Pulover's Macro Creator v5.4.1 - The Complete Automation Tool

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Re: Macro Creator v4.1.0 - Automation Tool (Recorder & Write

04 Nov 2013, 03:56

click-click wrote:Okay, thanks.

If I were you, I wouldn't bother with the launcher. Anyone downloading the portable version should know if he wants to use x86 or x64. It's just an additional front-end program that needs to be tested and IMHO isn't worth the trouble for what it does. Now that I know its purpose, I will just use the macrocreator.exe in x86/x64.
This wasn't my idea, actually. In fact it was suggested to have all files in one folder, but that would require editing the main script and I was not willing to do that. The launcher I wrote and tested in a few minutes, so it wasn't much trouble for me and I thought it could be useful to some more people. Of course opinions will differ.
Rodolfo U. Batista
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Re: Macro Creator v4.1.1 - Automation Tool (Recorder & Write

08 Nov 2013, 12:33

Version Update!

Version 4.1.1
  • Detects default AHK editor on first run.
  • Fixed command line parameters not working for MacroCreatorPortable.exe.
  • Fixed bugs.
Rodolfo U. Batista
Pulover's Macro Creator - Automation Tool (Recorder & Script Writer)
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Re: Macro Creator v4.1.1 - Automation Tool (Recorder & Write

20 Nov 2013, 14:16

This is my first visit, so please forgive me if this is not the place to ask this question.

I am new to the world of automation. I know an application like Macro Creator can push buttons and stuff like that, but is there a way to automate a process that requires the use of lists in drop down boxes?

Drop down list one has the names of 100 salespeople. Drop down list two has a list of 50 advertising agencies.

Each name from list one needs to be "linked" to each (all) of the agencies in list two one at a time. Then, the second name from list one needs to be linked to all of the agencies in list two, and so on until the end of list one is reached.

Is there a way I can record the linking of the first name from list one to each of the list two names and then edit the code in a way so it goes back to list one, steps down to the next name, runs through the macro and then repeats this cycle until the end of list one?

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Re: Macro Creator v4.1.1 - Automation Tool (Recorder & Write

21 Nov 2013, 06:35

Hi Royzer, and welcome to the forum!

There are two commands to select items Dropdown lists of standard Windows programs, it's in the Control command window: ControlChoose and ControlChooseString.
I don't understand well how you want to set the linked names but you can use a list in a text file or in a variable and parse it using a loop to select them in order. I still need to do a tutorial for loops but give it a try, you might find your way.

Check out the video tutorials, there's one for control commands.
Rodolfo U. Batista
Pulover's Macro Creator - Automation Tool (Recorder & Script Writer)
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Re: Macro Creator v4.1.1 - Automation Tool (Recorder & Write

21 Nov 2013, 08:15

Thank you, Pulover! I've downloaded the program and I'll begin learning it today! :D
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Re: Macro Creator v4.1.1 - Automation Tool (Recorder & Write

24 Nov 2013, 12:19


I have been using WorkSpaceMacro for years. I just started looking at your program and it looks great. I just had a question I am moving data on a Windows 8 computer from excel 2013 to IE 11. So far so good, but I changed PCs from my laptop to my desktop with the same version of windows, excel and IE 11. But for some reason I cannot get a COM connection to Excel. I can get a COM connection to IE 11. But Excel says "Failed to Connect" when I right click on the cell. I uninstalled Macro Creator, (ran a registry cleaner) and reinstalled but still did not work. What do you think I should try?


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Re: Macro Creator v4.1.1 - Automation Tool (Recorder & Write

24 Nov 2013, 12:41

Hi David,

This is hard to tell. Maybe the COM component of the office installation is corrupt, try to reinstall it. Otherwise I don't know what the problem is. I don't use any fancy code to connect to Excel, you can run this code from ahk to test:

Code: Select all

Handle := ComObjActive("Excel.Application")
MsgBox % IsObject(Handle)
Rodolfo U. Batista
Pulover's Macro Creator - Automation Tool (Recorder & Script Writer)
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Re: Macro Creator v4.1.1 - Automation Tool (Recorder & Write

03 Dec 2013, 17:23

Hi, i have to thank you for your job. This SW really help me with my job :). I would aks you if its possible to make to change colors of macros names. I use about 30 macros when i work and different colours could help me to recognize right macro much faster :).

Thx very much and continue with your great work
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Re: Macro Creator v4.1.1 - Automation Tool (Recorder & Write

03 Dec 2013, 17:27

Maybe something like folder section of macros when i can to put few macros in to them. This would be excelent :)
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Re: Macro Creator v4.1.1 - Automation Tool (Recorder & Write

04 Dec 2013, 04:22

honzin wrote:Hi, i have to thank you for your job. This SW really help me with my job :). I would aks you if its possible to make to change colors of macros names. I use about 30 macros when i work and different colours could help me to recognize right macro much faster :).

