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Post by bichlepa » 19 May 2018, 10:33

This is a powerful and easy to use solution for sorting objects.

ObjectSort() sourcecode:

Code: Select all

/* ObjectSort() by bichlepa
* Description:
*    Reads content of an object and returns a sorted array
* Parameters:
*    obj:              Object which will be sorted
*    keyName:          [optional] 
*                      Omit it if you want to sort a array of strings, numbers etc.
*                      If you have an array of objects, specify here the key by which contents the object will be sorted.
*    callBackFunction: [optional] Use it if you want to have custom sort rules.
*                      The function will be called once for each value. It must return a number or string.
*    reverse:          [optional] Pass true if the result array should be reversed
objectSort(obj, keyName="", callbackFunc="", reverse=false)
	temp := Object()
	sorted := Object() ;Return value
	for oneKey, oneValue in obj
		;Get the value by which it will be sorted
		if keyname
			value := oneValue[keyName]
			value := oneValue
		;If there is a callback function, call it. The value is the key of the temporary list.
		if (callbackFunc)
			tempKey := %callbackFunc%(value)
			tempKey := value
		;Insert the value in the temporary object.
		;It may happen that some values are equal therefore we put the values in an array.
		if not isObject(temp[tempKey])
			temp[tempKey] := []
	;Now loop throuth the temporary list. AutoHotkey sorts them for us.
	for oneTempKey, oneValueList in temp
		for oneValueIndex, oneValue in oneValueList
			;And add the values to the result list
			if (reverse)
	return sorted
Demonstration script:
You will need string-object-file.ahk. You can get a copy here.

Code: Select all

#NoEnv  ; Recommended for performance and compatibility with future AutoHotkey releases.

#include Object sort.ahk
#include string-object-file.ahk

MyArray:=["Dog", "Cat", "Mouse", "Snake", "Bird"]

MsgBox % "List of animals: `n`n" strobj(MyArray) "`n`nAlphabetically sorted:`n`n" strobj(MySortedArray)

;Source of car list: https://www.globalcarsbrands.com/top-10-fastest-cars-in-the-world/
MyCarList.push({name: "ZENVO ST 1", speedMPH: "233"})
MyCarList.push({name: "HENNESSEY VENOM GT", speedMPH: "270"})
MyCarList.push({name: "KOENIGSEGG AGERA R", speedMPH: "273"})
MyCarList.push({name: "ASTON MARTIN ONE-77", speedMPH: "220"})
MyCarList.push({name: "PAGANI HUAYRA", speedMPH: "230"})
MyCarList.push({name: "MCLAREN F1", speedMPH: "241"})
MyCarList.push({name: "BUGATTI VEYRON SUPER SPORT", speedMPH: "268"})
MyCarList.push({name: "KOENIGSEGG CCR", speedMPH: "242"})
MyCarList.push({name: "SSC ULTIMATE AERO", speedMPH: "256"})
MyCarList.push({name: "9FF GT9-R", speedMPH: "257"})

MySortedCarList:=ObjectSort(MyCarList, "speedMPH",,true)

MsgBox % "Fastest cars: `n`n" strobj(MyCarList) "`n`nSorted by speed:`n`n" strobj(MySortedCarList)

myImmovables.push({town: "New York", size: "60", price: 400000, balcony: 1})
myImmovables.push({town: "Berlin", size: "45", price: 230000, balcony: 1})
myImmovables.push({town: "Moscow", size: "80", price: 350000, balcony: 0})
myImmovables.push({town: "Tokyo", size: "90", price: 600000, balcony: 2})
myImmovables.push({town: "Palma de Mallorca", size: "250", price: 1100000, balcony: 3})

MySortedImmovablesBySize:=ObjectSort(myImmovables, "size")
MySortedImmovablesByBalconyCount:=ObjectSort(myImmovables, "balcony",,true)
MySortedImmovablesPricePerSqM:=ObjectSort(myImmovables, ,"calcPricePerSqM")

	return Immovable.price / Immovable.size

MsgBox % "My immovables: `n`n" strobj(myImmovables)
MsgBox % "My immovables sorted by size: `n`n" strobj(MySortedImmovablesBySize)
MsgBox % "My immovables sorted by balcony count: `n`n" strobj(MySortedImmovablesByBalconyCount)
MsgBox % "My immovables sorted by price per square meter: `n`n" strobj(MySortedImmovablesPricePerSqM)
Output of the demonstration script:
Scripting is too complicated? Try AutoHotFlow, the graphical automation tool! Written in AutoHotkey.

