need help to change script

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need help to change script

10 Feb 2015, 22:02

i wrote this script but i was told it didn't work because gosub can't be used to exit loops. i am noob and i'm not sure how to write it another way. if someone could help me to change this to make it work that would be great. there is one thing i didn't add also which i would like to. that is the ability to cancel it at any time by pressing F2. here's my code.

Code: Select all

color1 =
color2 =
color3 =
color4 =
color5 = 
color6 =
color7 =

PixelGetColor, color1, 410, 561, Alt                      ; press f1 to check to start or not
if (color1 = 0x0000CB)                                       ; if should start go to next step
        PixelGetColor, color1, 410, 561, Alt              ; press f1 to check to start or not
        if (color1 = 0x0000CB)                               ; if should start
            Click 670, 300                                       ; click find game 
        Sleep, 1000 
        PixelGetColor, color2, 780, 430, Alt              ; check for game ready button
        if (color2 = 0x1F1B1A)                               ; if game ready button found
            Click 780, 430                                       ; click accept game button
        Sleep, 1000
        PixelGetColor, color3, 1600, 900, Alt             ; check for loaded into game
        PixelGetColor, color4, 502, 390, Alt              ; check for returned to finding game
		if (color3 = 0x422410)                       ; if loaded into game
            break                                                  ; go to next step
        else if (color4 = 0xBBBBBB)                       ; otherwise if returned to finding game
		    Gosub, Label2                               ; go back to checking for game ready button (label2)
        Sleep, 1000
        PixelGetColor, color5, 200, 102, Alt              ; check for being on team 1
        PixelGetColor, color6, 1275, 102, Alt             ; check for being on team 2 
		if (color5 = 0x00FB00)                       ; if on team 1
		    Click 382, 775                               ; select character
		    Sleep, 1000                                  ; wait 1 second
			Click 1100, 775			      ; start game
            break                                                  ; go to next step   
		else if (color6 = 0x0000FB)                 ; otherwise if on team 2
		    Click 382, 775                               ; select character
		    Sleep, 1000                                  ; wait 1 second
			Click 1100, 775			      ; start game
			Gosub, Label3                           ; go to team 2 step (label3)
        Sleep, 1000 
    {                                                                 ; team 1
        PixelGetColor, color7, 1390, 680, Alt	       ; check for game over	      
        if (color7 != 0x232121)                               ; if game over not found  
            Click right 275, 825			               ; right click a location
		else if (color7 = 0x232121)                  ; otherwise if game over found
		   Click right 1390, 680                        ; click exit game button
		   Gosub, Label1                                 ; go to start of script (label1)                                                                  
        Sleep, 1000 
    {                                                                ; team 2
        PixelGetColor, color7, 1390, 680, Alt             ; check for game over
        if (color != 0x232121)   		              ; if game over not found
            Click right 25, 1060                                ; right click a location
		else if (color6 = 0x232121)                 ; otherwise if game over found
		    Click right 1390, 680                      ; click exit game button
		    Gosub, Label1                               ; go to start of script (label1)
        Sleep, 1000 
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Re: need help to change script

11 Feb 2015, 00:27

There are other issues as well. Your if statement is follow by a break, which is used for breaking out of loops. When you see it used after an if statement, it is when the if statement is inside of a loop. I'm guessing that your intent is to not continue if the condition is met, so you want to return instead of break.

You were told correctly that Gosub doesn't exit the loop, it would return to the same spot and continue the loop after it executes the subroutine (but your labels aren't defining subroutines, so it will never come back, so who knows?). It looks like you are wanting to use Goto to jump to your labels.

In general, it's best not to jump around using Goto. There should be a way to accomplish what you want with subroutines (which are defined by a label, some code, then a return). But you might try these changes and see if it works.

To cancel at any time, you mean exit the script? Just add F2::ExitApp at the bottom of your script.

Re: need help to change script

11 Feb 2015, 00:53

well i'm not sure how that break got there it's not in my code. anyway are you saying i can just replace gosub with goto and it would work properly? heres my code again after i changed it with your suggestion i think. also i want f2 to just stop the script (meaning i have to press f1 to start it again) but not actually close the script.

