Why are the hotkeys not working?

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Why are the hotkeys not working?

20 Jun 2021, 07:00

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#SingleInstance Force
OnExit, UnHook

hHookMouse := DllCall("SetWindowsHookEx", "int", 14, "Uint", RegisterCallback("Mouse", "Fast"), "Uint", 0, "Uint", 0)

#IfWinNotActive,ahk_exe BH3.exe
msgbox,% my
If MY < 1050

DllCall("UnhookWindowsHookEx", "Uint", hHookMouse)

global my
If (( MX = "1927" ) & ( MY = "1087" ))
Send ^!{Tab}


Also why is the Mouse function keeps taking the mouse position even if I add something like a message box or WinWaitActive and then WinWaitClose after the Send command)
Is there is a way to "pause" the function until the window is closed
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Re: Why are the hotkeys not working?

20 Jun 2021, 08:42

When you say the hotkeys are not working, do you mean they are not doing what you expect or that they are not even firing? Does the Esc key not even exit the script? Are you trying to use the hotkeys when the BH3.exe app’s window is the active window?
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Re: Why are the hotkeys not working?

20 Jun 2021, 08:55

Calling the CallNextHookEx function to chain to the next hook procedure is optional, but it is highly recommended; otherwise, other applications that have installed hooks will not receive hook notifications and may behave incorrectly as a result. You should call CallNextHookEx unless you absolutely need to prevent the notification from being seen by other applications.

Source: SetWindowsHookEx()
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Re: Why are the hotkeys not working?

20 Jun 2021, 09:08

boiler wrote:
20 Jun 2021, 08:42
When you say the hotkeys are not working, do you mean they are not doing what you expect or that they are not even firing? Does the Esc key not even exit the script? Are you trying to use the hotkeys when the BH3.exe app’s window is the active window?
The WheelUp and Wheeldow hotkeys are doing literally nothing,even the msgbox don't appear and the BH3.exe is not the active window(it's not even running)
They also don't work even if I remove the IfWinNotActive condition
The Esc key is working but those two are not no matter where I move the code
If I remove the hHookMouse,then they start to work
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Re: Why are the hotkeys not working?

20 Jun 2021, 09:30

i suspect windows is unloading ur hook after a while, which also breaks other hotkeys implemented using a mousehook

this means theres a problem with the way ur hook proc is coded. it takes too long to run, exceeding the specified timeout. or maybe it exceeds some internal windows concurrent hook instance count per process. it doesnt seem safe to call MouseMove from the hook proc. i can see how it could cause hook to trigger recursively. better unhook, move, then rehook instead
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Re: Why are the hotkeys not working?

20 Jun 2021, 09:54

swagfag wrote:
20 Jun 2021, 09:30
i suspect windows is unloading ur hook after a while, which also breaks other hotkeys implemented using a mousehook

this means theres a problem with the way ur hook proc is coded. it takes too long to run, exceeding the specified timeout. or maybe it exceeds some internal windows concurrent hook instance count per process. it doesnt seem safe to call MouseMove from the hook proc. i can see how it could cause hook to trigger recursively. better unhook, move, then rehook instead
I just found that code while I was looking for a way to get the mouse position only while moving it(not constantly with a loop or settimer)and to work globally,not just over an ahk gui window
I don't know how good it is(don't even know what some of it mean)
just me
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Re: Why are the hotkeys not working?

20 Jun 2021, 10:35

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The associated WM_MOUSEWHEEL messages might be forwarded to your low-level mouse hook proc and swallowed before they are identified as hotkeys by AHK. That's why I recommended to try to call CallNextHookEx().
LowLevelMouseProc wrote:wParam [in]

The identifier of the mouse message. This parameter can be one of the following messages: WM_LBUTTONDOWN, WM_LBUTTONUP, WM_MOUSEMOVE, WM_MOUSEWHEEL, WM_MOUSEHWHEEL, WM_RBUTTONDOWN, or WM_RBUTTONUP.

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