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Re: ObjectSort()

Post by burque505 » 20 May 2018, 09:02

Thank you, bichlepa. Great documentation in the comments, and I'm sure to make use of this.

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Re: ObjectSort()

Post by Cerberus » 28 May 2018, 20:03

This looks great. And I'm glad to see very clear examples: a lack of examples often makes it take an hour before I get a script to work. I'm bookmarking this, for I will certainly want to use it in the future.

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Re: ObjectSort()

Post by oldbrother » 29 May 2018, 08:02

Thanks for sharing!

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Re: ObjectSort()

Post by doubledave22 » 05 Dec 2020, 16:34

Hi, is there any way for this to support decimals? I have an object with values something like 200,0.02, 1.50, 100, 50, 0.25 and this sort does not seem to handle floats. I found a workaround by multiplying the values by 100 and rounding but is there a better way?

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Re: ObjectSort()

Post by fenchai » 14 Dec 2020, 11:11

string-object-file is missing. Should have just copy pasted it in post.

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Re: ObjectSort()

Post by watagan » 14 Dec 2020, 20:34

Here is String-object-file.ahk for those who can't find it.

Code: Select all


String-object-file (data structures in YAML-like style)
Author:		Learning one (Boris Mudrinić)
Contact:	https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/171417982/AHK/Learning one contact.png
AHK forum:	http://www.autohotkey.com/board/topic/104854-string-object-file-data-structures-in-yaml-like-style/

=== License ===
Redistribution and use (both commercial and non-commercial) in source and binary forms, are permitted free of charge if you give a credit to the author. Author is not responsible for any damages arising from use or redistribution of his work. If redistributed in source form, you are not allowed to remove comments from this file.

=== See also ===
- Yaml Parser (++JSON) by HotKeyIt: http://www.autohotkey.com/board/topic/65582-ahk-lv2-yaml-yaml-parser-json/
- JSON module by Coco: http://ahkscript.org/boards/viewtopic.php?f=6&t=627&p=4988
- JSON-like (de)serializer by VxE: http://ahkscript.org/boards/viewtopic.php?f=6&t=30&p=99
- Json <---> Object by lordkrandel: http://www.autohotkey.com/board/topic/61328-lib-json-ahk-l-json-object/
- Object from/to file or string by Learning one (obsolete): http://www.autohotkey.com/board/topic/66496-object-fromto-file-or-string-data-structures/
- YAML on wikipedia: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/YAML
- Learn Yaml in 5 minutes: http://yaml.codeplex.com/wikipage?title=Yaml in 5 minutes

=== Documentation ===
One function does it all; just call StrObj() function and it will automatically conclude what do you want to do, depending on type of your input.
Here's how to use it and what it does:

Object := StrObj(String)	; String to Object (constructs object from string)
String := StrObj(Obj)		; Object to String (converts object to string)
Object := StrObj(File)		; File to Object (constructs object from file)

ErrorLevel := StrObj(Obj,OutFile)		; saves Object to File
ErrorLevel := StrObj(String,OutFile)	; saves String to File
ErrorLevel := StrObj(File,OutFile)		; saves File to File

Learn from examples.
Warning: although strings which are used to construct objects are in YAML format, there is no full YAML support!
For full YAML support use HotKeyIt's Yaml Parser but be prepared for some surprizes like this: http://www.autohotkey.com/board/topic/65582-ahk-lv2-yaml-yaml-parser-json/page-7#entry640399

Formatting rules for string which are used to construct object;
To build SIMPE ARRAY like ["avocado", "banana", "mango"], use "- value" format (like a list). Your string has to look like this;
	String:= "
	- avocado
	- banana
	- mango
	Object := StrObj(String)	; String to Object (constructs object from string)