Maybe something like folder section of macros when i can to put few macros in to them. This would be excelent :)

You're welcome, honzin!

Well, I know just me has a class that allows colors in tabs, maybe I can implement that in the next version. Don't know about the folder system, though... this could be more complicated.

Thanks for the suggestions!
Rodolfo U. Batista
Pulover's Macro Creator - Automation Tool (Recorder & Script Writer)
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Re: Macro Creator v4.1.1 - Automation Tool (Recorder & Write

04 Dec 2013, 05:18

Thx for your reply, i will looking for new version and hope your will think about my suggestion :). Before i come to new wok no one know about macros, now almost all thing are made by macros becouse of your work. Time is really importand in my job, all changes like colours, folder system would really help us :).

thx very much to you
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Re: Macro Creator v4.1.1 - Automation Tool (Recorder & Write

05 Dec 2013, 11:18

Hey Pulover,

I am taking data from Excel using COM and putting it into IE but when I move numbers it always put a decimal and pads trailing zeros. Is there a way to format in your Macro Creator? I used a custom trimming function, but it's really slows down the macro. Any Ideas?

Example: 56 turns into 56.000000 or .5 turns into .500000 even if the field is a string and a number is there like a ID field it adds zeroes.


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Re: Macro Creator v4.1.1 - Automation Tool (Recorder & Write

05 Dec 2013, 11:45

I do that a lot at work. I use the Round() function to remove the zeros.
Rodolfo U. Batista
Pulover's Macro Creator - Automation Tool (Recorder & Script Writer)
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Re: Macro Creator v4.1.1 - Automation Tool (Recorder & Write

05 Dec 2013, 15:38

Thank you it works great.
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Re: Macro Creator v4.1.1 - Automation Tool (Recorder & Write

09 Dec 2013, 08:13

howdy. first of all, thanks for creating this fantastically useful and user friendly program!

i have a few bugs and feature requests to submit:

the first and most important feature request (imo) would be to have an optional setting to delay all queued key/button inputs (but not 'pause commands') until a set number of milliseconds have passed since the last user interaction.

... a good open source program that could be investigated for this is touchfreeze, a program which prevents typing errors by silencing all touchpad inputs made within a certain number of miliseconds of the last keyboard keypress.

as it is, i'm generating a LOT of errors from running a long list of commands while in the midst of typing. a passable (albeit bothersome) workaround is to pause the active macros before starting to type (which kind of defeats the purpose).

some other features that would be useful are to have 'play from selected row' added to the right click menu, to have the option of preventing the program from shrinking to the taskbar when activating a macro, and to make double clicking on the taskbar icon maximize the program window (which sometimes works but usually does not for some reason EDIT: it tends to not maximize if the macro is paused).

there are some problems.

most importantly, there seems to be some kind of memory leak ... or something. from a clean boot on 64bit windows 7, after running 11 cycles of a 349 step macro with only this program and firefox running, the portable version of 4.1.1 started dropping commands left and right and applying certain commands before they are meant to be executed. the strange thing is, the behavior is not completely random; certain commands at certain places and at certain times keep getting dropped or applied, and attempting to circumvent this behavior produces other strange, unwanted behaviors instead. very odd. the strangest recurring error is when the program appears to apply an extra command that isn't in the queue list for a particular macro and it keeps doing this at exactly the same place each time. fortunately, it was near the end of the macro so i simply trimmed out the part that seemed to be giving me problems.

likewise, some queued clicks end up being misplaced (unfortunately, usually at the beginning of the macro), usually ending up 1/3rd of the way down from the screen or 1/3rd of the way up instead of where they are meant to go.

a workaround for most of the command dropping is to extend the pause between each command, but this does not always work.

the control bar appears to be bugged. the stop button(s) don't appear to work and clicking on them somehow breaks the control bar, whereupon further button presses appear to have no effect until the program is restarted or until the macro is stopped using the right click menu on the taskbar.

a feature request that stems from this is to have a setting to not activate the control bar at all.

stopping a macro after pausing will cause the activate macro button to do nothing when it is pressed, and will cause the macro to unpause when attempting to record new actions.

if the macro recorder main window is open, the macro that is being run and looked at stops running even if no changes have been made.

the image / pixel checker appears to be broken. i've never gotten it to work at all. also, your tutorial is unclear on where the else command is supposed to go.
in my experience, instead of checking for a particular image or pixel and then running an if else command, the program will simply apply a fairly long pause (easily 15 seconds) as it skips over these commands.

minor bugs:
the winminimize command appears to be bugged as it exhibits totally random behavior. the exact same commands in the exact same macro will sometimes work and sometimes not, even without editing the macro. an easy workaround is to queue an alt tab, which works every time.