Code: Select all

color1 =
color2 =
color3 =
color4 =
color5 = 
color6 =
color7 =

PixelGetColor, color1, 410, 561, Alt                      ; press f1 to check to start or not
if (color1 = 0x0000CB)                                    ; if should start go to next step
        PixelGetColor, color1, 410, 561, Alt              ; press f1 to check to start or not
        if (color1 = 0x0000CB)                            ; if should start
            Click 670, 300                                ; click find game 
        Sleep, 1000 
        PixelGetColor, color2, 780, 430, Alt              ; check for game ready button
        if (color2 = 0x1F1B1A)                            ; if game ready button found
            Click 780, 430                                ; click accept game button
        Sleep, 1000
        PixelGetColor, color3, 1600, 900, Alt             ; check for loaded into game
        PixelGetColor, color4, 502, 390, Alt              ; check for returned to finding game
		if (color3 = 0x422410)                            ; if loaded into game
            break                                         ; go to next step
        else if (color4 = 0xBBBBBB)                       ; otherwise if returned to finding game
		    Goto, Label2                                 ; go back to checking for game ready button (label2)
        Sleep, 1000
        PixelGetColor, color5, 200, 102, Alt              ; check for being on team 1
        PixelGetColor, color6, 1275, 102, Alt             ; check for being on team 2 
		if (color5 = 0x00FB00)                            ; if on team 1
		    Click 382, 775                                ; select character
		    Sleep, 1000                                   ; wait 1 second
			Click 1100, 775								  ; start game
            break                                         ; go to next step   
		else if (color6 = 0x0000FB)                       ; otherwise if on team 2
		    Click 382, 775                                ; select character
		    Sleep, 1000                                   ; wait 1 second
			Click 1100, 775								  ; start game
			Goto, Label3                                 ; go to team 2 step (label3)
        Sleep, 1000 
    {                                                     ; team 1
        PixelGetColor, color7, 1390, 680, Alt			  ; check for game over	      
        if (color7 != 0x232121)                           ; if game over not found  
            Click right 275, 825						  ; right click a location
		else if (color7 = 0x232121)                       ; otherwise if game over found
		   Click 1390, 680                                ; click exit game button
		   Goto, Label1                                  ; go to start of script (label1)                                                                  
        Sleep, 1000 
    {                                                     ; team 2
        PixelGetColor, color7, 1390, 680, Alt             ; check for game over
        if (color != 0x232121)   					      ; if game over not found
            Click right 25, 1060                          ; right click a location
		else if (color6 = 0x232121)                       ; otherwise if game over found
		    Click 1390, 680                               ; click exit game button
		    Goto, Label1                                 ; go to start of script
        Sleep, 1000 
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Re: need help to change script

11 Feb 2015, 00:59

I'm not saying I know it will work properly. I haven't really studied it to know what it's trying to do. But based on what you described, I think Goto is what you were trying to achieve where you had Gosub statements.

Regarding stopping the script, since you would be pressing one hotkey to stop the execution of a thread spawned by another hotkey, I'm not sure what the cleanest way to do it is, but F2::Reload would work.

Re: need help to change script

11 Feb 2015, 01:05

i see well i also can't use goto in the same way because it's the same error. if you are able to explain more about subroutines that would help because when someone suggested to use gosub/goto i just added it how i thought i could but it was wrong. i am noob and don't know what i'm doing much.
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Re: need help to change script

11 Feb 2015, 01:24

I'm not sure I understand what you are trying to do.
You want label1 to start and check color1?
Do you want after that label2 and label3 to always happen?

can you walk me through your program?

Thanks as I'm learning too and a lot of times I need help understanding what is happening in the code.
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Re: need help to change script

11 Feb 2015, 01:44

Well, if you use subroutines, you can't just jump around to different points in the big block of code you have under the F1 hotkey. You would break them each out separately, something like this:

Code: Select all

color1 =
color2 =
color3 =
color4 =
color5 = 
color6 =
color7 =

return ; <<<<< This marks the end of the auto-execute section.  You should put this here, then list other code (subroutines, functions, and hotkey definitions) after it.