To build ASSOCIATIVE ARRAY like {FirstName: "John", LastName: "Smith"}, use "key: value" format. Your string has to look like this;
	String:= "
	FirstName: John	
	LastName: Smith
	Object := StrObj(String)	; String to Object (constructs object from string)

HIERARCHY in data structure is defined by using indentation, more precisely; tab character. 
So, to build more complex object like {Customer: {FirstName: "John", LastName: "Smith"}, Fruits: ["avocado", "banana", "mango"]}, combine all above like this;
	String:= "
		FirstName: John	
		LastName: Smith
		- avocado
		- banana
		- mango
	Object := StrObj(String)	; String to Object (constructs object from string)

=== Tips for continuation sections ===
If you are using indented continuation sections, always use expression assignment. More info here; http://www.autohotkey.com/board/topic/104735-continuation-sections-left-tabs-in-the-first-line/
			String:= "
			- avocado
			- banana
			- mango

Use accent (`) option in continuation sections;
- it treats each backtick character literally rather than as an escape character.
- it prevents the translation of any explicitly specified escape sequences such as `n and `t.
	String:= "
	Name: Item	
	Description: This item does 3 things:`n1) thing 1`n2) thing 2`n3) thing 3

=== Example 1 - simple array ===
String := "
- avocado
- banana
- mango

Obj := StrObj(String)
MsgBox % Obj.2	; returns "banana"

=== Example 2 - associative array ===
String := "
FirstName: John	
LastName: Smith
Nick: Jonny

Obj := StrObj(String)
MsgBox % Obj.LastName	; returns "Smith"

=== Example 3 - complex ===
String := "
FirstName: John	
LastName: Smith
Nick: Jonny
	- Anna
	- Joe
		Number: 212 555-1234
		Type: fixed
		Number: 099 555-4567
		Type: mobile
	Music: plays guitar
	Programming: knows AHK, C++, HTML
	Spots: good in Kiteboarding, Windsurfing and Swimming
TestFileFullPath := A_ScriptDir "\StrObj test.txt"
OnExit, ExitSub

Obj := StrObj(String)					; String to Object (constructs object from string)

MsgBox % Obj.Parents.2					; returns "Joe"
MsgBox % Obj.PhoneNumbers.MaxIndex()	; returns "2"
MsgBox % Obj.PhoneNumbers.2.Type		; returns "mobile"

Obj.PhoneNumbers.2.Number := "099 123-456"	; sets new value
Obj.Skills.Programming .= ", Lua"			; appends value
Obj.YearOfBirth := 1982						; inserts new key and sets its value

MsgBox % StrObj(Obj)				; converts modified object to a string and displays it in a MsgBox
StrObj(Obj,TestFileFullPath)		; saves modified object to File
Run, % TestFileFullPath

Obj := StrObj(TestFileFullPath)		; File to Object (constructs object from file)
MsgBox % StrObj(Obj)				; converts object to a string and displays it in a MsgBox
F2::Run, % TestFileFullPath
FileDelete, % TestFileFullPath	; clear testing mess

=== Example 4 - reverse ===
Obj := ["avocado", "banana", "mango"]
MsgBox % StrObj(Obj)	; converts object to string and displays it in MsgBox

Obj := {FirstName: "John", LastName: "Smith"}
MsgBox % StrObj(Obj)	; converts object to string and displays it in MsgBox

Obj := {Customer: {FirstName: "John", LastName: "Smith"}, Fruits: ["avocado", "banana", "mango"]}
MsgBox % StrObj(Obj)	; converts object to string and displays it in MsgBox

=== Example 5 - NewLine and Tab characters ===
String:= "
- avocado
- ba`nna`nna
- man`t`t`tgo
Obj := StrObj(String)	; String to Object

MsgBox % Obj.2
;		MsgBox above displays:
;		ba
;		na
;		na

MsgBox % Obj.3
;		MsgBox above displays:
;		man			go

MsgBox % StrObj(Obj)	; Object to String
;		MsgBox above displays:
;		- avocado
;		- ba`nna`nna
;		- man`t`t`tgo

