanting to try something like this, my DPI scaling (144) is throwing things off somewhere though:


More pictures in here
Here's the most barebones version:

Code: Select all

#NoEnv  ; Recommended for performance and compatibility with future AutoHotkey releases.
; #Warn  ; Enable warnings to assist with detecting common errors.
SendMode Input  ; Recommended for new scripts due to its superior speed and reliability.
SetWorkingDir %A_ScriptDir%  ; Ensures a consistent starting directory.
#SingleInstance Force

; Create an invisible GUI that the picture is placed on:      
	Gui, -Caption +AlwaysOnTop +ToolWindow	;----
	Gui, Margin , 0, 0						;   |  Main Gui settings
	Gui, Color, 2B2B2C     					;----
	Gui +LastFound 					; ----
	WinSet, TransColor, 2B2B2C		; ---|  Make this color (and the GUI, for being this color) transparent

	Gui, Add, Picture, x0 y0 vBG, annoM2.png    ;----  Add a picture control
	Gui, Show, Hide Center 					    ;----  Build/Show the Gui, center it on screen but hide it

SetTimer, mouseTrack, 20  			; ----  Set a Timer to run itself every 20 miliseconds

Return  ;  End Auto-Execute

; The timer being called above
	CoordMode, Mouse, Screen      					    ;----
	global vCurX, vCurY, hWnd, vCtlClassNN              ;   |  Track the mouse position
	MouseGetPos, vCurX, vCurY, hWnd, vCtlClassNN        ;----

	mouseX := vCurX-60, mouseY := vCurY-80	  ;----  Offset from initial mouse position, origin is top left corner of picture
	Gui, Show, x%mouseX% y%mouseY%	          ;----  Show the gui (unhide) at the newly offset position

~*RButton Up::
	Gui, Show, Hide      ;-----  Hide the gui when the button goes up

The full code is below, you'll also need this .zip for the pictures:
(23.03 KiB) Downloaded 181 times

Code: Select all

#NoEnv  ; Recommended for performance and compatibility with future AutoHotkey releases.
; #Warn  ; Enable warnings to assist with detecting common errors.
SendMode Input  ; Recommended for new scripts due to its superior speed and reliability.
SetWorkingDir %A_ScriptDir%  ; Ensures a consistent starting directory.
Menu, Tray, Icon, vCursor.ico
#SingleInstance Force

global 	xOffset 	   := 40
global 	yOffset 	   := 60
global  TotalTime      := 500

global  CurrentCursor   = N
global  CursorCount     = 1
global 	TypeCount		= 1
global 	KeyCount		:= ""
global 	ImageArray 		:= 		[{anno:["L", "M", "R"], mouse:["L", "M", "R"], button:["L", "M", "R"]}]
global  arrowArray  	:=   	["N", "E", "S", "W"]

; Create an invisible GUI that the picture is placed on:      
	Gui, -Caption +AlwaysOnTop +ToolWindow	;----
	Gui -DPIScale                         ;   |
	Gui, Margin , 0, 0						;   | Main Gui settings
	Gui, Color, 2B2B2C     					;----
	Gui +LastFound 					; ----
	WinSet, TransColor, 2B2B2C		; ---- Make this color (and the GUI, for being this color) transparent

	Gui, Add, Picture, x0 y0 vBG, annoM.png     ;    Add a picture control
	Gui, Show, Hide Center 					    ;    Build/Show the Gui, center it on screen but hide it

SetTimer, mouseTrack, 20  			; ---- Set a Timer to run itself every 20 miliseconds

Return  ;  End Auto-Execute

	CoordMode, Mouse, Screen      					    ;----
	global vCurX, vCurY, hWnd, vCtlClassNN              ;   | Track the mouse position
	MouseGetPos, vCurX, vCurY, hWnd, vCtlClassNN        ;----
	CoordMode, Pixel, Screen 							    ;----	
	PixelGetColor, Camouflage, %vCurX%, %vCurY%, RGB  		;----  Record the color of the pixel under mouse

	If (A_ThisHotkey = "~*RButton")
		KeyCount = 3
	If (A_ThisHotkey = "~*MButton")
		KeyCount = 2
	If (A_ThisHotkey = "~*LButton")
		KeyCount = 1

	vOutput := ""
	for vKey, vValue in ImageArray {
		for vKey2, vValue2 in vValue {
			If (A_Index > TypeCount)
			for vKey3, vValue3 in vValue2{
				If (A_Index > KeyCount) 
				vOutput := vKey2 vValue3
		GuiControl, , BG, % vOutput ".png"

#If GetKeyState("CapsLock","T") ; If CapsLock is on
	WinGet, active_id, ID, A
	Gui, Color, %Camouflage%
	mouseX := vCurX-xOffset
	mouseY := vCurY-yOffset
	WinSet, Transparent, 255, ahk_class AutoHotkeyGUI
	Gui, Show, NoActivate x%mouseX% y%mouseY%

~*LButton Up::
~*MButton Up::
~*RButton Up::
	WinSet, TransColor, 2B2B2C

	If (TypeCount > 3)
	TypeCount = 1
#If                              ; No longer affected by CapsLock

; @tic
; //
	Time1 := A_TickCount
		Trans := Round(((A_TickCount-Time1)/TotalTime)*255)
		Inv := ((Trans * (-1)) + 255)
		WinSet, Transparent, %Inv%, ahk_class AutoHotkeyGUI
		If (Trans >= 255)
		Sleep, 10
	; MsgBox % Trans
	Gui, Show, Hide

If (A_PriorHotkey != A_ThisHotkey or A_TimeSincePriorHotkey > 60) {
	If (CursorCount > arrowArray.Length())
			CursorCount := arrowArray.MinIndex()