tooltip balloons for the control bar tend to not appear unless the control bar is opened through the right click menu on the windows taskbar.

the visual element that displays the list of queued actions tends to freeze when rapidly scrolling pgup/pgdown. an easy workaround is to reload the visual element by shrinking the program to the taskbar and reopening it. thankfully, when this happens, none of the commands are lost or corrupted.

i think this program has a memory leak or something ... the longer one goes running or creating macros, the slower the program (actually, the entire pc) becomes and the more macro recorder errors happen to appear (such as the aforementioned visual bug, commands dropping or misfiring in the wrong window), usually while pasting a command or while a macro is running. after the program crashes, computer responsiveness returns to normal (in windows 7).

i've not been able to get macros exported as exes to work. likewise, i've been unsuccessful getting macros made using macrorecorder to run in autohotkey, although they do run in macro recorder.

thanks again for creating this awesome program! despite the bugs, it's still massively useful and i hope that it gets improved on!
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Re: Macro Creator v4.1.1 - Automation Tool (Recorder & Write

09 Dec 2013, 14:49

Hey Rodolfo,

quick question I am trying to fire an onchange event. I am trying put this into Macro Creator

I tried using src and it did this

ie.document.getElementsByName("StartDate")["StartDate"].Src := "fireEvent(""Onchange"")" ; FireEvent

How do I get the quotes right? or Is there a better way to do this?


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Re: Macro Creator v4.1.1 - Automation Tool (Recorder & Write

10 Dec 2013, 04:46

sumdumguy wrote:howdy. first of all, thanks for creating this fantastically useful and user friendly program!
Hi sumdumguy,

Thanks for all the reports and suggestions. I really appreciate that! I can't promise fixes soon though, as I'm very busy with other projects and must finish them before I can give attention to PMC again.
sumdumguy wrote:the first and most important feature request (imo) would be to have an optional setting to delay all queued key/button inputs (but not 'pause commands') until a set number of milliseconds have passed since the last user interaction.

... a good open source program that could be investigated for this is touchfreeze, a program which prevents typing errors by silencing all touchpad inputs made within a certain number of miliseconds of the last keyboard keypress.

as it is, i'm generating a LOT of errors from running a long list of commands while in the midst of typing. a passable (albeit bothersome) workaround is to pause the active macros before starting to type (which kind of defeats the purpose).
I don't know, this could compromise accuracy. What kind of commands are you running in this long list?
sumdumguy wrote:some other features that would be useful are to have 'play from selected row' added to the right click menu, to have the option of preventing the program from shrinking to the taskbar when activating a macro
I don't see how these two things are related. You can already access this option from the Macro menu and from the Play button dropdown menu on the main window.
sumdumguy wrote:and to make double clicking on the taskbar icon maximize the program window (which sometimes works but usually does not for some reason EDIT: it tends to not maximize if the macro is paused).
Double clicking on the tray icon will activate your macros and, if you have the "minimize to tray" option active, it will hide the window (unless you have an empty macro open).
sumdumguy wrote:most importantly, there seems to be some kind of memory leak ... or something. from a clean boot on 64bit windows 7, after running 11 cycles of a 349 step macro with only this program and firefox running, the portable version of 4.1.1 started dropping commands left and right and applying certain commands before they are meant to be executed. the strange thing is, the behavior is not completely random; certain commands at certain places and at certain times keep getting dropped or applied, and attempting to circumvent this behavior produces other strange, unwanted behaviors instead. very odd. the strangest recurring error is when the program appears to apply an extra command that isn't in the queue list for a particular macro and it keeps doing this at exactly the same place each time. fortunately, it was near the end of the macro so i simply trimmed out the part that seemed to be giving me problems.
I've taken some measures to avoid memory leak and I can't see anything like this happening here. What commands are you using? Can you give me a sample to try to reproduce this behavior? Or maybe a video showing this happening?
sumdumguy wrote:likewise, some queued clicks end up being misplaced (unfortunately, usually at the beginning of the macro), usually ending up 1/3rd of the way down from the screen or 1/3rd of the way up instead of where they are meant to go.
Coordinates are relative to the active window by default, if you record them to a window and execute them when a different one is active it might cause misplaced clicks. The recorder adds a command to activate the window before clicking to avoid this. If that's not the case, again I'd need to be able to reproduce this error.
sumdumguy wrote:the control bar appears to be bugged. the stop button(s) don't appear to work and clicking on them somehow breaks the control bar, whereupon further button presses appear to have no effect until the program is restarted or until the macro is stopped using the right click menu on the taskbar.
I could not reproduce this here. Could you be more specific?
sumdumguy wrote:a feature request that stems from this is to have a setting to not activate the control bar at all.
There is a button in the default layout. I should put this and a "minimize to tray" in the view menu too.
sumdumguy wrote:stopping a macro after pausing will cause the activate macro button to do nothing when it is pressed, and will cause the macro to unpause when attempting to record new actions.
There does seem to be something wrong with the pause button. I'll see what I can do when I get the time.
sumdumguy wrote:if the macro recorder main window is open, the macro that is being run and looked at stops running even if no changes have been made.
This is by design. We don't want our macros messing up our project, do we? Besides there are certain routines that run on the background when the main window is active, the program would go crazy if I was to allow the macros to execute on its own window.
sumdumguy wrote:the image / pixel checker appears to be broken. i've never gotten it to work at all.
Works fine here. This is a simple button control, there's nothing special about it.
sumdumguy wrote:also, your tutorial is unclear on where the else command is supposed to go.
I do believe I said it should be inside the block.