=== Example 6 - changing default options ===
String := "
		Action: %A_WinDir%
		Text: Windows
		Action: C:\Script.ahk
		Text: Script
Name: Test menu

Obj := StrObj(String)

;Use default options;
MsgBox % StrObj(Obj)

;Use custom options;
StrObj.Indent := "  "	; change indentation option to 2 spaces. (Default = `t)
MsgBox % StrObj(Obj)

Class StrObj {		; String-object-file (data structures in YAML-like style). By Learning one
	static Version := 1.01, Author := "Learning one", WebSite := "http://www.autohotkey.com/board/topic/104854-string-object-file-data-structures-in-yaml-like-style/"

	static Indent := "`t"
	static EscapedIndent := "``t"			; when converting object to string 
	static NewLine := "`n"					; when parsing a string (reading)
	static EscapedNewLine := "``n"			; when converting object to string 

	static NewLineInOutputString := "`r`n"	; when writing to a string
	static Omit := "`r"						; omitted when parsing a string (reading) 
	static Equal := ":"						; Equal is a sign which delimits key from its value; key: value
	static DerefValues := 1
	static SmartIndentTrim := 1				; useful in [indented continuation sections] and [overindented text in .txt files] which contain YAML-like string
	static FileAppendEncoding := "UTF-8"

	Auto(Input,SaveToFileFullPath="") {						; Automatically concludes what user wants to do. Called by StrObj() function
		Att := FileExist(Input)
		if (Att != "" and InStr(Att, "D") = 0) {			; Input is FILE - user wants to read that file, construct object from its contents (string) and return object
			FileRead, FileContents, % Input
			ReturnValue := this.StrToObj(FileContents)		; returns object
			if (SaveToFileFullPath != "") 					; user actually wants to save String (FileContents) to a file
				ToSave := RTrim(FileContents, " `t`n`r"), SaveToFile := 1
		else if (IsObject(Input) = 1) {						; Input is OBJECT - user wants to convert it to string and return that string
			ReturnValue := this.ObjToStr(Input)				; returns string
			if (SaveToFileFullPath != "")					; user actually wants to save String (ReturnValue) to a file
				ToSave := ReturnValue, SaveToFile := 1	
		else {												; Input is STRING - user wants to construct object from that string and return that object
			ReturnValue := this.StrToObj(Input)				; returns object
			if (SaveToFileFullPath != "")					; user actually wants to save String (Input) to a file
				ToSave := RTrim(Input, " `t`n`r"), SaveToFile := 1
		if (SaveToFile = 1) {								; Return value:  0 = no problems (Successful). Anything else = problems (failure). 
			if (FileExist(SaveToFileFullPath) != "") {		; SaveToFileFullPath already exists - delete it first
				FileDelete, % SaveToFileFullPath
				if (ErrorLevel > 0)							; ErrorLevel is set to the number of files that failed to be deleted (if any) or 0 otherwise.
					return ErrorLevel
			FileAppend, % ToSave, % SaveToFileFullPath, % this.FileAppendEncoding
			return ErrorLevel 								; ErrorLevel is set to 1 if there was a problem or 0 otherwise.
		return ReturnValue									; if user was not saving to a file, function will return him object or string