PixelGetColor, color1, 410, 561, Alt                      ; press f1 to check to start or not
if (color1 = 0x0000CB)                                    ; if should start go to next step
{                                    ; <<<<< Need to include everything you want to occur if the if statement is true
                                     ;       in braces {} unless it's a single line of code
	Gosub Label1
	Gosub Label2
	; it looks like your intent was for Label2's code to execute immediately after Label1's code,
	; so that's why they're both listed within this block of code.  and i didn't include Label3
	; because it looked like that gets called from within the label2 block of code

		PixelGetColor, color1, 410, 561, Alt              ; press f1 to check to start or not
		if (color1 = 0x0000CB)                            ; if should start
			Click 670, 300                                ; click find game 
		Sleep, 1000 
return ; <<<<< This marks the end of the subroutine

	; in general, use flow of control statements like loops with while or until, or break from loops, not goto
		; your code here
	} until color4 != 0xBBBBBB                            ; don't continue until color 4 is no longer 0xBBBBBB
	Sleep, 1000
	; more code here

	; your code for label 3
This is very rough because I don't know what your code is doing, but you would generally layout subroutines like that, not all within the same block of code. One subroutine can call another, but then it will return back to the subroutine that called it when it is complete. You need to figure out the logic on how you want it to flow. It might be different for you to think about at first, but it supports a much more logical flow of code then a bunch of goto's that leave you with what's known as spaghetti code because you can't really trace what's happening easily.

Re: need help to change script

11 Feb 2015, 02:28

i'll go over what you wrote to see if i understand. i update my code which still gives the error but at least im not using goto to break loop. maybe you will understand better what i wanted with this version. basically every step checks every second for a color and does something when it finds it. once a color is found it moves to the next step. then the final step sends it to loop 1 again which is a loop thats checks if it should begin the process again. the reason loop 1 is the same as the f1 buttun command is because f1 just starts the script and when the sript if the script is on the second round for all the steps it will need that first loop to check it it shound run (so i dont have to let it finish then press f1 again).

Code: Select all

color1 =
color2 =
color3 =
color4 =
color5 = 
color6 =
color7 =
failedtoload = 
team2 =
gameover =

PixelGetColor, color1, 410, 561, Alt                      ; press f1 to check to start or not
if (color1 = 0x0000CB)                                    ; if should start go to next step
        PixelGetColor, color1, 410, 561, Alt              ; check to start or not
        if (color1 = 0x0000CB)                            ; if should start
            Click 670, 300                                ; click find game 
            break                                         ; continue
        Sleep, 1000 
        PixelGetColor, color2, 780, 430, Alt              ; check for game ready button
        if (color2 = 0x1F1B1A)                            ; if game ready button found
            Click 780, 430                                ; click accept game button
            break                                         ; continue
        Sleep, 1000
        PixelGetColor, color3, 1600, 900, Alt             ; check for loaded into game
        PixelGetColor, color4, 502, 390, Alt              ; check for returned to finding game
		if (color3 = 0x422410)                            ; if loaded into game
            failedtoload = 0
			break                                         ; continue 
        else if (color4 = 0xBBBBBB)                       ; otherwise if returned to finding game
		    failedtoload = 1                               
		    break                                         ; continue
        Sleep, 1000
	if (failedtoload = 1)
		Goto, Loop2                                       ; return to checking for game ready button (Loop2)
        PixelGetColor, color5, 200, 102, Alt              ; check for being on team 1
        PixelGetColor, color6, 1275, 102, Alt             ; check for being on team 2 
		if (color5 = 0x00FB00)                            ; if on team 1
		    Click 382, 775                                ; select character
		    Sleep, 1000                                   ; wait 1 second
			Click 1100, 775								  ; start game
            team2 = 0
			break                                         ; continue   
		else if (color6 = 0x0000FB)                       ; otherwise if on team 2
		    Click 382, 775                                ; select character
		    Sleep, 1000                                   ; wait 1 second
			Click 1100, 775								  ; start game
			team2 = 1
			break                                         ; continue
        Sleep, 1000 
	if (team2 = 1)
		Goto, Loop6                                       ; continue to team 2 commands(Loop2)
    {                                                     ; team 1
        PixelGetColor, color7, 1390, 680, Alt			  ; check for game over	      
        if (color7 != 0x232121)                           ; if game over not found  
            Click right 275, 825						  ; right click a location
		else if (color7 = 0x232121)                       ; otherwise if game over found
		   Click 1390, 680                                ; click exit game button
		   gameover = 1								                                                                    
           break		                                  ; continue
        Sleep, 1000 
	if (gameover = 1)
		Goto, Loop1									      ; return to check to start or not (Loop1)
    {                                                     ; team 2
        PixelGetColor, color7, 1390, 680, Alt             ; check for game over
        if (color != 0x232121)   					      ; if game over not found
            Click right 25, 1060                          ; right click a location
		else if (color6 = 0x232121)                       ; otherwise if game over found
		    Click 1390, 680                               ; click exit game button
		    break                                         ; continue
        Sleep, 1000 
	Goto, Loop1

