Post your working scripts, libraries and tools for AHK v1.1 and older
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07 Jul 2021, 00:16

ozzii wrote:
06 Jul 2021, 04:26
I just saw that the OSDTIP_Alert() is showing on the primary monitor.
Is there any option to show the alert where the mouse is located?
Hi @ozzii
That is the only OSDTIP my always-running-script doesn't use. I wrote it because @tuzi suggested.
I will look into it, but I need time.
Posts: 485
Joined: 30 Oct 2013, 06:04


07 Jul 2021, 07:28

No problemo @SKAN, no hurry.
I thank you in advance.
Posts: 292
Joined: 28 Mar 2016, 07:57


14 Jul 2021, 10:57

Wow, this is another gem I have found out about in less than a month @SKAN great job man. I'm glad ahk veterans like you continue to give awesome functions.
  • I am surprised you didn't use a class for this, as I believe it looks cooler :D
  • Also if the pop notifications could be stacked as more and more notifications pop, that would look cool.
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24 Sep 2021, 08:06

Is there a way to add an image (Hicon) to OSDTIP_pop? I'm aware progress does not support images, but SplashImage does.


Code: Select all

#SingleInstance Force

hIcon3 := LoadPicture("shell32.dll", "w64 Icon22", _) ; Full recycle bin
Gui, Add, Picture, x10 y15, % "HICON:" hIcon3
Gui, show, w200 

OSDTIP_Pop("Test with icon", "HICON:" hIcon3, -8000, "C11 CW101010 CTF0F0F0 FM22 FS20")


OSDTIP_Pop(P*) {                            ; OSDTIP_Pop v0.55 by SKAN on D361/D36E @ tiny.cc/osdtip 
Static FN:="", ID:=0, PM:="", PS:="" 

  If !IsObject(FN)
    FN := Func(A_ThisFunc).Bind(A_ThisFunc) 

  If (P.Count()=0 || P[1]==A_ThisFunc) {
    OnMessage(0x202, FN, 0),  OnMessage(0x010, FN, 0)                   ; WM_LBUTTONUP, WM_CLOSE 
    SetTimer, %FN%, OFF
    DllCall("AnimateWindow", "Ptr",ID, "Int",200, "Int",0x50004)        ; AW_VER_POSITIVE | AW_SLIDE
    Progress, 10:OFF                                                    ; | AW_HIDE
    Return ID:=0

  MT:=P[1], ST:=P[2], TMR:=P[3], OP:=P[4], FONT:=P[5] ? P[5] : "Segoe UI"
  Title := (TMR=0 ? "0x0" : A_ScriptHwnd) . ":" . A_ThisFunc
  If (ID) {
    Progress, 10:, % (ST=PS ? "" : PS:=ST), % (MT=PM ? "" : PM:=MT), %Title%
    OnMessage(0x202, FN, TMR=0 ? 0 : -1)                                ; v0.55
    SetTimer, %FN%, % Round(TMR)<0 ? TMR : "OFF" 
    Return ID

  If ( InStr(OP,"U2",1) && FileExist(WAV:=A_WinDir . "\Media\Windows Notify.wav") )
    DllCall("winmm\PlaySoundW", "WStr",WAV, "Ptr",0, "Int",0x220013)    ; SND_FILENAME | SND_ASYNC   
                                                                        ; | SND_NODEFAULT   
  DetectHiddenWindows, % ("On", DHW:=A_DetectHiddenWindows)             ; | SND_NOSTOP | SND_SYSTEM  
  SetWinDelay, % (-1, SWD:=A_WinDelay)                            
  DllCall("uxtheme\SetThemeAppProperties", "Int",0)
  Progress, 10:C00 ZH1 FM9 FS10 CWF0F0F0 CT101010 %OP% B1 M HIDE,% PS:=ST, % PM:=MT, %Title%, %FONT%
  DllCall("uxtheme\SetThemeAppProperties", "Int",7)                     ; STAP_ALLOW_NONCLIENT
                                                                        ; | STAP_ALLOW_CONTROLS
  WinWait, %Title% ahk_class AutoHotkey2                                ; | STAP_ALLOW_WEBCONTENT
  WinGetPos, X, Y, W, H                                                 
  SysGet, M, MonitorWorkArea
  WinMove,% "ahk_id" . WinExist(),,% MRight-W,% MBottom-(H:=InStr(OP,"U1",1) ? H : Max(H,100)), W, H
  If ( TRN:=Round(P[6]) & 255 )
    WinSet, Transparent, %TRN% 
  ControlGetPos,,,,H, msctls_progress321       
  If (H>2) {
    ColorMQ:=Round(P[7]),  ColorBG:=P[8]!="" ? Round(P[8]) : 0xF0F0F0,  SpeedMQ:=Round(P[9])
    Control, ExStyle, -0x20000,        msctls_progress321               ; v0.55 WS_EX_STATICEDGE
    Control, Style, +0x8,              msctls_progress321               ; PBS_MARQUEE
    SendMessage, 0x040A, 1, %SpeedMQ%, msctls_progress321               ; PBM_SETMARQUEE
    SendMessage, 0x0409, 1, %ColorMQ%, msctls_progress321               ; PBM_SETBARCOLOR
    SendMessage, 0x2001, 1, %ColorBG%, msctls_progress321               ; PBM_SETBACKCOLOR
  DllCall("AnimateWindow", "Ptr",WinExist(), "Int",200, "Int",0x40008)  ; AW_VER_NEGATIVE | AW_SLIDE
  SetWinDelay, %SWD%
  DetectHiddenWindows, %DHW%
  If (Round(TMR)<0)
    SetTimer, %FN%, %TMR%
  OnMessage(0x202, FN, TMR=0 ? 0 : -1),  OnMessage(0x010, FN)           ; WM_LBUTTONUP,  WM_CLOSE
Return ID:=WinExist()
Posts: 485
Joined: 30 Oct 2013, 06:04


25 Sep 2021, 03:31

SKAN wrote:
07 Jul 2021, 00:16
ozzii wrote:
06 Jul 2021, 04:26
I just saw that the OSDTIP_Alert() is showing on the primary monitor.
Is there any option to show the alert where the mouse is located?
Hi @ozzii
That is the only OSDTIP my always-running-script doesn't use. I wrote it because @tuzi suggested.
I will look into it, but I need time.
Did you have some time to look into this? :oops:
Posts: 104
Joined: 07 Aug 2015, 15:53


30 Nov 2023, 10:52

Where is the code? Cant find it.
Posts: 9100
Joined: 30 Sep 2013, 06:48


30 Nov 2023, 11:59

murataygun wrote:
30 Nov 2023, 10:52
Where is the code? Cant find it.
This topic has 5 pages so far. I would recommend to start on the first one.
Its first post links to several other posts with various functions...

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