	StrToObj(String) {		; Creates object from YAML-like string.
		;=== Preparation ===
		Indent := this.Indent
		NewLine := this.NewLine
		Omit := this.Omit
		Equal := this.Equal
		DerefValues := this.DerefValues
		SmartIndentTrim := this.SmartIndentTrim
		obj := [], KeyNames := [], Items := [], LastDepth := 0, CurNum := [0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0], IndentLen := StrLen(Indent)
		;=== SmartIndentTrim ===
		if (SmartIndentTrim = 1) {	; useful in [indented continuation sections] and [overindented text in .txt files] which contain YAML-like string
			Counter := 0, IntentsToTrim := 100000	; IntentsToTrim can be any arbitrary big number... It's unlikely user will have so many tabs  at the left (indentation)
			;=== See how many indents at the left have to be trimmed and store it in IntentsToTrim variable ===
			; If you are using indented continuation sections, always use expression assignment. More info here; http://www.autohotkey.com/board/topic/104735-continuation-sections-left-tabs-in-the-first-line/
			; Count only left tabs in the first not-blank line (not in all lines) because first not-blank line must always be at the highest level...
			Loop, parse, String, % NewLine , % Omit
				if A_LoopField is space	; ignore
				Field := A_LoopField, IndentsInThisLine := 0, FirstLineDetected := 1
				While (SubStr(Field,1,IndentLen) = Indent) {
					Field := SubStr(Field, IndentLen+1)	; removes first %IndentLen% characters
					IndentsInThisLine += 1
				if (IndentsInThisLine < IntentsToTrim)
					IntentsToTrim := IndentsInThisLine
				if (FirstLineDetected = 1)
			;=== If there are extra indents in this string to trim at the left ===
			if (IntentsToTrim < 100000 and IntentsToTrim > 0) {		; there are extra indents in this string to trim at the left
				NewString := ""
				Loop, parse, String, % NewLine , % Omit
					Field := SubStr(A_LoopField, IntentsToTrim+1)	; removes first %IntentsToTrim% characters
					NewString .= Field NewLine
				String := SubStr(NewString,1, StrLen(NewString)-StrLen(NewLine))	; overwrite String with NewString, which hasn't got extra indents at the left
		;=== Extract data from string ===
		Loop, parse, String, % NewLine , % Omit
			CurDepth := 1, IsPreviousItemValueObject := 0
			if A_LoopField is space
			Field := RTrim(A_LoopField, " `t`r")
			While (SubStr(Field,1,IndentLen) = Indent) {
				Field := SubStr(Field, IndentLen+1)	; removes first %IndentLen% characters
				CurDepth += 1
			if (CurDepth != LastDepth) {	; Indent change
				if (CurDepth < LastDepth)	; <--- Decreased indent
					CurNum[LastDepth] := 0	; 		restart numbering for LastDepth
				if (CurDepth > LastDepth) {	; ---> Increased indent
					CurNum[CurDepth] := 0	; 		restart numbering for CurDepth
					if (CurDepth > 1)
						IsPreviousItemValueObject := 1
				LastDepth := CurDepth
			if (SubStr(Field,1,1) = "-") {		; if FirstChar is "-"
				CurNum[CurDepth] += 1
				NewItem := CurNum[CurDepth]  ": " Trim(SubStr(Field,2), " `t`r")	; Exa: "- Joe" --> "2: Joe"
				NewItem := Field	; Exa: "FirstName: John"