Re: need help to change script

11 Feb 2015, 02:37

also theres at least a couple mistakes in the green writing in this version so just ignore any green writing the says something wrong.

Re: need help to change script

11 Feb 2015, 02:52

in your examples of subroutines i understand how that works now but it also seems the same as just having one loop written on top of the other. so in your i think loop 1 and 2 would work fine but then if i added loop 3 to that list as a label then how would the script know to go to loop 2 or loop 4? loop 3 is the one which deals with that but i had that info inside the loop which made an error.

Re: need help to change script

11 Feb 2015, 09:27

ok i tried to rewrite it as it was suggested. i'm not sure if i did it right but theres not any errors. it also doesn't seem to work completely right (not clicking some places it should) but that could be a number mistake or something i need to check over again. if anyone can tell if the code structure is good that would be good to know.

Code: Select all

color1 =
color2 =
color3 =
color4 =
color5 = 
color6 =
color7 =
failedtoload = 
team2 =

PixelGetColor, color1, 410, 561, Alt                      ; press f1 to check to start or not
if (color1 = 0x0000CB)                                    ; if should start
		Gosub, Loop1									  ; start loop1
		Gosub, Loop2									  ; start loop2
		Gosub, Loop3                                      ; start loop3
		if (failedtoload = 0)                             ; if loaded into game
			Gosub, Loop4                                  ; start loop4
	    else if (failedtoload = 1)                        ; otherwise if failed to load
			Gosub, Loop2								  ; start loop2
	    if (team2 = 0)									  ; if on team 1
			Gosub, Loop5                                  ; start loop5
	    else if (team2 = 1)								  ; otherwise if on team 2
			Gosub, Loop6								  ; start loop6
		Gosub, Loop1									  ; start loop1
        PixelGetColor, color1, 410, 561, Alt              ; check to start or not
        if (color1 = 0x0000CB)                            ; if should start
            Click 670, 300                                ; click find game 
            break                                         ; end loop
        Sleep, 1000 
        PixelGetColor, color2, 780, 430, Alt              ; check for game ready button
        if (color2 = 0x1F1B1A)                            ; if game ready button found
            Click 780, 430                                ; click accept game button
            break                                         ; end loop
        Sleep, 1000
        PixelGetColor, color3, 1600, 900, Alt             ; check for loaded into game
        PixelGetColor, color4, 502, 390, Alt              ; check for failed to load
		if (color3 = 0x422410)                            ; if loaded into game
            failedtoload = 0
			break                                         ; end loop 
        else if (color4 = 0xBBBBBB)                       ; otherwise if failed to load
		    failedtoload = 1                               
		    break                                         ; end loop
        Sleep, 1000
        PixelGetColor, color5, 200, 102, Alt              ; check for being on team 1
        PixelGetColor, color6, 200, 102, Alt              ; check for being on team 2 
		if (color5 = 0x00FB00)                            ; if on team 1
		    Click 382, 775                                ; click select character
		    Sleep, 1000                                   ; wait 1 second
			Click 1100, 775								  ; click start game
            team2 = 0
			break                                         ; end loop   
		else if (color6 = 0x0000FB)                       ; otherwise if on team 2
		    Click 382, 775                                ; click select character
		    Sleep, 1000                                   ; wait 1 second
			Click 1100, 775								  ; click start game
			team2 = 1
			break                                         ; end loop
        Sleep, 1000 
	Loop5:                                                ; team 1
        PixelGetColor, color7, 1390, 680, Alt			  ; check for game over	      
        if (color7 != 0x232121)                           ; if game over not found  
            Click right 275, 825						  ; right click a location
		else if (color7 = 0x232121)                       ; otherwise if game over found
		   Click 1390, 680                                ; click exit game button
		   break		                                  ; end loop
        Sleep, 1000 
	Loop6:                                                ; team 2
        PixelGetColor, color7, 1390, 680, Alt             ; check for game over
        if (color7 != 0x232121)   					      ; if game over not found
            Click right 25, 1060                          ; right click a location
		else if (color7 = 0x232121)                       ; otherwise if game over found
		    Click 1390, 680                               ; click exit game button
		    break                                         ; end loop
        Sleep, 1000 

