Regex capitalization glitch. Topic is solved

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Regex capitalization glitch.

23 Oct 2021, 16:00

Interesting thing here. With the code here, the bottom-most regexReplace (Line 50), I get the MsgBox content pasted at the bottom. Note also that you can set the var Gender to three different things. When gender is male or female, the sentences are capitalized as expected. When gender is "neutral" though, The second letter is getting capitalized. Like "tHey."

Note that the entire middle chunk of code is only used when gender is neutral. Maybe that is effecting the lower regexReplace??

Code: Select all

MyEntry = 
Pat uses [e]/[m] when describing [m]self.  [e] likes the freedom to express [s] rights.  The choice is [r].{Enter}Then [e] waltzes across the room.{Enter}[e] passes all expectations.{Enter}[e] usually washes [s] hands after using the restroom.{Enter}[e] watches the teacher.{Enter}[e] sits up front and watches the teacher.{Enter}[e] reads well.{Enter}[e] fixes the mistakes on [s] papers.{Enter}[s] goes to the resource room.{Enter}[e] studies hard.{Enter}[e] plays in the band.

;Gender := "male"
;Gender := "female"
Gender := "neutral"

IfEqual, Gender, male 
   varHeShe = he
   varHimHer = him
   varHisHer = his
   varHisHers = his
IfEqual, Gender, female
   varHeShe = she
   varHimHer = her
   varHisHer = her
   varHisHers = hers
IfEqual, Gender, neutral
   varHeShe = they
   varHimHer = them
   varHisHer = their
   varHisHers = theirs

MyEntry := StrReplace(MyEntry,"[n]",StudentName) ; Makes the replacements.

MyEntry := StrReplace(MyEntry,"[e]",varHeShe) ; Gender pronouns.
MyEntry := StrReplace(MyEntry,"[m]",varHimHer)
MyEntry := StrReplace(MyEntry,"[s]",varHisHer)
MyEntry := StrReplace(MyEntry,"[r]",varHisHers)

IfEqual, Gender, neutral ; This part gets skipped if gender = male or female.
	MyEntry := StrReplace(MyEntry,"they is","they are") ; Fix gramar if gender neutral.
	MyEntry := StrReplace(MyEntry,"they has","they have")
	MyEntry := StrReplace(MyEntry,"they was","they were")
	MyEntry := RegExReplace(MyEntry, "U)([Tt]hey\s)(.*?)ies\b", "$1$2y") 
	MyEntry := RegExReplace(MyEntry, "U)([Tt]hey\s)(.*?)([s|z|sh|ch|x|o])es\b", "$1$2$3") 
	MyEntry := RegExReplace(MyEntry, "U)([Tt]hey\s)(.*?)s\b", "$1$2")

MyEntry := RegExReplace(MyEntry, "^\w|(?:\.|:)[\s|\R|\Q{Enter}\E]+\K\w", "$U0") ; Makes sure most sentences are capitalized.

MyEntry := StrReplace(MyEntry,"{Enter}","`n") ; This line was added for the forum post.

MsgBox, TEXT SENT:`n`n%MyEntry%
Pat uses they/them when describing themself. tHey likes the freedom to express their rights. The choice is theirs.
Then they waltzes across the room.
tHey passes all expectations.
tHey usually washes their hands after using the restroom.
tHey watches the teacher.
tHey sits up front and watches the teacher.
tHey reads well.
tHey fixes the mistakes on their papers.
tHeir go to the resource room.
tHey study hard.
tHey play in the band.
EDIT: I just noticed that this U)([Tt]hey\s)(.*?)([s|z|sh|ch|x|o])es\b is not catching all the things it's supposed to either. :facepalm:
ste(phen|ve) kunkel
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Re: Regex capitalization glitch.  Topic is solved

23 Oct 2021, 16:28

It looks like you are trying to use alternatives inside a character class, but that would be invalid syntax for regex. As far as I know, \R is also invalid in a character class. Some of the forum's other posts about capitalizing sentences might have code that you can adapt.

Explained: Classes of characters
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Re: Regex capitalization glitch.

24 Oct 2021, 14:27

You were right, Mike. Using parentheses for my alternations fixed the regexes mostly.
ste(phen|ve) kunkel

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