			EqualPos := InStr(NewItem, Equal)
			k := SubStr(NewItem, 1, EqualPos-1), v := SubStr(NewItem, EqualPos+1)
			k := Trim(k, " `t`r"), v := Trim(v, " `t`r")	; k=key, v=value
			if (DerefValues = 1)
				Transform, v, Deref, % v
			KeyNames[CurDepth] := k
			DepthNames := []
			Loop, % CurDepth
				DepthNames.Insert(KeyNames[A_Index])	; DepthNames exa: ["PhoneNumbers", "1", "Type"]
			Items.Insert([DepthNames,v])				; Items structure: DepthNames,value
			if (IsPreviousItemValueObject = 1) {
				PreviousItemNum := Items.MaxIndex() - 1
				Items[PreviousItemNum].2 := []			; value becomes object
		;=== Construct object ===
		For k,v in Items	; Items structure: DepthNames,value
			n := v.1			; n = DepthNames. Exa: ["PhoneNumbers", "1", "Type"]
			value := v.2		; values. Exa: "Joe"
			if value is Integer
				value := value*1	;  assigns a pure number instead of string - important for some COM methods
			CurLevel := n.MaxIndex()
			if (CurLevel = 1)
				obj[n.1] := value
			else if (CurLevel = 2)
				obj[n.1][n.2] := value
			else if (CurLevel = 3)
				obj[n.1][n.2][n.3] := value
			else if (CurLevel = 4)
				obj[n.1][n.2][n.3][n.4] := value
			else if (CurLevel = 5)
				obj[n.1][n.2][n.3][n.4][n.5] := value
			else if (CurLevel = 6)
				obj[n.1][n.2][n.3][n.4][n.5][n.6] := value
			else if (CurLevel = 7)
				obj[n.1][n.2][n.3][n.4][n.5][n.6][n.7] := value
			else if (CurLevel = 8)
				obj[n.1][n.2][n.3][n.4][n.5][n.6][n.7][n.8] := value
			else if (CurLevel = 9)
				obj[n.1][n.2][n.3][n.4][n.5][n.6][n.7][n.8][n.9] := value	
			else if (CurLevel = 10)
				obj[n.1][n.2][n.3][n.4][n.5][n.6][n.7][n.8][n.9][n.10] := value	
			else if (CurLevel = 11)
				obj[n.1][n.2][n.3][n.4][n.5][n.6][n.7][n.8][n.9][n.10][n.11] := value	
			else if (CurLevel = 12)
				obj[n.1][n.2][n.3][n.4][n.5][n.6][n.7][n.8][n.9][n.10][n.11][n.12] := value	; etc
		return obj
	ObjToStr(Obj, Depth=12, CurIndent="") {	; Converts object to YAML-like string.
		For k,v in Obj
			if (IsObject(v) = 1 and Depth>1 ) {
				middlepart := this.NewLineInOutputString StrObj.ObjToStr(v, Depth-1, CurIndent this.Indent)
				;~ if k is Integer ;Modified by bichlepa
					;~ ToReturn .= CurIndent "-" A_Space middlepart
				;~ else {
					StringReplace, k, k, % this.Indent, % this.EscapedIndent, all
					StringReplace, k, k, % this.NewLine, % this.EscapedNewLine, all										
					ToReturn .= CurIndent k this.Equal A_Space middlepart
				;~ }				
			else {
				StringReplace, v, v, % this.Indent, % this.EscapedIndent, all
				StringReplace, v, v, % this.NewLine, % this.EscapedNewLine, all
				;~ if k is Integer  ;Modified by bichlepa
					;~ ToReturn .= CurIndent "-" A_Space v this.NewLineInOutputString
				;~ else {
					StringReplace, k, k, % this.Indent, % this.EscapedIndent, all
					StringReplace, k, k, % this.NewLine, % this.EscapedNewLine, all										
					ToReturn .= CurIndent k this.Equal A_Space v this.NewLineInOutputString
				;~ }
		return RTrim(ToReturn, NewLineInOutputString)
	}	; http://www.autohotkey.com/forum/post-426623.html#426623	