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Re: need help to change script

11 Feb 2015, 09:44

Looks like you need a loop around all the code in your main F1 routine. Otherwise, you would have to press F1 to start it again after it made it through the loop. That's not how I understood what you want.

Also, the Gosub, Loop1 at the bottom of that routine doesn't make sense. At that point, it will do the part that finds a game, then just stop. Putting that Gosub there doesn't take you back to the top where it runs through all of the routines again. If you want that, that's why you need a loop around all of that.

Re: need help to change script

11 Feb 2015, 11:01

how is this? i think this fixes the problem and does what i want.

Code: Select all

color1 =
color2 =
color3 =
color4 =
color5 = 
color6 =
color7 =
failedtoload = 
team2 =

PixelGetColor, color1, 410, 561, Alt
if (color1 = 0x0000CB)
			Gosub, Label1								  ; start label1
			Gosub, Label2								  ; start label2
			Gosub, Label3                         	      ; start label3
		if (failedtoload = 0)                  		      ; if loaded into game
			Gosub, Label4                         		  ; start label4
		else if (failedtoload = 1)              		  ; otherwise if failed to load
			Gosub, Label2						 		  ; start label2
		if (team2 = 0)									  ; if on team 1
			Gosub, Label5                        		  ; start label5
		else if (team2 = 1)						 		  ; otherwise if on team 2
			Gosub, Label6						 		  ; start label6
else if (color1 != 0x0000CB)

Click 670, 300                                		  ; click find game 
    PixelGetColor, color2, 780, 430, Alt              ; check for game ready button
    if (color2 = 0x1F1B1A)                            ; if game ready button found
        Click 780, 430                                ; click accept game button
        break                                         ; end loop
    Sleep, 1000
    PixelGetColor, color3, 1600, 900, Alt             ; check for loaded into game
    PixelGetColor, color4, 502, 390, Alt              ; check for failed to load
    if (color3 = 0x422410)                            ; if loaded into game
        failedtoload := 0
	  	break                                         ; end loop 
    else if (color4 = 0xBBBBBB)                       ; otherwise if failed to load
	    failedtoload := 1                               
		break                                         ; end loop
    Sleep, 1000
    PixelGetColor, color5, 200, 102, Alt              ; check for being on team 1
    PixelGetColor, color6, 200, 102, Alt              ; check for being on team 2 
	if (color5 = 0x00FB00)                            ; if on team 1
	    Click 382, 775                                ; click select character
		Sleep, 1000                                   ; wait 1 second
		Click 1100, 775								  ; click start game
        team2 := 0
		break                                         ; end loop   
	else if (color6 = 0x0000FB)                       ; otherwise if on team 2
		Click 382, 775                                ; click select character
		Sleep, 1000                                   ; wait 1 second
	    Click 1100, 775								  ; click start game
		team2 := 1
		break                                         ; end loop
    Sleep, 1000 
Label5:                                                ; team 1
    PixelGetColor, color7, 1390, 680, Alt			  ; check for game over	      
    if (color7 != 0x232121)                           ; if game over not found  
        Click right 275, 825						  ; right click a location
	else if (color7 = 0x232121)                       ; otherwise if game over found
		Click 1390, 680                                ; click exit game button
		break		                                  ; end loop
    Sleep, 1000 
Label6:                                                ; team 2
    PixelGetColor, color7, 1390, 680, Alt             ; check for game over
    if (color7 != 0x232121)   					      ; if game over not found
        Click right 25, 1060                          ; right click a location
	else if (color7 = 0x232121)                       ; otherwise if game over found
		Click 1390, 680                               ; click exit game button
		break                                         ; end loop
    Sleep, 1000 
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Re: need help to change script