If (A_PriorHotkey != A_ThisHotkey or A_TimeSincePriorHotkey > 60) {
	If (CursorCount < arrowArray.MinIndex())
			CursorCount := arrowArray.Length()

	If (CursorCount = 1)
		SetSystemCursor(A_ScriptDir "\arrowN.cur")
	If (CursorCount = 2)
		SetSystemCursor(A_ScriptDir "\arrowE.cur")
	If (CursorCount = 3)
		SetSystemCursor(A_ScriptDir "\arrowS.cur")
	If (CursorCount = 4)
		SetSystemCursor(A_ScriptDir "\arrowW.cur")

	; Uncomment these to see a tooltip during CapsLock
	If !GetKeyState("CapsLock","T") {
		SetCapsLockState, On
		; SetTimer, TooltipDebug, 20
	} Else {
		SetCapsLockState, Off
		; SetTimer, TooltipDebug, Off
		; Tooltip

	; Place any variables in here to show a Tooltip and see their current values, infinitely useful for seeing results and testing.
	ToolTip % CursorCount "`r`n" CurrentCursor 

; @anon
; @Serenity
F24::(k := !k)? SetSystemCursor(A_ScriptDir "\Sword.cur"):RestoreSystemCursor()

SetSystemCursor(Cursor) {
	toggle = 1
    return DllCall("SetSystemCursor", "UInt", DllCall("LoadCursorFromFile", "Str", Cursor), "Int", "32512")

RestoreSystemCursor() {
	toggle = 0
    return DllCall("SystemParametersInfo", "UInt", 0x57, "UInt", 0, "UInt", 0, "UInt", 0)


OnExit, RestoreAndExit

I have it set to only activate if CapsLock is on, and use LWin a lot in this. I was going to put menu types on a context menu instead and a few other things but I have to turn in for the night.
A_AhkUser wrote:This also can be done using a combination of geometric shapes sufficiently significant:
This is pretty clever and I hadn't thought of using unicode for shapes like that. Thanks!
boiler wrote:
Off Topic wrote:Are you sure you want the image to follow your cursor? It might obscure the view (unless it fades in and out per click, possible to do).
There are video capture tools that have a semi-transparent yellow spot under the cursor at all times so it's easy to follow. Because it's semi-transparent, it doesn't really obscure what's underneath. You might want to do something like that.
The one I use has that, I was going to try something like it with the labeled yellow buttons but decided against spending too much time on it. Next time I can. I'd be able to do much better things if I knew a reliable way to animate png sequences or gifs (only once, forward or backward) but I'm not sure how. I'd like to add accents like this:
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Re: Image Following mouse

06 Feb 2018, 07:27

Jesus... this forum is totally awesome! Thank you all very very much! You all helped me in a big way. I'll try all of your ideas and see what works best in the videos for students, but I have to thank all of you. I did not expect so much help.

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Re: Image Following mouse

30 Mar 2020, 17:31

Just wanted to say thanks - we are doing teletherapy with some kids and the school's remote therapy platform takes out the mouse cursor (with no options to leave it alone) - and the kids on the other end are lost without seeing what we are doing. ... However, the code that shows a circle under the mouse works just fine! :dance:
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Re: Image Following mouse

08 Nov 2020, 11:53

tubbiya wrote:
08 Nov 2020, 11:17
boiler wrote:
05 Feb 2018, 15:48
I would just use what BoBo posted. Looks pretty good and very configurable.
I want to write a program for you, please e-mail me.
Of course I'm not emailing you. If you are serious about writing a program for me even though I posted nothing here indicating any particular need for a program, you can post the script here. If it's not an AHK script, then don't bother.
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Re: Image Following mouse

08 Nov 2020, 12:22

Looks like a spammer.
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Re: Image Following mouse

08 Nov 2020, 12:28

Yeah, one would think no one would actually send an email in response to posts like this, but I suppose it must work sometimes.
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Re: Image Following mouse

08 Nov 2020, 14:55

boiler wrote:
08 Nov 2020, 12:28
Yeah, one would think no one would actually send an email in response to posts like this, but I suppose it must work sometimes.
The circle shape will follow the mouse, this will be fast and this circle will be txt linked, it will read the txt file continuously and accordingly the diameter of the circle will change according to the txt information. Can we talk about this privately. can you send mail I am not spam.
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Re: Image Following mouse

08 Nov 2020, 15:41

tubbiya wrote:
08 Nov 2020, 14:55

The circle shape will follow the mouse, this will be fast and this circle will be txt linked, it will read the txt file continuously and accordingly the diameter of the circle will change according to the txt information. Can we talk about this privately. can you send mail I am not spam.
I’m not interested in such a program. I haven’t expressed a need for it. There is no reason why this would need to be directed privately to me and not in general to the forum. I am not interested in talking privately. Please stop trolling the forum.
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Re: Image Following mouse

08 Nov 2020, 15:48

boiler wrote:
08 Nov 2020, 15:41
tubbiya wrote:
08 Nov 2020, 14:55

The circle shape will follow the mouse, this will be fast and this circle will be txt linked, it will read the txt file continuously and accordingly the diameter of the circle will change according to the txt information. Can we talk about this privately. can you send mail I am not spam.
I’m not interested in such a program. I haven’t expressed a need for it. There is no reason why this would need to be directed privately to me and not in general to the forum. I am not interested in talking privately. Please stop trolling the forum.
I misrepresented myself, I need this program.
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Re: Image Following mouse

08 Nov 2020, 16:07

tubbiya wrote:
08 Nov 2020, 15:48
I misrepresented myself, I need this program.
If you’re asking for me to provide you such a program, I don’t know why you’re asking me and why you don’t just ask in the open forum.

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