StrObj(Input,SaveToFileFullPath="") {					; Part of [Class StrObj]
	return StrObj.Auto(Input,SaveToFileFullPath)

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Re: ObjectSort()

Post by Cerberus » 30 Mar 2021, 23:45

watagan wrote:
14 Dec 2020, 20:34
Here is String-object-file.ahk for those who can't find it.
Thank you for posting this.

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Joined: 11 May 2020, 20:29

Re: ObjectSort()

Post by KiddoV » 17 May 2021, 14:39

Good function but it is still confused about "A11" and "A102" for example. It would put A102 first then A11. Is there anyway to fix it?

Code: Select all

testObj := [{ref: "A10"}, {ref: "A12"}, {ref: "A11"}, {ref: "A102"}, {ref: "B3"}, {ref: "B0"}]
The result:

Code: Select all

resultObj := [{"ref":"A10"}, {"ref":"A102"}, {"ref":"A11"}, {"ref":"A12"}, {"ref":"B0"}, {"ref":"B3"}]

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Re: ObjectSort()

Post by rommmcek » 23 May 2021, 15:55

For the special case (left part of the value are letters, right part are numbers) you can try something like:

Code: Select all

testObj := [{ref: "A10"}, {ref: "A12"}, {ref: "A11"}, {ref: "A102"}, {ref: "B3"}, {ref: "B0"}]

for i, j in (testObj, srr:= [])
    for k, l in j
        an:=  RegExReplace(l, "[0-9]"), nu:= RegExReplace(l, "[^0-9]")
      , srr[an]? "": srr[an]:=[], srr[an][nu]? "": srr[an][nu]:=[], srr[an][nu].Push(l)

pa(in) {
    MsgBox % txtArr(in)

txtArr(r, i:="  ", d:=0, b:="") {
	For k, v in (r, IsObject(r)? "": e:= 1)
		c.= IsObject(v)? b k ":`n" txtArr(v, i, d+1, b i): b k ": " v "`n", d>0? "": t:=c
    Return e? r: d>0? c: t
[Addendum]: After couple of (local) questions how to get previous array format:

Code: Select all

testObj := [{ref: "A10"}, {ref: "A12"}, {ref: "A11"}, {ref: "A102"}, {ref: "B3"}, {ref: "B0"}]
;pa(testObj) ; display initial array

for i, j in (testObj, srr:= [])
    for k, l in (j, ij:=j)
        an:=  RegExReplace(l, "[0-9]"), nu:= RegExReplace(l, "[^0-9]")
      , srr[an]? "": srr[an]:=[], srr[an][nu]? "": srr[an][nu]:=[], srr[an][nu].Push(ij)
;pa(srr) ; display sorted array (nested)

for i, j in (srr, frr:=[])
    for k, l in j
        for m, n in l
pa(frr) ; display final array

pa(in) {
    MsgBox % txtArr(in)

txtArr(r, i:="  ", d:=0, b:="") {
	For k, v in (r, IsObject(r)? "": e:= 1)
		c.= IsObject(v)? b k ":`n" txtArr(v, i, d+1, b i): b k ": " v "`n", d>0? "": t:=c
    Return e? r: d>0? c: t

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Re: ObjectSort()

Post by murataygun » 30 Sep 2022, 03:59

Thank you.
Malzemeler["item1"] := {id: 1, name: "deneme", adet: 3}
Malzemeler["item2"] := {id: 1, name: "deneme", adet: 3}

If i sort this array i loose Malzemeler arrays keys. (item1, item2)

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Re: ObjectSort()

Post by rommmcek » 30 Sep 2022, 10:08

Code: Select all

#SingleInstance, force

Malzemeler := Object()

Malzemeler["glow"] := {color: "red", size: "L", code: 123, isAvailable: 1, id: 1}
Malzemeler["shirt"] := {color: "green", size: "S", code: 321, isAvailable: 1, id: 2}
Malzemeler["sock"] := {color: "blue", size: "xL", code: 789, isAvailable: 1, id: 3}
Malzemeler["pants"] := {color: "purple", size: "M", code: 987, isAvailable: 1, id: 4}

;test Malzemeler

for i, j in (Malzemeler, srr:=[])
   srr[Malzemeler[i].id]? "": srr[Malzemeler[i].id]:=[], srr[Malzemeler[i].id].Push(i), srr[Malzemeler[i].id].Push(j)

;test srr
;this works too
MsgBox, % srr.1.1 "`n" srr.1.2.color
Esc:: ExitApp

pa(in) {
    MsgBox % txtArr(in)

txtArr(r, i:="  ", d:=0, b:="") {
	For k, v in (r, IsObject(r)? "": e:= 1)
		c.= IsObject(v)? b k ":`n" txtArr(v, i, d+1, b i): b k ": " v "`n", d>0? "": t:=c
    Return e? r: d>0? c: t
Last edited by rommmcek on 04 Oct 2022, 13:55, edited 5 times in total.

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Re: ObjectSort()

Post by murataygun » 30 Sep 2022, 15:44

rommmcek wrote:
30 Sep 2022, 10:08
If you mean:
Thank you for your reply. Its so kind of you spend time coding that loops.
But its not the case. Maybe i can express stuation in code. Please see the code comments. Its working code to easly copy/paste and run.