11 Feb 2015, 12:51

It's looking pretty good. Just noticed something you're doing with if and else/if that isn't necessarily wrong, but is unnecessary and less efficient, so it's good to get into the correct practice.

In the F1:: section, you don't need the if (color1 != 0x0000CB) after the else statement. The only way it gets there is if that condition is true because you have the opposite expression in the original if statement. It would still work your way, but it's redundant. So that line should just be else. But rather than else and break, you could also put until (color1 != 0x0000CB) after the last } instead.

Same as above with if (failedtoload = 0) and else if (failedtoload = 1). No reason for the second if. Just use else. And again with team2 and later with color7.

By the way, this is more style than anything, but it can really help the readability of your code, especially in a case like this where you have a bunch of these in a row. If you have a single command after an if or an else, like where you have

Code: Select all

if (failedtoload = 0)
     Gosub, Label4
} don't need the braces. Where there is one command after it, you can make it:

Code: Select all

if (failedtoload = 0)
     Gosub, Label4
...which especially in this case, would really tighten up that section and make it a lot easier to see what's going on.

Then here's something I happened to notice that might not be a typo, but I thought I'd mention it. In Label 4, did you mean to check if color5 is 0x00FB00 and if not, check if color6 is 0x0000FB. It just seems like a coincidence that one color is 0x00FB00 and the other is 0x0000FB, so I thought it might be a typo.
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Re: need help to change script

11 Feb 2015, 13:10

Also, to implement your F2 key to stop checking, now that you have it broken out into subroutines, it's possible to implement this cleanly without needing to use Reload.

Change the beginning of F1:: from:

Code: Select all

PixelGetColor, color1, 410, 561, Alt

Code: Select all

colorcheck := 1
if not colorcheck ; meaning if colorcheck = 0
     return ; stop executing this hotkey thread
PixelGetColor, color1, 410, 561, Alt
and add a new hotkey definition:

Code: Select all

F2::colorcheck := 0
And if you wanted that F2 to stop checking even if it got past the first part (like you're already into the downstream checks because the game has started), you would have to add

Code: Select all

if not colorcheck
into the body of each of the loops of the various subroutines.

If all that sounds like too much trouble, then forget all that and simply add F2::Reload

Re: need help to change script

11 Feb 2015, 21:35

i realize i made a mistake. failedtoload = 0 doing Label4 is what i want but if failedtoload = 1 i want label 3 (the one with this loading info) to loop with Label 2 so until the failedtoload becomes 0. but now i don't know how to do this again because it seems like my problem is always needing gosub inside loops. how can i make Label 3 a test Label 2 has to pass to get to Label 4? i think the rest is ok...
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Re: need help to change script

11 Feb 2015, 22:51

There's nothing that says you can't Gosub form inside loops. You can't use Gosub to break out of the loop because it will eventually return back to inside the loop. So you just need the loop to handle it correctly when you return from it.

It sounds like what you want is this:

Code: Select all

Gosub, Label1
Gosub, Label2
Gosub, Label3
if (failedtoload = 0)
    Gosub, Label4
    While (failedtoload = 1)
        Gosub, Loop2
        Gosub, Loop3
Gosub, Label4
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Re: need help to change script

11 Feb 2015, 22:56

Actually, this is even better:

Code: Select all

Gosub, Label1
    Gosub, Loop2
    Gosub, Loop3
} until failedtoload = 0
Gosub, Label4

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