Code: Select all

sumdumguy wrote:in my experience, instead of checking for a particular image or pixel and then running an if else command, the program will simply apply a fairly long pause (easily 15 seconds) as it skips over these commands.
Can you post a code that behaves like this? You can open pmc files in notepad.
sumdumguy wrote:the winminimize command appears to be bugged as it exhibits totally random behavior. the exact same commands in the exact same macro will sometimes work and sometimes not, even without editing the macro. an easy workaround is to queue an alt tab, which works every time.
Well, I've tested here and it's working every time.
sumdumguy wrote:tooltip balloons for the control bar tend to not appear unless the control bar is opened through the right click menu on the windows taskbar.
The controls toolbar has a special property that allows it to be clicked but never active. Because of this the tooltips won't show when a window other then the main one is active.
sumdumguy wrote:the visual element that displays the list of queued actions tends to freeze when rapidly scrolling pgup/pgdown. an easy workaround is to reload the visual element by shrinking the program to the taskbar and reopening it. thankfully, when this happens, none of the commands are lost or corrupted.
This might happen sometimes because of the function to paint rows for loops and ifs (it's a very consuming function). If you don't mind you can disable highliting in the view menu.
sumdumguy wrote:i think this program has a memory leak or something ... the longer one goes running or creating macros, the slower the program (actually, the entire pc) becomes and the more macro recorder errors happen to appear (such as the aforementioned visual bug, commands dropping or misfiring in the wrong window), usually while pasting a command or while a macro is running. after the program crashes, computer responsiveness returns to normal (in windows 7).
This is a little hard to test, but I'll see if I can find something. Did you check the task manager to see how much memory the executable is using when this happens?
sumdumguy wrote:i've not been able to get macros exported as exes to work. likewise, i've been unsuccessful getting macros made using macrorecorder to run in autohotkey, although they do run in macro recorder.
What do you mean they don't run in autohotkey? In all my tests here it plays exactly the same.
sumdumguy wrote:thanks again for creating this awesome program! despite the bugs, it's still massively useful and i hope that it gets improved on!
You're welcome. Thanks again for all the comments, I'll work on fixing the bugs as soon as I can.
Rodolfo U. Batista
Pulover's Macro Creator - Automation Tool (Recorder & Script Writer)
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Re: Macro Creator v4.1.1 - Automation Tool (Recorder & Write

10 Dec 2013, 04:57

dytanaka wrote:Hey Rodolfo,

quick question I am trying to fire an onchange event. I am trying put this into Macro Creator

I tried using src and it did this

ie.document.getElementsByName("StartDate")["StartDate"].Src := "fireEvent(""Onchange"")" ; FireEvent

How do I get the quotes right? or Is there a better way to do this?


Hi David,

In PMC you don't need to use quotes in the IE or COM windows. I don't think you can execute functions with parameters from the IE command window, I recommend you use the advanced COM features for this. If you have more examples you can use them there. Just follow the instructions in the help file.
Here's a sample for you to try.

Code: Select all

[PMC Code]|||1|0|1|Macro1

Rodolfo U. Batista
Pulover's Macro Creator - Automation Tool (Recorder & Script Writer)
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Re: Macro Creator v4.1.1 - Automation Tool (Recorder & Write

13 Dec 2013, 19:13

Hi, Thanks for the great product (Pulover's Macro Creator). I don't know if this is a bug, or if I am doing something incorrectly. I have programmed a script to run through a bunch of image searches. I have then added a loop read to this to process multiple lines from a text file.

My problems begins on the second and greater loops. The script does not wait to find any of the images in the search after the first loop. It will just quickly process through the entire script without waiting.

Can you help me with this?

Thank You.
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Re: Macro Creator v4.1.1 - Automation Tool (Recorder & Write

15 Dec 2013, 08:04

Hi rmcallister55,

Sure. Just send me the file and I'll take a look to see what's wrong.
Rodolfo U. Batista
Pulover's Macro Creator - Automation Tool (Recorder & Script Writer)

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