Code: Select all

#SingleInstance, force

Malzemeler := Object()

Malzemeler["glow"] := {color: "red", size: "L", code: 123, isAvailable: 1, id: 1}
Malzemeler["shirt"] := {color: "green", size: "S", code: 321, isAvailable: 1, id: 2}
Malzemeler["sock"] := {color: "blue", size: "xL", code: 789, isAvailable: 1, id: 3}
Malzemeler["pants"] := {color: "purple", size: "M", code: 987, isAvailable: 1, id: 4}

;Test if this works. It works..
MsgBox, % Malzemeler.glow.color

tmpMalzemeler := objectSort(Malzemeler, "id", "", true)

;This works but ...
MsgBox, % tmpMalzemeler[4].color
;This doesnt.. We lost the key "glow" and the others. "shirt", "sock"  etc.
MsgBox, % tmpMalzemeler.glow.color

objectSort(obj, keyName="", callbackFunc="", reverse=false)
        temp := Object()
        sorted := Object() ;Return value
        for oneKey, oneValue in obj
            ;Get the value by which it will be sorted
            if keyname
                value := oneValue[keyName]
                value := oneValue
            ;If there is a callback function, call it. The value is the key of the temporary list.
            if (callbackFunc)
                tempKey := %callbackFunc%(value)
                tempKey := value
            ;Insert the value in the temporary object.
            ;It may happen that some values are equal therefore we put the values in an array.
            if not isObject(temp[tempKey])
                temp[tempKey] := []
        ;Now loop throuth the temporary list. AutoHotkey sorts them for us.
        for oneTempKey, oneValueList in temp
            for oneValueIndex, oneValue in oneValueList
                ;And add the values to the result list
                if (reverse)
        return sorted

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Re: ObjectSort()

Post by rommmcek » 30 Sep 2022, 22:49

murataygun wrote:
30 Sep 2022, 15:44
...its not the case..
It's not that much different, but I blundered immensely!
Edited previous post.
Is that good for you or do you require original array format and reverse order?

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Re: ObjectSort()

Post by joedf » 01 Oct 2022, 07:03

This reminds me of my Autosort function, that just takes advantage of ahk's sorting: viewtopic.php?t=3790

I dunno if it's the same, here it is anyway :mrgreen:
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Re: ObjectSort()

Post by rommmcek » 01 Oct 2022, 09:16

Didn't know about AutoSort. I refered to one-loop sorting. The idea is the same, however murataygun has a nested array. Having the function is useful, so I added two versions in my previous post.

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Re: ObjectSort()

Post by joedf » 01 Oct 2022, 09:54

One-loop sorting... interesting :think:
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Re: ObjectSort()

Post by murataygun » 02 Oct 2022, 12:07

rommmcek wrote:
01 Oct 2022, 09:16
Didn't know about AutoSort. I refered to one-loop sorting. The idea is the same, however murataygun has a nested array. Having the function is useful, so I added two versions in my previous post.
Thank you.

I have that nested array. Have 44 objects in it. I build a table from it with the help of neutron.ahk. Users can change the values etc. Most used items must be on top. So, i sorted them manually by setting their id parameter.

But when pull them from API Autohotkey sorts it automatically (alphabetically) by key names. So my table messes up. But in app flow i should still want to use that array associatively.


Code: Select all

In your solutions Malzemeler array untouched.
"srr" array sorted but can't use it like "srr.shirt.color"

unsorted Malzemeler --->> | sort box | ---->> sorted Malzemeler array which i can use Malzemeler.shirt.color

Maybe its not that easy. Thank you very much for your time and efforts. :angel:

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Re: ObjectSort()

Post by murataygun » 02 Oct 2022, 12:40

BTW.. Why the heck AHK sorts arrays? :D

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Re: ObjectSort()

Post by rommmcek » 04 Oct 2022, 14:04

The best I could do is srr[GetProperty(srr, "shirt")].shirt.color or srr[GetProperty(srr, "shirt")].2.color.
I updated the two functions in previous post with code.

P.s.: Why do you wanna have such array sorted like this? To visually inspect the content you can use one of the functions I posted. but to change the array you dont need sorting, you can use original array with usual syntax...

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